Why? What was the motive?

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DNA Solves
I have racked my brain trying to come up with some kind of "reason" (nothing is considered reasonable when it comes to murdering your children) and I haven't read this "reason" anywhere on here so here goes:

"You know this really "off the wall" thought came to me in regards to a possible WHY. We all know how much her image meant to her and it was it obvious that they were pretty much out of money without any options left besides Bankruptsy (spelling ??) Which meant that the Routier family lifestyle as they had known it was about to end. Stay with me here... What if she just could not stand the thought of having to tell her boys, who are use to getting everything they want, already knowing that "My parents are Rich" - (parents talking/bragging) that they were going to loose their home/toys/extra's and possibly even have to "rough it" with some family members for awhile. So Darlie felt that she couldn't let her boys suffer and be humilated like that, so therefore, since they had lived such a "full life" at such a young age, it was all justifiable to her. And of course Drake had no memory of this prior life so his life wouldn't be devasted and runined as his brothers. I told you it was out there. But sadly I could see this playing out over the "Life Insurance Money". My :twocents:

Anybody's thoughts?

I was thinking about it,and I do think it was about money,that seeming to be the most important thing to Darlie...if she'd killed them bc she was mad at Darin,then I would think she would most likely have had regrets...as it was,she looked pretty darn happy on the video at their graves..so this was about HER.So that,IMO,narrows the reasons down to what was most imprt to *her,and it seems that was money.Not just then,but for the future as well...kids are expensive,and with them out of the way..no need to buy clothes,toys,etc anymore for them,and even though she had the other baby,overall there would be more money left for her.So I reason it out to be all about money,more money for *her...and not just for then,(the life ins. money),money for the future as well...IOW...*more for *her from now on,from what little she reasoned they would have.JMO.
Well thank you. I meant to say "unimportant" they focus on the unimportant.


So true Dena, they do focus on the unimportant but twists it to mess with your mind. Why aren't "they" looking for who did it. BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE HER LOCKED UP.....
If Darlie did kill her kids, (IMO she didnt), I dont think the motive would have been money. Revenge/desparation maybe but not money.
Revenge or desparation over what? If she is innocent, why a motive?
Just wondering how do people know that they had money problems anyhow? I read that a statement was found in her bin that said they where overdrawn - although the statement was supposed to be months old, a fact that was 'left out' when it was reported.
Revenge or desparation over what? If she is innocent, why a motive?
Was just speculation with 'what if's'. Rino, just wondering, did you ever believe that Darlie was innocent or have you always believed her to be guilty? I personally have always thought her innocent, if im real honest there are parts of the story that do point to her being guilty but on the other hand there is evidence that backs up the fact shes innocent, IMO, this case is one which has alot of people changing thier opinions from guilty to innocent back to guilty etc. Whitywendys posts have been very thought provoking and are one of a few posts I have read that seriously make me doubt my own opinion. Although the fact that is evidence that has not been tested fully makes me belive that there is a area of doubt to her guilt.
JMO8778 - hey neighbor,

Yes, sadly, IMO it was all about the money. One way or another, money was at the root of this evil. Major player or minor player, the overtones are there and I guess that's why it is so hard for me to comprehend.

You mentioned early that something "human" had to missing in her persona. I have thought about that and to me, that means that anyone who kills someone has something mentally wrong with them. To what degree do we excuse it? I wish that I could understand the complexity of the mind, but then it just might freak me out too much.
Hi Whitywendy! Have you had time to watch leeza show? If yes what did you think?
Just wondering how do people know that they had money problems anyhow? I read that a statement was found in her bin that said they where overdrawn - although the statement was supposed to be months old, a fact that was 'left out' when it was reported.

There were having money problems. Darren and Darlie have tried to deny it over and over again but it was proven that that were behind on bills. Darlie tired to blame it on her depression after the baby and falling behind with paying them on time but even Basia (who worked for their company) stated the business wasn't doing that great that year. In the transcripts, the prosecution called the Loan Officer to the stand and she stated they were denied I believe 3 times for a $5,000 loan (I can't memorize the transcripts as well as the others here) because of their debt ratio being to high. And Darlie did talk about the "old statements" when she was on the witness stand, so this fact was not left out.

I watched the Leeza 4th show as you asked and in regards to Mama Darlie and the sofa. Like I said before, there is NO WAY they would of just "cleaned up the sofa" and sold it. Her defense lawyers wouldn't of allowed it and the as Jeana as stated Mama Darlie is a smart woman so I just don't see this just "slipping past" her and the fam.

Okay I watched the show, now for me or you going to read the rest of the transcripts?
Okay I watched the show, now for me or you going to read the rest of the transcripts?
Just completed the my all my work so at present ive got a bit of spare time on my hands!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
What is the best site so I can read complete transcripts? I cant remember where I read them before. How long did it take you to read them all? Anyway I gotta go now- got to go pick my daughter up. Thanks for your posts, as I stated earlier on, you are one of the few people who's posts have had me doubt my own opinion, as you stated there are alot of facts that point to her guilt but I think there are facts that back her story up. Untill these points are cleared up, new trial/further DNA tesing etc, I am sticking to my opinion that she is innocent. However maybe I'll have different opinion after reading transcripts also. Time will tell.:confused:
Just completed the my all my work so at present ive got a bit of spare time on my hands!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
What is the best site so I can read complete transcripts? I cant remember where I read them before. How long did it take you to read them all? Anyway I gotta go now- got to go pick my daughter up. Thanks for your posts, as I stated earlier on, you are one of the few people who's posts have had me doubt my own opinion, as you stated there are alot of facts that point to her guilt but I think there are facts that back her story up. Untill these points are cleared up, new trial/further DNA tesing etc, I am sticking to my opinion that she is innocent. However maybe I'll have different opinion after reading transcripts also. Time will tell.:confused:

Thank you Nicola, I too enjoy your posts. I know how you feel there is just so much to comprehend. But IMO first and foremost, you must remove any doubt from your mind that she had a corrupt trial. Texas did not work the evidence against her, SHE DID. Once I realized that I was able to set my emotions aside and piece it all together (with the help of the other posters on this thread). Oh go to the Justice for Darlie Website and click on evidence, which will link you to the transcripts of the trial (right side if page) and her appeal etc.. What got me was the blood evidence. I will go back and look and let ya know exactly where it is.

Talk to ya later.
JMO8778 - hey neighbor,

Yes, sadly, IMO it was all about the money. One way or another, money was at the root of this evil. Major player or minor player, the overtones are there and I guess that's why it is so hard for me to comprehend.

Hi! (I love Speedy's,btw :) )
It is hard to understand,it's the only thing it seems it can be,other than,and I think this would add to it,but not be a sole motive..she had 2 less kids to deal with,and more time for herself,overall,if they were gone.

You mentioned early that something "human" had to missing in her persona. I have thought about that and to me, that means that anyone who kills someone has something mentally wrong with them. To what degree do we excuse it? I wish that I could understand the complexity of the mind, but then it just might freak me out too much.

that's not what I mean,I mean,even if she hadn't ever committed this crime,something about her is not right,not that it should give her a free pass or an excuse,she just doesn't even show normal grief or emotions,it's so odd.
I don't think everyone who kills has something wrong w them,anger is of course a great motivation,even so,there are still many regretful ppl who have killed in anger I'm sure,but Darlie...she is just so off the map,is the only way I know to put it.I'm only commenting on her strange persona,I do think she deserves her sentence and if she doesn't ever make it to being put to death,she will likely never get out,and rightfully so.
Darlie sure did show some normal emotions when they arrested her butt and put her on trial. But I do understand what you mean about her not being "right".

I kinda disagree with you in regards to not all people who kill have a mental disorder. IMO I think you have to have something not working right in your brain when you take someone's life out of anger or not. Even if it was something that "just misfired" at the time that you killed. I had a friend who was kept telling me that she was having dreams that her boyfriend was going to kill her. Guess what... he did. It was months later but it happened. A crime of passion they called it. But she had to of known that something "wasn't right" about him (at least in her sub-conscience).
Darlie sure did show some normal emotions when they arrested her butt and put her on trial. But I do understand what you mean about her not being "right".

yep,she's an 'it's all about me' kind of person.

I kinda disagree with you in regards to not all people who kill have a mental disorder. IMO I think you have to have something not working right in your brain when you take someone's life out of anger or not. Even if it was something that "just misfired" at the time that you killed. I had a friend who was kept telling me that she was having dreams that her boyfriend was going to kill her. Guess what... he did. It was months later but it happened. A crime of passion they called it. But she had to of known that something "wasn't right" about him (at least in her sub-conscience).

I'm thinking of ppl who don't mean to kill,they get angry and do more harm than they meant to,but yes,something would have to snap to be able to fly into a rage and do that.Not that they're out of their minds,per se though.I know personality disorders can play a part as far as normal emotions being there or not,I'm guessing Darlie may have one or more,again not that it excuses her;she knew she was doing wrong.Is there anywhere online that a psych. profile has been posted of her? Or is that private info? I would be interested in seeing it if it's public..thx.I was wondering if she perhaps has some bipolar tendencies(ie-mood swings),and perhaps anger issues that have been documented and such.
I read something on the archive threads in regards to an assesment of her personality. I believe it was a histrionic personality along with narcississtic traits. I had no idea what histrionic personality meant so I had to look it up and of course someone posted it on the thread. SO very helpful these older threads are. Have you read them?

Someone also posted (for fun) a link to a website that has misc. personality disorder tests. (www.4degreez.com) I am moderate co-dependent. Go figure. LOL
Just wondering how do people know that they had money problems anyhow? I read that a statement was found in her bin that said they where overdrawn - although the statement was supposed to be months old, a fact that was 'left out' when it was reported.

Jeana, I love your "straight to the point" answers. :angel:

Totally. ;)

I don't think you can understand it all completely until you read the transcripts. Everything else out there is twisted.
Totally. ;)

I don't think you can understand it all completely until you read the transcripts. Everything else out there is twisted.

I know I believed she was innocent until I finished reading all of the transcripts. I remember the "knife imprint in carpet", "tiny hand imprint on sofa" and "the blood of both of her babies on the back of her shirt" smacked me right in the face when I read it and the feeling in my gut at the time was indescribable. Blood samples: LR: Darlie, Kitchen: Darlie, etc etc etc. All of it pointing right at her.

Dena - are you the same Dena who has posted here for some time or are you new? Have you ever "sat on the fence" as it's been called?
I know I believed she was innocent until I finished reading all of the transcripts. I remember the "knife imprint in carpet", "tiny hand imprint on sofa" and "the blood of both of her babies on the back of her shirt" smacked me right in the face when I read it and the feeling in my gut at the time was indescribable. Blood samples: LR: Darlie, Kitchen: Darlie, etc etc etc. All of it pointing right at her.

Dena - are you the same Dena who has posted here for some time or are you new? Have you ever "sat on the fence" as it's been called?

Yeah, same Dena, atleast I think. I've been here a few months now I believe.

I've never really been on the fence with Darlie, I've only needed clarification on a few things. I have no problem saying, "well this doesn't make sense if she killed them", so I ask and come to find out things DO make sense.

There are so many details here (some made up, some not) that it gets hard to keep track of. There are legends and rumors about Darlie (like the couch thing) that keep people questioning her innocence.

I just finished reading Darlie's official statement, and there are so many things wrong in that. She pointed out everything that was knocked over. She said she looked around to see if anything was taken. Who does that when their children are dying?
Isn't it funny how she goes into such detail with insignificant "stuff" but just brushes over the actual facts/events of the night. I was just at the JFD site trying to find a good starting place for Nicola to help her understand why we believe she is guilty but that is impossible for me. I read so much I just don't remember where everything is.

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