Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Video: Packages start arriving offering love and support to Jayme Closs
Support for Jayme Closs is pouring in from around the country. On Tuesday, a box full of packages was waiting for her at the Rice Lake Post Office.

Jayme’s family told us they are overwhelmed by the community’s outreach.

“There’s no doubt she's going to feel so incredibly loved and supported by this,” said JH, a friend who picked the packages up.

JH established the P.O. box on Saturday with permission from Jayme’s family.

“To see this so far is fantastic,” she said.

JH told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS she expected to find a few cards. Instead, there were half a dozen boxes and envelopes mailed to Jayme from all over Wisconsin and Kentucky.
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LE should have announced it all over the media. Maybe perp would freak out and then kill Jayme.
Then sumzero and others would wonder why they announced the possible car perp drove.
Can we all live with this?
This all ended the best it could for how it all started. Let’s just be happy and quit critiquing LE.
My feelings exactly!!! Thanks..
Yes they have stated further charges may be still coming !
As mentioned upthread, the current charges are his crime in Barron. He could face more charges from Douglas County where he lived. I'm thinking false imprisonment (not sure that is the right term) at least. He kidnapped her in Barron but held her captive in a different county. IDK if it works like that, but the additional charges probably have to do with him holding her in his house. Just a guess.

Looking at the complaint, one could argue that the only thing they knew for sure about the vehicle was color. All other descriptive terms are caveated ("believed to be," "appeared to him," "or similar"). I interpret the description to be a confirmed maroon, probably older, possibly Taurus vehicle. After the arrest, the age and make/model were confirmed.

"Deputy Fick reports that. while in route to the residence. he observed a vehicle that was maroon in color and what he believed to be an older style vehicle. Deputy Fick reports that based on his training and experience, the vehicle appeared to him to be an older Ford Taurus or similar vehicle."
As mentioned upthread, the current charges are his crime in Barron. He could face more charges from Douglas County where he lived. I'm thinking false imprisonment (not sure that is the right term) at least. He kidnapped her in Barron but held her captive in a different county. IDK if it works like that, but the additional charges probably have to do with him holding her in his house. Just a guess.


Yes, and possibly physical and other abuse charges.
As mentioned upthread, the current charges are his crime in Barron. He could face more charges from Douglas County where he lived. I'm thinking false imprisonment (not sure that is the right term) at least. He kidnapped her in Barron but held her captive in a different county. IDK if it works like that, but the additional charges probably have to do with him holding her in his house. Just a guess.


I think it would be unlawful restraint. They could also add felonious assault as she stated he hit her with an object and other child abuse charges.

Though they may avoid doing so if possible to avoid any possibility of her testimony being required. I think a lot will depend heavily on Jayme herself and her professional advocates. That’s why it hasn’t been done as they want to hear from her and what she wants to happen.
Hi everyone,

First time poster here, looooong time lurker, we're talking years without ever having signed up until today!

I'm in Australia which makes keeping up difficult as I'm asleep while you're all posting and for a case like this, there's always so much activity so I apologise in advance if im repeating something that's already been discussed.

I had a thought while reading about JP hiding Jayme under the bed when friends were over. Can someone please tell me if the friends visiting the house while Jayme was there have been confirmed by LE or if any of these friends have come forward? My thinking behind this is that this information has come from Jayme herself, yes? And she also said that he would turn music up so she couldn't hear what was going on outside the room she was in. So what if this (as in friends visiting the house) is just something he told her to appear popular and normal to her and not like the sad, anti-social loser he really was? Just an idea that popped into my head, but to me IF his deranged plan was to keep her as his girlfriend, then maybe he was trying to portray himself as an ordinary guy with friends and an active social life when in reality no one ever came to the house apart from immediate family.

All my opinion, based purely off the fact that I'm yet to see any confirmation from LE or these supposed friends that there was ever anyone else there. Sorry if I've missed something though and gone off on a wild goose chase for nothing!

Hi, this is my first post at WS. (I've exhibited my obsessions in other places over Davey Blackburn and others!) This may have been said but as I read today about JP's 9th grade girlfriend, I wondered if Jayme, being close to her same age, may have been kidnapped as a proxy for his one failed relationship. Remember that he punished the girlfriend's mother by slashing her tires? So he killed Jayme's parents and maybe he knew the worst thing for her was to be kept alive and tormented in that dump. Am I the only one who thinks keeping her under the bed for 12 hours while he was celebrating Christmas demands some extra punishment? As much as we want to know the details of Jayme's experience I hope she saves it for a book/movie to pay for college and a prosperous life. I've been waiting to say this.....MOO!
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Riveting - considering the killer could anywhere around the location of the people to who took Jayme in and called 911. The Dispatcher did a wonderful controlling adults, children, pets, cops and medics to rescue Jayme Kloss. W/out alerting the killer who was driving around and had previously been willing to shoot anyone if caught.
I have seen this said on WS already but after hearing that 911 call...WOW. They got a great dispatcher, they all did a remarkable job, it's hard not to call every step of her escape a miracle. What are the chances she escaped, runs a couple hundred yards to tht social worker, who knocks at the door of a couple who are a teacher and former police officer and they call 911 & their dispatcher is superb. That was like following a guidebook for what to do in high stress, dangerous situations. The dispatcher anticipated every need and whomever gave her instruction really performed well too & had their team come together swiftly, that's a small town too. I'm more amazed after hearing that call, what could've been kids crying, screaming, dogs barking and adults all yammering at once was just....calm. Perfect!! It made me feel great to hear she was safe & calm not long after escaping. I'm still amazed by JC and everyone who helped her that day.
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Maybe his family even came and went? I can’t see what friends he would have unless he bragged about having his own house as a place to get high, etc...
I think he said his father would come to the house on Saturdays. I haven't heard any mention of friends coming over. In fact I think we only know of one or two friends that he went to high school with and at least one of them said Patterson never kept in touch with him after graduating. I don't know how many friends he could have had since he didn't go to college or work. Imo
Nodding..I hope this causes them to assess changes in protocol. I know they believed they were headed to a possible suicide, but now they've learned something for the next time.

They knew they were headed to a weird 911 hangup. Those responding officers called it in as a possible suicide.
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Hi, this is my first post at WS. (I've exhibited my obsessions in other places over Davey Blackburn and others!) This may have been said but as I read today about JP's 9th grade girlfriend, I wondered if Jayme, being close to her same age, may have been kidnapped as a proxy for his one failed relationship. Remember that he punished the girlfriend's mother by slashing her tires? So he killed Jayme's parents and maybe he knew the worst torment for her was to be kept alive and tormented in that dump. Am I the only one who thinks keeping her under the bed for 12 hours while he was celebrating Christmas demands some extra punishment? As much as we want to know the details of Jayme's experience I hope she saves it for a book/movie to pay for college and a prosperous life. I've been waiting to say this.....MOO!

Not sure if I'm replying correctly, guess I'll find out after I hit post! But welcome, we can be newbies together!
I have seen this said on WS already but after hearing that 911 call...WOW. They got a great dispatcher, they all did a remarkable job, it's hard not to call every step of her escape a miracle. What are the chances she escaped, runs a couple hundred years to tht social worker, who knocks at the door of a couple who are a teacher and former police officer and they call 911 & their dispatcher is superb. That was like following a guidebook for what to do in high stress, dangerous situations. The dispatcher anticipated every need and whomever gave her instruction really performed well too & had their team come together swiftly, that's a small town too. I'm more amazed after hearing that call, what could've been kids crying, screaming, dogs barking and adults all yammering at once was just....calm. Perfect!! It made me feel great to hear she was safe & calm not long after escaping. I'm still amazed by JC and everyone who helped her that day.
Proctor, this crime happened in 2018. Jayme would be 213 years old according to your text. I’m not buying what you’re saying. .

Dang spellcheck.
Hi, this is my first post at WS. (I've exhibited my obsessions in other places over Davey Blackburn and others!) This may have been said but as I read today about JP's 9th grade girlfriend, I wondered if Jayme, being close to her same age, may have been kidnapped as a proxy for his one failed relationship. Remember that he punished the girlfriend's mother by slashing her tires? So he killed Jayme's parents and maybe he knew the worst thing for her was to be kept alive and tormented in that dump. Am I the only one who thinks keeping her under the bed for 12 hours while he was celebrating Christmas demands some extra punishment? As much as we want to know the details of Jayme's experience I hope she saves it for a book/movie to pay for college and a prosperous life. I've been waiting to say this.....MOO!

Welcome @MemPat !!!
Proctor, this crime happened in 2018. Jayme would be 213 years old according to your text. I’m not buying what you’re saying. .

Dang spellcheck.
@Evinrude I really must not see what you're referring to? I dont see any numbers or anything to equate to 213 years old in my post at all. Do tell what your referring to please? I've followed this since the case started I am familiar with the date I assure you. Oops I spelled yards "years". I'm sorry to offend you @Evinrude. Don't you have anything better to do than pick on me for spelling a word incorrectly? Wow!
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I wouldn’t doubt if there were people that came over, not sure what to call them but I’m sure they won’t be coming forward to draw attention to themselves. Who knows what their “hobbies” are. Maybe later when they need $ they will contact a tabloid.

Stockholm cannot be known but by those who've survived it.

When one is drowning, finding the reason to stay afloat is the only thing that matters. It's exhausting and terrifying to face each subsequent moment; the significant thing is to draw strength from what may buoy one up against all which weighs one down into the fury.

From the shore others smugly assume what an eternally unstable reality is like, safe & secure from the rage of the darkness. They cannot comprehend the undercurrents that drag one down at each or any moment. Sensing the depths and direction is the only way out. When your existence depends on another's whims, you'll find yourself doing anything to placate and perform to get to the next breath; and almost all of what is required involves soothing someone incomprehensibly puerile.

At some stage you cease to exist as a Self. Adopting anything necessary to remain seen as extension of Them, is as reaching an awful island. These islands become further apart until all there is left, is the reason, lightness, which & where you hide within yourself.

It takes time to get one's 'land legs' back, to find balance and stability where before, there was only an abyss.

We ought to understand full well what it means to have overcome such impossible odds, and respect the sheer will required to come back.
Wow. Thank you for explaining that so well. I believe it's a natural and very human way to survive. It almost seems necessary. Imo
Welcome and great first post! I hope you will stay and continue to add to the conversations! As far as your thoughts I have considered this myself. I even have thought that he used the ruse of friends coming over as a way to test if she would try to yell or make noise to alert of her being there as well. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that nobody other than his father had ever visited while she was there, and even that may be fiction. MOO

Thank you! I'm very excited to start sharing my thoughts with like-minded people instead of my poor partner who, bless him, really does try his best to be interested but I know deep down he really isn't!
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