Witness Laura Buchanan Backs Out

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Thanks, but did LE find it in the TES records themselves? I'll go see if I can find it.
Laura B has mentioned iirc at least 2 times, in her conversation with K.Jasper, about people being up and down along the sidewalk on Suburban Dr.
The south side of Suburban where Caylee's remains were found does not have a sidewalk..the sidewalk is on the north side of Suburban, the same side as the school.
So did she search the south side of Suburban where the remains were found or not?

She is now doing a good job of showing confusion of where she searched...wooden privacy fence, sidewalk..chain link fence..yes there was water...I stepped on an alligators tail..
Laura trying to pass blame onto the school bus drivers she says were lined up beside this area with their doors open in May
Good Grief..this woman is desperate to get herself out of the MESS she has gotten herself into..
1) May?? Caylee disappeared the middle of June..School was out for the summer
2) Buses would not have been lined up on Suburban right there where the remains were found, the buses would have been lined up on school property in the Bus Loop.
Thanks, but did LE find it in the TES records themselves? I'll go see if I can find it.

It was not in the TES documents per BC and TimM. BC got a call from JB early on to look for the names of LB, RK and a few others so BC got permission to go through the files. BC did not find any records under those names in file. (Funny, too, how JB makes a big stink in court about MN letting BC go through those files and he called BC and asked him to take another look). Little bit of egg on his face with that one. At this point JB has misrepresented so many facts in front of the judge that I'd be surprised if the judge does not come down off his bench, slap him across the face and tell him to snap out of it.

It appears that LB kept her TES document rather than turning it in. Somehow a second one appears (not sure who produced that one) but the one in question makes it look as if TES had officially sent the named people on the list out to Suburban which is not true and many on the list did not go. LB and a few others went on their own to Suburban so LB should have never had a sheet for a location she was not assigned to. That's the drift I'm getting and I welcome anyone to just jump in here because I'm trying to understand which came first the chicken or the egg here. jmo
Laura trying to pass blame onto the school bus drivers she says were lined up beside this area with their doors open in May
Good Grief..this woman is desperate to get herself out of the MESS she has gotten herself into..
1) May?? Caylee disappeared the middle of June..School was out for the summer
2) Buses would not have been lined up on Suburban right there where the remains were found, the buses would have been lined up on school property in the Bus Loop.

I'm not defending her, but LB went to visit the site in May 2010 with AL & MS. I think that's why the May keeps coming up.
Laura trying to pass blame onto the school bus drivers she says were lined up beside this area with their doors open in May
Good Grief..this woman is desperate to get herself out of the MESS she has gotten herself into..
1) May?? Caylee disappeared the middle of June..School was out for the summer
2) Buses would not have been lined up on Suburban right there where the remains were found, the buses would have been lined up on school property in the Bus Loop.

But they were searching in September and school starts in late August does it not in Florida? So are you talking about while they were searching or was LB commenting about when the remains were put there????
Here are two fantastic articles from THM:

The Anthony Encycliepedia: Laura Buchanan’s Magic Kingdom


The Anthony Encycliepedia: Laura Buchanan plays both ends against the middle


Wow, that sure was a bumpy ride through the magic kindgom.
and when the November Depo is released we will resume that bumpy ride
And I like Val's statement..she's a lawyer groupie
And I also wonder what emails Laura sent to Brad Conway..
Thanks, but did LE find it in the TES records themselves? I'll go see if I can find it.

No. LE found the actual real search document, that was signed off on and showed where LB was that day in TES records. The fake document that LB was referencing in the deposition was never ever in TES's files. I believe LE got a faxed copy of it from CM's office. The actual chain of the fake is part of the mystery, but roughly it seems to have originated somewhere in the neighborhood of LB and Mort.

The suspicion is that part of what JB was fishing for, when he kept asking BC to look for documents with LB's name on them, was whether or not there was a real document present that would contradict the exculpatory fake one. (It may be further speculated that part of the purpose of JB and CM's drama filled brief visit to MN's offices to examine the documents might have been to insert the fake into the files allowing it to subsequently be found.)
Thanks, I know I have seen it in one of the document dumps? maybe? I just couldn't remember where it first came from.
I'm not defending her, but LB went to visit the site in May 2010 with AL & MS. I think that's why the May keeps coming up.

I know nums...and thanks for the info.
She keeps changing stories, and trying to involve other people in order to give credence to her stories which get more and more confusing every time she speaks.
But they were searching in September and school starts in late August does it not in Florida? So are you talking about while they were searching or was LB commenting about when the remains were put there????

honestly, lambchop, after reading the transcripts, my head is full of her carp..I will have to read it over again
IMO to help get herself out of this mess she is showing just how confused about the searching and location she is...I'd have to print out and make diagrams to figure her carp out.

In LB's convo with kasper she speaks how in May the buses are lined up with the doors open along that area and all the driver(s) had to too was look down and see the remains...
She says in May..now nums pointed out to me that LB could be confusing May with Sept because she did go to the site with MS and Al in May...

Okay...not sure if I am making sense...the mind is working faster than the finders...:innocent:
I know nums...and thanks for the info.
She keeps changing stories, and trying to involve other people in order to give credence to her stories which get more and more confusing every time she speaks.

Besides the searches she called in a tip of a Caylee sighting at Disney as well. Waited till the next day at that. Didn't call right away she waited. That opened the door imo as an excuse for her to contact MN and the Anthony's. Why did she want to be involved in this so badly? I can understand wanting to go out and help look for Caylee but none of the other things she has done. I think she's somewhere in the middle of a Casey and Joy.

First she tries the sighting then imo after the remains found are identified as Caylee she found another way to become part of that. I really hope LE can prove their case and make an example out of her so others will refrain from trying the same thing.
maybe ot - maybe not, can any of you photoshop wizards enlarge the image or make out the words on the letter that appears in the lower right of this image, its number 17 in the slide show.... does the name look like laura to you? It appear to me that the letter is being held up by someone to be included in the picture..

honestly, lambchop, after reading the transcripts, my head is full of her carp..I will have to read it over again
IMO to help get herself out of this mess she is showing just how confused about the searching and location she is...I'd have to print out and make diagrams to figure her carp out.

In LB's convo with kasper she speaks how in May the buses are lined up with the doors open along that area and all the driver(s) had to too was look down and see the remains...
She says in May..
now nums pointed out to me that LB could be confusing May with Sept because she did go to the site with MS and Al in May...

Okay...not sure if I am making sense...the mind is working faster than the finders...:innocent:

I read that as well and did the very same double-take IM. In MAY??? WTH???

Any transcript involving LB is so difficult to follow, and the one with the controlled call via CJ/KJ is definitely the worst. I really just wanted to set my head on fire. It took a couple attempts to stick with it and finish. Someone upthread perhaps said there was not one completed thought, and I'd say thats a rather accurate assessment.
maybe ot - maybe not, can any of you photoshop wizards enlarge the image or make out the words on the letter that appears in the lower right of this image, its number 17 in the slide show.... does the name look like laura to you? It appear to me that the letter is being held up by someone to be included in the picture..


It looks like it says, "my name is Laura" and it is definitely being held up because of the shadow on the mat underneath.
Just reported on WESH about LB and how she changed records she wasn't supposed to have in the first place and later altering it.

Coming up at 5 pm on WESH why detectives were asking questions about JB and CA.

Not up yet. http://wesh.com
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