Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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I mean... I don't know for sure, but I tried the link and the story it was supposed to link to did not exist-- and I did not see such a story anywhere else. So, my assumption is that "we was fooled!!"
I stopped following Noctomum but was watching Headline News Network and she's at it again with - you guessed it - a reality show!!!!

HLN asked for comments so I just emailed them and gave them a comment and said I would boycott the sponsors.

Here is the form to send telling them what you think.


I would be happy to fill in the form if I saw the link to the actual story they aired. All I could find was this:

According to reports, Nadya Suleman is interested in starring in a reality show as soon as the final two octuplets, Jonah and Josiah, leave the hospital.

The magazine quotes a source who says a deal is in place. “It’s about Nadya trying to raise 14 children while looking for love,” the insider explains....

If she does receive her own reality show (heaven forbid), it will be on one condition: no more calling her Octomom. Nadya Suleman is believed to hate the moniker, and has been assured it won’t be part of the reality series’ title.
This might already be posted on this thread, but the website:

www.thenadyasulemanfamily.com has been "remodeled". It now contains the name and phone numbers for her lawyer Jeff Czech. No more donation button!

(Sorry if it's old news, I've been bored today!) :blowkiss:

The link I posted yesterday now has the follow up, but stands by the story with a picture of her car included. I never saw this as an April Fools joke as it isn't funny in the least.

The joke was about Nadya being preggers with triplets.

I questioned the night she brought the first two home, why she wasn't in a gated community. Well she has finally added security and she now has 7 of the babies home.

Octuplets' Mom Hires Security Guards

KTLA is the local news station in So Calif.

April 2, 2009
LA HABRA – Octuplets' mom Nadya Suleman has hired security guards after vandals struck her home again. This time someone tossed a child seat through the back window of her minivan.
A nanny discovered the damaged vehicle when she arrived for work around 6:30 a.m. Wednesday.
When officers arrived, they found that the back window of Suleman's Toyota Sienna had been broken and a car seat was still wedged inside, said Lt. Fred Wiste of the La Habra Police Department.
Residents inside the house reported hearing a loud crash about 3 a.m.
When they looked outside, they saw a white cargo van, possibly a Ford, speeding away, but they did not see the driver or anyone else, Wiste said.
Police have no suspects. The car seat belonged to Suleman and had been left near the front door overnight.
Also Wednesday, another octuplet was discharged from the hospital and sent home to join his 12 siblings.
This might already be posted on this thread, but the website:

www.thenadyasulemanfamily.com has been "remodeled". It now contains the name and phone numbers for her lawyer Jeff Czech. No more donation button!

(Sorry if it's old news, I've been bored today!) :blowkiss:

This is a new change, hmmm you don't suppose my sending them a copy of the letter from the 3 remaining Dionne Quints would have anything to do with this do you? :loser:

Prolly not, huh? But I'm glad I sent it off when I did!!:D

The link I posted yesterday now has the follow up, but stands by the story with a picture of her car included. I never saw this as an April Fools joke as it isn't funny in the least.

The joke was about Nadya being preggers with triplets.


Yes, I wasn't too clear.

The April Fool's joke is the one about her being pregnant with triplets through relations with an actual flesh and blood man.

What is true, per press reports is that--
-- A reality show is in the works
-- Someone did through a baby's car seat through the back window of her minivan.

Sorry for the confusion!
A couple of things I don't understand. One of the nannies heard the smash (of the car window) and saw a car speed away but she did not call the police? Why not? Why didn't Nadya call police or have her rep do it? Why did I think that this was a secure, gated community? I thought I heard that, but I must be mistaken. Does she realize that someone came up on her porch? They were that close. That is so dangerous. This whole situation is dangerous. If that was me I would not be able to sleep, I would be up peering out windows and checking locks all night. And I would have security on site. I would find a way to protect my family. I would sell whatever I needed to in order to afford a security guard. I know I am ranting, but I get so frustrated with this woman at times.

It's actually a short cul-de-sac off of a very accessible road, off of a more major thoroughfare. She could have bought in a gated community but that would significantly lower the possibility/probability for d-r-a-m-a.
This is a new change, hmmm you don't suppose my sending them a copy of the letter from the 3 remaining Dionne Quints would have anything to do with this do you? :loser:

Prolly not, huh? But I'm glad I sent it off when I did!!:D

If you want to send the letter again, here is a link to Jeffrey J. Czech's contact page. http://www.jczechlaw.com/contact.jsp

Just in case he didn't get it the first time? :blowkiss:

(Please look at the page and tell me a lawyer having a hotmail account isn't cheezy?)
I'm wondering if she didn't smash the window herself.... getting some attention for it and maybe thinking she'd get a new van donated?

I'm wondering if she didn't smash the window herself.... getting some attention for it and maybe thinking she'd get a new van donated?


Ding, Ding, Ding!

I'd be willing to wager on that theory!
I wonder if they have contracted with the state and are medi-cal providers?

My brother died from brain cancer they didn't diagnose. His wife had to go head to head in battle with their cardiologist who wanted to prescribe a heart med that caused her to have two strokes a few years prior. Including one in the hospital immediately following being given the drug. She had to fight this idiot who didn't want her to keep taking the newer, more expensive drug!

I have no words to describe my feelings of KP.

With all the "preeminent" care facilities in the Greater Los Angeles area, KP was the last place I would have expected to handle this pregnancy and birth. It is a sure sign of the hard times in the state and how it is effecting people and businesses on every level.
the pic that was released of the staff of KP who helped deliver the babies was SICK!! (IMO!!) ..all the smiles and cutesy poses..like it was all about them and their 15 mins of fame!! @@
Nurse 1 to Nurse 2: 'Forget the babies,HOW DOES MY HAIR LOOK??!!'
The kids were taken out of school and home schooled because one boy liked to dance & was teased.
thx,I didn't know that.
I hope schools are doing more about bullies/kids who like to tease these days.I like to see kids empowered,not feeling like victims.
The Dilleys (the ones who homeschool their kids) are one of my favorite multiples families. They seem very down to earth. They do, I think, a yearly update on some kind of Dateline show. I think their kids did a sponsorship of a vacuum-cleaner company, but I understand it was due to financial need, and it was very low-key. Becky Dilley said publically that she does most of her shopping at thrift stores and garage sales. They were given a home, but they couldn't afford it (who could, with those huge homes?), so they sold it and moved into a very modest home near grandparents. They seem like creative parents ("Dilley Dollars" and "Discipline Ladder"). A TV movie was made about the "Dilley Six-Pack;" I think it was about their first year.

Becky is a stay-at-home mom; her husband was something like an air-traffic controller, so I think there were a lot of issues there. I like them because they don't parade their kids in front of the world, but they do let us have glimpses of them from time to time. It lets the world see their family, but it also allows them their privacy.
I like the Dilley's,too.Becky was a nurse when the kids were babies,and they decided she would be the one to work,and Keith would stay home,since she could make more money than he could.It was a very cute episode of them...Keith wanted to be 'SuperDad' and do everything perfectly,even on 2-3 hrs of sleep per night.He kept getting woke up by the babies' monitors going off.
The funniest thing Becky described was having to be put on a stretcher to get to the hospital,because she was so big they couldn't transport her any other way.I think she said Keith was laughing.LOL.at least they took it in stride.
If you want to send the letter again, here is a link to Jeffrey J. Czech's contact page. http://www.jczechlaw.com/contact.jsp

Just in case he didn't get it the first time? :blowkiss:

(Please look at the page and tell me a lawyer having a hotmail account isn't cheezy?)

That's so funny! I didn't notice the hotmail acct. (but you're right! Can you say cheap, cheap! :chicken: :chicken: I guess times really are tough all over!) what I noticed was no toll free number to reach them!

There are currently so many phone numbers in So Calif, literally a call across town can be a toll call/different area code. My dd recently was stuck in traffic due to an accident and arrived at a doctors appt 45 min late (normally a 45 min ride was 2 hours) so even though she was in contact in route, when she got there they had to reschedule. They apologized to her! "oh, you're from the *advertiser censored*! oh you came 5 area codes away, we're so sorry!" I'm like WTH it's still only 30 miles! My doctor and I have the same area code, but he's 75 miles away and almost 2 hours normally and if I'm late and they have to cancel, that's just tough beans!!! :boohoo:

I've been out of So Cali a couple years, I guess I just haven't kept up with Valley speak!! :rolleyes:

That's a good idea, I will send that letter again attached to the info about her new "reality" show! The one where she looks for love :sick: :sick: WTHay she doesn't get enough love from her 14 kids? I wonder what happened to her commitment not to be in a relationship til the octs graduate from HS?:crazy:

Can you even imagine dating a single parent with 14 kids? I only had 3 and it took me a long time to figure out dating after kids/divorce. And just finding time between kids, house, full time job. :eek:

OK, HLN is on and Nadya's atty says she hasn't been approached with an offer yet but she will do it if the right offer is presented. :mad: :banghead: :puke: Seriously can you imagine the type of guys she'll attract? Either her male clone or some kind of a perv! She's too, too much! :loser: :(

Jane what's her name just popped in and said that it is out and out exploitation of her kids and she needs to be stopped.:furious:
It's actually a short cul-de-sac off of a very accessible road, off of a more major thoroughfare. She could have bought in a gated community but that would significantly lower the possibility/probability for d-r-a-m-a.
:clap: :clap:

Make that should have bought in gated community but you're right the Paps can't follow her there!! (Um 1st clue this house was about her and not her kids before we got to the front door!!)

This is how I picture Nadya, (Nadya&mom) her mom, her dad & kiddo's:

:Banane23: :)argue: ) :grandma: :Banane22:

(1) :Banane53: (2):Banane43: (3):Banane10: (4):bananajump: (5/6) :purplebananna: :Banane04: (7-14) :Banane14: :Banane14: :Banane14: :Banane14: :Banane14: :Banane14: :Banane14: :Banane14:

I can honestly say being a mom was the best part of my life. My kiddo's, friends kiddo's, kiddo's friends; the more the merrier; but I can never, ever imagine what life in that house must be like. A daycare center maybe? where the parents never came back and now they are all hers and she doesn't know where to start so instead of being proactive she just goes shopping for herself. To make matters worse she wants people with cameras there to share the insanity! Why would anyone want to share that with strangers? What she does and how she does it, can't even from a distance be called "mothering".

There is one thing I would watch, if Nadya got the help she really needs, if she had specialists in the home working with her. Teaching her how to be the mother she claims she wants to be. 24/7 help, filming done over a few hours 2 days a week so as to cause as little disruption for the children as possible. I would watch that, I would love to watch her succeed and against all odds turn out 14 happy, healthy individuals. And for her to be mentally healthy and happy too.
LOL missmybaby, your smiley's depicting the family are just cracking me up !lol !
I'm wondering if she didn't smash the window herself.... getting some attention for it and maybe thinking she'd get a new van donated?


I thought that too! The first news report I'd heard was a night nanny saw a man throw the seat through the van window, and then I read that a morning nanny "discovered" the seat through the window when she reported for work. Who really discovered it and did anyone see a white cargo van speed away?

With all the children, Nadya really needs a BIG van or a greyhound bus?

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