GUILTY WI - Kayden Powell, 4 days, Beloit, 6 Feb 2014

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If she had a c section, that's even more reason to believe ( for me ) someone said ' go rest, we'll watch him ' for now. I had 2 csections and thankfully had family with me the first time who took him over for the overnight hours so I could sleep. He was still home, but what a big help that was.

:please: Be warm and safe little man.
I don't know if she would have let someone take him while she napped.
She freaked out in the hospital when they took him out of her room for vital signs.
I think she likely took care of him, despite recovering from the birth.
She LOVED taking care of him and was very upset when they were separated. :twocents:
C-section seems likely, the fact that they broke her water makes it more likely that she had an emergency csection. They typically give Percocet, morphine while in the hospital and vicodin, Motrin or Ibuprofen to take home.

This is actually one of the first "baby disappeared in the night and parents didn't wake" cases that I don't believe the parents were involved. New baby, not their home, lots of visitors, people coming and going, not likely to be concerned over strange noises in the night other than a crying baby.

I wouldn't imagine Brianna's mom would know her daughter's half/step sister. My mom never met my step siblings, why would she?

Maybe Brianna doesn't have a great relationship with her mom, maybe KS has the means and desire to help out Brianna and her new family, maybe there are more job opportunities there for the baby's daddy. I moved away from my family with my 16 month old & pregnant for my husbands job. That doesn't raise any red flags for me at all.

I sincerely hope Kayden is found safe.
It really disturbs me that whoever took Kayden, bothered to change his clothes. Five day old infants can be near impossible to tell apart from other newborns. IMHO it shows pre-planning and deception. Heck, they could have dressed him up as a little girl. Who would know?! Ugh!
I don't know if she would have let someone take him while she napped.
She freaked out in the hospital when they took him out of her room for vital signs.
I think she likely took care of him, despite recovering from the birth.
She LOVED taking care of him and was very upset when they were separated. :twocents:

Not to disagree with you, b/c I think you've been pretty spot on with all of your posts. But once you are home from the hospital and moving around more the pain becomes much more unbearable. I don't think she would have allowed anyone to leave the house with him, but holding a baby after a c-section is difficult and painful.
It really disturbs me that whoever took Kayden, bothered to change his clothes. Five day old infants can be near impossible to tell apart from other newborns. IMHO it shows pre-planning and deception. Heck, they could have dressed him up as a little girl. Who would know?! Ugh!

That is why I wish LE would specifically ask people to look for a suddenly appearing baby! :banghead:
I also wanted to comment on him not crying when taken, babies that age can sleep through anything. This is why infant photography of babies sleeping is so popular, you can do whatever you want with them without waking them. After 2 weeks or so old they become less likely to sleep through being changed and moved around.

Was the car seat missing?
Not to disagree with you, b/c I think you've been pretty spot on with all of your posts. But once you are home from the hospital and moving around more the pain becomes much more unbearable. I don't think she would have allowed anyone to leave the house with him, but holding a baby after a c-section is difficult and painful.

And I haven't had a c-section so it is very possible that you are correct.
I know that I would not let them leave the ROOM with my baby.... but it's possible Brianna was different.
However, it doesn't sound like that happened or they would know who they were looking for, right?

No the car seat was NOT missing.
But they changed his clothes, I wouldn't expect them to take anything of his.
This gives me hope... like when a kidnap victim has their hair cut and dyed.

Why try to hide the victims identity if you just intend to kill the victim?
This gives me even more hope that he was taken by someone who wanted a baby.
I don't know if she would have let someone take him while she napped.
She freaked out in the hospital when they took him out of her room for vital signs.
I think she likely took care of him, despite recovering from the birth.
She LOVED taking care of him and was very upset when they were separated. :twocents:

I don't mean take him away. I just mean hold him and feed him in another room while mom sleeps. Sorry if that was confusing.
And I haven't had a c-section so it is very possible that you are correct.
I know that I would not let them leave the ROOM with my baby.... but it's possible Brianna was different.
However, it doesn't sound like that happened or they would know who they were looking for, right?

No the car seat was NOT missing.

I agree.

I do have hope because of his age that he was taken to be raised by someone else.
One thing I keep coming back to is this wasn't where BM lived. So who would know they were there? I wonder how long they were there for could not of been for more than a day or 2 because she was in the hospital for 3 days.
I don't mean take him away. I just mean hold him and feed him in another room while mom sleeps. Sorry if that was confusing.

Oh I know what you meant, let me see if I can explain myself better here. :seeya:

What I'm saying is that at the hospital she felt completely out of control when her baby was taken.
She felt like she didn't even HAVE a baby because he wasn't in the room with her.
She obviously didn't realize that she could DEMAND her baby be in the room with her 24-7.
Once she got home I would expect her to keep him with her constantly, now that she had the control.

I do doubt anyone else was feeding him since she was breastfeeding.
You tend to only breastfeed for a while, before introducing bottles.

When I was in the hospital my baby did not leave my sight unless she was with DH.
If they needed to take her vitals they either came to my room, I went with her or DH went with her.
When I got home that did not change. I did not sleep and let someone else take the baby, ever.
So it IS possible to do that. (I know c-section Moms who have done it as well.)

For me as a teen Mom it was very important for me to prove that *I* was doing this and only I.
I would have seen it as a complete failure if I were to say "I need a nap" or need any help.
(Which I didn't, because my first baby slept through the night from birth.)

This complex came from my mother telling me from the positive pregnancy test that I would fail.
She said I would be an awful mother, that I couldn't do this and I would need lots of her help.
I've never asked her for ANYTHING since that day. :floorlaugh:

I don't know if Brianna had any of those feelings...
The things she said, the relationship with and demeanor of her mother sure do sound familiar... :banghead:
I'm not sure what to think.

I don't see anything about whether the house was locked.

My son and DIL have a week-old baby, and my DIL's mother is visiting for a few days. They're so tired that I can imagine if one of the parents heard someone near the baby's bassinet, they would assume it was the other parent or someone else staying in the house.

I'd like to know more about the parents.

I sure hope this little one is found safe.
I was a preemie 26 years ago (this month!), and when I FINALLY came home after several months in the NICU, my mother was understandably exhausted and stressed out, since I weighed 4 pounds, rarely slept, and was her first. One night, she got up with me in the middle of the night, went back to bed, and realized she hadn't put me back in my bassinet and didn't remember where she'd left me. She called my grandma, crying, and explained that she "didn't know where she put the baby". Luckily, I was fine and sleeping on the rocking chair, but if the house had been unlocked or there were other people around, things could have ended badly. You just never know...

P.S. Congrats on your new grandbaby!
Could she have been so concerned about being with her baby at all times because she was afraid someone would take him? Did someone make a threat? Maybe she's told LE and it's being kept quiet.
This is incredibly sad. I don't know what to think. It hits close to home because I just had my baby 10 weeks ago, and cannot imagine.

With that being said. I'm in Iowa and while shopping at the grocery store I saw a lady holding her newborn. With lots of dark hair and not having seen this story yet, I wish I had so I would've gotten a closer look. And I feel I must be really sleep deprived to be saying that :blushing:
Maybe this is a little out there, but with here are the tidbits that I have picked up on that haven't been discussed, yet. It is all just my opinion and possibilities!

On her Twitter feed, she is very upset that her mother was ignoring her and not going to the hospital. She also sounded like being disappointed by mom was not uncommon. This is the same mom that is "sick", forcing the new family to stay elsewhere, right? I wonder if anyone truly saw her "sick". If a person had ill intentions, it would not be a bad idea to send them away, where you are not considered a person in the house, therefore, less likely a person of interest. She would also be familiar with the house, the surroundings and feel comfortable moving around quietly in the dark of night.

I hope it is a family member who doesn't agree with such a young girl having a baby or doesn't approve of the relationship, but is keeping sweet baby safe. I can't even begin to comprehend the alternative.
What a precious face!

I just logged on to check in on the missing tonight and saw this case. I lived in Beloit for about 10 years and grew up in the country west of there. I have to catch up on this scary situation.

Good to see the FBI involved and will pray for this child's safety.

Maybe this is a little out there, but with here are the tidbits that I have picked up on that haven't been discussed, yet. It is all just my opinion and possibilities!

On her Twitter feed, she is very upset that her mother was ignoring her and not going to the hospital. She also sounded like being disappointed by mom was not uncommon. This is the same mom that is "sick", forcing the new family to stay elsewhere, right? I wonder if anyone truly saw her "sick". If a person had ill intentions, it would not be a bad idea to send them away, where you are not considered a person in the house, therefore, less likely a person of interest. She would also be familiar with the house, the surroundings and feel comfortable moving around quietly in the dark of night.

I hope it is a family member who doesn't agree with such a young girl having a baby or doesn't approve of the relationship, but is keeping sweet baby safe. I can't even begin to comprehend the alternative.

BM mentioned several times on her twitter that a family member was telling her they hoped her baby would die. She also said at least 3 or 4 times that her mother told her over and over what a bad mother she would be.

This makes what you are saying sound plausible. BM also mentions MANY sleepovers with the boyfriend, which make me think her mom was either lying on that video, or BM & BD had planned on making other arrangements anyways to stay together.

I also saw her mention moving to Colorado back in September, so I am calling BS on the statement she made about not knowing BM had a half-sister.
Maybe this is a little out there, but with here are the tidbits that I have picked up on that haven't been discussed, yet. It is all just my opinion and possibilities!

On her Twitter feed, she is very upset that her mother was ignoring her and not going to the hospital. She also sounded like being disappointed by mom was not uncommon. This is the same mom that is "sick", forcing the new family to stay elsewhere, right? I wonder if anyone truly saw her "sick". If a person had ill intentions, it would not be a bad idea to send them away, where you are not considered a person in the house, therefore, less likely a person of interest. She would also be familiar with the house, the surroundings and feel comfortable moving around quietly in the dark of night.

I hope it is a family member who doesn't agree with such a young girl having a baby or doesn't approve of the relationship, but is keeping sweet baby safe. I can't even begin to comprehend the alternative.


Very interesting theories...

Wow, the more I hear the more her mother sounds like my mother.
Poor girl. I hope she is staying away from her mother.
I can only imagine the things she would say to Brianna NOW. :twocents:

The next press conference is scheduled for 11am.
If it happens before then it's because they have Breaking News. :please:

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