AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #2

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SharonNeedles this explains why there was an Amber Alert.
[The Amber Alert on Monday was issued across Wisconsin and officials also asked neighboring states to put out an alert too, according to Rebecca Ballweg, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Justice.

"Some states have different policies about Amber Alerts, especially when it comes to issuing alerts per the request of other states," she said. "Therefore, some states issued a crime alert, but not an Amber Alert."

Not all Amber Alerts are issued statewide — regional alerts are determined on a case-by-case basis.

The Amber Alert system in Wisconsin was activated 31 times from 2003 to 2016. Nationwide, at least 924 children have been rescued specifically because of Amber Alert.]
from previous link Amber Alert shared details of 13-year-old Jayme Closs’ disappearance
Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald told reporters the 911 call came from a cellphone inside the Closs residence but declined to say whose number it was. Investigators don’t believe Jayme is a suspect in her parents’ deaths, Fitzgerald said.


He said that whoever dialed 911 for help didn’t speak to the dispatcher. “That’s what’s unusual on that 911 call. there was no one communicating with our dispatcher,” the sheriff added.

Fitzgerald previously said yelling and the word “help” was heard on the 911 call, which lasted less than a minute, WEAU reported.

When asked if he believes Jayme is nearby, Fitzgerald said, “If I knew that answer, I think we’d be a lot further along. I’m struggling with this. I don’t have some of those answers I wanna give you, I wanna give the family.”


Luella May, a former coworker at Jennie-O, told The Daily Beast that she was devastated by the loss of the couple.

“Denise was a very sweet girl and she loved everyone. I went to her house a few times and I met her daughter Jayme and she was just a doll, and now she’s growing up into a beautiful young girl,” May said on Tuesday.

“James was a very funny man and a blast to have around. If you ever needed anything they would do what they could to help,” May added.
Police Beg For Help in Finding Wisconsin Teen Jayme Closs: ‘Every Second Counts’
Itook that to mean the Feds want to do the autopsy and brought someone in (instead of the local Coroner taking that lead).
I also read that they initially found no weapons and now they did on that second reprocessing of the crime scene - I’m not sure which article I read so will find the link unless someone else remembers ? This whole reprocessing makes me think they have tips they are not sharing
Alright, I'll update you guys from the home state.
Here's somethings I have noticed:
VERY GOOD media coverage today.
There was a sign on the highway which said "Amber Alert, call 511"
This case is getting a lot of attention. My friends randomly brought it up, and I lit up.
I'm getting the vibes that the crime scene was not the norm, trying to put it delicately, I wouldn't be surprised if some horrible, horrible things happened in that home, it's so obvious to me that they know far more than they can say, I feel we only know a tiny slither of what really happened and how it happened. Absolutely horrendous.
Any crime scene would probably not be the norm in this small town, MOO.
Cause of death could be obvious (gun shot) but exactly how long the person was dead, testing blood from all areas of the house to see if it's only victims' blood vs. if the perp left any blood/DNA evidence etc.....all takes time and is probably why the term "new information" was used. I think they're just maybe in over their head and realize outside processing is needed. Just moo
Even the police said gunshots were involved.

So it could mean they were shot but suffered other type of injuries as well.

It means the ME will have to determine which one was primary and which one is secondary causation.
Assuming the gunshots were heard at 12:30am, and cell phone call in to 911 occurred at 1:00am, and noises of scuffling and/or struggling could be heard over the phone, something was happening to somebody after the shooting.

Also, suppose the parents died from gunshots which occurred at 12:30. That leaves the noise of struggles to be from Jayme half an hour later. jmo
Going out on a limb, but don't break the branch, please...

I think this is related to Jayme making an online contact with an adult murderer/abductor who was able to locate her house. He waited until 12:30 - 1:00a to intrude when the parents would most likely be asleep. Perhaps he didn't intend to kill but to use the gun as a threat, but when the father confronted him, he killed. Jayme was then taken. Who called 911? Denise or Jayme? I'm 50/50 on this, but since the call lasted less than a minute, the killer must have ended it.

Keep in mind that online anyone can lie, change their age and demeanor, and say just about anything a teenage girl would want to hear.
Assuming the gunshots were heard at 12:30am, and cell phone call in to 911 occurred at 1:00am, and noises of scuffling and/or struggling could be heard over the phone, something was happening to somebody after the shooting.

Also, suppose the parents died from gunshots which occurred at 12:30. That leaves the noise of struggles to be from Jayme half an hour later. jmo
Very interesting line of thought you have going.
OT I am getting fat w/Halloween candy dangit...
Thank you so much.
I guess the COD for both will be gunshot then.
I don't understand the holdup on releasing that at all.

For court purposes should this monster be caught they have to be very careful when determining what the primary cause of de7ath was for both victims. In every case the autopsies are the most important evidence entered in a trial.

This is the only way the victims have a voice to tell the jury what all happened to them..

So they will carefully determine primary and secondary causation to both victims.

If they list a primary and secondary cause this means either would have caused death but determine the one which would have brought about death first.

I have no problem with it taking three days. It's far better to take their time by getting right than rush and make errors.

They know its extremely important that they do so. If the suspect is apprehended they know the defense team will go over these autopsy findings with a fine tooth comb hoping to find errors.

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I also read that they initially found no weapons and now they did on that second reprocessing of the crime scene - I’m not sure which article I read so will find the link unless someone else remembers ? This whole reprocessing makes me think they have tips they are not sharing

I wouldn't read into it yet. I think local LE searched it and perhaps optimistically expected to find Jayme but once they did not find her immediately they called in the experienced FBI and state investigators who then went over the whole seen with a fine-tooth comb. They will be able to tell certain things about the crime from based on how the bodies were found. They most likely can determine where the perpetrator was standing when he shot someone based on how the body fell, if it was moved, the blood splatter patterns, the pooling. Once they think they have an idea of where the perpetrator was standing, they have "new" areas of interest to check more carefully. These investigations are often piece by piece.
I don't necessarily think that both parents were shot to death.
The mother may have died in another way.
Right now, all we know is casings were found, they won't disclose COD, they need further clarification on the autopsies, and J is still "missing and endangered".
The sheriff seems like a genuinely caring guy not used to dealing with all those microphones and cameras pointing at him.
He seems to be saying he is overwhelmed and doesn't know anything more than what the FBI is telling him. If they are telling local LE anything at all right now.
Asking the public for tips always happens and sometimes solves a case.
This is just a horrible rabbit-hole of an agonizing kind.
I feel for the locals. I honestly do, but I don't think answers are going to come quickly in this case. I hope and pray I am very very wrong.

They are qualified & the Sheriff is used to cases which is bad. Last year there was a murder / suicide in Chetek where a Mom, her 17 year old daughter were killed & her Ex killed himself. Same Sheriff handled it!
The entire community must be devastated and on edge. Such a tragic event. I'm hoping for a miracle.
Well hold on to that thought because I believe she is still alive and he has her holed up somewhere. Most likely not too far away; deep woods, a cabin. I imagine he has the path to his lair well covered and perhaps booby trapped. I think he had this well planned. Despite being deep in the woods, I imagine him going to his vehicle to listen to the news. I hope LE will talk to him through the media and help him figure out what he needs to do. I imagine he is in a confused and irrational state, and needs some help sorting out his thoughts. Perhaps he can be encouraged to call LE.

Amateur opinion and speculation only.
Let's get this little princess to the care of her grandparents.
For court purposes should this monster be caught they have to be very careful when determining what the primary cause of death was for both victims. In every case the autopsies are the most important evidence entered in a trial. This is the only way the victims have a voice. So they will carefully determine primary and secondary causation to both victims. If they list a primary and secondary cause this means either would have caused death but determine the one which would have brought about death first.

I have no problem with it taking three days. It's far better to take their time by getting right than rush and make errors.

They know its extremely important that they doso. If the suspect is apprehended they know the defense team will go over these autopsies findings with a fine tooth comb hoping to find errors.

I so agree. A page or so back, I posted a link where Fitzgerald said when the COD is known it will be released.
ETA Barron residents in disbelief as search continues for missing 13-year-old Jayme Closs
"The cause of the two deaths remains under investigation. However, Fitzgerald said when autopsy results are completed that information will be made public."
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