AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #20

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With all due respect, if it was so well thought out and executed, how was someone able to make a 911 call from Denise's cell phone ?
Obviously this is a demented person who was able to snatch this child and leave without being apprehended...thus far. So, I can see why someone would state it was well planned and executed. What they didn't count on was someone (I am assuming it was Jayme's mother) having the incredible strength and courage to make that phone call. I am assuming this was her last living act, and a brave one. It probably cost her, her life if the Perp heard the sound of the 911 operator speaking. I am just speculating, of course. The Perp didn't count on whoever had the courage to make that call to still be alive.

It was a chaos and apparently a blood bath. But they did "storm in", kill, and retrieve Jayme, and get away. So I guess if getting away means "well executed", then it was.

I still keep thinking about the loan the Mom took out against the house. Did we ever figure out what that was for?

Amateur opinion and speculation.
As each day goes by, my heart grows heavier thinking of this case.
I agree with you. And just to be clear, that whole cartel/informant theory had me absolutely puzzled. I'm still not sure I even got the gist of it, since I read it before I'd had a full cup of coffee. But I just wanted to clarify that several of us have suggested simply that this may have been a drug fueled crime perpetrated against innocent victims. I'd hate for these two very different trains of thought to become confused here.

(Just using your post as a jumping off point to make that comment. )
Although I would think whoever did this also does drugs, I do not think this was a drug fueled random crime. I also do not think either adult in the home was an informant. I've read all kinds of stories of what might be with nothing indicating such. I think the simplest story is probably the closest to what happened. We have 2 adults murdered in the middle of the night and their teenage daughter taken. What are the simplest scenarios that fit this?
The dance recitals keep coming up but in my experience the people who come to them (even public like a park) are usually people with reason to be there like family members. But there is the angle of someone who is there to work. Caretakers of the building that is being used for the performance or such. My niece often dances at a school local to her studio because they have a nice auditorium.
I would agree as well. In the past, I attended a few dance recitals of my niece and a friend. One studio was small and anybody not family or friends in the audience would have stood out.

The other recitals, however, involved a larger studio(s) and a larger audience. Again, all friends and family. But… due to the larger audience size, somebody with no connection to a dancer would not have stood out as much.

Perhaps the dance troupe could still yield results. Maybe ask instructors if they noticed any loiterers or someone continuously in the audience who did not appear to be friends or family. Likewise, maybe the instructors noticed an individual coming by the studio for “enrollment information”-several times and / or asking about recitals.
I would agree as well. In the past, I attended a few dance recitals of my niece and a friend. One studio was small and anybody not family or friends in the audience would have stood out.

The other recitals, however, involved a larger studio(s) and a larger audience. Again, all friends and family. But… due to the larger audience size, somebody with no connection to a dancer would not have stood out as much.

Perhaps the dance troupe could still yield results. Maybe ask instructors if they noticed any loiterers or someone continuously in the audience who did not appear to be friends or family. Likewise, maybe the instructors noticed an individual coming by the studio for “enrollment information”-several times and / or asking about recitals.

I don't see anything to rule out a predator who also happens to be a family member of one of the students.
I think Jayme was at the age she was getting noticed and maybe even liked the attention although innocently. Wasn't she also at a new school? She might not have had many new friends yet and I had read that she was shy.
Of course what ended up transpiring was probably the furthest thing from her mind.
Everyone keeps saying that Jayme didn't have a boyfriend , stalker , or SM connections. This may be true. However , I don't believe there has been information or reports from LE clarifying this. We are all speculating here about everything because we have no evidence or facts from LE about the families friends and social interactions.
I also have daughters . I'm in no way saying this is true about Jayme, but many times this is the age girls may start to seek some independence from their parents and begin to form friendships with boys-which is all normal. Some teens like to keep this information from their parents especially if their parents are strict.They may prefer to to hang out alone with their friends elsewhere instead of in their home like they did when they were younger. Therefore, parents may not know all the friends very well anymore and have a little less control who their teens may come in contact with. Younger teens may even become friendly with older kids that may drive.
So as mentioned, maybe Jayme's parents learned about a friend or group of friends she was spending time with and disapproved. Could be from another town ,could be older, or even communicated with Jayme through SM/games .
Possibly a person in her group of "friends" showed interest in Jayme and felt he was some kind of boyfriend to her. Again, LE has not said much regarding the inner family relationship as well as any possible friend connections so we do not know. MOO.
We also don't know anything that occurred after the family party. Was Jayme and her mom home all night before James got home? Could Jayme have had some of these "newer" friends over that night and when James arrived home he got angry and things escalated? Is it possible Jayme wasn't home earlier as speculated here ,got home late and things escalated with James and the friends? Maybe Denise was shot when she tried to intervene? This could possibly explain why the perp(s) didn't harm Jayme and took her . Although Jayme was probably devastated and in shock, they considered her a friend & forced her to go with them. LE could know a lot more then they are telling the public.MOO
I agree with you. And just to be clear, that whole cartel/informant theory had me absolutely puzzled. I'm still not sure I even got the gist of it, since I read it before I'd had a full cup of coffee. But I just wanted to clarify that several of us have suggested simply that this may have been a drug fueled crime perpetrated against innocent victims. I'd hate for these two very different trains of thought to become confused here.

(Just using your post as a jumping off point to make that comment. )
I think the theory you’re referring to is mine, but I’m not sure how it got construed into James or Denise being informants nor did I ever suggest cartel involvement. It started as a good clean theory, I apologize that it’s turned into something I don’t even recognize.
I think the theory you’re referring to is mine, but I’m not sure how it got construed into James or Denise being informants nor did I ever suggest cartel involvement. It started as a good clean theory, I apologize that it’s turned into something I don’t even recognize.

It happens. Especially when we're tired or multi-tasking or simply replying to one thing someone said in a response and it somehow turns into something completely different. I honestly couldn't even tell how that other stuff got thrown into the mix, or by whom. I just assumed I couldn't follow what was being said because I was not awake and trying to do too many things at once. Hell, I replied several times to Mtlites this morning about something another poster had actually said, and couldn't figure out what SHE wasn't able to understand ME. LOL.
I have been sitting on the information for a few days but I saw someone brought up Jayme's other social media account. I looked at it and she hadn't saved anything in a year but I did notice she had one follower. I looked at the name and found an address that is less than two hours from Barron.
I don't know how much I can say without getting in trouble or if this information is against the rules.

I would of thought that by now LE would have gone through all of Jayme's SM accounts and checked on all of her friends who followed her. Anyone they might suspect would surely have been interviewed by now? AFAIK I don't think anyone has ever been mentioned of being taken in for questioning in connection with this case.
Lets be fair. Most if us have not said the Closs's are involved with drugs. Quite the opposite. That they may be victims of a severe drug culture in the area.

Scroll and roll people!
I don't see anything to rule out a predator who also happens to be a family member of one of the students.
Good point. Such an individual would is going to be harder to identify as they had a common reason / “reason” to be there. The difficulty aside, perhaps the population can be whittled down in a general way:

- Barring any red flags to the contrary regarding an individual, de-prioritize elderly male audience members.

- Lower priority would be male parents. More reason to attend. Also more likely to be stable, especially if married.

- Moderate priority: Young and middle aged males accompanied by wives or girlfriends. Male friends and extended family could have a dual motive for attending- know a dancer and be “encouraged” to attend by their wives (I would be in this category for the recitals I attended as a friend).

- Higher priority: Young and middle aged male friends or extended family unaccompanied by wives and girlfriends. Over all, less reasons to attend a dance recital. Sure, single males can easily have a legitimate interest in attending such an event, but statistically would be more likely to decline.
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Everyone keeps saying that Jayme didn't have a boyfriend , stalker , or SM connections. This may be true. However , I don't believe there has been information or reports from LE clarifying this. We are all speculating here about everything because we have no evidence or facts from LE about the families friends and social interactions.
I also have daughters . I'm in no way saying this is true about Jayme, but many times this is the age girls may start to seek some independence from their parents and begin to form friendships with boys-which is all normal. Some teens like to keep this information from their parents especially if their parents are strict.They may prefer to to hang out alone with their friends elsewhere instead of in their home like they did when they were younger. Therefore, parents may not know all the friends very well anymore and have a little less control who their teens may come in contact with. Younger teens may even become friendly with older kids that may drive.
So as mentioned, maybe Jayme's parents learned about a friend or group of friends she was spending time with and disapproved. Could be from another town ,could be older, or even communicated with Jayme through SM/games .
Possibly a person in her group of "friends" showed interest in Jayme and felt he was some kind of boyfriend to her. Again, LE has not said much regarding the inner family relationship as well as any possible friend connections so we do not know. MOO.
We also don't know anything that occurred after the family party. Was Jayme and her mom home all night before James got home? Could Jayme have had some of these "newer" friends over that night and when James arrived home he got angry and things escalated? Is it possible Jayme wasn't home earlier as speculated here ,got home late and things escalated with James and the friends? Maybe Denise was shot when she tried to intervene? This could possibly explain why the perp(s) didn't harm Jayme and took her . Although Jayme was probably devastated and in shock, they considered her a friend & forced her to go with them. LE could know a lot more then they are telling the public.MOO
Good points. I tend to assume that they were all home that night and in bed before the perps broke in and started blasting. But for all we know, people could've been over for a while hanging out before something went terribly wrong
Although I would think whoever did this also does drugs, I do not think this was a drug fueled random crime. I also do not think either adult in the home was an informant. I've read all kinds of stories of what might be with nothing indicating such. I think the simplest story is probably the closest to what happened. We have 2 adults murdered in the middle of the night and their teenage daughter taken. What are the simplest scenarios that fit this?
Perhaps nothing more than a thrill kill.
Theory on the delay between gunshots heard (if correct - 12:30 ish) and 911/extraction of Jayme: she was hiding. Perp planned the whole thing - she was targeted. Blew parents away but she hid and he had to take time to find her. She called 911 from moms phone from her hiding spot but couldn’t say anything - and then he found her. Possible yelling or screams on 911 (unverified).
Best delay theory I’ve read so far. Makes perfect sense.
I am not married to one theory over another but yes, I DO think it is possible they (or he) took her as an afterthought and the original intent was to kill the parents and Jayme. (Or maybe even just the parents but then they saw Jayme and decided to take her with them.)
I do not adhere to one theory over another. I do have to say that Jayme appeared to be a quiet, shy <modsnip - referencing deleted post>. She just turned 13, and would not be prone to attract undue attention in my opinion. I find it no more likely that an ardent stalker targeted her than any other theory.
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