AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #31

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I thought the turkeys and boat across lake superior were a bit far fetched but i never said a word because who knows. I am responsible for asking about Ms Verizon I am really glad that was cleared up I must have missed it. It is really sad as I think most people care but do not dare talk about a burner phone, etc. So the alternative it goes even colder (it may not be with LE who knows) and no one talks about it. From what I have seen, most people here have good intentions and want to help, it is no crazy site where there are some really wild theories. jmho.

Totally enjoy reading your thoughts, chili. Someone or some people were off the chain in this crime, so I do think we keep it hinged in all the same here. It is hard, sometimes.
I thought the turkeys and boat across lake superior were a bit far fetched but i never said a word because who knows. I am responsible for asking about Ms Verizon I am really glad that was cleared up I must have missed it. It is really sad as I think most people care but do not dare talk about a burner phone, etc. So the alternative it goes even colder (it may not be with LE who knows) and no one talks about it. From what I have seen, most people here have good intentions and want to help, it is no crazy site where there are some really wild theories. jmho.
Yes, that’s why I gave everything equal plausability...
I think it’s pretty cool that electronic sniffing dogs were brought in because I’m not sure I knew they existed before. Bomb, drug and cadaver/scent sniffing yes but I never considered they were trained to seek out electronics. I love dogs and all the ways they serve us!
I think it’s pretty cool that electronic sniffing dogs were brought in because I’m not sure I knew they existed before. Bomb, drug and cadaver/scent sniffing yes but I never considered they were trained to seek out electronics. I love dogs and all the ways they serve us!
Yes I couldn't agree more I love my fur baby as he is laying here snuggled up beside me snoring away LOL (Frenchie)

I am sure Jayme dog Molly really misses her too. It's just a sad, sad situation and it has really kept me up many nights. I want nothing more than for her to found safely and returned to her family. They are grieving so much already with James and Denise's deaths.
I have and Moonsie quoted what the authorities said in an above post. If I had time I would go back and retrieve any additional info. from past threads.
I looked and I didn’t see the links. I would like to read the articles if you can provide the links. TIA!
I try to peruse the thoughts here during the day, but can only really respond after work and the day. Thanks, also, to those of you who stay on target.

I do feel like it’s boiling down to two possibilities, since I don’t see much evidence of Jayme being subdued by an online predator.

1) Someone known to the parents was wicked mad at them, so much they brought in an acquaintance and planned a late night attack.

2) Someone spotted Jayme or her mother and planned a late night hit, but it didn’t work out as planned

I do think the 911 call, like a poster here earlier mentioned (it could have been me- it’s so hard to keep track) was important in hastening the crime. James responding to the intruders may also not have been a part of that plan.

Night all, hopefully we won’t have to keep rehashing the same topics. I know it is frustrating to you all who have already posted facts, but they keep getting brought up. That’s why Whiskers16 timeline is imortant to keep the facts straight. She did a great job.
With today’s technology, I know where I work, I have a caller ID on my desk phone. (I know, an antiquitated relic, but I would assume officers and 911 centers have caller ID on the land collected phone lines, and some of them still have desk phones collected to a landline).

All that to say, I get the registered name of the cell phone on my desk phone’s screen, so I know who is calling me.

I am not sure that matters, but wanted to throw it out there.

Phone providers keep information on the physical location of landlines using a database (MSAG) and provide that to 911 centers through an ANI/ALI interface for all 911 calls.

It makes more sense that BC 911 had an emergency contact at Verizon (cellphones are another feed and the provider of a call is known) to quickly get the home address of the subscriber if the cell 911 call's location information (lat/long) was not good. It would be common sense to redact that number.
For my first WS post ever.... joined and have been following this case since the beginning.
In Wisconsin bar activities consume a lot of adult time especially in northern Wisconsin as there isn't really much to do but, pass the time tossin the beers back.

I agree with this idea as James may of just been at the bar all day or at night on Sunday - not uncommon for someone from WI to sit in a bar for 8-10 hours (seriously). He could have had an altercation (large or small and unnoticed by other patrons) with someone from the bar in (I see it all the time around here) Okauchee. Drunks or just people who don't like you will start something over nothing after a couple drinks. Math continues from there as perp knows where he lives or follows him home.

But then I toss this idea OUT as a drunk person(s) may not have the ability to leave no trace while under the influence but perhaps an altercation was another day and was planned out and then re-ignited when James was seen at the bar again and perp wasn't fully intoxicated.

The question remains is WHY do we not know what James was doing earlier in that day? Do they not want to include a business that may know info for fear of negative effect on that said business/bar in this remote area?
WAS he at a friends house and they don't want to call out said friend out just yet as they cannot connect all the dots to charge without reasonable doubt?

I think if we knew what James was doing that day would shed some light - they are just waiting for someone to come forward with "oh I've seen James at xxxxxxxx"
There are 5 bars within 3 miles of the house.

And the case continues - -

Hi Wis and welcome.
The lack of any verification by police on James' whereabouts that day has led to much speculation that he was at work, went to a bar or the casino, et al. But there is another, simpler possibility, too. It was a Sunday. He may have just never wanted to leave his couch. Maybe he wanted to watch that Pats-KC game or just have a few quiet hours alone. Remember, this was a birthday party for a cousin of his daughter or something like that. I do this sometimes, too. I just don't want to go, and my wife gives me cover. She'll take our kids to whatever the event is and tell anyone who asks that I'm working, or sick, whatever.
Point is, the only two people who would know the answer, one is dead and the other is missing. So if police have checked with Jenni-O to see if he worked, and discovered he did not, they might truly have no way to know where he was or what he was doing. And the answer really might be -- nothing. Just hanging out on his couch.
Jmo even if a young teen does not know how to stay “off the radar” online, if she met someone who did know...LE might have a hard time tracing contact. Or if she used someone else’s phone or computer to communicate, knowing her parents might check hers. You just never know. I sure would have figured it all out at her age if there had been such things back then...was already climbing off the roof at night. Anyway...Jayme may have done none of these things...but teens do, and their parents remain unaware.

I don’t really think this crime is tied to electronics myself, but then I have no real idea what could have brought it about, as I don’t believe it was random in any sense. I do wonder if we will ever know. I don’t believe LE has yet found a motive or target, and if not, without any evidence, (as they say) not sure how this case can solved, short of a confession...jmo
Sorry this is long. Just some things I'm mulling over, and it's nothing new and groundbreaking, but based on some discussions here as well as looking at the case on other platforms I'd say im leaning torwards:

1) perp began by kicking at the door. James and Denise both heard some sort of noise at the front of the house and James went to investigate and found it was coming from the door. Once he realized it was someone or more than one person trying to get in he yelled for Denise to hide and call 911. By this time the perp had been working on the door so he finally got it down before James had a chance to hide anywhere himself and was shot immediately- hence why initial report was that the man down had "answered the door"
Denise was in the process of calling 911 but was shot in that limbo area of phone calls where it takes a second after you dial for it to hook up and start ringing to the number you're calling. This would account for dispatcher not being able to speak with anyone but hearing commotion and jayme's "help!" in the background

2) someone forcing their way in makes some people think burglary, but perp seemed ready and prepared to kill whoever was at the door. Could still possibly indicate burglary but from what I've seen and have been told by cops, most home burglars want to take the path of least resistance when they break in. They don't want to make a lot of commotion and draw attention, and they typically don't want to bring murder into it--yes they probably aren't of the highest moral fiber but really, they're there for money/goods. I know people who have been home when a burglar came in and perp didn't kill them--they were too busy tearing the house apart. They want to get in and out as quickly as possible (one caveat to this is that if perp was high, the typical home invasion scenario very well may not apply here and they could come in a blitz attack and not be worried about being inconspicuous.) but I'm really thinking this wasn't a burglary motive. They either wanted James/Denise dead from the get go for a personal vendetta against them, or they wanted them dead in order to take Jayme. So I guess now I'm still leaning away from this being totally random

3) there's been a lot of talk about burner phones and apps where teens can be secretive. I have nothing to add on that front but I will say that I was a teenager in the late 90s into early 00s when the internet was really taking off and quite the novelty. I was like Jayme in a lot of ways- shy, but friendly and smiley, and not overly mature for my age. I talked to A LOT of boys in chat rooms and over instant messenger. I exchanged pictures with them, even talked to some of them on the phone. My parents didn't really know the extent to what I was doing. However, at least my best friend knew if not a couple friends. They were doing the same thing, some more than others. When you're 13 you're really starting to move your friendships away from just child's play into confiding and discussing teenage hood topics like wearing bras and shaving and periods, boys, teachers, etc. Teenage girls talk A LOT. If Jayme had been talking to a male, I really believe LE would know that from interviewing her friends.

Just my experience and JMO
I'm sorry if this was already discussed or, worse, banned. I don't have a lot of time during the day so I try to keep up at night. My question, after reading that latest article, is what kind of gun would make a closed casket for Denise Closs a necessity? I know that it is possible for there to only have been two shots if the neighbors are to be deemed credible so this mystifies me. MOO and TIA and my apologies if I have screwed up.
At that age, my daughters who lived in the country had lots of sleepovers at our house. That age is very social.

Did Jayme have friends that she did things with? It sounds like her mother was with her a lot.

Maybe Jayme was lonely and reached out to someone who misinterpreted her. Some immature guy.

Someone like an Elliot Richards. ( is that his name? ). I believe he pushed someone on a balcony. These types of guys are really disturbed.
I don't mean to be rude, but that was my opinion and the opinion of others who have also followed this case from the beginning. I am only upset for family members who have to deal with theories that the sheriff and authorities have ruled out already.

Accept that what you are declaring as ruled out, really is not. The Sheriff has walked that statement back somewhat in other interviews, including at at the 31:16 mark of a podcast in which he is interviewed one-on-one (google DrydenWire and you'll find the one-hour interview).
Question: "Is Jayme ruled out as a suspect?"
Sheriff: "I think Jame is 13 years old, nothing is off the table. I believe she is endangered and missing. ... There is nothing to point to that (that she was involved) that she texted her friend and said 'Come and rescue me.' But I'm not saying ... because we don't know the answers ... I'm not taking that off the table ..."
I don't know what to make of that.
IMO she is not involved. I can't imagine it. But it is certainly fair to consider and debate. We do not know what the police and family knows. Personally, JMO, I have an uncomfortable feeling about this case when trying to figure out what the police are thinking, based on shaded responses like this interview above, to an uncle's interview in which he said he had a "gut feeling" about what happened and who was involved, to bigger things like not allowing the family to hear the 911 tape. Words and tactics matter in these things. JMO
Fair enough. When either LE or MSM confirms that Jayme had a boyfriend of any type or age, then ok. I will just wait for that I guess. Same thing on any of the victims having a burner phone, or spending the day in a bar, or whatever.
I understand -- you seriously don't like any speculation. Fair enough.
I don't mean to be rude, but that was my opinion and the opinion of others who have also followed this case from the beginning. I am only upset for family members who have to deal with theories that the sheriff and authorities have ruled out already.
What theories have the sheriff and authorities "ruled out already." I haven't heard any theories they have "ruled out already." I've heard them say they've yet to find any evidence pointing to certain theories, but that is not the same thing as having "ruled out" a theory.
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