Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #37

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IMO, he did not "end up in the situation", he premeditated it. His target was Jayme and IMO the only, and best way, to retrieve her was to blast in there (which he did) and take out her parents (which he did) and take off with her (which he did). I believe he absolutely went there with the intention of killing the parents, they were two obstacles/witnesses and he had to eliminate them to get Jayme. He is a killer.
I think more is going on here...
I don't suppose anyone can really see the heaps at the bottom left of that image of the Patterson property.

Musing over this scene's silent meaning, trying to work out the 'what' (garbage, grow/lab materials/stored items overflowing from a full shed???) to get a feel for the 'how' of life there. Unwanted things in the open, comfortable about presenting slovenly lifestyle?
In itself, not especially disconcerting, yet when one considers the dysfunction that so thoroughly consumed this kid's soul

Expected accumulation of vehicles in the driveway. Would it be too early to presume this is where the family's baggage so to speak, is safely considered 'out of sight, out of mind'?
This thread is being reopened, although cleanup has not yet finished.

Please note, gun control discussion is not allowed at Websleuths. It is a volatile, social justice issue that will not be resolved on WS and only leads to bickering and hard feelings.

Also, please stop the discussion about video gaming and/or *advertiser censored*. Websleuths is fact-based and there is no MSM to substantiate that JTP was a video gamer or that he was into *advertiser censored*. So many posts speculating on such matters lead to being quoted down the road as fact. Very hard to push that toothpaste back into the tube, so best we don't go there to begin with.

Gun control, video gaming and posts referencing *advertiser censored* will be removed as part of this cleanup.
Thread was closed while I was responding to this quote. Bringing to this thread
Some of my thoughts on JP and this case:
He had to be making money somehow to be able to put gas in his car. We don't know if his father paid to keep the power on at the cabin, but that makes sense to me. And maybe Dad gave him money to keep him afloat while he "looked for a job." He also could have been breaking into homes to sell stuff, and of course, the possibility of dealing drugs. I think the drugs is a good possibility and the "friends" who came over were just people buying. He's known for being quiet, so not a social butterfly.

About the murders, LE said the parents were a barrier. I think he planned on killing them from the first. He never intended to just take Jayme, he WANTED to kill her parents. He probably hates his own parents. This might be why he lived apart from them when he had no visible means of support. Maybe they were afraid of him.

I don't think anything about this was random, before or after. He planned everything out as far as he was able to do. To go to the length of shaving his head, and of course, armed. It was noted that he previously had a shaved head. Was he committing crimes back then like B&E? I still think he may have broken into the Closs home before the crime, looked around, knew the layout of the house, maybe even saw pics of Jayme then. He would have been able to tell how many people were in the home and who they were. Then he watched them to find out their schedules. Of course, Jayme's schedule might have been posted on a calendar somewhere.

I also do not think this was in any way romantic idea that he was saving her from her parents and she would fall in love with him. That's just not how a guy like this thinks. He may have hated her for having parents who loved her. He wanted to destroy that and control her. And let her live at his whim.

I agree with much of what you said. He came from a broken home, brother had legal trouble and that affects the entire family so whether he loved or hated him seemed he was the only one he had left. (If) the brother left then he had no one. I think you're right about people coming and going not being there for social reasons. He was a loner and after graduating probably became more and more isolated. A few failed attempts at getting a job or making something of himself may have lowered an already lacking self-esteem. Not knowing details so just guessing but anger may have been building followed by a feeling that the world had done wrong by him. If he began living in his own little world he may have reached a point where he decided to take what he felt he deserved. The anger could have become rage he for some reason directed at Jayme's parents. Maybe he saw his own parents at the time. I know most see him incapable but I think he may have been very lonely and in his twisted thinking thought she was the answer. I wish we knew when his brother moved (if he did). Again, I don't know what his family life was like but it's possible his brother was the only real person he had left in his life and that final abandonment broke the last tie he had to reality. Something I thought of last night about his hair. I was confusing a "shaved" head with what I saw in the pics. I think he shaved his head bald. I appreciated reading your post. TY
Disclaimer: Before I get jumped on lol. None of what I said are meant as excuses. That said, those are the types of things the court will take into consideration for sentencing. The Judge will likely order a pre-sentence investigation which is an in depth background study on ALL aspects of his life (inclusive of all I mentioned) with a recommendation for sentencing based on the results.
JMO X's 5
Just wanted to put this out there, from working for years and years with kids and teens. I have been around so many students from all kinds of backgrounds, and so many rise above things. Most young people are extremely kind and smart and hard working. They give me their snack, they buy food for me, they ask about how I am if I am sick, they share little stories with me, they joke around, they sneak me candy and they worry about their classmates. Just the best of all of us, really.
In the last thread, someone said "He actually pulled it off... he kills her at any point 87 days after and buries her with guns he wouldn’t be caught...."

I can't help wondering if this wasn't actually his first time. They said the search of the property is taking a lot longer than they expected. I would think part of what they're doing is underground imaging or digging up floors.

With all due respect to those who think LE doesn't deserve credit, when she escaped both families recognized her and knew to take immediate drastic action. Here are 50 missing children in Wisconsin. If one of them ran up to you, would you immediately recognize them? Gallery: Jayme Closs has been found, but there are 50 children still missing in Wisconsin
Very wise post here Wrenny and you are 100% correct
Sorry but it’s been so long-if he was fixated on Jayme, was there another way to abduct her that did not involve murder? Did she wait alone at a bus stop? Did Jayme ever have any online presence-could he have spotted her in pics posted from a recital, could there be a friend of a friend situation? I used to listen to lots of parents that said there kids were never online, when I knew different. Maybe she used a parent’s phone. Were experts involved in reviewing data? (Remember the Casey Anthony case where the Computer expert never checked Firefox searches?) Was there wifi at the cabin/house? There was mention of Jayme being hidden when the suspect had friends over-so he did have friends. would she know when it was midnight? Why say it if she didn't have some sort of access to a clock? MOO
I don't find it odd that there would be a clock on the wall, on an appliance. on a tv screen anything really. Why would having access to a clock mean anything other than Jayme knowing what time it was?
Circle and rectangle -

Go! Once we figure this out, it's on to the patio doors and stairs!

I thought the circle looked like a trampoline but Radar Online (is this still allowed?) lists it as an above ground pool. They also note a canoe in other pictures.

The rectangle to me looks like a fenced in garden, you would need a tall fence to keep out all of the critters in this area.

There is also a wood shed which looks to be full and would probably be used as the primary heating fuel for the house as propane is expensive. The propane tank is also in a few of the aerial shots. There seems to be a black sled looking thing in one picture that maybe was used to pull the wood into the house?

link to other pic:,880&ssl=1


  • isolated-wisconsin-home-where-jayme-closs-held-captive-16.jpg
    212.5 KB · Views: 92
In Post 400 of this thread is an aerial photo of the perp's home. Is that a photo taken after Jayme's escape? There are footprints going from the garage away from the direction of the house toward the woods. They could be footprints from LE, but that's not a given. Maybe that is the direction Jayme took after she left the house. She needed the woods for cover until she figured out what to do next.

ETA: The photo link was just re-posted above.
Sorry but it’s been so long-if he was fixated on Jayme, was there another way to abduct her that did not involve murder? Did she wait alone at a bus stop? Did Jayme ever have any online presence-could he have spotted her in pics posted from a recital, could there be a friend of a friend situation? I used to listen to lots of parents that said there kids were never online, when I knew different. Maybe she used a parent’s phone. Were experts involved in reviewing data? (Remember the Casey Anthony case where the Computer expert never checked Firefox searches?) Was there wifi at the cabin/house? There was mention of Jayme being hidden when the suspect had friends over-so he did have friends.
Yes, she sometimes waited alone at bus stop. Jayme had her own phone, but local LE and FBI found no social media connection with the perp. FBI was brought in immediately and reviewed the data.
Yes, it’s very unusual.

It was completely unnecessary to the crime, but he did it anyway.

I have to agree that it is unusual regarding child abduction cases, however when you say it was completely unnecessary I do not agree simply because we do not at this point understand his mindset and it was his crime. If he saw the parents as his biggest obstacle then yes, he had to (and I think planned) to eliminate them. I do not think there is anything forgiving or nice about this guy. I do not think he planned this crime with minimizing damage/death in anyway. He knew what he wanted, Jayme, and that was it - regardless of any collateral damage.
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I have to agree that it is unusual regarding child abduction cases, however when you say it was completely unessary I do not agree simply because we do not at this point understand the mindset of "him".
I’m not saying that it was unneccesary to him, just that it was unnecessary in the commission of an abduction in the first place.

Most kidnappers don’t kill the parents, as they snatch the victim off the street, or lure them away.
Right, also, she was apparently cold (neighbors who took her inside said she asked for a blanket and seemed cold, no coat or gloves). Maybe she had been outside hiding from him for a while, too.
No, the Ks asked her if she was cold and she said no. They covered her with a blanket and told her she could take it off if she wanted, but she didn't take it off. The Ks said she looked cold. She also refused water and food.
JMO this type of crime will become increasingly commonplace, like school shootings....

What threw many off their 'theories' was the idea of the violence being 'personal' wasn't & in future that will be the case: it's violence for it's own sake, and nothing else

Welcome to the fruits of 'modern' society....
JMO this type of crime will become increasingly commonplace, like school shootings....

What threw many off their 'theories' was the idea of the violence being 'personal' wasn't & in future that will be the case: it's violence for it's own sake, and nothing else

Welcome to the fruits of 'modern' society....
I highly disagree. This type of crime almost never happens, and one event does not a trend make.

Mass shootings are different, and they are certainly self-perpetuating.
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