AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #15

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This might be a crazy theory, but what if Jayme ran to her parents room when this all began and Denise gave Jayme her phone and told her hide. Eventually she called 911, but accidentally hung up. At which point, the 911 operator tried calling the number back giving away Jayme's location in the home. Knowing that 911 had been alerted, the murderer(s) grabbed Jayme because they did not have time to think of what else to do.
The problem I see with that is that the operator's call never went through so there wouldn't be anything to alert him. Other than that, it could happen.
I don't understand. What kind of game would cause people to take time off from work? Did Jayme have a school event planned?
No. What the person was saying was that James was a big Green Bay Packers fan and IF the Packers were playing on Monday Night Football James would take the day off to stay home and watch the game.
That's what I was saying before too, but not many seemed to agree with me. Knowing 911 was called and taking a screaming (I would guess) 13 year old with him, wanting a hostage in case he was caught was the only thing that made sense to me.
It is my belief that it was known beforehand they would be taking her, for whatever reason. I feel there was a plan there. Thats a little much to work out (what do I do with her now?) for an afterthought. If not pre-planned then I feel like she would have been found in that home too.
I saw this mentioned on previous thread and along with mom being active in the Church

Maybe the Closs' just didn't like them or thought they were nosey or whatever. Just because they had no interest in communicating with them, doesn't make them "hermits".

I think I will take whatever the Smezcak's say with a grain of salt.
The Smrekars
Ms. Joan Smrekar
A prev poster mentioned that if they worked odd hours, they might be sleeping during the day and not answer the door. Plus, Jayme and Denise are super shy.

The Smrekars haven’t said anything mean about the Closs’s. Just trying to share what they know. They are pretty much the only people talking...even if they can’t read a clock or tell the difference between 18 years (when Closs’s bought the place) and 7 (how long they said they’d lived there. Said they used to see them drop Jayme at busstop but not this year.
OT...but in researching teen boys who kill the parents of a girl, one 13-yr old boy who killed the parents with a shotgun eventually served just 5 years due to his TX no less, in 2010. I don’t recall the case but this time, the daughter was in on it. It is a bizare read...NOT related to this case. I think she is still in prison though...not sure. Can’t tell when story was written.

I don’t THINK this was a teenage killer in the Closs case, but it is so bizarre to me that nothing can be ruled out. Then there was that alleged Neo-Nazi boy who killed a girl’s parents after they said she could not see him...not that long ago. Teen boys are not known for their restraint or decision-making processes, jmo.

Texas teen who killed girlfriend's parents, celebrated with sex is getting out of prison after 5 years
I saw this mentioned on previous thread and along with mom being active in the Church/with It's members, it seems odd to me that the neighbours would classify them as "keeping to themselves and not answering the door" type of folks.

Makes me think that the Smezcaks (sp) may, for lack of a better term, be blowing smoke re: the Closs family.

Maybe the Closs' just didn't like them or thought they were nosey or whatever. Just because they had no interest in communicating with them, doesn't make them "hermits".

I think I will take whatever the Smezcak's say with a grain of salt.

IMOO, I don’t see it as smoke. I’ve lived in small towns, have been very active with my kids in those towns, but when I go home, I like being home. I’m not fond of spontaneous socializing or little town busy bodies. I didn’t BBQ with neighbors. I liked the peace and quiet. If the door bell rang, I wouldn’t answer at times. I’m just a quiet person and like my down time. I’m an introvert. People live in small towns for peace and quiet.
The Smrekars
Ms. Joan Smrekar
A prev poster mentioned that if they worked odd hours, they might be sleeping during the day and not answer the door. Plus, Jayme and Denise are super shy.

The Smrekars haven’t said anything mean about the Closs’s. Just trying to share what they know. They are pretty much the only people talking...even if they can’t read a clock or tell the difference between 18 years (when Closs’s bought the place) and 7 (how long they said they’d lived there. Said they used to see them drop Jayme at busstop but not this year.

They could even be right about the clock...I know that my bedroom clock is five minutes fast. I also look at it every time I hear something odd at night, just in case, ever since I have been living alone in a large apartment complex.
So what do you all think about this: I think maybe I should totally disregard the neighbor’s statement. I don’t think it’s accurate, I think they got the time wrong and either got the number of shots wrong or maybe just didn’t hear them all. Witness statements are notoriously inaccurate anyway and it’s not like they gave this statement immediately after the fact. And apparently they didn’t hear all the cops and emergency personnel converging on the property until the next morning?
OT...but in researching teen boys who kill the parents of a girl, one 13-yr old boy who killed the parents with a shotgun eventually served just 5 years due to his TX no less, in 2010. I don’t recall the case but this time, the daughter was in on it. It is a bizare read...NOT related to this case. I think she is still in prison though...not sure. Can’t tell when story was written.

I don’t THINK this was a teenage killer in the Closs case, but it is so bizarre to me that nothing can be ruled out. Then there was that alleged Neo-Nazi boy who killed a girl’s parents after they said she could not see him...not that long ago. Teen boys are not known for their restraint or decision-making processes, jmo.

Texas teen who killed girlfriend's parents, celebrated with sex is getting out of prison after 5 years

Not the Nazis.
Not aliens.
Prob drug related.
Theory #12
They had the wrong house (non-Smrekar female neighbor arrested next day for meth).
Went to grab/rob woman, kicked in door, found Jim. Then, Denise. Jayme comes out of room, surprising them. Their bosses had not authorized the killing of a kid, so they didn’t. Brought her to their boss’s house. Now no one knows what to do with her.
Yes, there was a game Monday afternoon. I wouldn't think they'd take Monday off, but maybe James would take Tuesday off. No idea on when the bodies might have been found, but if they both worked 1st shift, I'd have to say they would have been missed at work Monday morning.
(words bolded by me)

The post you quoted links to the following article: Funeral held for James and Denise Closs in Cameron “Jim [Closs] is the type that he is so much into the Packers that he would take off [work] if the Packers would play on Monday night,” said Ruffin. He would take Tuesday off because he knows he would be too hungover to go to work.” (bolded by me)

To me the bolded statement that James took off work anytime there was a game Monday night is a good clue supporting the much debated question on whether James normally worked the second shift at Jenny-o.
I know one thing without a doubt. I am so very thankful I am not the next door neighbors whose names are all over these threads.

I am so shy, I'd likely need help dealing with the unasked for and unwanted publicity. All because of where their house is located, as far as we know now.
IMOO, I don’t see it as smoke. I’ve lived in small towns, have been very active with my kids in those towns, but when I go home, I like being home. I’m not fond of spontaneous socializing or little town busy bodies. I didn’t BBQ with neighbors. I liked the peace and quiet. If the door bell rang, I wouldn’t answer at times. I’m just a quiet person and like my down time. I’m an introvert. People live in small towns for peace and quiet.
Yeah but they were delivering their mail.

You would think the next time they would answer. Then again, just put it in the mailbox.
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The car found on Oshkosh river may deserve a second look.
October 23= officers called to scene because someone was heard yelling for help. Officers responded & searched in and out of the water. Found nothing.
Oshkosh Police Investigate Suspicious Incident on Fox River

October 26= someone driving by saw the red car in the water and called police. Police recovered the car.

Car Found in Lake Butte des Morts
Fyi. I live in the area & this news source is our local CBS. Even if this isn't a car that law enforcement mentioned, it could still be related as it's very suspicious......the fact that someone was yelling,"help!".....but Windows are up, no one around and doubt it was an accident since they didn't phone police for help.
I am very interested in the red car found in Oshkosh in the river/lake. Unfortunately your first link about someone yelling for help near there says Updated September 23, 2018 not October, so it could be related to the river car but not to missing Jayme.
(words bolded by me)

The post you quoted links to the following article: Funeral held for James and Denise Closs in Cameron “Jim [Closs] is the type that he is so much into the Packers that he would take off [work] if the Packers would play on Monday night,” said Ruffin. He would take Tuesday off because he knows he would be too hungover to go to work.” (bolded by me)

To me the bolded statement that James took off work anytime there was a game Monday night is a good clue supporting the much debated question on whether James normally worked the second shift at Jenny-o.
Good backup for current discussion.
ETA -removed who I thought made the statement so the thread doesnt fill up with people correcting me.
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(words bolded by me)

The post you quoted links to the following article: Funeral held for James and Denise Closs in Cameron “Jim [Closs] is the type that he is so much into the Packers that he would take off [work] if the Packers would play on Monday night,” said Ruffin. He would take Tuesday off because he knows he would be too hungover to go to work.” (bolded by me)

To me the bolded statement that James took off work anytime there was a game Monday night is a good clue supporting the much debated question on whether James normally worked the second shift at Jenny-o.
So much into them that he bet on them?
(words bolded by me)

The post you quoted links to the following article: Funeral held for James and Denise Closs in Cameron “Jim [Closs] is the type that he is so much into the Packers that he would take off [work] if the Packers would play on Monday night,” said Ruffin. He would take Tuesday off because he knows he would be too hungover to go to work.” (bolded by me)

To me the bolded statement that James took off work anytime there was a game Monday night is a good clue supporting the much debated question on whether James normally worked the second shift at Jenny-o.
I’m not sure, but I think this person is saying that Jim would take Tuesday off, not Monday and Tuesday. It’s somewhat unclear, but I think the second sentence is explaining what “take off work” (in the first sentence) means. Maybe.

ETA: This would also imply that he didn’t want to get up Tuesday morning and go to work (i.e., first shift), because he knew he’d be hung over.
That red car found submerged in Oshkosh 3.5 hours away is very interesting. I’m eager to hear what comes of that.

I can’t help but say that I find the next door neighbor annoying and judgy.

As far as all of our theories, i’d Say one is about as good as the other at this point. We need more.

On a positive note, I just love the Sheriff. I think he is doing a fantastic job managing the Herculean effort, and all the supporting agencies participating. Surrounding LE in prayer for strength, stamina, and determination to see this through and bring Jayme home.

Amateur opinion and speculation
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