AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #31

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What theories have the sheriff and authorities "ruled out already." I haven't heard any theories they have "ruled out already." I've heard them say they've yet to find any evidence pointing to certain theories, but that is not the same thing as having "ruled out" a theory.

The only thing I have seen that LE has “ruled out” is the man that broke in and stole her clothing.
Last time I'm reposting this lol. The bf theory has been ruled out. Authorities are 'convinced.' We are going over old ground all the time now, and so bowing out til anything new materializes.
A month after Jayme Closs vanished, the feeling in her hometown is 'very dark'

I respect your opinion however that article does not state anything has been ruled out.

Question for you: in your opinion, why do you think her aunts appealed to Jayme to return home, as if she was able to make the choice to return home?

And the aunts stated they think someone local has her.

Also, the fact that LE returned and took Jayme’s mattress was very interesting.

Wish we had more information to go on. Obviously LE knows more than they have released to the public.

All is speculation and opinion since we have precious little by the way of facts to discuss.

Jayme Closs family: 'We will never stop looking for you'
I think some people just think it's unlikely. At least the camp that I'm in. Certainly not offended by it, and it's something that is fair to discuss.

To me, the idea that a 13 year old girl from a blue collar family in a small town would be sophisticated enough to have a second cell phone is a little far-fetched.

It would shock me even more if she was in contact with a boyfriend/pedophile/etc. and the FBI couldn't find that connection.

That being said, it's certainly possible. Likely? No.

I put it in the same category as any theory that involves Jayme being a participant in her parents murders -- there is zero evidence to support it, but it can't be 100% ruled out.

I want to first be clear in that my first theory is this case is not related to Jayme.

However, with regard to the track phone, I in no way find it far fetched. Any teen that has ever been separated from their phone by their parents probably has one. The dollar store in this town sells them or used to anyhow and they were pretty hot sellers.

While it is a small town and she is from a blue collar family, children grow up with an internet now both at home and in school. We know she had a phone and have seen it in a picture or two. One can be very naive or innocent and yet very internet and electronic savvy. Teens are trying out new skills, socially, flirting etc. and just like some of us adults, probably feel wrongly safe sometimes talking to a stranger on the internet. Teens are a mixture of too smart for their own good and yet too naive to employ those smarts in a smart way if that makes any sense. At least looking back eons ago, that is how I would describe myself and most I knew.

Electronic sniffing dogs from what I have read are quite a unique tool and not all that common but a team was brought in here. They were looking for something or at least considered it a strong possibility there was something electronic missing.

So I guess imho even though it is not my first theory, this theory has actually more to support it than most with the dogs and surveillance cameras looking as if they expected the perp to come back for something... for what exactly?

One last thought on that is it is very common, there are tons of cases of such things since the internet debuted. It does not make her responsible, it makes her even more of a victim if such a thing happened. Adults have fallen for internet scams, they are still a victim and they are adults and one would think would be more savvy to the evil in the world than a child is.

again, imho.
I read that article but respectfully that is not ruling out that Jayme didn’t know the person.

While I don’t believe she had any knowledge or involvement regarding the murders of her parents I think it is possible someone she knew was involved. IMO.

It is not, obviously, a boyfriend in a traditional sense where they went out in dates, visited each other in their homes, etc.

However she could have had a friend, either an older teen or an adult, whom she confided in, had a crush on, etc. Or an adult she knew through school, church, or dance who developed an unhealthy obsession with her.

Possible that she confided in an adult acquaintance (again- school employee, dance coach, Sunday school teacher, grocery store bagger, convenience store employee etc) some teenage grievances about her patents being too restrictive, etc.

LE admits they have no motive at this time.

Do you have another link?

Possible that she confided in an adult acquaintance

that matches my line of thought this morning and if the adult acquaintance was at the Birthday Party and what Jayme confided made that person so angry that they went to Jaymes house with a gun and then lost control (a crime of rage) killing both parents.
Jayme is taken away by the person and placed in a safe place and no one knows where that safe place is (that would solve the mystery of why Jaymes relatives interviews sounded as if Jayme had the power to return home on her own)
There was the birthday party the perfect opportunity for Jayme to confide in someone and that someone talk to other people that would be concerned about Jayme.

I hope this doesn’t get deleted because it possibly answers three mysteries in this case.

1. Why the relatives interviews talked directly to Jayme instead of a possible kidnapper

2 The fast brutal killing of both parents show a crime of rage.

3. The time being night (after the birthday party) the crime happened.
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Er, this might be an area that you might not immediately think of all possibilities unless you are female. As a woman and the mom of two girls, I can think of a very common and innocent reason that they might see a need to test the mattress. Stuff happens and I will leave it at that.

Quote box didn't work so here is the post I was replying to....Just my perspective.

"Nothing ruled out... Sherrif took the mattress of a 13 yr old girl.. didn’t do this at first but later did ... something made them think check mattress for bodily fluids ...maybe they sprayed the mattress and it showed fluids... maybe something else ...

Still say no on jayme boyfriend. But mattress ain’t 5 Ft in house. That’s an odd thing to take.. didn’t take parents mattress... weird right..."
My post gets deleted when I put out info on the people at that plant. How can this be solved if you have to hold back and not contribute what you think is important in this case? Other sites welcome this. I am not accusing anyone in particular or naming anyone, but there is a big big concern about some of the people there. I'll leave it at that, but try solving when you have to walk on eggshells!
I have and Moonsie quoted what the authorities said in an above post. If I had time I would go back and retrieve any additional info. from past threads.

I must have not seen this either in any press conference or interview. Everything I have seen has been just the opposite that no one and no scenario has been ruled out. That is made quite clear all of the time. Except for the PT. Not a single other person that we know of has been ruled out. Nor any theory.

He did say they had no reason to think there was a BF but he did not rule it out. I think the issue here is a few things. Using the word BF for one. The only scenario I consider is a perp/predator preying on her. This would not be a boyfriend it would be a perp/predator adn she would be a victim.

I understand the family being upset by remarks of a real and true boyfriend or her being involved. I don't think that is what most people are saying here in any way, shape or form. They are talking about a predator, which is very common, far more common than sex trafficking in this case being likely. A person in authority at school, church, etc. or someone online.

I want to make it very clear that is all I mean when referencing any such thing. In no way did this family do one thing to deserve what happened to any of them.

I also never use the word BF. The only way I could see that is if it was online and some 50 year old creep had her convinced he was a 16 year old football star or something. In which case, that is still not a BF as she is being lied to and does not know the 16 year old does not exist.

The last I will say on the subject, just wanted it to be very clear in my case that in no way do I mean the theory that upsets the family--I mean a sneaky, evil predator, not a BF.

I still believe one of the parents or both were the target. Yet I entertain all theories.
The average 14-15yr old probably knows about Kik and the apps to hide apps your parents wouldn’t approve of. Parents need to open apps. Look around. Read about them. Use them to understand them. Sadly some don’t think to or think it’s necessary bc their kid(s) are angels. :(
I thought all their phones and computers were checked out!
My post gets deleted when I put out info on the people at that plant. How can this be solved if you have to hold back and not contribute what you think is important in this case? Other sites welcome this. I am not accusing anyone in particular or naming anyone, but there is a big big concern about some of the people there. I'll leave it at that, but try solving when you have to walk on eggshells!

Don't feel bad, I have trouble navigating it myself. I feel I have to be more PC than discussing politics. That is meant to be a joke, not a slam. I actually understand the reasons for the rules and appreciate them but it does make it difficult in a case where there is never anything new and there are basically no facts to help come up with any theory. It makes it hard to find anything new to say and try to keep the case alive and out there. imho.
Don't feel bad, I have trouble navigating it myself. I feel I have to be more PC than discussing politics. That is meant to be a joke, not a slam. I actually understand the reasons for the rules and appreciate them but it does make it difficult in a case where there is never anything new and there are basically no facts to help come up with any theory. It makes it hard to find anything new to say and try to keep the case alive and out there. imho.
I removed and changed some (important) words in my post that I thought might get it deleted.
I removed and changed some (important) words in my post that I thought might get it deleted.

I do as well because I am unsure sometimes so am using an overabundance of caution lately.

Where is this child? I have not even checked for updates yet today as I guess I have gotten so used to seeing nothing new. People are frustrated. How a family deals with it all, I have no idea, it would be so difficult.
there was a post here several pages back that said bye bye carpet and had a pic of carpet rolled up outside the house. I assumed the carpet was being replaced. now I wonder would the whole of the carpet from the home or even just a whole room be taken for looking for evidence or would that just be a well the carpet needs replaced now kind of thing?
Last time I'm reposting this lol. The bf theory has been ruled out. Authorities are 'convinced.' We are going over old ground all the time now, and so bowing out til anything new materializes.
A month after Jayme Closs vanished, the feeling in her hometown is 'very dark'
I would like to point out that this article was written/published November 20th. I hate to think this is their final definitive conclusion in this case. Surely they are still investigating and gaining new information in a timely manner.
It would be wrong for anyone to stop theorizing in this case based on month + old info. Until this case is solved every crumb that is thrown our way needs to be explored whether it fits our theory or not. This is just my opinion and I respect yours. Wish we had something new!!
there was a post here several pages back that said bye bye carpet and had a pic of carpet rolled up outside the house. I assumed the carpet was being replaced. now I wonder would the whole of the carpet from the home or even just a whole room be taken for looking for evidence or would that just be a well the carpet needs replaced now kind of thing?
Great thinking outside the box 1987 but I'm not sure that it would just be thrown in the back of the truck if they were going to test for evidence. I could be wrong though.
Possible that she confided in an adult acquaintance

that matches my line of thought this morning and if the adult acquaintance was at the Birthday Party and what Jayme confided made that person so angry that they went to Jaymes house with a gun and then lost control (a crime of rage) killing both parents.
Jayme is taken away by the person and placed in a safe place and no one knows where that safe place is (that would solve the mystery of why Jaymes relatives interviews sounded as if Jayme had the power to return home on her own)
There was the birthday party the perfect opportunity for Jayme to confide in someone and that someone talk to other people that would be concerned about Jayme.

I hope this doesn’t get deleted because it possibly answers three mysteries in this case.

1. Why the relatives interviews talked directly to Jayme instead of a possible kidnapper

2 The fast brutal killing of both parents show a crime of rage.

3. The time being night (after the birthday party) the crime happened.

I would like to point out that this article was written/published November 20th. I hate to think this is their final definitive conclusion in this case. Surely they are still investigating and gaining new information in a timely manner.
It would be wrong for anyone to stop theorizing in this case based on month + old info. Until this case is solved every crumb that is thrown our way needs to be explored whether it fits our theory or not. This is just my opinion and I respect yours. Wish we had something new!!

And that would also answer why “I hate to think this is their final definitive conclusion in this case.” because the case has become A Waiting Game. Waiting because Jayme is not in danger but waiting for Jayme to come out of hiding.
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My post gets deleted when I put out info on the people at that plant. How can this be solved if you have to hold back and not contribute what you think is important in this case? Other sites welcome this. I am not accusing anyone in particular or naming anyone, but there is a big big concern about some of the people there. I'll leave it at that, but try solving when you have to walk on eggshells!
I do believe the Jennie-O angle is quite important since James and Denise worked there for many years and most likely made many connections there over the years.
We have talked about every group on here including MS-13 , meth addicts, Mexican drug cartels , and American Indian groups. Spesking about the high percentage of foreign individuals that work at Jennie-O and live in the community shouldn’t be off limits .
As mentioned in The NY Times article written many weeks ago a local resident mentioned that kidnapping & murdering to obtain a child bride is very common among certain groups .Not saying this happened, but it shouldn’t be disregarded either . JMO . JMO.
I would like to point out that this article was written/published November 20th. I hate to think this is their final definitive conclusion in this case. Surely they are still investigating and gaining new information in a timely manner.
It would be wrong for anyone to stop theorizing in this case based on month + old info. Until this case is solved every crumb that is thrown our way needs to be explored whether it fits our theory or not. This is just my opinion and I respect yours. Wish we had something new!!

LE uses a lot of semantics, I would think most of us would agree. Missing and endangered versus abducted. BF maybe versus friend or predator. And so many other examples we have seen through the past months. This entire case is trying to read between the lines. And I am sure it is done probably intentionally and with good reason. It keeps us guessing so I imagine it keeps the perp(s) guessing as well. I too wish we had something new. And I too respect, read and consider all opinions. It really is all anyone has...
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