AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #6

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We also have Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Barron County Case Number 2011CV000231 Capital One Bank USA NA vs. Denise J Closs

Civil Judgment(s)
Type Debtor name Multiple debtors Amount Satisfaction Judgment status Date
Judgment for money Closs, Denise J No $14,466.57 Full Full satisfaction 10-24-2011

Now $14,466.57 is a LOT of money for that family, I am SURE. I'm not saying that this has anything to do with the murders, it's just that someone here suggested that perhaps the family had come into money lately. I'd say that the reverse is probably true. Paying off that sum would be a stretch for the Closses.

There were other financial judgements as well in that time period. 5 in total. Equity loan for $13,000 taken May 2017
New clues from 911 call emerge in case of missing Wisconsin girl (with clip)

October 19, 2018

"(CNN)A sheriff's department dispatch log reveals new information about the night that missing Wisconsin teenager Jayme Closs' parents were found dead -- including that a 911 call appeared to have come from her mother's cell phone, and that the door to the family's home had been kicked in....

A dispatch log that the Barron County Sheriff's Department released Friday offers a few new details from that night:

• The dispatcher "could hear a lot of yelling" during the 911 call.

• The call was "pinged" to the Closs' home. When the dispatcher called the number back, a voicemail greeting indicated that the phone belonged to Denise Closs.

• A responding officer found "the door has been kicked in."

• The family dog was there when deputies arrived, and was eventually taken to a relative's home.

The log does not indicate who made the 911 call, who was yelling or what was being yelled...."

Jayme Closs disappearance: New clues from 911 call emerge in case of missing Wisconsin girl - CNN



I would think the dog would have been barking like crazy! Surprised it wasn’t shot.

Wonder if the “a lot of yelling” can be analyzed and deciphered to see if any words can be extracted. If the yelling involved names of persons it could indicate the murderer knew the victims, or at least knew who they were.
can someone verify Rice Lake Chronotype.. somewhere on there the is the entire Dispatcher log I cannot seem to find it but I have seen copies of it. I am also trying to do it from my phone.
There were other financial judgements as well in that time period. 5 in total. Equity loan for $13,000 taken May 2017

What would a $13,000 equity loan from a year and a half ago have to do with two murders and a little girl missing?

I am not arguing with you just respectfully asking, because my brain doesn’t make a connection.
I've decided on a theory for now, and will probably stick with it until it becomes too obvious that I'm wrong for me to ignore the facts. I'm going on the assumption (I know, bad idea) that the neighbor had misread her clock and it was actually just a few minutes.

Today I think that someone was upset with the father over something. In that area it could be anything from owing money to insulting a sister to stealing a favorite fishing spot, so I'm not going to even try to guess what it was. Whatever it was had him extremely upset, and he went to the house to have it out with him. When he knocked/rang, the father (sorry, I can't remember all the initials) started to open the door and said something derogatory about him being there. The guy kicked the door open, knocking him off balance, and shot him.

That could have been the end of it, but the mother comes in the room before he's gone. She turns and runs, and he chases her and shoots her. Jayme comes out of her room to see what's going on just as her mother calls 911. She freaks out about what's happened and he yells at her to be quiet. Mom died before she could say anything, but he hears the dispatcher trying to get a response from her and disables the phone. Because he knows LE will probably be there soon, he grabs Jayme to use as a hostage in case he doesn't get away in time.

Unfortunately, if that were the case, it would mean that she is probably dead by now; if she's not, she probably will be soon when he realizes that he can't just let her go. Not sure I can say it's y opinion since I'm not sure if I believe any of it, but it's my story for now.
I'm sorry, but respectfully, I do not agree with the " wanting to save her" line of reasoning.

EVERY known element of this home invasion and double murder is full of rage and brutality as we know the case facts at this time.

I can tell you that someone who sees themselves as " a savior" does NOT go in with a shotgun and kill 2 adults and basically shatter a young teen's entire world.
BTW, the most harmful ages in the stages of human emotional growth and development for life changes such as deaths, long distance separations from friends and family are ages 11-14. Females are much more likely to suffer long term attachment problems than males are, especially a shy little girl like they say Jayme is.

This is a crime of great rage and also probably someone who is very thought disordered with regard to assaulting the young girl.

IMO #1 Theory: the Perp has been fantasizing about JLC for quite some time and is obsessed. I think he planned this, brought gun(s) blazing, brought some sort of cords or ties, maybe more equipment. I think he imagined different scenarios or obstacles in the house, and tried to prepare for them. I believe the parents had no chance of survival, he intended to kill them, and he intended to abduct JLC.

Do you believe he planned this for some period of time?
one thing i really wish we knew was, when they say yelling do they mean two or more people yelling back and forth or is it possible its just one (maybe gravely injured) person yelling.
It seems to be that there was some sort of commotion, and not a lone person yelling (as I originally thought).
The thought of it being cold outdoors takes me back to the Elizabeth Smart abduction in her bedroom. I recall that Mitchell let her put shoes and a sweater on. It was cold there.

Did Jayme have a chance to put outdoor clothing on, or was she dressed for bedtime? Does she have a warm coat and shoes? This really hurts my heart so much, but if she's alive, that's the best we can hope for, IMO.
Yes, and although he took a huge risk taking her from her bedroom, he was very careful not to wake anyone in the house. Her sister was right there in the same room, although she later remembered him being there. In this case, the perp is both brazen and violent, with no regard for human life. This makes it all the more frightening. Jmo
<modsnip - quoted post removed>
Phew! Anyway, at least I can possibly safely suggest he's been married before.
Barron County Case Number 1998FA000083 <modsnip - full name> vs James Michael Closs
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I wondered about that too and I really wish we knew when he finished work. Also at what point the (landline) phone was disconnected.
If it was disconnected by the wall or wires were cut the phone would still ring for the caller. If it was disconnected because they didn't pay their bill or canceled their phone service then the caller would hear a message like, "This number is no longer in service". So when the log states the landline was disconnected I am thinking they mean the number was no longer in service otherwise it seems like they would have said the landline just rang.
Curious as to what made the 911 operator note possible suicide during that “yelling” call? Is that protocol when they can’t decipher what’s going on? IMO he/she heard more than what they logged.
So in catching up and reading about the kicked in door it occurs to me that here in Indianapolis we call this crime home invasion. It's actually become fairly common here. Some thugs, two or more will violently break in to a (random usually) home during the night and completely traumatize and abuse the occupants, often brutally beating them and assaulting them for hours. Sometimes they are murdered, sometimes they are left in critical condition, etc. Occasionally they arrest people and it's usually young, adults in their teens and 20s that are the perpetrators. Recall Amanda Blackburn's heinous Indianapolis home invasion for reference.

general info: Home invasion - Wikipedia
It seems to be that there was some sort of commotion, and not a lone person yelling (as I originally thought).
Yes, when he refers to a disturbance, or commotion or whichever word he used, it made me think there was a significant fight or struggle. The description of the crime scene makes me think that as well. Trails of blood, or at least a tremendous amount of it. Jmo
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