AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #30

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Keeping in mind that the call log was not released until a few days after the crimes, the initial reports from LE via Press Conferences was....When they arrived at thetscene, the front door was open and they could see a person down thru the doorway. Unresponsive. The second body was found unresponsive near the first body. Jayme was not found and they began the search for her.
It was only after the call log was released that any details were released...times and what the officers proceeded to do. That's when all hell broke loose with questions and what ifs, why didn't they, and how could of. Also that day the neighbors broke the story that they heard two gun shots at 12:30. My point is..there is no way times can be exactly right. The time they saw James and the time they spoke it into their radio could be minutes off and the same is true when they found Denise. Plus you've got multiple officers reporting to the operator. Does anyone think what's reported is the exact time it was determined or done. I sure don't.. I think they accomplished quite a bit in three hours. I bet they ruhe the day they released the call log. I'm afraid that might be a reason they haven't released anything else important.
Just because Jayme looks more 'grown up' in some photos, does not mean she is 'involved' in her own disappearance. From everything we have heard about her, read about her and observed, I don't believe for one second she was innocently involved in her disappearance just because she wears a bit of makeup at times and tries out more modern apparel. She had JUST TURNED age 13! She was exactly how relatives, etc. said she was IMO!

I previously thought there was zero chance she was involved, however, now I think there could be a small chance. In my opinion, I still think it is the least likely option but it could be possible.

None of us know her, and often people aren’t always the way they seem. Even teenage girls.

We just don’t have much to go on in this case so we are all speculating.
Keeping in mind that the call log was not released until a few days after the crimes, the initial reports from LE via Press Conferences was....When they arrived at thetscene, the front door was open and they could see a person down thru the doorway. Unresponsive. The second body was found unresponsive near the first body. Jayme was not found and they began the search for her.
It was only after the call log was released that any details were released...times and what the officers proceeded to do. That's when all hell broke loose with questions and what ifs, why didn't they, and how could of. Also that day the neighbors broke the story that they heard two gun shots at 12:30. My point is..there is no way times can be exactly right. The time they saw James and the time they spoke it into their radio could be minutes off and the same is true when they found Denise. Plus you've got multiple officers reporting to the operator. Does anyone think what's reported is the exact time it was determined or done. I sure don't.. I think they accomplished quite a bit in three hours. I bet they ruhe the day they released the call log. I'm afraid that might be a reason they haven't released anything else important.
Well, let’s hope Fitzgerald throws us a bone... something... anything... soon, because we’ve pretty much already beat our poor dead horse to smithereens! :confused:
Did they make the mistake of thinking he was not smart enough to pull off such a thing? Or, just looked at as a harmless different type who again, could not pull off such a thing or they could not fathom that he could? This is why I do not dismiss the PT. People can often have problems in one area of life but be quite capable/smart in another area and perhaps sometimes LE thinks anyone who can commit such a crime and leave few clues (like the Wetterling case) must be smart and have calculated and planned the crime? Just thinking "out loud" so to speak... In the same way, someone young may be dismissed...

He wasn’t dismissed as not smart enough. I have no clue why he was not examined .

The info about him came out after he was arrested. I doubt if he was smart. Drinking heavily at age five would hurt the brain. He never showed any brain power.
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Long time lurker. First time poster. I don't want to come off snarky, I just need to know. Is Mark Fuhrman considered the end all be all here on WS? I've seen lots of references to him is why I ask. TIA
With the above in mind, I will mention that in my opinion, when this case first broke and the only photo of Jayme we saw was the widely circulated Amber Alert photo where she looked very young and childish, I thought there was no way that she could be involved in her own disappearance.

But since many other photos of Jayme have been posted, which show her looking like a typical teenager rather than a child, I would now say “maybe” she was involved in her own disappearance. IMO.

If she was involved in her own disappearance I doubt if she knew her parents were going to be harmed. Again, just my opinion.

I still think it is more likely that she was not involved in her disappearance. But after seeing more recent photos of Jayme I would say it could be possible, even if the possibility is slight.
Wow, you're judging her by the way she looked in a few photos! Just because she wore makeup or more teenish clothes, whatever the case, her personality and character and interests have been well discussed by not only her relatives, but dance teacher, etc. Jayme was a recently turned age 13 new teen, and she had just been recovering from pneumonia week previously. I don't think she had a thing to do with her own disappearance. All teen girls experiment with makeup and clothes, it doesn't make them seem more likely to be 'involved' with their own disappearance. Poor girl!
Long time lurker. First time poster. I don't want to come off snarky, I just need to know. Is Mark Fuhrman considered the end all be all here on WS? I've seen lots of references to him is why I ask. TIA

Haha. No, not at all.

He offered an opinion fairly early in the case, and I haven't heard anything else about it since then. Some may really value his opinion, while others may not. All depends on your point of view.

His take was that Denise was the target. His reasoning (I'm paraphrasing here) was that if James were the target then the perp would have left the scene after killing James, who is believed to have been killed first. The obvious counterpoint to his take is that the perp continued the crime after killing Denise by taking Jayme, so one could also use his logic to say that Jayme was the target. I don't have a link to his comments, but that was the basic premise. Take it for whatever you feel it is worth.
Haha. No, not at all.

He offered an opinion fairly early in the case, and I haven't heard anything else about it since then. Some may really value his opinion, while others may not. All depends on your point of view.

His take was that Denise was the target. His reasoning (I'm paraphrasing here) was that if James were the target then the perp would have left the scene after killing James, who is believed to have been killed first. The obvious counterpoint to his take is that the perp continued the crime after killing Denise by taking Jayme, so one could also use his logic to say that Jayme was the target. I don't have a link to his comments, but that was the basic premise. Take it for whatever you feel it is worth.
Thank you. I had read his opinion and didn't think it fit the evidence?
Long time lurker. First time poster. I don't want to come off snarky, I just need to know. Is Mark Fuhrman considered the end all be all here on WS? I've seen lots of references to him is why I ask. TIA
Hey Forpsy - welcome! I assume you’re asking about Fuhrman because he commented on this case? I reckon you may want to mention a detail like that in the future. Hate to see your first post deleted for being off topic. :cool:

Be that as it may, count me in the camp who has never much cared for Fuhrman.
Hey Forpsy - welcome! I assume you’re asking about Fuhrman because he commented on this case? I reckon you may want to mention a detail like that in the future. Hate to see your first post deleted for being off topic. :cool:

Be that as it may, count me in the camp who has never much cared for Fuhrman.
Oh, shoot! Thank you for the heads up and the welcome.
As much as I am not a 'fan' of M.Fuhrman by any stretch of the imagination, he was a seasoned detective, so anything in regard to his thoughts on this could be of interest, or not. ;)

I'm not a fan either but that doesn't mean I would dismiss his acumen altogether. Just curious and didn't ask it the way I should have.
I have been bothered by these 2 girls driving by at that hour as well. Unless they had a good reason to be at that specific location at that time of night I think it is a little too coincidental. If it were at 9-10 o'clock I wouldn't think much of it. Could they have worked a night shift somewhere and just happened by there on way home- saw commotion and turned around? I thought I read somewhere that they were related to Closses but not sure about that. Why were they there?

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