GUILTY WI - Bart, 50, and Krista Halderson, 53, found deceased, Windsor, 1 Jul 2021 *son arrested*

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Man Accused of Dismembering Parents After They Discovered He Didn’t Actually Work at SpaceX
The rest of the story is even more gruesome, if prosecutors are to be believed: after shooting his parents, the Journal reports, Halderson is accused of dismembering their bodies and scattering the remains in ditches, farm land, and trash cans around the area. He then reported them missing a week later.

The 23-year-old is now on trial, facing charges of mutilating a corpse, hiding a corpse, and providing false information about a missing person, the newspaper reports.

It’s an incredibly tragic story that’s straight out of a horror movie — not to mention a grim illustration of the incredible cachet of SpaceX as an employer, especially among Elon Musk fans.
His demeanor in this interview is a bit strange, seems to almost be thinking and moving in slow-mo at times. Really curious about the comment his ex GF’s mom made about maybe Chandler taking his Mom’s pills & getting high or if this is part of the facade he was trying to portray, or none of the above. No matter the reasoning the lack of eye contact and limited engagement with the detectives, it’s bizarre.
His demeanor in this interview is a bit strange, seems to almost be thinking and moving in slow-mo at times. Really curious about the comment his ex GF’s mom made about maybe Chandler taking his Mom’s pills & getting high or if this is part of the facade he was trying to portray, or none of the above. No matter the reasoning the lack of eye contact and limited engagement with the detectives, it’s bizarre.
I don't think his demeanour is unusual when one considers what he has spent the last week doinged, he is now in the police station being questioned and he knows what he has done and is trying to say what he thinks needs to be said to get out of their,

he wants the cops to think he has had a serious head injury and he is barely able to function, thus he couldn't have been murdering and then cutting up and disposing of two adult bodies,

it is extraordinary how carefully he has thought of all the points he needs to touch on, he knows their is probably blood in the home of both parents so he covers this (in his mind he thinks the explanation is reasonable and will be believed) by saying his dad itched his skin condition and bled frequently, his mom had copious nosebleeds, oh and so did dad, his mom bled in her car to explain the bloody rags, his dad also may have cut himself on the broken glass on fireplace, so he thinks he has explained away the blood,

it is fascinating to see him talk of massive blood loss from his toe, some puddles of blood the size of a cup lid and then state shows a photo of the smallest nick on his toe which may have bled a small amount but not the dramatic account he gives of the bleeding from his toe,

it is obvious from this interview how he just lies so matter of factly and easily, how he adds lies upon lies upon lies, this is just who he is, and has been for years from what we have learned during trial, he has fooled his GF her family, his family for years, and the end result of his lying was the murders of his parents, I just don't think he saw any other route out from all his lies other than murder, I don't think he could stop lying and admit to lying, which is why the extreme act of murder was his choice instead of admitting to his lies and addressing his lies and admitting his lies, he chose murder over admitting to being a liar
I wonder if his defence is going to be that his parents death were a murder suicide and he disposed of them to cover the truth from others. It’s the only thing I can think of apart from blaming his brother. Moo

It IMO will be Mitchel did it, their was a brief mention of her family and the witness said she was close to her mother when she was alive, her other family members she may not have been close to so they may be added to SODDI, and as you posted murder suicide, as in his police interview he spoke of his fathers anger, and his mothers cancer seems to be true so he may say his dad killed his mom and then himself, I do expect him to testify and it will be a very tall tale he will spin
my mistake on murder suicide theory, his dad was shot in the back, so only way murder suicide works is if mom shot dad and then took her own life, and I haven't heard any testimony that either of his parents were familiar with guns, or if they knew Chandler had been given a rifle by his friend

but his defence is going to have to be a version of others doing the killings, as they have not declared a self defence defence or by reason of insanity defence,

Not very often, but sometimes things go on behind the scenes where we feel an explanation is in order to prevent misinformation being spread by disgruntled members.

It was brought to our attention that a member has accused Websleuths of failing to protect witnesses in this case and allowing them to be 'doxxed'. It was politely explained by Admin that simply using a witness' name as they are identified in a public courtroom during a trial or as it appears in MSM does not constitute doxxing.

Unless a publication ban is ordered by the court (which is not the case here), it is not illegal, amoral, or doxxing for witness names to simply be referenced when their names are known through normal trial publicity, online court videos, and MSM articles.

What Websleuths absolutely does not allow is for witnesses to be sleuthed and to our knowledge that has not occurred in this discussion. By sleuthing we mean searching out and publishing background information such as contact information, photos, employment, family information, etc. There have been no Reports of any witness in this case having been sleuthed by Websleuths members and we would not allow it if we were aware of it.

For a member to accuse us of allowing doxxing, then demand that WS take specific action, totally misinterpret the very clear and reasonable explanation that was provided, and then subsequently slander Websleuths by stating to other members that we are failing to protect witnesses by allowing doxxing, is simply irrational, misguided and wrong.

Thanks for listening and for your understanding, now back to the case at hand and continued reasonable discussion.

WS Admin
my mistake on murder suicide theory, his dad was shot in the back, so only way murder suicide works is if mom shot dad and then took her own life, and I haven't heard any testimony that either of his parents were familiar with guns, or if they knew Chandler had been given a rifle by his friend

but his defence is going to have to be a version of others doing the killings, as they have not declared a self defence defence or by reason of insanity defence,
What a horrible case this is. Hadn't heard about it before, but happened to come across the opening statements on Court TV on Tuesday, and couldn't turn it off. Been trying to catch up on the testimony but I've only seen a couple days.

Going by the opening statement, this is one of the most open and shut cases I've ever seen. The prosecutor did a good job of telling it like a story, especially how he described Chandler at first as an upstanding member of the community with a bright future, then only later to reveal it was all lies.

The parents seemed like very decent, kind people, making it all the more intolerable.

The defense on their hand gave the worst opening statement I've ever seen, it was all just the general reasonable doubt and presumption of innocence stuff you hear in every statement and nothing else. They said nothing about any specifics of the crime, gave no theory of the case. And during the questioning it hasn't gotten any better, very little cross examination and then when they do they do it's over nothing. It almost feels like they're going for inffective assistance. Perhaps the public defender's office may have given this unwinnable case to the low person on the totem pole.

Chandler seems like a very deluded and stupid guy, who thought he could pass off more lies to police and get away with it, but he didn't even know about pinging cell phones, and left a skull fragment in the fireplace.

It's kind of sociopathic for him to have pled guilty, the trial is a waste of time for everyone. Although I do wonder whether having everyone up there calling out his lies openly in front of him and the world is his worst nightmare. Or is he still sitting there thinking he can put one over on everybody? We'll see if he testifies like the similarly deluded Jodi Arias. I wonder what he would say. A Menendez brothers type of excuse? Or amnesia like Arias?

I have seen elsewhere like CourtTV people saying the double life motive is weak, but it is something we have seen before in other murder cases.

The Lori Hacking murder is a well known one.

The Murder of Lori Hacking: Killed by Her Husband's Lies - A&E TV

And here's a VERY similar recent one of a son killing his family.

Markham man who killed his family in ‘horrible, monstrous, brutal’ murders deserves life with no chance of parole for 40 years, Crown and defence agree - The Star
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The opening statement was really really odd. The defense lawyer actually said something to the effect of, "At the end of this case, you may decide that the state has proved SOME of their charges, but not the murder charge." They're basically almost conceding on other stuff, like lying to the police and hindering investigation type charges, and trying to argue just that we can't know if Chandler actually definitely murdered his parents. (In that case, why not have him plead guilty on those charges? He seems to refuse to do so, but his lawyers are going rogue and low-key pleading guilty for him....??)

They're hoping that people will actually have reasonable doubt that CH chopped up his parents and hid their bodies and lied to the police for some reason other than that he murdered them. I can't imagine a single person on this planet thinking, "well, yes, he obviously chopped them up and tried to burn them in his fireplace, and lied to everyone in his whole life about where his parents were, but that's not reason to think he MURDERED them." If they want us to believe that, they have to at least have an alternate theory, and CH will have to testify.

Otherwise, I have to say that the only point of the trial is that it gives CH "narcissistic supply" (the kind of attention that feeds the empty hole where a narcissist should have a soul).
the defence is only focusing on the murders, and it will have to be SODDI or as stated earlier murder suicide - meaning his mum shot his dad in the back and then killed herself or his parents were such monstrous parents he was left with no other avenue but to murder them,

the defence is not doing a bad job their is just nothing the state has presented so far that they need to challenge, when the state moves to the evidence found in the Halderson home they will be doing more rigorous cross examination, a,s they stated in opening he is innocent of the murders,

as to him not already pleading guilty to the other charges it is good strategy, as even if they tacitly agree he did it, it means state cannot use any guilty pleas against him during trial
Oh sure, I'm not necessarily saying the defense is doing a bad job. I'm more thinking that it seems like they've recognized that their case is almost unwinnable and are grasping at straws. I feel sorry for these poor public defenders -- trying their best with a basically unwinnable case. I guess I'd rather defend Chaz than Joel Guy Jr but it's very close. And between Chaz and Grant Amato I'd have to flip a coin.
With the mention of one neighbor smelling the fire burning in their fireplace, and the smell that burning flesh has, how did his girlfriend who came over not smell or notice anything? Did he have time to air out all of that smell (on top of cleaning up)? We know he cleaned up quite a bit, at least we haven’t heard mention of her discovering any huge bloody mess (right?)? Besides the furniture being covered and them sleeping downstairs for the night…
I wonder if she suspected anything but that we just haven’t heard it yet. I feel so bad for her and her family. Disposing of so much on their property….this is all just so sad and tragic.

it’s interesting to see the Defense so far, not that they have that much of a defense but still it has been underwhelming. I wonder if he thinks they’re doing a good job for him
With the mention of one neighbor smelling the fire burning in their fireplace, and the smell that burning flesh has, how did his girlfriend who came over not smell or notice anything? Did he have time to air out all of that smell (on top of cleaning up)? We know he cleaned up quite a bit, at least we haven’t heard mention of her discovering any huge bloody mess (right?)? Besides the furniture being covered and them sleeping downstairs for the night…
I wonder if she suspected anything but that we just haven’t heard it yet. I feel so bad for her and her family. Disposing of so much on their property….this is all just so sad and tragic.

it’s interesting to see the Defense so far, not that they have that much of a defense but still it has been underwhelming. I wonder if he thinks they’re doing a good job for him

she did say it smelt smoky,
he sure got lucky with leaving no blood in the car/s he had to use to dispose of the dismembered parts of his parents, not one drop so far has been testified to,

yet he took his fathers torso to one location, parts of his mum and bloody rags to a separate location, and he had no blood on him that he transferred to the car seats,

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