AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #5

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If the shots were reported to be heard at 12:31 AM and the 911 call was not until 12:58AM it is possible that the perp and JC were gone way before the 12:58 911 call. Maybe mom was coming in and out and doing the best to get that call even made at all. Loud yelling in the background could be the TV, maybe the perp turned it up loud or a radio to hide any sound. This is just one of many ways this all could have happened, until the LE releases more info (and I hope they don't until they have found this poor child) we will only be guess on what happened.
Haven’t caught all the way up, but here is my current theory -

A break in or something happens before dad gets home from work, maybe mom and JC don’t wake up because they are used to hearing dad come in around that time. Dad comes home from his shift a little early and walks in the front door and surprises the intruder. Intruder shoots (these would be the gunshots heard by neighbors resulting in the dad being by the front door). Mom and JC could have possibly been tied up before the dad got home if the intruder was able to get the jump on them while they were sleeping. Maybe there was no intent to kill but dad coming home threw off plans. Then maybe lots of panic or intruder was looking for something (like drugs if at the wrong house) and mom somehow gets to her cellphone or even uses “hey Siri” to call police if she has an iPhone. Intruder sees call being made and panics and then kills mom (neighbors already asleep and don’t hear this gunshot) and takes JC.

The wrong address theory would really help give a reason for the intruder(s) staying in the house for ~30 min avenger gunshots heard at 12:30. They could have been torturing questioning the mom for where the drugs or money or whatever might be. Only having to bail once they realize cops might be called.

The investigative team must be working fast and furious on this case. They would have examined the cell dump data as well as surveillance from cams nearby and especially those from establishments along the highway.

I would imagine that they are tightening the timeline they have built.

We are not privy to what time Jayme and her Mom came home from the family gathering, nor when the Dad left work.

I am hoping and praying that this investigative team finds answers and soon.

I have no theory, I only have hope.

May they find Jayme alive.
If James was, in fact , a manager at Jennie-O, then that opens up more possibilities in my mind. Several years ago, I was a manager for a large company. I had an altercation with an employee and fired him as a result of the incident. A few days later, he stole a gun from a cop's house. He was arrested the next day outside of my office...gun in tow. Never in a million years would I have thought firing someone could have spawned all that. You just never know .

ETA: Didn't a local mention that Jennie-O was one of the few employers in this small town ?
It's scary how disgruntled fired ex-employees can get. One time the police had my husband call me to give me a heads up and to let me know what was going on so I could be alert about the situation.
Another thought, could this have been someone from the parents past, perhaps a relative, that the family was hiding from? They were described as keeping to themselves, staying indoors, sounds like not attracting a lot of attention. Keeping someone employed to keep an eye on Jayme at her age is an extravagance. Maybe someone figured out where they were living? Would also explain why Jayme was quiet on SM, she was kept under tight guard. But if it was family they might have had mercy on Jayme, taking her rather than killing her too.

Just thoughts that came to me driving to work. And it takes a special kind of evil to kill kids, maybe this one just didn't have it in him/her.
Ok, so there's mention on here that someone may have been tied to a chair???..could DC or JC been while the other was possibly being assaulted and shots fired when father walks in startling suspect(s).
It appeared someone may have been tied to that kitchen chair because the ties were more rope like and longer than you would typically see with chair cushions. That chair also looked like it had blood all over it.
It's scary how disgruntled fired ex-employees can get. One time the police had my husband call me to give me a heads up and to let me know what was going on so I could be alert about the situation.
I'm in Australia and only 2 weeks ago a young woman was murdered in her home by an ex employee that had been stalking her. Police told her unless he actually did anything they couldn't really help. She was killed outside her baby's bedroom where the child was sleeping , so sad and so preventable....
I've put my skills as a programmer to good use here, and defeated their rudimentary "paywall" for subscribers only.

I hope you didn't spend too much time in dev tools digging through their many .js files and scattered code looking for the function where they set their cookies or whatever they do to allow subscriber access.'s paywall is primitive enough to be susceptible to simply disabling javascript and you get the full article, with css (give em credit for no js required css implementation (although that's prolly bootstrap doing that), even if they need to update their code-base to use webpack and maybe move off of jQuery)

Since the Barron News-Shield has other articles related to this case on their site:

there's a convenient chrome extension which allows you to toggle javascript on/off for a particular site, without impacting javascript in your overall browsing experience. many newspaper paywalls can be circumvented with this extension by disabling javascript (NYTimes and Wash Post used to be, not sure if they still are).

Disable JavaScript

Add to chrome, browse to the site and then click the green toggle switch on the upper right-hand side of the browser and it turns red, indicating javascript will be blocked when you reload the page. Reload the page and you'll have full access to the article and every article on the site. To turn javascript back on for that or any site, simply click it again to turn it back to green.

Google "chrome extension disable javascript" and it's the 2nd result, 4.6 rating. But any chrome or other browser disable javascript extension should work just as well.
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The investigative team must be working fast and furious on this case. They would have examined the cell dump data as well as surveillance from cams nearby and especially those from establishments along the highway.

I would imagine that they are tightening the timeline they have built.

We are not privy to what time Jayme and her Mom came home from the family gathering, nor when the Dad left work.

I am hoping and praying that this investigative team finds answers and soon.

I have no theory, I only have hope.

May they find Jayme alive.
Hope springs eternal. Hold onto it.

Data info recovery is crucial. Also, if perp(s) were inside for any amount of time, they have left something behind. Exchange of trace evidence occurs during every human interaction. Hopefully he/she/they were injured, left prints or hair that has been recovered. I bet LE went over that house with the so-called finetooth comb.
Another thought, could this have been someone from the parents past, perhaps a relative, that the family was hiding from? They were described as keeping to themselves, staying indoors, sounds like not attracting a lot of attention. Keeping someone employed to keep an eye on Jayme at her age is an extravagance. Maybe someone figured out where they were living? Would also explain why Jayme was quiet on SM, she was kept under tight guard. But if it was family they might have had mercy on Jayme, taking her rather than killing her too.

Just thoughts that came to me driving to work. And it takes a special kind of evil to kill kids, maybe this one just didn't have it in him/her.

I have been thinking about this myself, and you are right that it isn’t typical for a child that age to have a caregiver. Since it was mentioned that she’d moved schools to be near to this caregiver, I wonder if it was more of an educational caregiver.

I don’t know the exact terminology, but I know some children with learning disabilities have a caregiving adult that stays in the classroom to assist with certain tasks.
Thank you my point @thesaint that LE didn’t organize that civilians search.
Eta: I’m keeping my facts here straight for myself. Every case I try to absorb and take to the next one.

Kyron Horman had a lot of searches that I think LE organized and some his mother organized. I know for Jacob Wetterling, but that was in 1989, LE had civilians searching.

I remember other cases where people walked practically arm in arm searching
OK, let's recap what we know so far. Obviously LE knows much more info (which could help us choose among theories) and isn't sharing all of it. It seems to me that the most likely scenario is the perp was after Jayme. So the possibilities are 1-stalking/pre-planned; 2- spur of the moment (followed home); and then either 3- broke in house around 12:30, or 4- was already in house when dad arrived home (would be good to know when that was). Without knowing more about the damaged door evidence, and where bodies were, it's hard to say which of #3 or #4 it was. Dad near the door could be from him coming in and being shot (door shot up from inside then), or answering the door in the middle of the night and immediately getting shot.

I am discounting the possibility of online catfishing because if that was the case, LE would have already checked social media, Jayme's friends, etc and have very good leads. And doesn't fit with description of Jayme's personality, as also noted by other commentators.

The news article said that the phone had a VOICEMAIL (when dispatch called back) stating it was Denise Closs' voicemail. So it's likely that it was Denise's phone, and Denise was still alive, and valiantly made the call. It could be the perp was busy with Jayme, heard something (such as 911 operator saying "what is the nature of your emergency?"), went to find phone, possibly destroyed it, even polished off Denise maybe (accounting for why live parent was dead 4 mins later), and realized he had about 2 minutes to get out of there---so grabbed Jayme and went. (Most kids that I know don't know how to work mom's phone if it is password protected.)

So that's my recap. Comments, additions, thoughts?

SBM. I like your theory, just wanted to say all my kids know the password on my phone. My youngest figured it out by the time she was three. If I change it, it takes them no time to figure it out....and I have nothing to hide from them anyway!
I notice that in the beginning of the thread, 500 yards between the Closs and neighboring home was mentioned. Then 300 yard estimate took hold in here. Latest mention I see is 200 yards. Are we just making this up as we go along or does anyone have any real idea?

Do we know how many acres this home or the neighbor's home is on?
I hope you didn't spend too much time in dev tools digging through their many .js files and scattered code looking for the function where they set their cookies or whatever they do to allow subscriber access.'s paywall is primitive enough to be susceptible to simply disabling javascript and you get the full article, with css (give em credit for no js required css implementation (although that's prolly bootstrap doing that), even if they need to update their code-base to use webpack and maybe move off of jQuery)

Since the Barron News-Shield has other articles related to this case on their site:

there's a convenient chrome extension which allows you to toggle javascript on/off for a particular site, without impacting javascript in your overall browsing experience. many newspaper paywalls can be circumvented with this extension by disabling javascript (NYTimes and Wash Post used to be, not sure if they still are).

Disable JavaScript

Add to chrome, browse to the site and then click the green toggle switch on the upper right-hand side of the browser and it turns red, indicating javascript will be blocked when you reload the page. Reload the page and you'll have full access to the article and every article on the site. To turn javascript back on for that or any site, simply click it again to turn it back to green.

Google "chrome extension disable javascript" and it's the 2nd result, 4.6 rating. But any chrome or other browser disable javascript extension should work just as well.

No, I just used Google Chrome's Developer Tools to modify the CSS to no longer hide the paywall content. There were a few other elements that needed tweaking to hide the paywall block, but in all it only took me a few seconds to access.
Checking in after three hours sleep for any news. My eyes hurt, I haven't been able to get off this site for days. I'm really worried after all these days of no news.
I have been thinking about this myself, and you are right that it isn’t typical for a child that age to have a caregiver. Since it was mentioned that she’d moved schools to be near to this caregiver, I wonder if it was more of an educational caregiver.

I don’t know the exact terminology, but I know some children with learning disabilities have a caregiving adult that stays in the classroom to assist with certain tasks.
In my school district they are called Personal Care Assistants (PCA's). Yes, relationships develop but outside of school contact is highly discouraged as is any teacher contacting students outside of school hours. Places a liability on the district, I've sat through enough of those in services to know the Teachers Unions discourage it too.

This person was hired by the family. For whatever reason.
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