Why would they want to put her car on a lift? And other car theories....

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It's really sad that innocent squirrels are being dragged into this whole mess.

Apparently you have not heard about the one here in Winter Park attacking all the children and other visitors! Biting them even!


I am so good I even have the links!

Google too ;-)


Apparently this is a national problem!
One in Cali and Virginia!

But that aside, I still think it is a bogus claim!
Apparently you have not heard about the one here in Winter Park attacking all the children and other visitors! Biting them even!


I am so good I even have the links!

Google too ;-)


Apparently this is a national problem!
One in Cali and Virginia!

But that aside, I still think it is a bogus claim!

This is a real story. When I was a kid I picked up a squirrel I "thought" I had tamed. I carried it around all day with no problem, but when the dog jumped at it, and it tried to get away it bit me.

I took it in the house, and my mom was furious so when I asked her what to do she told me " let the "d*mn thing go, don't keep holding it after it bit you." Well, I did and you know the rest of this story.

For 21 days, I had to take 21 rabies shots in the stomach. (back then it was not as easy as now)

Do NOT trust squirrels under any circumstances. They will turn on you in a NY minute. (come to think of it KC and squirrels are a lot alike)
Apparently you have not heard about the one here in Winter Park attacking all the children and other visitors! Biting them even!


I am so good I even have the links!

Google too ;-)


Apparently this is a national problem!
One in Cali and Virginia!

But that aside, I still think it is a bogus claim!

Oh my! I've never heard of such.

There is a good joke here somewhere.
I can tell you squirrels DO NOT smell anything dead like a corpse. I have a raccoon rotting right now because the darn ground is too hard to dig him a hole. I just covered him in lime until it rains.

My point being - all dead animals have a terrible smell, but NONE like a corpse. It is a smell you will never forget in your life and you will NEVER mistake it for anything else. That is why the man at impound lot KNEW immediately what the smell was.

I am a hunter and spent the majority of my life in the woods where you find many dead and decaying animals in different states of decay. If miss KC & Baez think they are going to sell that squirrel story, they are dumber than I thought.

What made me the saddest for dear George, was when reading that impound attendant's interview with the LE about when he accompanied him to the car. All the while, George is talking about how his daughter has not been letting them see their granddaughter. Then they open the car door for the first time and BOTH OF THEM get the whiff together. I think the attendant didn't say much after that and felt bad for George. I am sure that was a VERY difficult moment for him......for both of them. IMHO, Dad knows the truth in his heart, mind and stomach.
I dont know the answer, other than to prove she hit an animal. But I can tell you this, I accidently ran over a chipmunk (poor thing :-( backing out of our garage and it smashed on our driveway, and left light stains on my tire and thats IT. Theres no way a squirrel, rabbit, or any small animal got embedded in her car, nor did it leave that smell!
The defense is grasping at STRAWS with this squirrel story!
Seriously, if dead squirrels smell that bad, homicide investigations would be abundant.

There is no way this is possible, no matter if there was 1 or 20 squirrels, they won't transform into human decomposition.

Baez asking to put the car on a lift, means he's trying to project blame. That's about as clear as I see it.


What we are all forgetting is she's a squirrely girl in a squirrley world....you know like that "she's a barbie girl in a barbie world" suck song. She was all about some nuts so she must be a squirrel.
maybe casey was in the woods by the airport for a reason, she hunted up some poor squirrel and rubbed 'em all over the bottom of the car??? Anythings possible with this girl. You never know?
What made me the saddest for dear George, was when reading that impound attendant's interview with the LE about when he accompanied him to the car. All the while, George is talking about how his daughter has not been letting them see their granddaughter. Then they open the car door for the first time and BOTH OF THEM get the whiff together. I think the attendant didn't say much after that and felt bad for George. I am sure that was a VERY difficult moment for him......for both of them. IMHO, Dad knows the truth in his heart, mind and stomach.

i know,but thats when the tow truck guy should of called LE and not let the car leave the lot. I would of!
it might bounce up inside the compartment somewhere, I just don't see this happening, you would need to hit it so it bounces and by that I mean it would have to hop up and get hit by the underside somewhere which would back it deflect back to the road and bounce back up into some "pocket" area under the car.

If it crawled up in there, parked, it could just crawl back out. Cats loose there tails this way :( I know people!

But if a wheel hit it most likely it wouls smoosh. I have hit something a tad larger than a squirrel and it thumpity thumps neumerous times along the bottom of my car, I tried to slow down but it was night time and I was doing 55 65 on the highway, Georgia ! so I doubt I was going faster.... But it indeed rolled alot and ping ponged between the road and the bottom of my car and I saw it still rolling out the back :( poor thing! No Smell! No Sticky!

I have had a plastic bag stick to my cat(ilitic) converter now THAT SMELLED! for months until it all burned off! I cannot imagine and animal not moving fast enough from a heat soruce to stick long enough for this to happen to them!

Birds have run into my grille in the past :( thought I missed it.... I slowed and swerved! I could swear it went under and got away, didnt hear anything and never saw it, until a few weeks later and I was washing the car and the poor little thing was stuck in the grille all dead and dried, but I did not need to "scrape" anything! I just gently pulled it out :(

OK, your descriptions had me laughing out loud as I was visualizing all this, and then I realized you are the same person that wrote that beautiful song for Caylee. I must say you are a very well rounded man - being so funny with your comments in this post and so deep and touching in the song you wrote for Caylee. AND a good singer, too - that song reminded me of some of Cat Stevens music back when he did his "Tea for the Tillerman" album (yes, I did say album!) Anyway, all that to say I enjoy your contributions to WS!
I know nothing about how police do investigations, but I would guess that they have already had it on a lift and inspected the underside. JMO

I think the underside of the car would be inspected for dirt or substances that might show that the car was driven off a paved road, on a dirt road. Soil samples could determine where the car had been driven, if indeed, it had been driven off road.
Tony has said Casey did not spend the night there, that Clint is wrong. Also the pings support Casey being at home not Tonys. She was on the phone with him all dang night though.

If you go WAY back, in the thread how would you defend KC, you will see I said the perfect defense would be to throw the blame toward GA because he could have been the very last one to see Caylee.

KC has Tony and the roommate stating she was there the night of the 15th and there is no proof she ever came back to the family house. GA admitted he fed Caylee breakfast, so all KC has to say is she has not idea what happened and she went on with her life because she thought (as always) her parents had her child.
Okay, I've got it folks! Remember that when you think these theories up that are coming from that camp they must include elaborate twists and turns to make it as crazy and full of BS as possible, so I think my idea of what JBs story will be MIGHT have enough BS in it to be something they would think up. Purely comical of course, because you know this is just another attempt to pull something. Here we go:

The nanny borrowed the car and actually backed over a person. She then put the body in the trunk and returned the car to KC without KC knowing about the body. She drove around for a couple of days to her fake job and on her fake vacation and then the car began to smell. She pops the trunk and find the body and freaks out. Confronts the nanny and her sister and that is when the nanny took the baby. KC, not knowing what to do disposes of the body when she couldn't get in touch with mom and dad and then proceeds to search for her daughter in every bar and club she can find, drinking heavily and totaly playing the under cover party girl to fit in while looking, even going so far as to sacrafice her own body to as many men as she can get her hands on and even starts smoking pot out of control to play the part. When she finally finds Caylee and the nanny, she goes into super ninja mode and gets the baby back and immediately sells the baby to someone in PR so that she will be safe from the dreaded nanny and goes about stealing as much money as she can and saving up to move to PR to find and live with her baby. Now what Jury could convict this poor victim after all she has been through?

As far as I see it, unless LE is present at the tests I wouldn't trust them with the car. There is no telling what they might plant or destroy. Just like giving her the freedom to search herself in secret. Sounds like an attempt to move the body if you ask me.
Well, we're still not clear if they were stuck to the frame or if they crawled under the car and onto the engine, but somehow they shape shifted into someone else and teleported into the trunk.

darn Houdini squirrels!

What we are all forgetting is she's a squirrely girl in a squirrley world....you know like that "she's a barbie girl in a barbie world" suck song. She was all about some nuts so she must be a squirrel.

AHHHHAHAHA, I just spewed my diet dr pepper on my screen! SO MUCH is making sense now. She didn't have a problem with morals at all, that Casey! She is part squirrel, she was just stocking up for winter!!!!
Okay, I've got it folks! Remember that when you think these theories up that are coming from that camp they must include elaborate twists and turns to make it as crazy and full of BS as possible, so I think my idea of what JBs story will be MIGHT have enough BS in it to be something they would think up. Purely comical of course, because you know this is just another attempt to pull something. Here we go:

The nanny borrowed the car and actually backed over a person. She then put the body in the trunk and returned the car to KC without KC knowing about the body. She drove around for a couple of days to her fake job and on her fake vacation and then the car began to smell. She pops the trunk and find the body and freaks out. Confronts the nanny and her sister and that is when the nanny took the baby. KC, not knowing what to do disposes of the body when she couldn't get in touch with mom and dad and then proceeds to search for her daughter in every bar and club she can find, drinking heavily and totaly playing the under cover party girl to fit in while looking, even going so far as to sacrafice her own body to as many men as she can get her hands on and even starts smoking pot out of control to play the part. When she finally finds Caylee and the nanny, she goes into super ninja mode and gets the baby back and immediately sells the baby to someone in PR so that she will be safe from the dreaded nanny and goes about stealing as much money as she can and saving up to move to PR to find and live with her baby. Now what Jury could convict this poor victim after all she has been through?

As far as I see it, unless LE is present at the tests I wouldn't trust them with the car. There is no telling what they might plant or destroy. Just like giving her the freedom to search herself in secret. Sounds like an attempt to move the body if you ask me.

She is one thorough searcher! Searching in all of those liquor bottles, bars, parties.... she even looked behind every zipper she could find! I have to hand it to her, she is persistent!!!!!
It's really sad that innocent squirrels are being dragged into this whole mess.


and NOW these crazy sluthers are talking about performing squirrel experiments!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: SAVE THE SQUIRRELS! We don't want to have to have Casey do all of the storing for winter by herself!
It makes no good sense to me. Why now? Why after all this time. I think that this is all BS. If they have a legit reason for this they should have done this weeks ago. This seems to be all defensive and not too smart either.
Too bad she's broke. I would want another attorney.

Actually, they have NO right to do this at all. That is why they are asking. LE didn't offer because they have no right. The car is being held in the investigation of the disappearance/death of Caylee. If there is someone out there who took her they will be charged and their lawyer will get that right. When KC is charged with the offense that the car is being held due to the investigation of, then they will have that right. Just like them asking that the testing stop, JB is not late, he is jumping the gun!
She is one thorough searcher! Searching in all of those liquor bottles, bars, parties.... she even looked behind every zipper she could find! I have to hand it to her, she is persistent!!!!!

Okay, I've got it folks! Remember that when you think these theories up that are coming from that camp they must include elaborate twists and turns to make it as crazy and full of BS as possible, so I think my idea of what JBs story will be MIGHT have enough BS in it to be something they would think up. Purely comical of course, because you know this is just another attempt to pull something. Here we go:

The nanny borrowed the car and actually backed over a person. She then put the body in the trunk and returned the car to KC without KC knowing about the body. She drove around for a couple of days to her fake job and on her fake vacation and then the car began to smell. She pops the trunk and find the body and freaks out. Confronts the nanny and her sister and that is when the nanny took the baby. KC, not knowing what to do disposes of the body when she couldn't get in touch with mom and dad and then proceeds to search for her daughter in every bar and club she can find, drinking heavily and totaly playing the under cover party girl to fit in while looking, even going so far as to sacrafice her own body to as many men as she can get her hands on and even starts smoking pot out of control to play the part. When she finally finds Caylee and the nanny, she goes into super ninja mode and gets the baby back and immediately sells the baby to someone in PR so that she will be safe from the dreaded nanny and goes about stealing as much money as she can and saving up to move to PR to find and live with her baby. Now what Jury could convict this poor victim after all she has been through?

As far as I see it, unless LE is present at the tests I wouldn't trust them with the car. There is no telling what they might plant or destroy. Just like giving her the freedom to search herself in secret. Sounds like an attempt to move the body if you ask me.

My heads spinning! :crazy:

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