Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Quite honestly I expected him to head west on Hwy 8 then take one of the N/S roads to get onto roads that would have no traffic at that time of night. That way, by heading west, away from Barron, your chances of meeting any LE would be virtually nonexistent. You also have to remember that he didn't know what was in the house, it could have had 5 teenagers all with cellphones plus the parents cellphones. And all it takes is one to call 911. He never expected LE to be there so quick as he just escaped by less than a minute.

Being he went east I am guessing he went all the way to Hwy 53. First of all that would be the fastest way as it is just like 4 miles east of Barron and is 55 MPH once outside of town. You get on Hwy 53 and it is 70 MPH straight to Gordon only slowing down for Trego. The reason I don't think he turned north on Hwy 25 is first of all it is slower, as you have 55 MPH for almost 10 miles (to Hwy 53), and you slow to 45 before you get to the ramp at Hwy 53 by the DMV in Rice Lake. Also, if you turned on Hwy 25 north not only do you drive right by the Sheriff's office (County Criminal Justice Center) where all the cops will be coming from but also once you go through Barron far enough to get to Hwy 25, you are past most of the places that you would think would have security cameras such as the gas station, like Holiday, Kwik-Trip and food joints like McDonald's and Subway. Also, don't quote me on this, but I believe CVS drugs is on the corner of Hwy 8 & Hwy 25 and the drugs stores would certainly have cameras all over so if you drove by 2 sides of CVS (Hwy 8 then turn north on Hwy 25) your chances would be that much greater to be caught on a security camera. One has to remember this was after midnight on a Sunday night so the traffic out is going to be at a minimum. If I read it correctly LE said JP's vehicle was the only one they met. I'm guessing he wanted the fastest way back to Gordon.

But after having said all that is feasible after he realized the cops were at the house so quickly he could have taken any number of back roads north and staying off the main roads where he knew there would be virtually no chance of meeting any other cars, especially LE.

The information will surface. Again, I grew up on all those little back roads around there and I just can't imagine for the life of me why he headed east. I think he didn't imagine a 911 call would be made as soon as it was. The call was made before the issue with taping Jayme and I am sure that in itself, the taping, was over a minute in length as he first requested Denise do it then after awhile he took over the job taping the mouth/head, the hands and the feet.

It will be interesting to find out the actual route. MOO

I agree with everything you said and think it will be interesting to find out the actual route too.

I was not so much talking about going past Jennie O and the sheriff's department. I can't name the road offhand but if you take a left in Barron at the edge you can go a ways and then take a right and you end up on Hwy 25. I was thinking if he saw the cops pass and he was worried about cameras in town, it may be what he did to avoid cameras. He would then not pass Jennie O nor the sheriff's department I don't think (I forget exactly where the road comes out but I think he would miss both). I also guess I was thinking that if they called for assistance Barron PD or Cameron could respond and come right down Highway 8 and also pass him or see him.

But then I go the other way as you state and think getting on Highway 53 would be the quickest but it seems pretty chancy to me but then who would think he would go east either, especially if he knew of the 911 call?

I think the answers to these things may be telling. Was there a thrill in passing LE and thinking they don't have a clue? Beats me. I would almost think, he said 20 seconds, he almost could have heard them or seen them coming as he left the driveway...

This is one ODD case.

I am glad she is home and I hope justice prevails for her parents and what she went through as well.
Jayme Closs rescued herself. Should she get the $50,000 reward money? - CNN

A couple who called 911 and alerted authorities that Jayme Closs was at their home said they did not want a $50,000 reward for providing information on the abducted girl's whereabouts.

Kristin Kasinskas said that she and her husband, Peter, had not been approached by officials about the reward or where it may go. Still, they said if anyone does receive the reward, it should be Jayme.

"Because she got herself out," Kasinskas said.
Are you referring to what his alleged GF from HS told the Radar tabloid?

Not sure how reliable that info is, especially since unless I've misunderstood or missed some basic facts (entirely possible), what she said about the cabin made no sense, especially the part about him possibly sneaking into it. Eh? He grew up there, right?

I caught that as well, @Hope4More , and it raised my red flags that this girl could be embellishing her experience for attention. A few thing she either said or the writer embellished seemed off to me.
Jayme Closs rescued herself. Should she get the $50,000 reward money? - CNN

A couple who called 911 and alerted authorities that Jayme Closs was at their home said they did not want a $50,000 reward for providing information on the abducted girl's whereabouts.

Kristin Kasinskas said that she and her husband, Peter, had not been approached by officials about the reward or where it may go. Still, they said if anyone does receive the reward, it should be Jayme.
"Because she got herself out," Kasinskas said.
Yes, she should get $1,000,000
I'm sure he didn't take a break up well either. But am less sure that he slashed the tires of his (alleged) ex's mother's car. Baron is a teeny tiny place. Even if for whatever reason the mom didn't call LE, I'd be willing to bet that at least half of the town's peeps, including teachers, would have heard rumors about it within a few days.

I don't think the tire slashing happened in Barron. I think it was alleged to have happened in the Gordon area.
I wonder if there would be any reason for her family to file a wrongful death lawsuit against him (for the death of her parents?) I do not think he has assets, otherwise why a public defender? Just wondering
I’m curious as to why @mtnlites stated she thinks he did have an online presence.

(Does she know something we don’t or was this just an educated guess—most people do have some sort of online presence so it wouldn’t be an unfounded statement, just wondering if there’s something else...)

Some of us were sleuthing as soon as the news broke that JC was found alive and in what area.

There was a very brief window of time where some of us saw a SM account which might have been JP’s, but it was locked down/disactivated/disappeared VERY rapidly. There is a also mention in the cc of JP seeing news reports of his crimes via social media.

I’m being extremely cautious about any putative SM accounts at the moment, because there is a member of the P (extended) family with an almost identical name to JTP.

IMO, there’s more information to come, some of which is not yet quotable because TOS/not verified through LE and/or MSM.

Sorry, that’s all a bit rambling/cryptic.
This is what I'm thinking. JP was known to read about survival and the military. I wonder if he was partically interested in POW's.
I caught that as well, @Hope4More , and it raised my red flags that this girl could be embellishing her experience for attention. A few thing she either said or the writer embellished seemed off to me.
I think they should ask her if their relationship was sexual in nature...jmo
I'm caught up! Ok I have some responses saved up. Most are from the last thread so sorry I don't have proper quotes.

"Threw a license plate in their garbage can, did he stop to take it off/unscrew it? "
In HIS garbage can.

"Taurus and one distinction that they may know the car has is a black thing sticking out from its front grill"
That's referring to the plastic license plate bracket, that did not have a plate.

"The sentiment that "there's nothing families can do" isn't true and unfortunately leads to many people believing that there is nothing they can do so they do nothing. "

Why would his family even think they need to do anything? Why would they treat what we know at this moment of his behavior, as a crisis at all, when it's relatively mundane in comparison with many others, and when hundreds of thousands of people display similar behaviors without harming anyone?

Was he threatening to kill people? Assaulting people? Publicizing manifestos such that people could see his intentions? I mean all of that is crisis behavior. Just being an isolated loner simply isn't, as much as we all think it should be. Because there are far too many people like that in the world who are totally harmless. This kind of behavior is so rare it just doesn't seem to be something anyone can predict without more than the behaviors he displayed.

I mean he did nothing that would even merit close to an involuntary psych assessment or a LE crisis team visit. He just lived alone, played video games, and couldn't hold a job or make it through boot camp.

Yes, a young woman says he slashed her mom's car tires when they broke up, in high school. That would be a red flag then and may have been addressed by the parents. Then what?

It's not a matter of people thinking they can't do anything, so they do nothing. It's a matter of do something about what, exactly? "Doctor. My 21 year old is a loner and likes video games. He can't hold a job. Years ago he slashed someone's tires. What can I do?" "Is he expressing suicidal thoughts?" "Not that I know of." "Has he threatened to harm himself or others?" "No". "Okay, well tell him to come in and I can assess him for possible depression or social anxiety." "He says he's fine. He just likes be by himself." "Well, perhaps you can see a therapist yourself. Learn to let him become less dependent. Otherwise, there are no signs of a crisis."

I think of the Isla Vista shooter. There were incredible and real red flags of a crisis. Absolute and clear threats to harm himself and others. Actual assaults on people before he finally began his massacre. His parents were diligent and zealous and persistent in getting him help - multiple therapists since the age of 8, psychiatric care, contacting the police with concerns about his on-line manifestos and increasingly bizarre behavior.

But nothing could stop him or what was to come.

And this guy displayed nothing (that we know of yet), close to what someone like that Isla Vista dude did. Not close. So why would JP's family or teachers or anyone think there is a grave danger they need to address? And how could it even begin to prevent such a thing as this?
When Your Child Is a Psychopath

This article is about a child who lacks empathy. Her parents are a doctor and a teacher so they recognized the signs early and she is in a residential program. Sometimes, even the best parenting, is not enough.

Thank you for sharing the article. I agree, and always have, that even the best parenting sometimes is not enough but unfortunately fingers are typically pointed at the family and the parents are blamed especially when the alleged perpetrator of such a heinous crime is young, as Jake Patterson is.

Quoting from Article....

"Researchers believe that two paths can lead to psychopathy: one dominated by nature, the other by nurture. For some children, their environment—growing up in poverty, living with abusive parents, fending for themselves in dangerous neighborhoods—can turn them violent and coldhearted. These kids aren’t born callous and unemotional; many experts suggest that if they’re given a reprieve from their environment, they can be pulled back from psychopathy’s edge.

But other children display callous and unemotional traits even though they are raised by loving parents in safe neighborhoods. Large studies in the United Kingdom and elsewhere have found that this early-onset condition is highly hereditary, hardwired in the brain—and especially difficult to treat. “We’d like to think a mother and father’s love can turn everything around,” Raine says. “But there are times where parents are doing the very best they can, but the kid—even from the get-go—is just a bad kid.”

Also in the article is some information with regard to the studying of the brain of known psychopaths and how their brains differ from non psychopathic brains.

The article certainly provides good "food for thought".
I appreciate Fitzgerald addressing this, but the complaint (the way it is written chronologically) seems to imply that Deputy Fick had noted quite a few details at that very moment.

I totally agree with you based on page 2 in the complaint, but I didn't want it to seem like I was getting too critical of how this case was handled by law enforcement. For me, this is more of a curiosity on investigative techniques and possible means of improvement, they are only human and I truly believe they were doing the best they could.

Also the confirmation of his original suspicions on the vehicle could have triggered more confidence in his memories ("Oh yeah, of course I knew it was a red Taurus all along!")

From the criminal complaint, page 2:
Deputy Fick reports that while in route to the residence he observed a vehicle that was
maroon in color and what he believed to be an older style vehicle. Deputy Fick reports that based on his training and experience, the vehicle appeared to him to be an older Ford Taurus
or similar vehicle.
None at all. Don't know if it's the way he grew up or if his parents noticed something off about him and decided to take steps to prevent him from going online and wreaking havoc. I imagine most kids want to be online nowadays, especially if they're gamers (who game with others online).
Perhaps the experience of his older brother meeting a minor online and the resulting criminal charges steered JTP into avoidance of social media.
On another note, JTP's father seems authentically contrite, and offering a private note rather than any public statement evidences humility & shame. Yet he shows up to support the son he cannot comprehend -while the mother is in hiding. Remembering that there is no license examination granting the privilege of parenthood, it might be interesting to see the parent's respective roles in JTP's personality.
Jayme Closs rescued herself. Should she get the $50,000 reward money? - CNN

A couple who called 911 and alerted authorities that Jayme Closs was at their home said they did not want a $50,000 reward for providing information on the abducted girl's whereabouts.

Kristin Kasinskas said that she and her husband, Peter, had not been approached by officials about the reward or where it may go. Still, they said if anyone does receive the reward, it should be Jayme.

"Because she got herself out," Kasinskas said.
They should get Jeanne Nutter a new phone number.
First of all I find it unbelievable that 911 calls are being made public ( I live in Europe). And why not beep the part where Jeanne is asked to give her cell pone number.

IMO they should not make public 911 calls, especially with witnesses in it. Or at least beep the part where they are asked to give their name, address and phone number.
I agree about the blind eye part, but just wanted to clarify on the older brother - from what I understand he had one charge of sexual contact with a 16 year old girl when he was 18 (this happens a lot) and the other charge was marijuana related. Neither one, IMO, is indicative of anything other than him being an immature teenage boy. Neither of those charges are anything compared to what JP has done. IMO, please correct me if my understanding of the older brother is wrong. He seems very supportive of the family and what his father is going through in pictures I've seen. He, IMO, is also a victim too - he will forever be known as the brother of monster JP.

This reply is not aimed at your comment Kebdal which is entirely sensible. But now that the brother has been mentioned: And not wishing to sleuth someone who is not an official person of interest surely the brother deserves a look by LE in relation to supporting JP. We still do not know who the visitors to the house were that Jayme mentioned. Also there are too many disrecpencies in statements by JP which is indicative of a lack of knowledge of exactly what went down at the crime scene.

Everything that Jake Patterson has said so far he could have been told by another Perp who actually did the deed. There are gaps in his story which either don’t fit with the timeline or do not fit with Jayme’s statement. For example, all that he described as doing in the house would take more than 4 minutes; searching through the house, beating his way into the bathroon, and taping Jayme’s head which was not mentioned by Jayme. I think there are many more discrepancies in his story.

Although we can all fit his strange behaviour with animals and loner demeanour with being the Perp there is no history leading up to such a violent crime: Useful Websleuth Quote: “one glaringly missing sign is no criminal history. I would think this will be a case of interest to future profilers, criminologists and psychologists. A rare escalation jump from nothing to armed B&E, double homicide and kidnapping “ (my bold) (Thanks CuriousMaine)

Stay with me:

I am also surprised at the speed with which JP owned up to the crime when stopped by LE. If he went to such extremes to cover his tracks why give up so easily?

Also, If he planned this so well then why not prepare a place to keep Jayme? (under the bed seems to indicate a lack of planning for her arrival) as is the description of changing of plates and disabling the dome light on the car and working on the boot lock “on the way” to the crime scene.

The scenario below is way out there but stranger things have happened.

Scenario: Suppose JP, the loser, had been whingeing for weeks about Jayme and how he wanted her and had told, let's say person x, that he had gone to the Closs home to get her twice and "bottled out". So person x, exasperated with JPs failure, took matters into their own hands and blazed into the Closs home to “fetch” a trophy for JP. The crime was planned well enough to totally bewilder LE and the FBI but person x delivering Jayme to JPs house would explain why when Jayme arrived JP was so ill prepared to “store” her. It would also explain why he jumped to say “I know what this is about and I did it!”, to cover for someone who he cared deeply for.Don't forget, the Perp wore a mask and Jayme did not see his face until she was at JPs house.

At this stage JP, if found guilty, would be in line for at least 40years for kidnapping so why implicate person x in the murders.
Have one of these. They are popular for runners... also. When it’s 25 and below easier to wear this than hat/earmuff/scarf.

Wouldn’t think much to see in daylight..
If someone shows up @ 1 am.. I’d call cops tell them to come then maybe ask what’s up.. with Wisconsin gotta think a lot folks have these..
Yes I'd be anxious as well. From how I interpreted the Charing Complaint and JP's statement...he sorta portrayed himself to James as LE, he banged on the door and he 'hollered at him to get on the ground'. James replied back that he wanted to see his badge and that is when he shot him through the glass insert of the wood door. Really terrifying, James had no idea of what was going on...….none. Cold blooded freak of nature IMO

ETA: I'm including the paragraph from the Complaint:

The defendant stated he believed James had a flashlight and was shining it outside. The defendant stated he hollered for James to get on the ground, but James kept shining the flashlight and looking outside. The defendant stated he then approached the front steps and opened the glass storm door. The defendant stated he then pounded on the wooden entry door. The defendant stated he saw James looking outside through the small glass (decorative glass with wrought iron design in the center of the wooden entry door) window. The defendant stated James made some comment like, show me your badge, and assumed James thought he was the police. The defendant stated he then raised the shotgun and purposely aimed at James’ head and pulled the trigger. The defendant stated he knew James immediately collapsed to the ground.
Am I correct that JP has his step fathers last name?
I haven't read anything since Monday night, but I just want to say that I can't imagine the pain and grief JP's father feels for having been in the house on multiple occasions. I know people want to blame him for things we know (and don't know) about JP's upbringing, but very few people would expect their child to do what JP did. I think it's fine to write a letter to the Closs family; it is up to them if they want to read it. He must need some way to express his feelings and I think it says a lot that he was sobbing during the court appearance on Monday.
And after what we heard from Chris Watts' family, this dad is a breath of fresh air. I feel for him. (And I agree with others who have said that Jayme should perhaps be protected from whatever he has to say.)
All I care about right now is Jayme's family. I want to get them a note,' Patterson said to CNN on Tuesday as he passed the Barron County Justice Center to reach out to the Closs family.

He shook with emotion and was on the verge of tears as he dodged reporters and said: 'I'm sorry, I can't talk'.

He didn't reveal the details of the letter but assured he wanted the best for the Closs family.

Father of Jayme Closs' kidnapper writes a note to HER family and says THEY are his only concern | Daily Mail Online

I have sympathy for his family I am sure they are in a state of shock about what has happened.
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