AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #31

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Originally I speculated Jayme had been taken across the Canadian border, being held in some remote cabin. However, I’ve changed my amateur speculation. I don’t think she went far at all, and I speculate the Perp is hiding in plain sight.

Amateur opinion and speculation.
The remote cabin is perfectly feasible idea, but you wouldn't have to go to Canada to do it. In northern WI, the UP and MN, you can't swing a dead turkey without hitting a hunting cabin! I would imagine that there has been some LE research done into where some individuals and their families own cabin land. Searches and warrants are another story.
Nothing ruled out... Sherrif took the mattress of a 13 yr old girl.. didn’t do this at first but later did ... something made them think check mattress for bodily fluids ...maybe they sprayed the mattress and it showed fluids... maybe something else ...

Still say no on jayme boyfriend. But mattress ain’t 5 Ft in house. That’s an odd thing to take.. didn’t take parents mattress... weird right...

They took at least one mattress out yes. But we weren't told who's it was that I know of (were we)? Its possible it was Jayme's and that would seem the most logical explanation, but maybe it wasn't?
I talked to my daughter about some of the stuff that came up today. I guess I’m making the assumption that she and Jayme are both normal, typical teenage girls. In the attempt to understand Jayme a little better, so I could gauge probabilities better, I asked her:
If it was not a house rule, what is the chances that you leave your phone charging in the kitchen when you go to bed? She said “None.” It’s her music, book, alarm clock...everything. She said it didn’t matter how tired she was, she’d get up and go get it. Now, if Jayme couldn’t take her phone to her room, nothing changes. But, if she could and my daughter and her are alike, then she was probably still up that night (I think I read there was no school the next day). Which means...I don’t know. More questions...

Then I showed her @photographer4 post from a few pages back on how a person could maybe use kik and not show a history of it. I asked her: Does the average teen know this stuff? She said she didn’t know any of it. I asked her if she had ever heard anyone talk about how to stay under the radar in any way online? She said “No.” The most anyone does she knows is just not save anything on Snap Chat. So, I’m going to say that the average teenager, probably is not capable of hiding any online activity from LE. Which, I guess I figured, but she’s never even heard of a teen that’s even worried about it.

Maybe it’s just more common where I am for teens to use apps as described previously. Perhaps it differs from place to place. Every teen I asked was acutely aware. The difference may be the kids I asked had things to hide online or their friends did.
This is information from an article requesting the 2000 volunteers...IMO...LE eliminated many based upon each person had to register and show photo id..also boots were the required footwear...check for stamina and agility by advising tough terrain during search. If LE was looking for a specific person(s), maybe they didn't show, which prompted the second search. Just a thought. Info listed below my comment.


Two thousand volunteers are needed and should report to the staging area at 1883 Hwy 25, Barron WI, also known as The Hungry Hollow Grounds at the intersection of Hwy 25 and 19th Ave no later than 9:00 a.m. All volunteers must be registered at the staging area in order to participate in the search. Barron County officials will register all volunteers until 9:00 a.m., gates will close promptly at that time. We hope to be completed by 4pm.

Volunteers must be 18 years or older and present a picture form of identification. Volunteers must be able to walk on uneven terrain. Proper footwear (boots required) and cold weather clothing are required and may become dirty or stained.
I have to laugh at your Magic 8 ball comment, that is the best way I have seen it put and it sums it up perfectly. In no way a knock at the sheriff, I would even wonder if maybe he would agree because answers are intentionally danced around and in the end we never have a for sure yes or for sure no on almost anything....
Bob wins the internet for today with that one! :D

I agree with you about the Sheriff. We should remember that the FBI is involved in this, too, and they have specific public relations people who guide who knows what and when. I just don't feel Fitzgerald has all that great a poker face.
I also see Jayme as a victim. I think when Jayme confided something to someone at the birthday party she had no ideal it would lead to such rage by someone so Jayme is a victim as much as her parents were.

this is one of the first scenarios that starts to make sense. it seems that jayme was an intended target and the parents where secondary or collateral damage to targeting jayme. there are many ways to get to jayme as the target, without killing the parents. someone feared what the parents knew about jayme as a victim and thus they were eliminated.
i've gone back and forth between "she's right under everyone's noses!" to "nah she's not even in Wisconsin anymore" sigh...
still great to see a country wide effort going on. even if she and/or perp are still in Wisconsin or even the midwest, maybe perp has an auntie in Florida who will see this and start thinking about it again and realize she has an important tip. jmo
You are so right! Folks really need to submit tips is they have a niggling suspicion, and have noticed odd/changes in behavior such as LE has schooled us on. Great post.
Bob wins the internet for today with that one! :D

I agree with you about the Sheriff. We should remember that the FBI is involved in this, too, and they have specific public relations people who guide who knows what and when. I just don't feel Fitzgerald has all that great a poker face.

I loved that remark probably because I had a magic 8 ball lol. It does deserve the award of the day. I hated when the ball was like "ask again later", "i don't know", can't really remember them all. I do know it never said yes when I wanted it to, etc.

I think he evades questions very well or dances around them but it in no way is it hidden that that is what he is doing, you are right...
i love this:

Semi helps share information to find Jayme Closs

while we have seen cases where a missing person was within the vicinity from where they went missing the whole time and just weren't found for awhile, my gut for some reason is telling me Jayme was taken out of the Barron radius. Keep Jayme out there across the country...someone has an important tip!
Woohoo! That makes me really smile. I'm glad to see something like this as well.
Bob wins the internet for today with that one! :D

I agree with you about the Sheriff. We should remember that the FBI is involved in this, too, and they have specific public relations people who guide who knows what and when. I just don't feel Fitzgerald has all that great a poker face.

That's a good reminder, about the FBI involvement. Since the FBI does not have a community-based presence and isn't elected, it could be the FBI that is strongly advising Fitzgerald to say nothing.

I loled at the Magic 8 Ball comment too. "Signs point to yes", "Outlook not so good".
Phone charging in kitchen

Let me think on this... does this lead to believe JC was grounded that night?

JC goes to far involving someone else, causing harm unknown to her outcome of parents death?

Perp in house for 5 mins and 5 feet, with screaming on 911 call but family and public can not hear audio to determine reaction JC is supplying.

Family plea with dog, coffee drink, sweatshirt, etc all awaiting her safe return to a loving family.

LE believing she is alive giving greats hopes to public with minimal upfront searches.

LE questioned the abusers and meths in town and repeated questioning if stories seemed out of wack.

But... this scenario doesnt seem valid either, as forensics may or may not have lead from JC phone. Family is begging on FB for someone to turn someone in.

Now another scenario. Last night my neighbor had a mental Illness breakdown, Schizophrenia. This turned my night into a no sleep night researching those with this illness and abductions... hundreds of them to say the least. HIPPA makes this difficult to research those individuals, but a counselor could go off the grid to assist.

Why, oh why, do I want to believe JC is alive and had a moment of angst against parents, but FBI has fed the family details on what to say to neutralize the matter.

Cash and Credit Cards go so far before theft and being caught kicks in. OR summer cabin opening season starts up again and details come to light
The remote cabin is perfectly feasible idea, but you wouldn't have to go to Canada to do it. In northern WI, the UP and MN, you can't swing a dead turkey without hitting a hunting cabin! I would imagine that there has been some LE research done into where some individuals and their families own cabin land. Searches and warrants are another story.

Canada is not out of the question but in my thought most perps do not do that. First you have the chance at being looked at at the border. Second if you have any felonies I believe you are not allowed in. Third if it is someone that is going to keep her, they are not going to easily get a job without ID, etc. and he needs a way to live and feed them unless he is going to "live off the land." And so forth. As for hunting cabins and even resort cabins and summer homes, lord there are so many that they could not all be searched here unless one looked at the perp and knew who and where he had ties to. If this is the type of perp that took her to keep her and that was the intent, my best guess is he has a home or a property. If not, I would think he probably would have been caught by now. I mean they can motel it but you have to move her and keep her quiet. If staying with someone they could tell LE. Someone somehow at some point has to have a money source/job unless independently wealthy...
this is one of the first scenarios that starts to make sense. it seems that jayme was an intended target and the parents where secondary or collateral damage to targeting jayme. there are many ways to get to jayme as the target, without killing the parents. someone feared what the parents knew about jayme as a victim and thus they were eliminated.
Who in the world would be at a child's birthday party that could inflict such horror? Are you thinking a family member?
Agreeing with you, R-f-p, because statistically, with how the actual crime went down, ......violent home invasion (random) makes a lot of sense.

Every theory has to be entertained. And, then, the "opposite" theory has to be entertained.

Hence, our ongoing exploration of: The crime was targeted.

I'm hoping LE has looked at the Cameron connection thoroughly.

Could the perp(s) be from Cameron? And over the years, the perp had watched Jayme when she was dropped off at school, or at her aunt's house in that neighborhood. Maybe the perp lived near the school, or near the residence where Jayme visited as a youngster, while both parents were at work? He could see her regularly. And the family (Aunt, Denise, other neighbors, etc.) had no real idea he was a predator, or at least had an unhealthy connection to her.

Then, in the perp's own mind, he feels that "Jayme is slipping away." First, she's getting older, ..therefore, she doesn't need babysitting nearby anymore. Second, she now has "moved away" back to Barron, and the Barron school system. Does the perp feel he is very important somehow to the family? And now he has, in his own perception, "been cut out"?

And what was going to happen in the future? What was the precipitating event that made the crime have to happen that Sunday night? And, so, the perp's only recourse, only option ..... was extreme violence (double homicide and a kidnapping) Why? (The perp, of course, perceives all those actions as justified.)

What was the perp trying to prevent? In his mind,..... was Jayme going to become even more removed from his life? Was all contact to be ended? This was unbearable to him, (or them, if multiple perps). And it caused him a lot of rage towards the parents. (IMO)

I'm trying to attach a logical conclusion to stuff that isn't logical at all.

And, again, also........trying to entertain all theories because everything is still on the table.......
I hear you. Like I said earlier today, I’ve been over so many theories some many times I don’t know what I think anymore. They all sound good up to a point, but then none of them make sense somehow.
this is one of the first scenarios that starts to make sense. it seems that jayme was an intended target and the parents where secondary or collateral damage to targeting jayme. there are many ways to get to jayme as the target, without killing the parents. someone feared what the parents knew about jayme as a victim and thus they were eliminated.

I'm not sure there really were all that many ways to get to her, but my impression of her and her family could be wrong. It looks like she may have been kept pretty close to her family, was involved in after-school activities/dance/sports and spending time with her aunt. I don't have specific documentation, but from everything I've read I don't have the impression of a young girl spending a lot of time off on her own, easy to grab. Which is maybe the reason the perp(s) busted into the house in the middle of the night.
The remote cabin is perfectly feasible idea, but you wouldn't have to go to Canada to do it. In northern WI, the UP and MN, you can't swing a dead turkey without hitting a hunting cabin! I would imagine that there has been some LE research done into where some individuals and their families own cabin land. Searches and warrants are another story.
This is the theory I think I like the best, but I’m thinking more unoccupied rental properties or boarded up window business. They would be closer and perp would have more reasons to go there outside of hunting season.
This is the theory I think I like the best, but I’m thinking more unoccupied rental properties or boarded up window business. They would be closer and perp would have more reasons to go there outside of hunting season.
The reason I would lean toward hunting cabin is because they tend to be more remote and hidden. Some require an ATV or hike to get to. Not so much the case with a business or rental.
This is the theory I think I like the best, but I’m thinking more unoccupied rental properties or boarded up window business. They would be closer and perp would have more reasons to go there outside of hunting season.

It would really depend on what kind. An unoccupied rental or business would either have no heat or electric or if the do, the owner is going to notice an increase in his bill if he has everything off or set low. Even many cabins are winterized (utilities off) or 3 season. Just saying it would not be a very pleasant existence quite possibly. This is of course, if she is in the area, where it is winter. She could be in Florida.
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