Witness tampering alleged

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Maybe LE said they won't be charging Cindy with perjury because they are charging her with witness tampering? lol, just a thought

I hope that is a possibility. Cindy or anyone else may be involved needs to pay for Cindy's lies in some way.
That is the exact thing I do not GET about this jury's decision. The ones we have heard from have said they coulld not consider HER behavior (ie-lies and partying) because that did not prove the thing they were trying to prove, but they turn around and then say Georges lies effected ALL of our decision. Casey the mother who is on trial? Her lies don't matter-they don't enter in, but George, a witness, who has been accused in OPEN COURT on NATIONAL TELEVISION of having had his pen^s in her mouth at age 13, and having touched her inappropriateley at the age of 8, and of having an affair while his granddaughter was missing, and of all manner of other creepy thing, we have to take HIS behavior on the stand into our decision? It defies all reason and logic... (IT being this jury.) :banghead:
The DT made the jury feel that it wasn't Casey on trial but GA...plain & simple & they should have never been deliberating over George!
The case cannot be voided and retried if the defendent was not aware of any tampering. The defense however would be subject to be held accountable for their actions. Tampering is very hard to prove in any case and IMO it didn't happen so it's a moat point.
However, didn't we all SEE & HEAR everyone saying that they had NEVER seen a client with so much involvement & hands-on with her defence, i mean it is on tape...
The DT made the jury feel that it wasn't Casey on trial but GA...plain & simple & they should have never been deliberating over George!

Well he did have SOOOO much incriminating evidence against him right? Let's see....he drove the death mobile, he lied to friends/family, he made up a kidnapping, he searched chloroform, he borrowed a shove, he backed into the garage.....right? wait...that wasn't George?
grand, I posted on a thread the very day of his testimony & some people were kinda upset at me, I think because I made the remark that his testimony now is nothing like it use to be....he was so evasive & for sure deliberately helping Casey. Which may be why he decided to get another attorney on the day the verdict was read! hmmm? maybe he knew it was comin!
The jury foreman swallowed it hook line and sinker...

Did he get another attorney on verdict day? I guess they all decided whatever small risk of prosecution to themselves was worth it if it kept one of their members out of jail...

Interesting about the new lawyer...very.
I might have my blinders on but I don't believe that George or Lee Anthony had anything to do with witness tampering. Since the article stated that Cindy wasn't involved in this, then I guess it can't be her. She'd be the only Anthony I'd suspect would try something like that.

IMO what Lee told Baez was that his mother was going to lie regarding her role in sending investigators to search for a dead Caylee in fall 2008. That wouldn't be tampering.
I'm with you on this and have already posted about it. I'd like to know more about the young juror with whom Casey was flirting, and if he's also the same juror that JB seemed to direct many of his comments to the jury. I wouldn't put it past either of them to have made contact with this young man with whom Casey was enamored. jmo
This would be the jury foreman or foreperson that you speak of! The so-called "good looking male single male juror" that everyone was talking about during the trial....I'm sure the one she kept winking at! The one that's good at reading people because of his profession......thank goodness that profession only involves sports!

btw, we've petitioned everything else, is there a petition at change.org to have the jury investigated for tampering or bullying once they were in deliberation...after all when they first got in the room it was 10-2 innocent...and Casey's eye candy was the foreman..you know the one who can't complete a sentence!
I think it is kind of craptastic that Amy H received a threatening call about dropping charges and not a thing was done about it. If that isn't outright witness tampering, then what is?

What is this regarding? I never heard about it!
The jury foreman swallowed it hook line and sinker...

Did he get another attorney on verdict day? I guess they all decided whatever small risk of prosecution to themselves was worth it if it kept one of their members out of jail...

Interesting about the new lawyer...very.

IMO Lee got a lawyer for two reasons: 1) separate himself from his parent's lawyer Lippman since he didn't want to be included in whatever they do. 2) In case he decides to file slander charges against those who go on tv and accuse him of sexual molestation (e.g. it happened on Dr. Drew twice with Jesse Grund and the Tracy woman who was in the house-she said she couldn't be certain as to whether Lee would have abused Casey). It might be precautionary or a threat in case others want to continue harping on the unproven molestation allegation.
I wonder if the defense chose the ages of 8 and 13 because some of the jurors had children in those age ranges and it could help sway THOSE opinions...???

So many things in this case make you go- huh...???
The jury foreman swallowed it hook line and sinker...

Did he get another attorney on verdict day? I guess they all decided whatever small risk of prosecution to themselves was worth it if it kept one of their members out of jail...

Interesting about the new lawyer...very.

Yea, LA did...it was reported by 2 ladies reporting for HLN sitting in front of the Anthony's that ML received a call from LA about no longer representing him & getting another attorney & I kept wondering why, it's over, isn't it? Also, Pat McKenna, the Private Investigator for the DT that LKB hired was on JVM, said he was still in contact with the DT & that in his opinion "it's not over for GA"...wondered also what he meant by this & if Casey dared to file some type of suit when she gets out..wouldn't surprise me...a wrongful death or some BS!
This is what I call jury tampering:

Making an opening statement that is so shocking & bizarre and KNOWING it is probably a lie and KNOWING that you will not put your client on the stand and KNOWING this is outrageous and accusatory and ruining an innocent person's life (doesn't matter). WIN at all costs! Put the picture in the jury's mind where they cannot get it out and bingo!

No, that's not jury tampering, that's just being a defense lawyer. Most of them don't stoop as low as Baez did, but they nearly all will stretch the truth, mislead, and manipulate opening and closing statements. Even prosecutors do it. Nancy Grace was accused of misconduct as a prosecutor during her short career, not once but twice.

As far as this witness tampering, a lot of that goes on too, believe it or not. And when it all gets down to the wire, maybe she volunteered to falsify documents, maybe Baez didn't have to use much persuasion, ever think of that?
I realize that I see things often from a much different perspective than others. When I found out that juror 11 was a McHottie, I had a twinge of "hmmm". It was widely commented that juror 11 was being ogled by many of the women in the gallery as well as the female TH. If I'm not mistaken, this juror is the school gym teacher.

Here's where I'm going. I have no doubt at all that the defense attempted to "scout" out the jurors as much as possible, it would make sense to get a feel for potential opinions, facebook comments in the past, etc. Ethically and in theory, no matter what was found out about each juror, the DT and SA could not be in contact with any of them. IMO after the verdict came down, I felt there may have been jury tampering.

During the course of the trial, I always thought about how incredibly easy it would be for either side to google some of the jurors. Especially ones that are public employees and may very likely have pictures posted online as far as their job duties, such as teachers, etc. Their names may not have been initially known, but it would have been easy enough to investigate and compare pictures to gather name and personal information for some of the jurors.

Then, at the end of the trial, we find out that juror 11 was foreperson, led a jury that deliberated without looking at a single shred of evidence, and is now making the media circuit (and presumably making $$) even as he's trying to hide his face.

Maybe a coincidence, maybe a conspiracy theory, I don't know.
I might have my blinders on but I don't believe that George or Lee Anthony had anything to do with witness tampering. Since the article stated that Cindy wasn't involved in this, then I guess it can't be her. She'd be the only Anthony I'd suspect would try something like that.

IMO what Lee told Baez was that his mother was going to lie regarding her role in sending investigators to search for a dead Caylee in fall 2008. That wouldn't be tampering.
I think the info he provided the defense was the LIE that she had told him in October about the Dominik search in the woods for Caylee...as it did not happen until November. I don't think that fight he got up there and told about ever happened. I don't think, since they were keeping him in the "dark" basically by his own admission that they would have admitted THAT to him. He never had told THAT before. It is something we had NEVER heard from him...and you would think we would have, you know?
IMO Lee got a lawyer for two reasons: 1) separate himself from his parent's lawyer Lippman since he didn't want to be included in whatever they do. 2) In case he decides to file slander charges against those who go on tv and accuse him of sexual molestation (e.g. it happened on Dr. Drew twice with Jesse Grund and the Tracy woman who was in the house-she said she couldn't be certain as to whether Lee would have abused Casey). It might be precautionary or a threat in case others want to continue harping on the unproven molestation allegation.

I agree that is probably one of the reasons Lee got his own lawyer. Lee knows his life is going to be hard because of the allegations and I could see him suing Jesse for slander. He probably won't go after Tony L because he hasn't talked to the media. But suing Jesse is a possibility.
That is the exact thing I do not GET about this jury's decision. The ones we have heard from have said they coulld not consider HER behavior (ie-lies and partying) because that did not prove the thing they were trying to prove, but they turn around and then say Georges lies effected ALL of our decision. Casey the mother who is on trial? Her lies don't matter-they don't enter in, but George, a witness, who has been accused in OPEN COURT on NATIONAL TELEVISION of having had his pen^s in her mouth at age 13, and having touched her inappropriateley at the age of 8, and of having an affair while his granddaughter was missing, and of all manner of other creepy thing, we have to take HIS behavior on the stand into our decision? It defies all reason and logic... (IT being this jury.) :banghead:

They believed a woman who has an alias,who has told at least 2 different versions,so she's lied,and who got paid for her story. But,according to the jurors, her testimony made GA look like a liar and therefore he may possibly be responsible for Caylee's death. :waitasec:

Do these people even listen to themselves ? :crazy:
That is the exact thing I do not GET about this jury's decision. The ones we have heard from have said they coulld not consider HER behavior (ie-lies and partying) because that did not prove the thing they were trying to prove, but they turn around and then say Georges lies effected ALL of our decision. Casey the mother who is on trial? Her lies don't matter-they don't enter in, but George, a witness, who has been accused in OPEN COURT on NATIONAL TELEVISION of having had his pen^s in her mouth at age 13, and having touched her inappropriateley at the age of 8, and of having an affair while his granddaughter was missing, and of all manner of other creepy thing, we have to take HIS behavior on the stand into our decision? It defies all reason and logic... (IT being this jury.) :banghead:

George wasn't on trial, Casey was. They were right to not consider her lies and partying as proof of murder, because they were not. It's that simple.

OTOH, George was not believable, to me, and obviously to the jury because he hesitated to answer some questions, he got angry and combative, and tried to qualify his answers. He had a terrible attitude. When people are telling the truth, they have no need to become angry and sullen when someone questions them, all they have to do is keep calm and tell the truth. I found River to be very honest and believable, she did not hesitate, she didn't try to tiptoe around the subject. I guess that's the difference in the way people think.
Is it possible that the witness tampering may be a prosecution witness? Who was the guy that filmed DC searching? I recall something during the case that alluded to him making a deal to testify in a certain way in order to avoid being charged with illegally recording DC's voice during the filming. Maybe the DT is initiating this in order to have some grounds to force the state to drop the motion to recover costs? Just a thought...
I agree that is probably one of the reasons Lee got his own lawyer. Lee knows his life is going to be hard because of the allegations and I could see him suing Jesse for slander. He probably won't go after Tony L because he hasn't talked to the media. But suing Jesse is a possibility.

IIRC the information of Casey telling Jesse that Lee had molested her,came out in a an LE interview and was sworn. Jesse was not maliciously,publicly slandering Lee,he was providing LE with as much info as he could to help find a missing Caylee.
Once that video became public Jesse discussed it,but only in the context of saying Casey told him that.He never directly accused Lee of molesting Casey.
That's not slander. Besides ,there's evidence that Casey told others the same thing,so it bolsters his claim. JMO
I think the info he provided the defense was the LIE that she had told him in October about the Dominik search in the woods for Caylee...as it did not happen until November. I don't think that fight he got up there and told about ever happened. I don't think, since they were keeping him in the "dark" basically by his own admission that they would have admitted THAT to him. He never had told THAT before. It is something we had NEVER heard from him...and you would think we would have, you know?

I don't think he lied on the stand. LA seemed more credible. He does have an amazing ability to only answer a specific question asked without indicating other relevant pieces to the puzzle which is why I wasn't surprised when he brought out other unheard aspects in later testimony.
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