AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #25

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we just do not have nearly enough info to accurately guess type of firearm. LE does though. I feel sure they know a lot about who done this by choice of firearm, type of ammo chosen, how many shots, how close. I think every person that shoots has a definite style and preference.
we just do not have nearly enough info to accurately guess type of firearm. LE does though. I feel sure they now a lot about who done this by choice of firearm, type of ammo chosen, how many shots, how close. I think every person that shoots has a definite style and preference.

I think a lot of speculation about it being a shot gun came from the theories that the door was "shot through" and things the neighbor said. I'm seriously questioning a shot gun at this point. It's still possible but not my first choice anymore.
I think a lot of speculation about it being a shot gun came from the theories that the door was "shot through" and things the neighbor said. I'm seriously questioning a shot gun at this point. It's still possible but not my first choice anymore.

closed casket with not even family viewing is what makes me think shotgun. but there really is no way of knowing.
No union at Jennie-O. From my research, the poultry industry is predominantly non-union. Interesting article re: retaliation at Jennie-O (from 2009)

Regional Report / Fired Jennie-O employee to get back pay in settlement – Twin Cities

The article does not state that there is no union at Jennie-O. Rather, the article states that the Company would no longer interfere in efforts to organize a union. These two sources state or strongly imply that at least some Jennie-O and some Hormel (parent company) plants have unions:
hormel – The United Food & Commercial Workers International Union
Jennie-O workers file for union election
I have never read or heard that Jayme lived with her aunt for any period of time. Do you have a link to that information?
Good point.

I presumed the term describing the aunt as the "care taker" meant she lived with the aunt. As you implied, "care taker" and "living with" may not be synonyms.
Retaliation? By the company?
Wisconsin a few years ago forbid collective bargaining but after 2009. Maybe it was just for teachers? Not sure if it was for every union.

The action that you are referring to ended collective bargaining by nearly all public employee unions. Police and fire unions are exempt. It also ended “closed shop” (mandatory union membership) agreements by nearly all public employee unions. Private unions were not affected by either provision.

As for retaliation, I don’t think retaliation by the company would be very likely. Retaliation by another employee over a respect / dis respect issue turned obsessive could be more likely. Perhaps the victims asserted their seniority in the past over another employee seeking a shift or position?
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They weren’t ignored. I’ve stated several times I came in late on this case and while I tried to catch up, I missed some of the early TV stuff especially. It’s not easy to find older interviews by random search bc a lot have been continually updated over time.
Are you aware of our media thread? There are 13 pages there with all of the press conferences, news releases, maps, videos, articles, etc. It might be easier to catch up by reading there (13 pages vs. 25 threads!). Just an idea.
WI - WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron,Media, Maps and Timelines *NO DISCUSSION*
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I have been taking breaks from thsee threads, just so hard to take.
I can't imagine how the family, Jayme, and LE feels. They get no breaks fom this living nighmare.
I keep hoping, and praying that they get that one bit of evidence, or proof, or that someone talks.
It so hard to fathom how anyone can do this in the first place, but then get away with it for this long, and it not eat away at them like The Tell Tale Heart.
As I lay in bed last night, I thought about someone kicking down our front door. Although metal, the frame is still wood and would "give." But, what got my attention was the time it would take for me in the bedroom to react. Our bed inside our bedroom is approximately 45 ft from our front door. If I was asleep, I would need to awake, take a few seconds to react, then go from the bed toward the door. My guess it this would take at least 45 seconds or longer. To kick in a wood door with a wood frame would take seconds. I don't think James nor Denise had a chance. Having guns in a locked cabinet, as required by law, didn't help.
This is about 2 hours south of Barron:

"Skeletal remains were found late last week in the Township of Clifton, according to Monroe County authorities. Monroe County Sheriff Scott Perkins said a call came in around 3:40 p.m. Friday, November 23, from a person hunting a wooded area near County Highway W in Monroe County."

Skeletal remains found in Monroe County
Okay, I have a less close connection to my sibling. I wonder about texting/calling one another in the (late) evening, when they have seen each other personally just hours before. There must have been some quite urgent stuff to talk about, I would assume.

I wouldn't necessarily assume that. My mom could spend all day with her sisters and then come home and spend an hour on the phone with her. Maybe it was a habit for them to talk at night. Maybe she wanted to see if her sister had voted for Juan Pablo on "Dancing with the Stars." Maybe she forgot to tell her something trivial at the BBQ. It could have been something urgent, but it's just as likely that it was not. Even my 7 year old can spend hours with her BFF and then come home and ask if she can text her. That stuff starts young.
As I lay in bed last night, I thought about someone kicking down our front door. Although metal, the frame is still wood and would "give." But, what got my attention was the time it would take for me in the bedroom to react. Our bed inside our bedroom is approximately 45 ft from our front door. If I was asleep, I would need to awake, take a few seconds to react, then go from the bed toward the door. My guess it this would take at least 45 seconds or longer. To kick in a wood door with a wood frame would take seconds. I don't think James nor Denise had a chance. Having guns in a locked cabinet, as required by law, didn't help.
I don't think James was in bed. After working he was likely winding down.
If someone wanted to rob the place or was looking for something specific, that afternoon would have been perfect, nobody was home.
If you show up at 12.30 on a workday/schoolday, you want to make sure everybody is at ome.
The perp(s) were there for less than four minutes. It would seem to me that Jayme was the target.
This is about 2 hours south of Barron:

"Skeletal remains were found late last week in the Township of Clifton, according to Monroe County authorities. Monroe County Sheriff Scott Perkins said a call came in around 3:40 p.m. Friday, November 23, from a person hunting a wooded area near County Highway W in Monroe County."

Skeletal remains found in Monroe County

I had to double take on this and check dates because skeletal remains were found there a couple weeks ago (determined to be unrelated).

Hoping this time has nothing to do with this case as well but weird that this town has had two skeletons show up in a short time?!?!
The perp(s) were there for less than four minutes. It would seem to me that Jayme was the target.
*IF* the perp(s) were there for less than 4 minutes I would maybe agree. But I want to know what they were doing between 12:31 when the neighbors heard 2 shots and 12:56 when the 911 call was placed. Those 25 minutes are critical to determine what the motive was.
I had to double take on this and check dates because skeletal remains were found there a couple weeks ago (determined to be unrelated).

Hoping this time has nothing to do with this case as well but weird that this town has had two skeletons show up in a short time?!?!

That seems to happen a lot in high profile cases. It happened with Mollie Tibbets' case as well. While they were looking for her, they found another body. When you mobilize that many people and literally leave no stone unturned, things tend to get uncovered. Our county has 3,000 people and during a manhunt we found 2 bodies in the same week-one a suicide and one a natural disaster (struck by lightning). There's a chance they could be connected, of course, but sadly this seems to be common.
That sounds right... if u look at frame door appears kicked in... so either kicked halfway in James holding perp back.... or perp shoots james through door then kicks in or some variation of...

Here is video of 12 g shotgun going through 5 wooden doors... I think y’all could be right on shotgun.. pattern appears shooting up door but it’s really just one shell spray pattern.. was there ever a photo of door ??

Thanks for the video. Informative. Gives people an idea of the damage caused by them.

Unfortunately the guy in the video is a jerk. Never, ever, should a firearm be treated like a toy! Always consider a firearm loaded. I would never stay any where near this guy if he had a firearm.

Although I've handled and hunted with rifles and shotguns since 8 YO or so, I was never given a toy gun for a present. Always had to borrow one from a neighborhood kid when we played. Dad was very serious about firearm safety.
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