Why This Case Will Soon Go Cold Again...

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I dont ..who r they connected too...I also think suicide can be ruled out the way she would of had to do it where they found her she would have to fall face first in that shallow water ..actually shallow or deep no difference.You ever tried to hold your breath when your soaking your hair in the tub to get shampoo out or when you were a kid just see how long u could,,,its impossible to kill yourself that way call it what u want but the brain or body whoever /whatever will allways make you pull out allways everytime.Its why people that hang them selves do things before hand so that then he lets go he knows theres no possible way he could stop it now
I guess the monster serial killer got away with it.

RIP, dear girls, and toddler, and young man.

It's starting to look that way. Unless he starts killing again and makes a critical error, I don't see him being caught. It all probably comes down to luck as much as it does technique, or for lack of a better word, skill.
It's starting to look that way. Unless he starts killing again and makes a critical error, I don't see him being caught. It all probably comes down to luck as much as it does technique, or for lack of a better word, skill.

Someone on the POI radar moved some time this year to Ft. Myers, FL.
Someone on the POI radar moved some time this year to Ft. Myers, FL.

Yes he did. The good thing about Florida is they still sit people down in old sparky. By "sometime" I think you mean very shortly after SG was found in the marsh behind his house, and her possessions found within yards of his house. He didn't so much pack and move as just jump in his car and go, much like when he took off to Puerto Rico (cheap flights to Cuba from San Juan btw) for a few months by himself after December 14th 2010, when he returned from that trip he looked like he had spent the previous few months trying to drink himself to death. That departure was also similar to the week after Mother's day 2010, when he bolted and drove to Arizona, he returned to NY shortly before June 6th, 2010.

Every time things get hot in Oak Beach he leaves and goes far, far, away. It's like he has ants in his pants, the only way your gonna get this guy to sit still is to strap him into a chair.... zap zap.
Yes he did. The good thing about Florida is they still sit people down in old sparky. By "sometime" I think you mean very shortly after SG was found in the marsh behind his house, and her possessions found within yards of his house. He didn't so much pack and move as just jump in his car and go, much like when he took off to Puerto Rico (cheap flights to Cuba from San Juan btw) for a few months by himself after December 14th 2010, when he returned from that trip he looked like he had spent the previous few months trying to drink himself to death. That departure was also similar to the week after Mother's day 2010, when he bolted and drove to Arizona, he returned to NY shortly before June 6th, 2010.

Every time things get hot in Oak Beach he leaves and goes far, far, away. It's like he has ants in his pants, the only way your gonna get this guy to sit still is to strap him into a chair.... zap zap.

There's a 24 yr old that went missing recently in the area. (I'm going to check if her case has been posted here after I comment.) I've also read recent reports about a website promoting prostitution in that area. Poor, unsuspecting women in Ft. Myers...
Yes he did. The good thing about Florida is they still sit people down in old sparky. By "sometime" I think you mean very shortly after SG was found in the marsh behind his house, and her possessions found within yards of his house. He didn't so much pack and move as just jump in his car and go, much like when he took off to Puerto Rico (cheap flights to Cuba from San Juan btw) for a few months by himself after December 14th 2010, when he returned from that trip he looked like he had spent the previous few months trying to drink himself to death. That departure was also similar to the week after Mother's day 2010, when he bolted and drove to Arizona, he returned to NY shortly before June 6th, 2010.

Every time things get hot in Oak Beach he leaves and goes far, far, away. It's like he has ants in his pants, the only way your gonna get this guy to sit still is to strap him into a chair.... zap zap.

Oh, and I'm in FL... and, sadly, "Old Sparky" has retired (despite the fact that Floridians love a good BBQ), but there's still the murderer's cocktail to look forward to.
Oh, and I'm in FL... and, sadly, "Old Sparky" has retired (despite the fact that Floridians love a good BBQ), but there's still the murderer's cocktail to look forward to.

Oh what sweet irony lethal injection would be, rumors are still swirling that old wood foot sent a few of his friends on their final voyage via the needle...

"Now don't worry doc this won't hurt a bit, just a little prick.... but as for the eternal hellfire that comes after, well your on your own."
Oh what sweet irony lethal injection would be, rumors are still swirling that old wood foot sent a few of his friends on their final voyage via the needle...

"Now don't worry doc this won't hurt a bit, just a little prick.... but as for the eternal hellfire that comes after, well your on your own."

"Just a little prick..." LMAO!
Gainsville is 248 miles from Ft Meyers. Why would there be any connection? Had she been in Ft Meyers just prior to her disappearance?
Gainsville is 248 miles from Ft Meyers. Why would there be any connection? Had she been in Ft Meyers just prior to her disappearance?

I'm sorry. Obviously I'm not familiar with that area. Well, she's still in the missing thread now.
are they still doing the 3 needle cocktail or did they switch to the more humane, all inclusive 1 needle.

1. If this is truly a serial killer case it is by its very nature difficult to solve. I still don’t believe it is a serial killer case as most of us believe such a case is.

2. Too much time has passed. Real serial killers operate in the dark and are secretive.

3. The Suffolk DA, political machine, and SCPD are so conflicted and untrustworthy that it is nigh impossible for them to conduct a comprehensive investigation without exposing a host of people that are directly or indirectly connected to the case.

4. The Brewer appears to have been deemed not to be a POI so soon into this investigation. How he could be separated from this case so soon is a mystery to me. He is one of the last people to see SG in a manner that appears to be connected to the other bodies. The question is why?

5. The DA, ME, and PD holding on to SG’s body for what is now 9 months and gave as a reason for her death as ‘undetermined.’ Why are they doing this. In my 29 years in the NYPD, the last 10 in homicide do I recollect a body being kept for so long. I have taken bodies out of funeral homes for further review. I have taken a body off of a plane being sent back to India. What the hell can they learn from SG’s body they haven’t already learned before?

6. Retired Detective Stephan writing a long letter to Newsday reporting he heard the 911 tape and saying he heard no urgent and frantic pleas for help.

7. Did SG simply have a conversation with a 911 operator for 22 minutes? What do you think?

8. The public has yet to hear that Tape. Why hasn’t a tape that has been redacted been published? 22 minutes is a long time to be talking to a 911 operator without saying something of interest.

9. Why did that idiot Dormer go public and say it was an accidental death when he doesn’t even know what the cause of death was? It is moronic on its face.

10. What powerful politician(s) are involved in some very suspicious land deals with other persons of interest that have a record of drug dealing and associations with prostitutes in the *advertiser censored* film business?

11. How does such a person be able to buy a home in Oak Beach in the low 200K range and sell it to a political figure for more than 800K in a few short years - even in the Go-go real estate and mortgage fraud era.? What was that all about?
12. Is it a coincidence that I posted one week before the nursery owner was rumored to have been the killer that the SCPD/DA would possibly name a dead man as the suspect to facilitate the closing of the case? One week later and they did exactly that.

13. Why does Spota come out so soon and puts that rumor to rest so soon after it becomes a matter of interest for the public consumption.

14. Was this nothing more than a ploy by the DA and SCPD that went awry when this writer predicted it would happen?

15. Why haven’t they been able to trace the contacts made between the girl’s customers and Craigslist?

16. Why is it that a police officer that has widely been rumored to be a sexual deviant that has forced prostitutes into sex allowed to be front and center on this case? Are they simply rumors, so many of them and known by many SCPD cops for it not to be true or worthy of further investigation? How does such a man have over-all charge of this case?

17. How did such a police officer attain such high rank in the PD? Did it have anything to do with his engineering the political demise of Levy and he was rewarded with a high rank by Bellone?

18. Bellone came from Babylon. Shaeffer came from Babylon. He is now back, bigger and stronger than ever. It was Shaeffer that helped Spota become DA.

LOOK, this is just my opinion based on a lot of experience in LE, and a lot of experience with the Suffolk DA and SCPD. It is my opinion that this case will never be solved until such time they can hold safe those that will be embarrassed if the truth came out. INMVHO.
There is one POI that was once a major drug dealer in Suffolk County. He is charged and convicted of being a drug dealer in Suffolk County. For some reason he does not go to a state prison, instead he and his brother are sent to do their time in a federal prison. Why?

When he goes to prison the FEDS open up a corruption case on the SCPD/DA. He gets out of prison in 1995 and appears to go into the *advertiser censored* film business. He is pictured on various blog boards in the company of prostitutes and *advertiser censored* 'actresses'. There is also reason to believe he was cruiding the Internet for Russian brides.

He was a long time resident of Babylon, and then bought a home on Oak Beach. After he bought his home the value sky rocketed 400% in a matter of four years. A well known poliitican and money raiser was the last beneficiary of this spectacular rise in the value of said property.

When this fellow was arrested, Newsday's Rick Firstman ( A Criminal Inustice / Marty Tankleff)wrote two extensive articles describing this man's drug operation. This person, according to the reported appeared to operate with impunity in Suffolk County and go away with it for so long. Allegedly, a FED probe was conducted soon after his arrest and imprisonment....results are unknown.
Why I think this case is stuck in a stalemate:

1. As of May 2011, a neighbor of CPH had been telling LE and the world that CPH is a "wolf in sheep's clothing" and that LE needs to search the marsh behind his house, he was even very specific about a particular location in the marsh: in the drainage ditch near the back of 47 Larboard Ct. (this is verifiable and publicly available evidence)

2. During the summer of 2011, we here on websleuths (some of us possibly in or tied to LE) used every tool available to scan, search, and extensively analyze the marsh behind CPH's house. SeaSlug did a particularly remarkable job of analyzing and sharing professional aerial photography of the marsh. (this is verifiable and publicly available evidence)

3. As of August of 2011, over 1 year after the SG incident and 6 months or more after the questioning of the three POI's, the Head of SCPD Homicide "did not think that CPH was the killer".
(this is NOT verifiable, but is my(I'm verifiable) word)

4. In December of 2011, for some non-public reason SCPD finally decided to do a full force entry and search of the marsh and made sure to search right up to the property line of 47 Larboard Ct. They found SG's possessions in the area that the neighbor specifically stated to search, and found SG's remains a distance away on the north side of the marsh. (this is verifiable and publicly available evidence)

5. SCPD immediately declared her death an accident. (this is verifiable and publicly available evidence)

* It seems to me that some non LE people were and are ahead of this "investigation". (this is my educated opinion)

1. If this is truly a serial killer case it is by its very nature difficult to solve. I still don’t believe it is a serial killer case as most of us believe such a case is.

Why do you not believe this is a SK case?

2. Too much time has passed. Real serial killers operate in the dark and are secretive.

A. I believe if the SK moved away, it would explain why there hasn't been a more recent body.
B. I believe that the SK had been secretive, until SG having a driver foiled the previously "fool proof" spree.

3. The Suffolk DA, political machine, and SCPD are so conflicted and untrustworthy that it is nigh impossible for them to conduct a comprehensive investigation without exposing a host of people that are directly or indirectly connected to the case.


4. The Brewer appears to have been deemed not to be a POI so soon into this investigation. How he could be separated from this case so soon is a mystery to me. He is one of the last people to see SG in a manner that appears to be connected to the other bodies. The question is why?

EXTREMELY curious, IMO! It's baffling!

5. The DA, ME, and PD holding on to SG’s body for what is now 9 months and gave as a reason for her death as ‘undetermined.’ Why are they doing this. In my 29 years in the NYPD, the last 10 in homicide do I recollect a body being kept for so long. I have taken bodies out of funeral homes for further review. I have taken a body off of a plane being sent back to India. What the hell can they learn from SG’s body they haven’t already learned before?

Interesting! I had no idea that would be noteworthy behavior.

6. Retired Detective Stephan writing a long letter to Newsday reporting he heard the 911 tape and saying he heard no urgent and frantic pleas for help.

Could you please provide a link? I'm interested in reading that. Does his last name start with an F?

7. Did SG simply have a conversation with a 911 operator for 22 minutes? What do you think?

Most definitely! I know I'm always calling 911 in the middle of the night to shoot the breeze with the operator, because I'm aware they have nothing better to do. (<--- sarcasm)

8. The public has yet to hear that Tape. Why hasn’t a tape that has been redacted been published? 22 minutes is a long time to be talking to a 911 operator without saying something of interest.

What are the "Freedom of Information" laws like in NY? In FL, 911 tapes are made public by press requests. Only if a lawyer attests and a judge rules in favor of the plaintiff (defendants are the press), is a tape held from the public. That happening is usually rare and has been the subject of 2 very public recent cases in FL.

9. Why did that idiot Dormer go public and say it was an accidental death when he doesn’t even know what the cause of death was? It is moronic on its face.

He's going senile?

10. What powerful politician(s) are involved in some very suspicious land deals with other persons of interest that have a record of drug dealing and associations with prostitutes in the *advertiser censored* film business?

Who are we speaking of? Initials are fine.

11. How does such a person be able to buy a home in Oak Beach in the low 200K range and sell it to a political figure for more than 800K in a few short years - even in the Go-go real estate and mortgage fraud era.? What was that all about?

Is the person who bought JBs house a political figure?

12. Is it a coincidence that I posted one week before the nursery owner was rumored to have been the killer that the SCPD/DA would possibly name a dead man as the suspect to facilitate the closing of the case? One week later and they did exactly that.

Which post?

13. Why does Spota come out so soon and puts that rumor to rest so soon after it becomes a matter of interest for the public consumption.

14. Was this nothing more than a ploy by the DA and SCPD that went awry when this writer predicted it would happen?

15. Why haven’t they been able to trace the contacts made between the girl’s customers and Craigslist?

Only explanation, IMO, is because they don't WANT to. If I were a detective on that case, that would've been the FIRST thing I did. That's how the Boston Craigslist Killer was caught. Just reiterates the poor detective work from SCPD, and the question to follow would be WHY.

16. Why is it that a police officer that has widely been rumored to be a sexual deviant that has forced prostitutes into sex allowed to be front and center on this case? Are they simply rumors, so many of them and known by many SCPD cops for it not to be true or worthy of further investigation? How does such a man have over-all charge of this case?

No logical explanation in my mind.

17. How did such a police officer attain such high rank in the PD? Did it have anything to do with his engineering the political demise of Levy and he was rewarded with a high rank by Bellone?

18. Bellone came from Babylon. Shaeffer came from Babylon. He is now back, bigger and stronger than ever. It was Shaeffer that helped Spota become DA.

LOOK, this is just my opinion based on a lot of experience in LE, and a lot of experience with the Suffolk DA and SCPD. It is my opinion that this case will never be solved until such time they can hold safe those that will be embarrassed if the truth came out. INMVHO.

I love your train of thought and personal experience as the basis of your opinions! I appreciate the work you have done/continued to do! It gives a lot more to think about, and I love to open my mind to different angles.

Unfortunately, it boils down to... we have nothing to work with because the SCPD must have something HUGE to lose.

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