WI - ICE seeks help to ID youth in photos #2 - Identified

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I really thought the unidentified boy was Taylor at first. After seeing the cropped photos from image shack that were posted here yesterday, I no longer believe it is him. It looks nothing like him in those pictures. (to me anyway) I did not go to image shack and view the graphic images. I could not handle that. But someone posted cropped versions here and those led me to believe this is not Taylor. It really looks like Taylor in the original photo released by ICE, but it looked nothing like him in the other photos I saw.
I got the impression B**** was watching G*** in the photo as he played "Red Faction" -- not that B**** is also G***. And, Jules71, I was referring to the comment above (BBM) in my earlier post. :)

I just determined that G*** is a real person, in case anyone else wishes to make his name anonymous -- it is NOT a nickname, just FYI.
I hope y'all don't mind my saying something here about being careful with names and IDs. This line of thought may be something and it may be nothing, but, **** and ++++ are a good thing. :) We don't know all yet, about this case.

This is NOT directed at anyone!
I really thought the unidentified boy was Taylor at first. After seeing the cropped photos from image shack that were posted here yesterday, I no longer believe it is him. It looks nothing like him in those pictures. (to me anyway) I did not go to image shack and view the graphic images. I could not handle that. But someone posted cropped versions here and those led me to believe this is not Taylor. It really looks like Taylor in the original photo released by ICE, but it looked nothing like him in the other photos I saw.

I don't think it is Taylor, they look nothing alike. Taylor was listed as a runaway and this child wasn't listed as a runaway. I honestly don't think he is going to be listed on any missing site, I think he will be found when someone recognizes him, or the basement and gives his name or location. The feds said they believed he was in Wisconsin or Minnesota at some point but may have traveled, so he could really be anywhere. Hopefully someone does recognize him very soon! It's strange as many people are looking for ths child all on the internet through forms, sites etc no one has been able to identify him.
I really thought the unidentified boy was Taylor at first. After seeing the cropped photos from image shack that were posted here yesterday, I no longer believe it is him. It looks nothing like him in those pictures. (to me anyway) I did not go to image shack and view the graphic images. I could not handle that. But someone posted cropped versions here and those led me to believe this is not Taylor. It really looks like Taylor in the original photo released by ICE, but it looked nothing like him in the other photos I saw.

did you look at Taylor's MySpace page? that is where I saw the resemblance, not at all his Missing Children's pictures

I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time getting this message correct. They say kiddie *advertiser censored* is kiddie *advertiser censored* and DO NOT LOOK AT IT because once you do, it's there. It's in your computer's memory, it's on your hard drive and you have to get rid of it. It's very difficult to get rid of it. You can't just delete the images, you have to erase the hard drive or something else to make it go away. If you call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, they will tell you what is allowed and what isn't and tell l you what you need to do to get it off your computer.

as an FYI....the one image located on imageshack...unless you DOWNLOAD it, it is not on your computer. you visiting imagshack is (the URL)....but lets not get everyone all freaked out thinking something that is not true.....

im not telling people to go look at the images, just saying that if you did, unless you downloaded it, that image is not on your computer. the URL you visited is.

The legal stuff on imagshack's site....

8.16 To comply with applicable laws and lawful governmental requests, to protect Get Satisfaction's systems and customers, or to ensure the integrity and operation of Get Satisfaction's business and systems, Get Satisfaction may access, store and/or disclose any information stored or transmitted on or through the Client Community which Get Satisfaction considers necessary or appropriate, including, without limitation, user information, IP address and traffic information, usage history, Client Content and User Content. Get Satisfaction also reserves the right to report any activity that it suspects violates any law, rule or regulation to appropriate law enforcement officials, regulators or other appropriate third parties.
Maybe ICE put out these vague pictures knowing the only way people will recognize the kid is if they have seen the video.

The fact that those still shots of the video are still out there leads me to believe LE wants them out there to possibly track traffic.

I don't know. This is pretty odd.

Didn't someone post somewhere that this unidentified kid has a pic on FB wearing the same shirt? Has anyone looked at friends of G*** or B**** or Taylor's brother on FB to see if they see someone with the same shirt?

I have to take a break. I am fighting a terrible head cold and can't seem to make sense of anything.
can anyone here do a side-by-side of the Taylor Druroy(sp?) and the 2 photos LE gave out? I wish we could do a side-by-side with the other screen cap photos from imageshack, but we can't compare them on here. If someone is good at doing that, maybe it could be compared privately and the results given out?


pic taken from
http://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/getattachment/6e694124-a0c6-4daf-aa2a-35688422fd97/Druyor.aspx (taken from thread #1)
He didn't "disseminate" anything embedded... he didn't upload the video.

All he did was post screenshots which he BLURRED, so that we could see his face better, the basement, their clothes, etc.

You know, things to better ID the kid and the location.
But I guess we don't want to do that.

I'm with you on this, if this is the case, and it seems to be. If the person went to 4 chan and viewed the video, paused it to take screen shots, and then blurred images with the intent of capturing clearer pics of the kid's face, then that was well intentioned. Also, no perp is going to host illegal images on Image Shack. They do that stuff on parts of the web that average people never see.

When people get pushed out of shape about this stuff being online, they need to think about how the internet has allowed for the arrest of so many pedophiles. These monsters will commit these crimes, one way or another. Before computers, they probably conducted their trade via snail mail where it was MUCH harder to catch them. So, as awful as it is that it's even out there, better that it's where good people can find it, stop some of these demons and rescue some kids. I am also of the opinion that the general public is guilty of not paying attention to this horrific reality taking place right under our noses. More of this stuff, blurred for protection of the victims, needs to be made public in order to generate more outrage. What isn't in people's faces is far easier to ignore.
I originally thought there was an excellent chance it was Taylor.. but after seeing the new cropped images (The face only ones) I no longer think its him either.

Its a shame that LE decided to pick the two photos out that they did.. the one pic of him looking down makes it seem like he is odd features (Far apart eyes) but if you look at the others, its just a weird shot of him. Unfortunately, I doubt he will be identified with that pic because it doesn't accurately portray what he really looks like.
Didn't someone post somewhere that this unidentified kid has a pic on FB wearing the same shirt? Has anyone looked at friends of G*** or B**** or Taylor's brother on FB to see if they see someone with the same shirt?


This is my first post here. I did look at friends of B**** and didn't find anyone with the same shirt, but I did come across old photos of someone who looks like a much younger version of the ICE boy. Unfortunately, there was no name since he just appeared in someone else's photos. He didn't look like TD to me, but I could be mistaken. I gave the links to ICE earlier today. Maybe the sleuther believe09 mentioned earlier made the same connection I did. Hopefully it will help!
Maybe ICE put out these vague pictures knowing the only way people will recognize the kid is if they have seen the video.

The fact that those still shots of the video are still out there leads me to believe LE wants them out there to possibly track traffic.

I don't know. This is pretty odd.

Didn't someone post somewhere that this unidentified kid has a pic on FB wearing the same shirt? Has anyone looked at friends of G*** or B**** or Taylor's brother on FB to see if they see someone with the same shirt?

I have to take a break. I am fighting a terrible head cold and can't seem to make sense of anything.

Yes, I looked through as many photos of B**** and TD as I could (including those of friends and family) and I did not see the shirt. I've emailed ICE about that comment re: someone knowing who he was and the kid wearing the same shirt on facebook. Just in case they're able to trace the comment. But, no, I haven't seen anyone wearing the shirt.

FWIW, the people who have been sleuthed have hailed from Ohio and Michigan. ICE said this boy had been in Minnesota or Wisconsin at some point. Thus far, I've found no connection with the people sleuthed and MN/WI. Just wondering how far off the mark this might have gone....
I'm starting to doubt this is TD -- and, believe me, I was headed in that direction for a while. But, the chins are very different, IMO. TD's is more pointy whereas basement boy's chin is more rectangular. I've been studying the pics for a while now. Thoughts from anyone else?

I also do not think it is him. And Adrian that I thought was a good likeness is not him either after checking a few features.
Welcome mmecaut!! Glad to have you here!

I'm going to advocate for a new line of thought.

Here's how we arrived at the current line of thought: ICE issues statement --> We look for missing boys who match image (ICE never said the boy was listed as missing or a runaway) --> We decided he resembles TD --> In sleuthing TD, we come across B**** and decide that, instead, the boy resembles B**** and that there are some similarities in B****'s basement to back that theory up.

Considering that both boys' families are from Michigan and Ohio (right region, wrong states) and that we would have had no reason to suspect B**** if TD had never existed, I'm wondering if we should try a different tactic.

Of course, stranger things have happened but, taking a step back (and implicating myself in all this sleuthing as well!), I'm wondering if we went a little off the tracks. We never had an independent reason to sleuth B****. Maybe we should look at things through another lens....
did you look at Taylor's MySpace page? that is where I saw the resemblance, not at all his Missing Children's pictures

Yes, I did look at his myspace. Like I said, I thought it was Taylor at first, but not after seeing the other images.
Yes, I did look at his myspace. Like I said, I thought it was Taylor at first, but not after seeing the other images.

good enough, I am going back and forth myself, I do know his NCMEC missing childs picture looks to me nothing like his pictures on the MySpace page, and then compared to the photos LE put out, nobodys photos together looks like anything :waitasec: or they don't look like even the same person even thought they are all 3 definitely him!

IMO, MOO, etc.
I don't think its Taylor either, but the quality of the two photos released by ICE is so poor that its hard to say for sure. I haven't looked at the Imageshack photos, (and don't want to), but apparently you get a clearer view of him in some of them, so I'd be interested to know whether the people who have viewed them still think its Taylor.
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