AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #8

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He's literally dead, how is he going to repay the debt even if Jayme is kidnapped? I don't think loan sharks intervene in probate court.
I don’t think the loan shark heavy arms knew a 13 year old lived with the dad. This is why LE thinks she is 100% still alive. They don’t want to harm her. Moo
I'm not sure. If they purchased them with a credit or debit card then maybe if they know what store they came from.

I suppose if you're the kind of person who would do this using a stolen credit card would be nothing. It just suggests a lot of planning and for some reason that's extra depressing.
Often times I am very good as separating myself vs a missing person case in our area. I think I can speak on behalf of many in the surrounding counties/areas to Barron who say we are just heartbreaking. I am sure this can also be reiterated from these around the country and the world too I'm sure.

This is consuming me which I know when things get to that point my judgement get clouded. This week was also the Anniversary on my cousins passing who took her own life' she was found the day after she went missing.

Tomorrow I am going to take a day for me to get my brain and heart into the correct place I need to be where I can actually be of help to someone. For those who this burdan of not being able to help is getting unbearable PLEASE send me a private message and I will get back with you ASAP. Nothing is easy about this at all the fear of the unknown can consume you this I know but PLEASE know your not alone.

If we do have any of Jayme's loves ones in here please know that precious child is so loved even by some who have never met her! We are all praying and hoping every day is the day you guys can bring her home safe!

Please God help Jayme, her family and loved ones, all the first responders, the community leaders, those who run WS and those of us who participate on WS. We need you to hear our prayers please help bring Jayme home safe! -Amen
I personally don’t feel an elaborate cover going on, online or otherwise. If that’s the case, this will be sorted soon. I think we’ve got a very basic motivated perp/s who got really lucky with whatever they were after. It happens. MOO and all.
I have been dismissing this because of the tight timeline but it could just be a seriously deranged psychopath who wanted to kill them for fun and there's no real motive behind it. I have not really entertained it because of the time between the call and LE showing up. I wouldn't think a disorganized ill killer would be 1) neat enough to not leave evidence behind, 2) have no criminal record where he was unknown to LE, and 3) could leave without a trace in 4 minutes. Maybe it was luck, or maybe there is DNA or fingerprint evidence that just hasn't been processed yet.
It’s something that I have considered as well. This crime shows levels of both organization and disorganization, which makes me lean against some drug induced violent rampage. I’d expect to see almost pure disorganization instead of a mix.

This guy apparently brought his own car, his own gun, and left before LE was able to corner him.

This is countered by the violent and loud entry (gunshots), and the fact that he may have hung around.

I'll read the last few pages when I finish this, but hate when a thread closes by the time I catch up.
I've been wondering for several pages now if the person had been pounding on/kicking at the door trying to get in, and the father took the chair over to reinforce the door. The door may have given way before he got the chair there and he was shot immediately. The mother and daughter may have run into the bathroom to call 911 (he may have even told them to do it before being shot), and then became trapped there. JC may have yelled for help and the guy on the other side of the door may have been yelling for them to open it when the call went through, but he could have gotten in and disconnected the call before DC had a chance to say anything.

I have no idea why he would have been there in the first place, but he may have grabbed JC as a hostage because he knew LE was only minutes away (from anywhere in the town, it's not that big) and he wasn't sure what had been said to the 911 operator before he got in there. I know it sounds pretty far-fetched, but so does every scenario I've read or thought of so far. Nothing really seems to fit with both the murders and the abduction. MOO
The method of this home invasion, murder and abduction, makes me believe that it was done by someone who was familiar with the house, and family members. It was purposeful, deliberate and planned. This was not random drug addicts. It was executed by someone who had a definite plan, and apparently wanted the parents dead, because Jayme could have easily been abducted at some point, away from the parents, if she was the target.

I wonder if the Father had ever been in the military, or alienated someone at work.
And didn’t expect a kid there. Didn’t know what to do with her.
At this point, anything is possible. Heck, it could be an ex in-law for all we know involved. It's hard to say, and there isn't much to go on right now. That's why I mentioned that someone could have been watching the house and knew their nightly routine, and got in when possibly the Dad took the dog for a nightly business walk before heading to bed. So many different scenarios, including a random intruder or a random kidnapping like the Groene family, who didn't know the man who killed the mother, step father, older brother and took Shasta and Dylan, to which he killed Dylan later.
We do not know when the family got home that night. If Jayme & Mom were at the family party that afternoon, they probably got home early to mid-evening. This is speculation as it was a school night and also likely that many other attendees had work or school the next morning.

It has been stated but not proven as far as I know that Dad was working that evening. The plant shifts likely ended at midnight. The plant is about 5 minutes from the Closs home. By the time Dad clocked out, got his stuff together, maybe went to his locker or shot the breeze with a co-worker, he would be arriving home around the time the neighbors heard the shots. Perhaps someone followed him from the office. Maybe someone came up behind him as he was entering the house and JC tried to push it shut. This could be when it was kicked open and Dad was shot. Or there may have been a verbal confrontation after the perp got in the house and before Dad was shot. It seems from the police log that Dad was dead inside the door, but he may not have been killed by the shots heard at 12:30.

Maybe two warning shots were fired as he entered his home. This gives a little more time playing out for people who are wondering why the perp would stay so long after the first shots.

That leaves Mom and Jayme. Were they sleeping and woke up to that gunshot? Mom may have tried to act as a decoy to keep the intruder away from Jayme. She may have thrown the chair, been involved in a viscous struggle, then ran towards the bathroom to keep the attention focused on her. She may have been shot then. The intruder may have been looking for Jayme or she may have come out of her room. I believe that maybe this is when he grabbed her. She puts up a struggle. He starts to drag her out, she is yelling. Mom dials 911 and police may hear Jayme calling out as she is being taken away. This is what is heard on the call and why LE says Jayme was alive at the time. It also puts him on the way out at the time, already in control of Jayme and able to get away in the 4-7 minute time frame.

Just my Sunday ramblings.
I like this scenario. It does fill in some holes for me.
It’s something that I have considered as well. This crime shows levels of both organization and disorganization, which makes me lean against some drug induced violent rampage. I’d expect to see almost pure disorganization instead of a mix.

This guy apparently brought his own car, his own gun, and left before LE was able to corner him.

This is countered by the violent and loud entry (gunshots), and the fact that he may have hung around.


And that's the thing - if he brought his own car, where did he park? Because at first glance it doesn't look like LE is/was concerned about tire prints or other potential suspect vehicle indicators considering how many cars, vans, and equipment they have parked in and around the driveway.

Haven't read through many pages here, but has anything along the lines of road rage come up? Not sure if they've stated when anyone got home that night.

We also don't know if either person was having an affair. The kicking in of the door I could see from that aspect.
Do they know how the parents were found? Was dad going to the door or away from the door?
Is it possible mom was killed before dad got home and then the shots the neighbors heard was dad being killed?
It appears that there was an altercation at the door (kicked in), and that’s where the dad was found.

It seems to me that the killer was forcing his way in, and upon entry, killed the father before locating and killing the mother, and of course kidnapping Jayme.

There isn’t any evidence that he was in the house prior to the dad’s arrival.
More info in this Barron News-Shield article, published October 19, 2018, regarding a fund that was set up by family with the intent to “help Jayme when she comes home.”

From the same article, I found the last paragraph to be notable, as it indicates a potential reasoning (as multiple posters have previously suspected, IMO) for why family members do not seem to be coming forward with info re: family of JC & DC. MOO


Family sets up benefit account for Jayme Closs
With the number of inquiries from people wishing to donate to the family, they decided to set up a benefit account at Sterling Bank, said Bob Smith, brother-in-law to Denise, on Friday.

They intend for the funds to help Jayme when she comes home. Smith said he had not been in contact with any other fundraisers set up online.

“We’re still hoping that Jayme is coming home,” Smith said. “She’ll be needing a lot of care and counseling and that’s how that money will be used.”

Smith declined to comment on the rest of the case and the family of James and Denise. He said he was advised by Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald to not to talk about it for the integrity of the investigation.
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