WKMG - Homicide Charges Shortly, Grand Jury next week **MERGED THREADS**

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It just dawned on me another reason the DA may be taking this to the GJ is to get CA, GA & LA on record to prosecute later if they lie.

Well, once they give their sworn testimony to a GJ - they better stick to their "stories" ;) or yes, they could be brought up on perjury charges.
There are many reasons to celebrate this, but I am particularly happy for LE who have been disrespected and abused by the entire A family for far too long. LE is comprised of human beings and I'm sure its been plenty tough on them psychologically to take all this bs and stay silent.

The news is bittersweet for me, I guess i knew it was coming, but still......poor little Caylee. I have no doubt that the GJ will indict.
Are all or most murder cases presented to a GJ in FL or just iffy ones or what? I am wondering what makes them take some cases in front of GJ and why are they telling this so that KC can hear about it?

In general it differs state to state, FLA has no DA, everything trickles from SA in 9th circuit. Basically the profile of the case and the evidence (or lack thereof) would dictate it. This case is exactly what they are designed for and I am thrilled.
I wonder if I will be able to wear those go go boots after they are done being used as evidence and Mom signs the house over. If I am stuck wearing these "all about Caylee" tshirt everyday- can we order some screenprinted on the Jcrew babydollt size and colors- they are pretty and have lycra; just take it out of the trust.

LMAO (only not out loud, since I'm at work)
IIRC the GJ is only given enough information to get a indicment.
Well, we haven't seen that DNA evidence quite yet, or heard expert testimony back & forth on it, and as we learned in the OJ trial, DNA evidence can be successfully challenged.

Keep in mind that was a LONG time ago and DNA evidence and the methods are far advanced now. LE made mistakes in his trial, and the prosecutor was not very good either. It has been a long time since DNA evidence has been SUCCESSFULLY challenged. It can be challenged, but U.T. Body Farm has won every challenge, as I expect them to again in this one.
If the Grand Jury decides in favor of homicide charges, I wonder if Casey will be arrested right away. There will be no getting out on bond with a homicide charge. After next week, Casey might never know freedom again, or at least not for many many years. Better fluff that hair, Casey. The big show is about to begin.
Why CW...you do surprise me!! LOL

IMO this is happening right on schedule. Phew! I am relieved!!
Well, THAT is the best news I've heard all day!

I will have to record NG's show tonight, but I can't wait to see it!
Keep in mind that was a LONG time ago and DNA evidence and the methods are far advanced now. LE made mistakes in his trial, and the prosecutor was not very good either. It has been a long time since DNA evidence has SUCCESSFULLY challenged. It can be challenged, but U.T. Body Farm has won every challenge, as I expect them to again in this one.

Have you seen Body Farm's report? I'd love to read that!
I am hopeful but not confident, they convened a GJ for JBR's parents and all we heard about was how there was no way they wont indict... Yet they didnt... Im not going to get excited until I hear formal charges.
Well, we haven't seen that DNA evidence quite yet, or heard expert testimony back & forth on it, and as we learned in the OJ trial, DNA evidence can be successfully challenged.

Lol, I started somethin' with you today and it's sticking, didn't I?:D

IMO, if this sees the inside of a courtrom, and I dont believe it will, we will see lines forming to the right of experts in this case :(
Are all or most murder cases presented to a GJ in FL or just iffy ones or what? I am wondering what makes them take some cases in front of GJ and why are they telling this so that KC can hear about it?

One of the big cases we were working on when I was on the Grand Jury was leaked to the press to but we were pretty much done deciding.The case we did was a murder case among others of course:) But the reason it was brought before us wasnt because they didnt have enough evidence it was because they weren't sure if it should be a first degree murder or manslaughter.This could be the case here to:)
In general it differs state to state, FLA has no DA, everything trickles from SA in 9th circuit. Basically the profile of the case and the evidence (or lack thereof) would dictate it. This case is exactly what they are designed for and I am thrilled.
I'm cheering! But, it seems hollow. Still no baby Caylee.
IIRC the GJ is only given enough information to get a conviction.

I don't know that I agree with that ... the GJ's job is not to convict ... it is to decide if there is enough evidence to indict. They will be privy to evidence that we have not seen ... once the GJ indicts ... JB will be able to file another motion to compel for discovery (although I am sure it wouldn't take a motion to compel ... at that point the State better be ready to turn it over) to get all the juicy bits that the GJ got but haven't been released yet.
IIRC the GJ is only given enough information to get a indicment.

Sometimes..........I was on one where there was enough evidence to indict, but in the trial MUCH more evidence was used. They are not required to present all the evidence.

No matter what they present, we won't know about it except what they release in the indictments.
This is the best I have heard in awhile! I have every confidence they will have enough to proceed! Baez is not the brightest crayon in the box but he knew this was coming! I wonder what his next bizarre request will be?
A continuance for his pre-scheduled vacation, of course.
If TM is coming back to testify wouldn't that mean that he have had to have found something incriminating? I mean, they wouldn't bother to have him testify that he just searched, would they?
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