AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #12

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I wonder why LE is only asking for information on Highway 8 for the hours between 00:30 and 01:30? I wish they would have went back a few hours just in case there may have been suspicious activity before then. MOO.
They at least know that's the time the perp left the scene. There is not a definite on when he arrived.
Hey there mom of two crazies,

For starters, I am not sure we can reliably say the door was shot in. It may have been... and that would suggest an aggressive offender, willing to be heard to get to his target.

If one was tied up, it means the offender had time.

For the type of car, that could be a suggestion of the personality type, but we can’t be sure the cars were involved at all. There is some suspicion they could lead to a witness or directly to the offender, but we will have to wait and see.
Door was kicked in according to all police reports. That does mean aggression, as that is not easy despite how it looks on TV.
I wonder why LE is only asking for information on Highway 8 for the hours between 00:30 and 01:30? I wish they would have went back a few hours just in case there may have been suspicious activity before then. MOO.

I agree. I wonder if this means they are pretty sure highway 8 was used by the perp to get to the home and get away rather than the other possible escape routes from the home we have discussed (like the railroad tracks behind the house discussed in previous threads)?
Did you guys notice that the sherrif spoke about people being on the 8 highway, he mentioned someone possibly seeing something on the side of the road. What can we infer from that?
Sounds like we can infer from that - perhaps someone saw something ON the side of the road related to this investigation? Or perhaps *someone* was on / along the side of the road and may have seen something related to the investigation? Maybe they believe there may have been a witness who is too afraid to come forward knowing that whatever they saw or may know ties them to a murder scene and missing child in some way even if just as a witness. Someone may be terrified to come forward believing they may become the next target of the perp or of police.
Door was not shot in. Door was kicked in. Which is hard to do. So they had to be very strong or very high.

Actually... I’m a female who is only 4’11” and 100lbs and have kicked in several deadbolted doors in just a couple kicks. Just have to know where to kick, depending on the door of course. Some doors are easy while others I wasn’t able to get open. MOO
I think someone did! I believe they found an application online. I believe it a pretty standard 3 shift rotation. Supposedly overtime is offered frequently as well.Sounds like he’d done a 2nd shift.
I wonder why LE is only asking for information on Highway 8 for the hours between 00:30 and 01:30? I wish they would have went back a few hours just in case there may have been suspicious activity before then. MOO.
Maybe because they are sure the perp travelled that road within that time frame, but have had no other clues as to where else he was that day. I'm sure he has told the community to report anything unusual at all they saw that day. Imo
Actually... I’m a female who is only 4’11” and 100lbs and have kicked in several deadbolted doors in just a couple kicks. Just have to know where to kick, depending on the door of course. Some doors are easy while others I wasn’t able to get open. MOO
Welcome! And... maybe start wearing your keys around your neck? Lol...
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People always think LE is sending messages. Came up dozens of times in Mollie’s case. It is very rare. Especially when they do not seem to know what has become of her.

My guess is that the house held no signs of Jayme being injured, maybe even her room was they just do not know how she came to be gone from the scene. Walked, ran, carried, etc...jmo
Another question on my mind regarding the presser today. I found the language from the aunt to be directed toward Jayme, didnt seem to be appealing to the abductor. We didn’t see, Please let her go, I know you have a heart, she has a family. She loves her dog, she loves this and that and has so much potential. We more heard an appeal to Jayme herself. What does this mean to you?
To me it means the focus is where it needs to be, on Jayme.
I'm a little surprised at how many people think you have to be very strong to kick a door in. A young, smallish woman (not me, BTW) can kick a door in having a temper tantrum.

Sure kicking in a door by itself isn't such a big deal... but being able to kick in a door, murder 2 adults and take another hostage is a different story. We're talking ex-military, avid hunter or deranged schizophrenic stalker stuff with all that combined.

And unless you knew the family extremely well, you could be walking into a really dangerous situation. Just imagine being a total stranger to the area, randomly picking a house out in the countryside (which is typically full of hunters) and trying to pull something like that. I'm a grown man and I'd vomit myself sitting in the car just trying to work up the nerve, not just because it's such a horrific thing to do but also knowing the next few minutes of my life could easily be my last unless it goes 100% totally according to plan. How's he to know that they didn't see him walk up the driveway and have a shotgun waiting for him? It takes a special type of nutcase or highly motivated, obsessive stalker to even attempt something like that.

So it's not about being strong enough to kick a door in... if we're talking about a small woman who pulled this off..... that would be shocking to say the least. What's the motive? What would motivate a woman enough to do something that? I get your point that it's possible for just about anyone to kick a door in but that is basically arguing semantics when you add up everything else which doesn't accomplish much.
In the Jacob Wetterling case which started in 1989, the FBI interviewed the killer although he was not caught until a couple of years ago.

Way back then, they set up the interview room and had an American flag as he was in the Guard, He didn’t crack, but I am saying this that even all that time ago FBI had a strategy.

Every word and scenario was crafted today for a purpose.

Do they know the perp but not where he is? Or do they have a profile for some reason?

It is hard to imagine that they would try to appeal to his humanity. I doubt if he has any.

To kill two people in cold blood does not seem too empathetic to me.

He had to get out of there fast because of the 9-11 call. Let us hope that evidence was inadvertently left.

Maybe by effectively ignoring the killer(s) today during the news conference, they are hoping for him to make first contact with them... pushing him to make some sort of initial statement or take some sort of action. Get him to try to recapture the thrill a bit even if that means turning himself in and being the "star of the show." Even if there is more than one person involved in this, there well might be one person who is the "leader." What he/they did is dramatic, violent and terrifying to people (the idea you can be in the safety of your own home with your child and someone kicks in your door and shoots to kill you... invades your private space, home and family.) The killer must have gotten quite a thrill out of doing this the way he did it. Now... all is quiet and people are calm, organized and searching ... coming together. He's odd man out and it's supposed to be his party... yet, he's receiving no real attention at all. Keep ignoring him and he might slip up and reveal himself. Breaking down doors means (to me) that you take what you want... NOW, and you don't take no for an answer... EVER. He's used to pushing his weight around, imo. When things are quiet, he might always look for an excuse to stir things up and get attention focused onto himself again. These are just some thoughts about the type of person he might be and what might work to get him out of hiding and under the lights.
ETA: People like him like to brag... that's very important imo. If nothing else he might just have to brag to someone(s.)
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Sounds like we can infer from that - perhaps someone saw something ON the side of the road related to this investigation? Or perhaps *someone* was on / along the side of the road and may have seen something related to the investigation? Maybe they believe there may have been a witness who is too afraid to come forward knowing that whatever they saw or may know ties them to a murder scene and missing child in some way even if just as a witness. Someone may be terrified to come forward believing they may become the next target of the perp or of police.
Maybe its because when people throw things out of a car it often ends up on the side of the road.
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