AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #12

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Just tossing in my 2 cents because I haven’t been able to read other posts, WS has been down for me. My thought on watching the presser was that they were, literally, talking to Jayme, but I feel the intended purpose was definitely to try to appeal to the perp’s feelings. To humanize Jayme. I did, however, wonder if they were speaking to a female perp rather than male. The tone of it kind of just gave me that feeling. I know statistically, this is likely a male perp, but just something while watching it made me feel like this could be female, maybe even a mom. I think, without a doubt, they feel that the person who did this knows the entire family.

Do we know why her dad was divorced? Going with the female theory, maybe a mistress who killed Denise first, James either tries to kick her out of the house and she comes back and shoots him, or he comes home from work and is shot by her, then she grabs Jayme? Maybe she was trying to convince James and Jayme to leave with her? Kills Denise in the process? I don’t know. Just thinking out loud.
Mistress / Mister occurred to me as well. Someone trying to convince a parent and Jayme to go with them after other is dead. But second parent refuses and also ends up dead. Ok now riddle me this: why take JAyme?
As many have said before me, there is NO WAY she could have done this herself. And if she had done it in cahoots with an online boyfriend, don't you think they would be able to track that by now?![/
In my hometown a guy murdered the parents of his girlfriend because he didn’t think they would approve of him pursuing/being with their daughter. The girl couldn’t immediately be located. He actually took her. Immediately there was a description of a person of interest, immediately there was a description of a vehicle. Not days and days later.
Agree. And I’ve seen a lot of profiles for killers where you pretend to give them the power to placate them. Why wouldn’t the emotional plea include some of both?

We don't know what the crime scene looked like. The FBI was likely able to tell based on the crime scene what type of killer this person likely is: organized, disorganized, methodical, impulsive. And they likely tailored their response to what they think would work best in the situation.
Did you guys notice that the sherrif spoke about people being on the 8 highway, he mentioned someone possibly seeing something on the side of the road. What can we infer from that?
Anyone walking, a vehicle pulled over on the side of the road. At night you won't see much so I don't think anyone would see items unless they were on the road or perhaps on the shoulder of the road. We know they searched the length of the road on both sides all the way to Turtle Lake and nothing of evidentiary value was found. So I would go with they are looking for someone that saw either one or more people walking along the road or a vehicle pulled over or parked on the shoulder or on one of the dirt roads providing access to the fields (mostly on the south side) from US 8.
Is it possible that there was a Starbucks bottle found at the scene and d DNA or fingerprints were recovered from it? And the FBI is sending a message like hey we're on to you.

Also I feel like the plea was very scripted and not as personal as it could have been and a bit emotionless. Maybe I portraying my feelings upon the speaker but I'm not sure I could do that without a single tear in my eye. Also I felt it weird that the plea seemed directed at Jamey and not the perp. The Aunt holding the dog seemed a bit more shaken.

Good thinking !

As far as a perp hiding Jayme somewhere..... makes me sad that I think it's unlikely. Imo.
But if he was (still thinking a male perp might have committed this atrocity) holding her somewhere ; he'd had to go out and get groceries, go to work (?) , and most of all--- live alone .. or have a bunker or cabin in the woods. Since you cannot usually keep a captive and hope that no one else in your house will slip up and talk !

Haven't watched the aunt's presser as I tend to jump to conclusions ... and can be way off track as to reading into body language or the content of the statement itself.

Looking at photos of Jayme on this thread --- she seems naive and as others have pointed out , not at all like a girl who is trying to look and act older than she is.

I admit I received bad vibes when looking at photos of Jasmine Richardson (killed her brother and bf killed her parents. She's actually released now and is a 'poster child' for rehabilitation.) at the ripe old age of 11 years. Just the heavy goth make up and something in her gaze.
What doesn't make sense to me is the timeline that night. 30 minutes from the time shots were fired until cops were called from inside the house. Unless 1) Neighbors were totally wrong about the time. 2) Jayme was hiding really well somewhere and managed to get to the phone just before the guy found her. But if you just shot 2 people I couldn't imagine spending that much time at the scene.. that's just too risky. Or 3) The mother was injured, passed out, briefly woke up 30 minutes later and managed to dial 911. Maybe she was struggling to move due to injuries and the phone was being jerked around creating the sounds described by police.

It almost seems like a shock and awe style military ambush in my mind - door kicked in, threats neutralized and subject abducted. I'm imagining this whole scenario taking only a couple of minutes and all 3 of them were so overwhelmed by the ambush that they didn't have time to react. It seems like Jayme was the target of some sick, obsessed, stalker type who had this well planned out in advance (maybe ex-military?). But if that's the case and it wasn't motivated by revenge against the parents then why wouldn't he just wait until she was alone? Unless he was known to the family and it would be too obvious if he were following her waiting for the chance to abduct. Certainly would have drawn a lot less attention from the media if it was a possible runaway instead of a double homicide abduction though.

The only thing I'm really confident of to any degree is they were targeted by someone either extremely perverse or angry with the family. Seems highly unlikely someone from out of town just pulled into that driveway at midnight, being a complete stranger, had the confidence to kick in the door, kill 2 people and kidnap a girl as a crime of opportunity type situation. Just on a whim or totally random.

I'm half awake over here so forgive the rambling & bad grammar.
There is so little we know about the Closs family crime. Not optimistic for Jayme at this late date. Very few crimes like this end with victim surviving after a couple days. Collectors are few due to the need for a secure and quiet place. Then there are the logistics of the biological needs of the victim. Yes, there are exceptions: Smart, Dugard, the Cincinnati women, others. They unfortunately are the minority. Expecting the worst and hoping Jayme is an exception.

Looking at the Google map overhead view I see what possibly is a trail behind and near the house. Not sure but looks weird to me how the trees almost seem to have a line through them running East/West. Sort of runs parallel to the road and RR tracks. Maybe just an optical illusion?
This is my first post on here so a big hello to all Websleuthers!

One thing i noticed during the press conference earlier was the body language of the FBI officer. When asked if there was a suspect he was non-committal but he actually nodded his head a few times. I believe that, despite not saying anything, he is actually answering yes to the question by nodding his head. I hope this is true and that they do have a suspect.

My heart goes out to Jayme and all her family and friends in this case.

Wow... you are observant. I had the same impression somehow (that the FBI officer would have, if he could have said "yes" as to is there a suspect.) Yet I didn't know why I had that impression. I didn't see him nodding his head... . I guess that's why they call it body language. Welcome to Websleuths :)
The volunteer support is amazing. If they can muster teams with vehicles to search outside the county along the probable escape route. They might want to go out 150 miles give or take.They could talk to farmers, residents, shopkeepers, station attendants, field hands, rest/truck stops regulars. They could put up posters. Did anybody see car lights off the main roads or fresh tire tracks early in the morning were they shouldn't be? Did anybody see guys cleaning up themselves or the car? Anything suspicious? I also think it wouldn't hurt to shake up that large meth operation...bring some of the heads in for a little "quality time" with LE. Just some ideas...
By this time, if she is being held...the perp DOES have all the power...and will have it until or unless she is rescued. He has managed to evade detection for ten days. Jmo but I would not be thinking that since two people were murdered in such a way this perp is open to tugging heart strings...jmo
Unless it was drug related, and the perp was high and manic and "insane" in the moment. And now, in a non-drugged up state perhaps says to himself, "What did I just do and what the h*ll do I do now?
Anyone walking, a vehicle pulled over on the side of the road. At night you won't see much so I don't think anyone would see items unless they were on the road or perhaps on the shoulder of the road. We know they searched the length of the road on both sides all the way to Turtle Lake and nothing of evidentiary value was found. So I would go with they are looking for someone that saw either one or more people walking along the road or a vehicle pulled over or parked on the shoulder or on one of the dirt roads providing access to the fields (mostly on the south side) from US 8.

Graphic post :

Wonder if the perp(s) had blood-stained clothing and threw it out the car window ?
Or if LE feels they got rid of other evidence from the house on again something on their person that became bloody ?
Fairly sure the perp wouldn't toss out a phone or anything.

Maybe he threw away something Jayme tried to take with her-- as it would be evidence ? (like if she grabbed a pen or something to communicate a message on ?)
Showing the fav Starbucks beverage just might help find her. Perhaps someone’s been buying quite a few of those these last 2 weeks.

It accomplished what I think it’s job was. It let everyone know that Jayme is a real person with likes and Starbucks is one of them. It also put everyone on alert to notice people who go in to Starbucks. Watch for someone who buys two drinks but is alone. Watch for odd behaviours. Watch for this kid everywhere you look as her appearance may now have changed but she is still human and loved.
Mistress / Mister occurred to me as well. Someone trying to convince a parent and Jayme to go with them after other is dead. But second parent refuses and also ends up dead. Ok now riddle me this: why take JAyme?
If that were the scenario I would think (this is brutally honest):
A: They ran out of time and were concerned about possibly being low on ammunition.
B: Much like their desire to not harm the dog, the child had done nothing wrong either but they couldn’t just leave her as a witness.
C: The plan might have been to take them both but mom broke away to call 911 so she was killed.
D: The person was attached after having known or watched the family even distantly, attachments and fondness can develop
E: Someone else mentioned this (I’m sorry I forgot who?) she reminded them of Jayme’s mother.

I’ve always had this strange feeling whoever it was waited until they knew that the father would be home.
Is it possible that there was a Starbucks bottle found at the scene and d DNA or fingerprints were recovered from it? And the FBI is sending a message like hey we're on to you.

Also I feel like the plea was very scripted and not as personal as it could have been and a bit emotionless. Maybe I portraying my feelings upon the speaker but I'm not sure I could do that without a single tear in my eye. Also I felt it weird that the plea seemed directed at Jamey and not the perp. The Aunt holding the dog seemed a bit more shaken.
IMOO, it took everything in her to read that script. She made virtually no eye contact with the cameras/ crowd, and when she was done she turned quickly & abruptly to exit as fast as possible. I think it was brutal for her & I’m so sorry any family has to go through that for the against-all-odds-chance they might get her back.
Anyone walking, a vehicle pulled over on the side of the road. At night you won't see much so I don't think anyone would see items unless they were on the road or perhaps on the shoulder of the road. We know they searched the length of the road on both sides all the way to Turtle Lake and nothing of evidentiary value was found. So I would go with they are looking for someone that saw either one or more people walking along the road or a vehicle pulled over or parked on the shoulder or on one of the dirt roads providing access to the fields (mostly on the south side) from US 8.
Or maybe someone who saw a vehicle drive by within the time frame that matches the vehicles that they are interested in, who hasn't come forward to say they drove by at that time. Jmo
Don't know if this has been brought up before (I've tried reading every comment on these threads).

Could Jayme have been drinking a Starbucks drink when the perp supposedly kicked the door in and started shooting? I'm wondering if they found a partially-finished frappucchino? This may sound weird, because it was so late, but I'm curious.


ETA: Hey-Debbie, you beat me to it!
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