AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #12

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Exactly my thoughts. This wasn't a robbery, or a drug heist, or anything of that nature. Whoever did this was pissed. So, if I'm thinking along those lines, I have to ask myself what would cause this kind of anger in someone ?
1. Someone the parents barred Jayme from seeing ?
2. Someone who felt they were "rescuing " Jayme from a horrible home situation ?
3. Someone connected with Jenny-O, that maybe James fired or reported or whatever ? (But then, you don't take a child, do you ? )
4. Someone one of the parents had an affair with, or the spouse of someone one of the parents was having an affair with ? (But don't take a child in that scenario, do you? )

If I look at it logically, I almost always come back to #1 or #2 .

I agree. In my mind robbery, money/debt, and drugs are out (possible drug use by offenders is still on the table). The method seems personal like it was someone known to at least one family member but the more time passes it suggest to me the perp/perps were less known.

They have all the electronic records and done many interviews at this point that would point to someone closely connected to the the family and are still acting like they don't know motive and don't have an obvious suspect.

If it was personal to James, why harm the rest of his family? If it is personal to Denise, why take Jayme? If it personal to Jayme, why not wait until at least she is alone or there is only one parent in the house? I am having a lot of trouble reconciling these things.
Maybe the explanation is multiple perps? One is angry at the parents one is a predator along for the ride? A bit far fetched, I know.
I definitely agree with what you are saying and I can relate. Our brains are amazing, but we still don't completely understand them. During trauma there's no real way to tell how you're going to feel or react. And it's different every time. Bad Thing A can happen and you'll react and feel one way but then Bad Thing B will happen and even though it's technically the same thing as Bad Thing A, you'll react in a completely different way.

A lot of times in these situations there's no "good" way to act. If people are reserved then it looks like they're not grieving or upset. If they cry then they get accused of being fake and phony.
Completely agree with everything you said.
Hmm. I can see that in the way the back rope is fastened to the chair back. But why would the cushion be cut off, and why would the knot look the way it does (the cushion ties don't require another huge knot like we see)?
IMO they bagged a cushion (if there is one) and removed the chair to check for fingerprints and DNA - something drew them to that chair - whether the suspect(s) tied up someone in there (perhaps knotting one end of a cord or something and wrapping it around the waste of the victim multiple ties then knotting it on the other side to hold them in place. If they had a gun, it wouldn't be much to subdue them this way. I am so worried for Jayme and cannot imagine the pain her family is enduring.
Hmm. I can see that in the way the back rope is fastened to the chair back. But why would the cushion be cut off, and why would the knot look the way it does (the cushion ties don't require another huge knot like we see)?
I see what your saying also but they look like the ones my parents have and they always rip off and my mom gets new ones. The knots look like that especially when she gets the cushions with the longer ties. I feel like if that chair was used to tie someone up or used somehow in the crime, wouldn't they have bagged it up and transported it completely covered? He is just walking it with gloves on. That's just my speculation. Every little piece we have on this I am just thinking and thinking non stop. I get one scenario in my head and then its debunked. My mind is literally all over the place with this.
I think she looks devastated and like she's going through severe emotional trauma. Which she is.

If I remember correctly family pleas are a bit cold to not risk lighting emotions in the perp. If he has any.

That bit by the Aunt was for a very specific purpose I won’t go into here. She was hand picked and practiced to accomplish it.

Her dog also played a role and the coffee made it very personal to the target. Overall a very good job.

And the 2k search. I believe it was to flush out a target. The registration with id’s required proved it. This morning investigators are likely examine each and every searcher running names as compared to owned vehicles and national criminal records.

As a team they will find her and they will find the person(s) who did this. I think it will happen most like MT with an unexpected announcement after an arrest.
I realize that after is more important than the before, I am just thinking about them taking an out of the way back-road after if they had knowledge of where the police would be coming from, cameras, etc. In that case it might be more important where they came from.
Is there such a road other than 8?
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Was there a 911 hang-up prior?
Lemme check the 911 call log. ——> No.

Facts that may or
may not be connected...

Initial report lists 47 yr old female as “involved” (in addition to the 2 older teens who were asked to leave.) May have meant friend/relative? Not sure.

DC’s brother listed as well.
He called police mid-morning the next day, (I read in earlier post.)

Another poster reported he owned a red orange older model Mustang.

Casino security was called at 4:30 am before units had left the home.

Mom had a Ford Escape (color not listed) appears to be missing? Unless it is in the garage. Wouldn’t they publicly list a missing vehicle (?)
I agree. In my mind robbery, money/debt, and drugs are out (possible drug use by offenders is still on the table). The method seems personal like it was someone known to at least one family member but the more time passes it suggest to me the perp/perps were less known.

They have all the electronic records and done many interviews at this point that would point to someone closely connected to the the family and are still acting like they don't know motive and don't have an obvious suspect.

If it was personal to James, why harm the rest of his family? If it is personal to Denise, why take Jayme? If it personal to Jayme, why not wait until at least she is alone or there is only one parent in the house? I am having a lot of trouble reconciling these things.
Maybe the explanation is multiple perps? One is angry at the parents one is a predator along for the ride? A bit far fetched, I know.
What I wouldn't give for a list of who attended the party early that day.
But anyway, I don't agree with what some other posters have said about this having to have been more than one suspect. If you catch people by surprise in their homes in the middle of the night, and you have a gun...and you immediately use that gun to mow down the person answering the's not hard to imagine the other 2 people in the home becoming easily subdued.
Just some random thoughts. My brain is kind of fried at this point.
After reading all the great discussions and theories on here, these are the two that keep rattling around in my head:
1) Somebody a couple days ago wrote, in a very powerful and compelling way, that the perpetrator could have been someone holding a simmering grudge against one of the Closs' for a perceived slight or reprimand in public. Maybe concerning some inappropriate comment to Jayme. It festered in their warped mind until they acted on it in this violent way. Although this is very specific I could see something along these lines triggering it.
2) The Holly Bobo case popped in my head very early as a scenario. Small town, underlying drug culture. They become fixated on someone and their drug addled brains come up with a plan to kidnap them. In Holly Bobo's case the kidnaping went off without a hitch, in Jayme's it did not go as planned.
With either scenario the perpetrators would be known to police but far enough removed that making the connection would be difficult. Sadly neither scenario lends itself to ending well.
This is the first time in awhile I've felt hopeful. I'm glad people here have interpreted the news conference in such a logical way because I had watched it and, initially, taken at face value only; I had felt LE was no further ahead than they had been last week.

I hate to be the rain cloud of doom, and I love what they did at the PC thought it was a great move, BUT tbh I don't get the feeling they are any farther ahead than they were last week. This seems like a shot in the dark, and going back to reprocess the crime scene (also a good move) is not a great sign either. Don't get me wrong I think LE is doing a great job and doing everything they can, but I just don't think they have anything. I hope that i'm wrong.

When watching the latest press conference I was struck by the stress written across Sheriff Fitzgerald’s face compared to the first press conference. I wondered how a sheriff from a small, rural place such as this learns how to investigate a crime of this kind. Is it something they would have been trained to do or is it more like learning as you go? Or do the FBI and state investigators come in and tell him what to do? I feel so much compassion for the man to not only be investigating this crime but also being the face of LE having to handle the questions and criticism.

TIA for your answers to my question if you happen to know or have an educated guess.

The Wisconsin DCI and FBI are the ones leading things behind the scenes. They let the sheriff be the face of things partly because those in the local community are more familiar/comfortable with him than random FBI agents, and also simply out of respect for his position in the community. The sheriff's office simply doesn't have the manpower or the experience to handle something like this without a great deal of help. Not saying that they are incompetent, but they just don't deal with these kinds of things very often.
In today's time I really cant say I believe the family knew the suspect or not.

At one time LE immeduately assumed the victim or victims were targeted by someone they knew.

Some still hold that tunnel vision point of view only to learn later on the horrific murders and even kidnapping of young children at the time were carried out by total strangers.

And when total strangers do these kind of crimes including taking children the murdered victims are often overkilled in the most unimaginable heinous ways.

So imo it could easily have been done by someone they never even knew or someone they knew even casually.

No one can be discounted imo.
Early on there was some discussion about two locals being detained in the local jail. At the press conference yesterday I think the sheriff was asked about a suspect in jail and was brushed off quite quickly. I would love to see a transcript from the pressor.
Could they have their man but can't find Jayme?

Anybody happen to know if those two are still in jail?
At your suggestion I went and perused the Careers section of the Jennie O website. I learned that the company recruits summer interns in various degrees who are going to be graduating soon from college for a number of positions. They are posting internships right now for summer 2019. The internships seem to last about 3 months, and for at least one there was a signing bonus, so I am guessing these internships are paid. Going back several months to summer 2018, there were probably several interns at the Barron plant. Being temporary workers for the most part, they may not exactly be a ‘part’ of the community, but would learn a lot about the folks of Barron in that time. I am certain LE has checked this avenue thoroughly, but it opened up new possibilities in my mind. I don’t think any of this discussion violates TOS, right?

I don't think it would be, it is a reliable source. Did you look specifically at the Barron WI plant? I thought the reviews in the comments were interesting.
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Was there a 911 hang-up prior?
Lemme check the 911 call log. ——> No.

Facts that may or
may not be connected...

Initial report lists 47 yr old female as “involved” (in addition to the 2 older teens who were asked to leave.) May have meant friend/relative? Not sure.

DC’s brother listed as well.
He called police mid-morning the next day, (I read in earlier post.)

Another poster reported he owned a red orange older model Mustang.

Casino security was called at 4:30 am before units had left the home.

Mom had a Ford Escape (color not listed) appears to be missing? Unless it is in the garage. Wouldn’t they publicly list a missing vehicle (?)
Mom's vehicle appeared to be right there, from what I can remember. I believe it was white or cream.

I thought the other woman listed on the logs was DC sister who took the dog.
The Wisconsin DCI and FBI are the ones leading things behind the scenes. They let the sheriff be the face of things partly because those in the local community are more familiar/comfortable with him than random FBI agents, and also simply out of respect for his position in the community. The sheriff's office simply doesn't have the manpower or the experience to handle something like this without a great deal of help. Not saying that they are incompetent, but they just don't deal with these kinds of things very often.
True but they know their locals and they get the tips from their underworld! Something this fbi wouldn't get.

I think it's a great pairing!
Mom's vehicle appeared to be right there, from what I can remember. I believe it was white or cream.

I thought the other woman listed on the logs was DC sister who took the dog.

I thought DC was that not correct ?
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