AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #24

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If the phone's not charged, there's no point to taking it with you.

A lot of people have charging stations with room for several devices. Seems like it's pretty common to put that in the kitchen near the land line, or where the land line used to be. It wouldn't surprise me if the Closs family had something like that.
Yes. Unless you want your teens texting well into the night, you'd never let them take their phones to bedroom with them. Also, Jayme was only 13 and in Middle School.
BBM - in your opinion.
One of my sons doesn't even have one, and he's definitely under 50. I know a lot of 13 year olds who don't live on their phones (but probably just as many who do.) I believe she was in the house when it happened, but not because her phone was charging. At that time on a school night, she was probably sleeping when it all started. MOO
Pretty much everyone under the age of 50 will not leave their house without their cell phone. And as you go down in age, the probability that someone would leave their house without their phone goes down. I'm in my thirties and don't know of a single friend who wouldn't have their phone on them at all times. (maybe with the exception of going on a run or something like that.)

If Jayme's phone was in the house (and it has been reported that it was), then she was in the house when this happened.

I am 38 and haven't had a cell phone in several years. Offhandedly, I can name at least a dozen people I know who don't own one. There are lots of us out there who choose not to have one; we are usually just quiet about it and, when asked for a number, offer either a landline or Skype #.
According to the 911 log, 'yelling' was heard during the 911 call - so perhaps after analyzing the call, they could determine that one of the voices heard was Jayme's? Could that be how LE *knows* Jayme was at home at the time?
From the 911
"[115 - 10/15/2018 00:56:01]
If the C family had wifi available at their house (which presumably they did), I wonder if LE has analyzed their usage/stats from their internet provider to see if there were unknown devices connecting to the family's wifi that evening. ie if someone had a cellphone on their person when they came to the home, and their phone was set up to connect to whatever wifi was available..... it may have automatically connected.
Just had a thought. . . I don’t know of many teens (carrying on a clandestine relationship with boyfriend of any age) that could endure their phone being THAT far away from them. (The kitchen?!?) Most teens are so attached to their phones, they would charge it in their bedroom.

Edit to add: I don’t believe there was a boyfriend.
Second edit to add: IF there was a boyfriend, she had a second phone which would be holding the evidence they are looking for.
If that was the case, or police suspected that could be the case, it might explain what the electronics sniffing dogs bring brought in...
If the C family had wifi available at their house (which presumably they did), I wonder if LE has analyzed their usage/stats from their internet provider to see if there were unknown devices connecting to the family's wifi that evening. ie if someone had a cellphone on their person when they came to the home, and their phone was set up to connect to whatever wifi was available..... it may have automatically connected.
That is an interesting idea, and one I had not even considered!
So your ruling out the possibility of evidence being collected from the dog hair? I'm honestly hoping for it but may be way off.

That dig would have been thoroughly examined the first day for DNA in her mouth and washed and combed for any other evidence.

I’ve had babies with long coats and the second they are out of the bath they head for towels bushes and dirt. Not in that order. My boys look dirty within a couple hours of grooming. So I think there’s been a thorough exam of Molly. We won’t know if she had evidence at all until trial.
If the C family had wifi available at their house (which presumably they did), I wonder if LE has analyzed their usage/stats from their internet provider to see if there were unknown devices connecting to the family's wifi that evening. ie if someone had a cellphone on their person when they came to the home, and their phone was set up to connect to whatever wifi was available..... it may have automatically connected.

That would be worth looking into. Having said that, connections get really hinky in rural WI and high speed availability is shockingly spotty which is why many folks didn’t get active “online” until the smart phone.
According to the 911 log, 'yelling' was heard during the 911 call - so perhaps after analyzing the call, they could determine that one of the voices heard was Jayme's? Could that be how LE *knows* Jayme was at home at the time?
From the 911
"[115 - 10/15/2018 00:56:01]

I definitely believe this is one of the reasons they know.

They are not going to release all they have discovered on the enchanced 911 call nor should they.

If this suspect is caught the enchanced call will become an important piece of evidence at trial.

Imo not only did they hear yelling and imo the voice they heard was not Denise but Jayme. Plus I suspect the suspect is also heard on the call.

If and when he is caught the FBI's voice analysis experts will be able to compare the voice tone on the call to the suspect.

This is also how LE knows Jayme isn't a runaway nor a suspect in this case imo.

Fitzgerald is going to keep all of this to himself as to what was actually heard on the call.

He will continue to be dismissive pretending nothing much was heard. As we know law enforcement officers can lie about anything in order to protect the integrity of the case.

Plus imo he wants the suspect to think they couldnt make out what was being said. They want him to feel at ease thinking they have nothing. We have seen this same ploy used before.

Fitzgerald knows whoever this is probably is keeping up with everything said by him in the media.

Imo the FBI profilers are telling him to stress they didn't recover much if anything when they enhanced the call.

Even though the suspect may have been in the home for four minutes that is ample time for them to have touched something leaving their DNA behind.

Rarely are there truly perfect crime scenes. 99 percent of the time they will leave something of themselves behind. It could be fingerprints..fibers or sweat or skin cell DNA or other trace evidence.

So the next thing I hope to see is Fitzgerald saying they are finally getting some of the lab results returned.

Also even though he says they have no suspect in mind doesnt mean its necessarily true and just may be a way of not alerting the suspect until they have enough probable cause for an arrest warrant.

So I do have positive thoughts this case is going to be solved in the coming weeks.

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I definitely believe this is one of the reasons they know. They are not going to release all they have discovered on the enchanced 911 call nor should they.

If this suspect is caught the enchanced call will become an important piece of evidence.

Imo not only did they hear yelling and imo the voice the heard was not Denise but Jayme. Plus I suspect the suspect is also heard on the call.

If and when he is caught the FBI's voice analysis experts will be able to compare the voice tone on the call to the suspect.

This is also how LE knows Jayme isn't a runaway nor a suspect in this case imo.

Fitzgerald is going to keep all of this to himself as to what was actually heard on the call.

He will continue to be dismissive pretending nothing much was heard. As we know law enforcement officers can lie about anything in order to protect the integrity of the case.

Plus imo he wants the suspect t think they couldnt make out what was being said. They want him to feel at ease thinking they have nothing. We have seen this same ploy used before.

Fitzgerald knows whoever this is probably is keeping up with everything said by him in the media.

Imo the FBI profilers are telling him to stress they didn't recover much if anything when they enhanced the call.

Even though the suspect may have been in the home for four minutes that is ample time for them to have touched something leaving their DNA behind.

So the next thing I hope to see is Fitzgerald saying they are finally getting some of the lab results returned.

Also even though he says they have no suspect in mind doesnt mean its necessarily true and just may be a way of not alerting the suspect until they have enough probable cause for an arrest warrant.

So I do have positive thoughts this case is going to be solved in the coming weeks.

I 100% agree with this!
Another thing that confirms to me the voice heard on the 911 call was made by Jayme is Fitzgerald said the commotion seem to be coming from another room from where the cell was on and activated. .

Imo the room Jayme was in most likely trying to hide is where the commotion is happening. Imo

Imo it was when the suspect turned to Jayme after killing her mom and dad.

I think Denise had the phone in her hand but was unable to complete the call verbally to ask for help.

Then the suspect shot Denise killing her instantly before she could say anything and before the dispatcher answered and then kicked the phone away and didnt know the call had gone into the call center at that time.

The impression I get is both Jim and Denise's bodies were in the same general location and that is why he said he felt the cell phone was kicked and may have landed closer to Denise than Jim.

That has to mean imo both parents were found in close proximity to each other.

Jayme probably didnt even know about the 911 call going through. What is heard on the call is when the suspect then turned to Jaymes location.

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The more this goes on, the more I feel this was someone well known to them. Although I agree the Sheriff appears stumped, Im sticking with my gut feeling that since the beginning he has, at least an inkling, of what happen. Im repeating myself here, but I feel its sometimes forgotten....Finding Jayme is a top priority, but its not the only priority. When Jayme is found, Sheriff still has a double murder case ahead of him to prosecute, plus whatever the end result with Jayme turns out to be (kidnapping, murder, etc). It is not selfish of him to keep his evidence to himself versus botching a future prosecution. I believe him when he says the evidence he has wont help find Jayme. Unless he had a note that said Jayme will be (here). But I believe releasing what he has could very well be detrimental to the ultimate result. jmho.

Random - Robbery gone wrong
Random - Wrong house
Random - Thrill Kill
Targeted - Revenge
Targeted - Someone knew something
Targeted - Sexual

Has to fit in one of these categories or am I missing something?
The more this goes on, the more I feel this was someone well known to them. Although I agree the Sheriff appears stumped, Im sticking with my gut feeling that since the beginning he has, at least an inkling, of what happen. Im repeating myself here, but I feel its sometimes forgotten....Finding Jayme is a top priority, but its not the only priority. When Jayme is found, Sheriff still has a double murder case ahead of him to prosecute, plus whatever the end result with Jayme turns out to be (kidnapping, murder, etc). It is not selfish of him to keep his evidence to himself versus botching a future prosecution. I believe him when he says the evidence he has wont help find Jayme. Unless he had a note that said Jayme will be (here). But I believe releasing what he has could very well be detrimental to the ultimate result. jmho.

If that’s the case, I don’t ever want to play poker with him! :) But seriously . . . That last interview I watched got me frustrated. We have to be patient, right? Not all of the evidence is even “in” yet.
If Jayme is discovered alive, it would be obvious she was the target. BUT, if Jayme is found deceased, who was targeted? And, of course, why?

I think there are difficult questions that need to be answered outside the normal ones, things that are unknown by family or friends. Normal questions have not produced answers. Who to ask? No idea. What to ask. No idea either. Where to start? No... well, you get the idea.
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If that’s the case, I don’t ever want to play poker with him! :) But seriously . . . That last interview I watched got me frustrated. We have to be patient, right? Not all of the evidence is even “in” yet.
I said that in one of my posts that I thought he was a darn good poker player. Lol. I agree with frustration and lack of patience. I keep wanting more, as well myself. Its hard. And yes, Im hoping with all hope the results he is still waiting on are the finding and/or confirmation he needs to, at the very least, start some intense interrogation. I do fear that a lot could be riding on circumstantial evidence right now, and without Jayme it may be more difficult for him to say, or even do, anything - even with 2 deceased parents. That is where I want to believe his frustration is coming from. When talking about the suspect analysis, his frustration seemed to me to be the "why". Ok, this analysis fits this person, but why? Thats a pretty important piece of info to have if hes going to start pointing fingers at certain people. These are all just my own opinions so I could be way off base. But its been my belief since the beginning. Just hoping Jayme is going to come home alive, soon.
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