Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Not sure if you've read all the current media reports and interviews posted previously on this one thread full of great info, but he had a girlfriend when younger ( he and she were Jayme's age now or very close to it). He liked to frighten her by posing dead roadkill he'd found, then permanently preserved ( stuffed).
So, he was in some part of his residence at that time dealing with cleaning all the organic bloody matter out of opossums, raccoons, woodchucks, whatever he chose to " play with", including a dog... Not sure if dog was roadkill or otherwise decapitated, actually, as it's not listed as being roadkill.

She was frightened after he threw the dog's head on her or at her, broke up with him, and in retaliation, he slashed her mother's tires.

Did you see his HS senior class photo? 34 standing, happy pleasant= looking smiling seniors plus one adorable baby together as a group in a classroom, and seated at the very rear of the room, as far away as possible, apart from the group at a table slumped down, scowl on face and book opened on table, is Jake Patterson.
It's the most archetypical anti-social photo which could candidly have been taken of he and his classmates. He's been in his own isolated world for years. It's always really good to read the threads here. I've spent hours reading what I missed yesterday. I've gotten a lot of new info. We have such great sleuths :)

Definitely sounds similar to Jeffrey Dahmer, who also had a very active, twisted imagination and fantasy life. Guessing this guy is the same.
I have several friends who live in Minnesota and they have clunkers which they use for winter driving. I have been told this is pretty common practice in that area.

I'd like to know who paid for the insurance on the Taurus and if PF was listed as a driver. Somebody was paying PF's daily/monthly expenses.


Under 25 year old driver. Huge insurance costs.
I think that JP was really into the initial crime of killing her parents and abducting her. While his target was Jayme, I think it was the planning and carrying out of THAT crime that excited him. And, IMO, that's why it doesn't appear that he had solid plans thereafter. Look at everything he did to prepare for the abduction/murder in comparison to what he did after he actually had Jayme (ie stuffing her under his bed). He may have had a vague idea of what it would be like to have an abducted child in his house, but it feels like he didn't have an actual long-term plan for her imprisonment. Like someone who robs a bank and puts tons of thought into the actual robbery but then, once they have the money, doesn't know what to do when they get outside.

That could be true mtnlites... although that theory has been posted about a dozen times so far, and each time it's been pointed out that JP didnt make any provisions or plans as to how he would keep Jayme for the simple fact that he probably didn't plan to keep her as long as he did. The fact that he was looking for a job in another town would indicate that he was planning to do away with her. JC may have sensed this as well, which probably escalated her into making her daring escape.

It probably wouldn't surprise us to learn that JP has murdered other people, and some could even be hidden out in those woods near his cabin.
That could be true mtnlites... although that theory has been posted about a dozen times so far, and each time it's been pointed out that JP didnt make any provisions or plans as to how he would keep Jayme for the simple fact that he probably didn't plan to keep her as long as he did. The fact that he was looking for a job in another town would indicate that he was planning to do away with her. JC may have sensed this as well, which probably escalated here into making her daring escape.

I really wouldn't be surprised to learn that JP has murdered other people, and some could even be hidden out in those wood near his cabin.


Ha ha, I never claimed to be original, just posting my thoughts. :)

And none of us really know what his plans were. It's all conjecture at this point and that makes one person's opinion as valid as the next.
The animal thing is part of what makes me say "Wait..." This girl was supposedly his GF in the 9th grade. The sister's ex gave a pretty credible sounding statement and never mentioned anything like that. If he really was into doing DIY taxidermy on roadkill, I just cannot imagine that this girl in 9th grade was the only one aware. Her account may well end up being true, but I am hanging back on it until I see something else that even halfway substantiates it.

I think Gitana has already touched on this, but really, taxidermy is considered not only normal, but an art form in many rural areas all over the US, including in states many think of as "liberal" bastions.

Using animals that are already dead for taxidermy, if that's what he did (unverified), is actually way less objectionable and creepy, from my POV and IMO, than delighting in killing animals then stuffing them.
Agree completely.

I think I’m in the minority here when I say this. I think a private letter to Jayme’s family (not Jayme, her family) was the best thing PP could do. I believe it showed true empathy, humility and decency. By passing a private letter to the family, through appropriate hands, PP kept his sentiments private and allowed this case to continue to be centered around Jayme as the victim.

Often times when a defendant’s family speaks publicly I get the feeling they are doing it for show. They think it is the right thing to do. They also do it to garner sympathy for themselves. PP avoided this trap.

IMO, he doesn’t need/want the public nor media’s sympathy or spotlight. Instead, he simply wants to see Jayme and her family healed. He did what he felt he needed to do to help, in whatever way he could, the Closs family heal.

JMO, what PP did takes a lot more guts and integrity than standing behind microphones at a press conference. I’ve said it before, and I’m standing behind it. Unless evidence is presented otherwise, I believe the Patterson family are victims as well and I believe they are grieving the loss of a son that they now wonder if they ever really knew.

All JMO, stepping off soap box now.

I hope that you are correct and that any letter sent would be a simple expression of condolences for the death of James and Denise and support for Jayme. But you are assuming a lot about the content and the intentions of a letter to the family that no one has even seen. Empathy, humility and decency can also be expressed in a public video or through an attorney reading your statement. When the father of a suspect writes to the victim's family in private it is easier to get away with writing little personalized jabs disguised as apology.

For example, imagine the horror of a kidnap victim's family to receive a letter that says in part something like this:
"I'm so sorry my son kidnapped your beautiful girl Jayme. It's clear there is something wrong with him mentally and he needs psychological help, but can you blame him for falling in love at first sight when he saw her?" (MY EXAMPLE ONLY-- PP didn't say this as far as I know and I feel sick writing something so creepy but I have seen similar things written to rape victims by the perp's family members).

That's example of "an apology" and it's also highly inappropriate, a form of victim blaming and a non-apology too-- making excuses for the son's crimes. It would be sickening to the victims who would receive something like that. IMHO it's very difficult for the parents of a suspect to write anything that doesn't subtly make excuses for their son or victim blame when read from the victim's family's perspective. Even if they are sincerely sorry and sincerely horrified at what their son has done--even if they are victims themselves and suffering for his actions-- it would behoove them to get a lawyer's advice and make a public statement of support for Jayme instead. And unless I see the parents of the suspect making public statements and actions that show their desire to help put their son away for the rest of his life-- for example by testifying against him-- I'm not going to assume anything about the contents of a letter they might send to the victim's family.

I hope PP listens to Aunt Jennifer's statement and decides not to send any letter to the family:
The family of Jayme Closs has 'no desire for any contact' with killer and abductor Jake Patterson's father who claims to have written a note that he wishes to give them.

Speaking exclusively to Jayme's aunt Jennifer Smith responded to the wish allegedly expressed by Patrick Patterson after he attended his son's first court appearance at Barron County Circuit Court.

She said: 'I have no desire to have any contact with that family at the moment. I don't really know how to respond to that or how to react.

Jayme Closs' family has 'no desire for any contact' with kidnapper's father | Daily Mail Online

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I wonder why JP wanted to be a marine. You know it's a group thing. And you know you are going to be yelled at and got to do whatever you're told.
That's the worst possible combination for an intelligent loner who apparently has issues with authority (not being able to hold a job). Not being able to be by yourself, no privacy etc.

So why did he want to be there? Was it the killing thing? The adventure? Being someone?
I think Gitana has already touched on this, but really, taxidermy is considered not only normal, but an art form in many rural areas all over the US, including in states many think of as "liberal" bastions.

Using animals that are already dead for taxidermy, if that's what he did (unverified), is actually way less objectionable and creepy, from my POV and IMO, than delighting in killing animals then stuffing them.

I live in a place where every home seems to have at least one stuffed gopher, beaver, deer head, rabbit, or hawk in the house. It's a thing.
I’m curious as to why @mtnlites stated she thinks he did have an online presence.

(Does she know something we don’t or was this just an educated guess—most people do have some sort of online presence so it wouldn’t be an unfounded statement, just wondering if there’s something else...)

Didn’t the grandfather say he played games all of the time? I figured computer games
I just got around to reading the transcript, and I am very impressed with the 911 operator. She managed to get the police and EMS to the house quickly, keep the women calm, get all the pertinent information about the accused, and still exude professionalism, warmth and concern throughout the entire call. Good job!

Transcript Of 911 Call Following Jayme Closs’ Escape

I'm not at all impressed. She was slow as hell. It took 30 minutes to get them there. That is not quickly. She asked all the typical dumb questions that 911 operators ask today.

I'm more impressed with the caller who was a social worker and was coordinating what help was needed. The operator made her justify why medical help was needed. The social worker pointed out that she should be treated for shock and hypothermia . The 911 operator still blew her off and didn't send that help. That is just bad training. At very least paramedics should be sent to check out a victim of a violent crime. That is just common knowledge, which apparently that operator doesn't possess.
Agree, your last sentence sounds plausible. I would think 30 recruits and majority would have preferred JP not have guns...
him with loaded weapon would make anyone nervous... can’t believe his father didn’t keep gun from him...or take it back..

I could actually picture him studying beforehand and trying to correct his commanding officers on petty technical things.
That could be true mtnlites... although that theory has been posted about a dozen times so far, and each time it's been pointed out that JP didnt make any provisions or plans as to how he would keep Jayme for the simple fact that he probably didn't plan to keep her as long as he did. The fact that he was looking for a job in another town would indicate that he was planning to do away with her. JC may have sensed this as well, which probably escalated her into making her daring escape.

It probably wouldn't surprise us to learn that JP has murdered other people, and some could even be hidden out in those woods near his cabin.
In the alternative if this were a long term situation for him (female “companion” in his mind?)perhaps he felt comfortable enough with his control over her that he could take a job and leave her terrified under the bed? However he completely underestimated her resolve to get free IMO - something to consider? JMO
I live in a place where every home seems to have at least one stuffed gopher, beaver, deer head, rabbit, or hawk in the house. It's a thing.

Lol. To go a few more steps OT, I've traveled all over the US and have wandered/been invited into more than a few places with the stuffed dead heads of various animals hanging proudly on the walls.

I've found that it is way more civil, interesting, and rewarding to ask the owners of the dead heads about the stories of why the heads are on the wall, rather than to judge them for having dead heads on the wall, no matter how alien that is that me.
I wonder why JP wanted to be a marine. You know it's a group thing. And you know you are going to be yelled at and got to do whatever you're told.
That's the worst possible combination for an intelligent loner who apparently has issues with authority (not being able to hold a job). Not being able to be by yourself, no privacy etc.

So why did he want to be there? Was it the killing thing? The adventure? Being someone?
someone he admires was in the service? Looking for approval? Nothing else to do - college not an option? No jobs he could keep? I have no idea but many I’ve known joined the military for these reasons - all with some success JMO
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