Good morning all, and thanks for allowing me to this group. I've been following this thread for awhile and figured it was about time I got involved. I grew up in the area and possibly can help shine some light on a few things.
1) The firing of guns at night. I have and known others to shoot a skunk or 2 at night. Not as sport, but not wanting them to tangle with my dogs, they carry rabies and of course I hated dealing with a skunk sprayed dog. Also, individuals coon hunt, that's at night also because they are nocturnal.
2) If Jayme would have fled the house and hid in the woods they would have found her, because they deployed Infra-red equipment, and if she was killed outside, they would have found blood and why take the body when they already left 2.
3) The area does have a history of meth. Other drugs also. Here's a link to a growing operation located about 12 miles from Barron...
Marijuana, monkeys found in Comstock barn
4) Last year, remains were found in Maple Grove Township, you go on the otherside of the hwy 8, where the Closs's lived and you are in Maple Grove township.
Analysis of skeletal remains leads to homicide investigation in Barron Co. - Wausau Pilot & Review
I'm beginning to wonder if this may be related, ie.. the perp killed someone, got away with it and decided he liked the feeling and stepped it up a notch. Then not killing Jayme, because he just couldn't do it. Maybe has a child of his own.
5) <modsnip - topic not allowed>.
6) <modsnip. - topic not allowed>.
7) Keeping on track, I'm thinking the perp is possibly from JC's work, This would explain the town meeting where no press was there. This would blow up big time, local, national as well as world. tying it all together, <modsnip - not allowed>. This stuff does not happen here.
8) oh yeah. Jayme? she has green eyes, she's a trophy!