Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #2

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There were NEVER any arrests when Dina and Jonah argued - the events Bourne posted about are just CLAIMS by a spouse that is divorcing another spouse. None of it was PROVEN, and again, neither DINA or JONAH WAS EVER ARRESTED OR EVEN CHARGED.

WRONG. Not mere "claims". These are DOCUMENTED POLICE REPORTS with PICS of the domestic violence between Dina and Jonah while they were married with Max as eye- and ear-witness to their violence. These documented police reports, I am certain, will be used in court during the WDS against Dina, Nina, etc. And they will be held up legally too because these are LEGAL DOCUMENTS demonstrating Dina's propensity towards being IRRATIONAL and using PHYSICAL VIOLENCE against another human being.

One question. Why the hell did Dina do all the above? Seriously, WTH would one want to be with someone who obviously wanted no part of her?

Yeah, craziness, IMO.

And for Dina to jump atop and try to stop a multi-TON MOVING CAR. If that's not the definition of INSANITY I don't know what is.
Thank you IP :)

The affidavit from Lisa Luber has something to do with the Zahau WDS. I wish we knew what it contained. Any idea?


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Thank you IP :)

The affidavit from Lisa Luber has something to do with the Zahau WDS. I wish we knew what it contained. Any idea?

Howard came into SD on Monday, July 11, 2011 after Max's accident. Rebecca picked him up at the airport at 10:00 p.m. He was in town for less than 24 hours. Rebecca dropped him off at the airport on Tuesday, July 12 at 6 pm. So that is Howard's direct physical interaction after the accident but prior to Rebecca's death.

But the affidavit signed is by his wife - so I don't get her place in this. Maybe she was in SD at their own place (the Luber's) at the time? Or could the Zahau's contend that Howard indicated that Max was brain dead at that time which certainly plays into the timeline that JS had confirmation of Max's fate much earlier than his phone call to Rebecca (as used by SDSO as the reason Rebecca committed suicide) late that night.
Howard came into SD on Monday, July 11, 2011 after Max's accident. Rebecca picked him up at the airport at 10:00 p.m. He was in town for less than 24 hours. Rebecca dropped him off at the airport on Tuesday, July 12 at 6 pm. So that is Howard's direct physical interaction after the accident but prior to Rebecca's death.

But the affidavit signed is by his wife - so I don't get her place in this. Maybe she was in SD at their own place (the Luber's) at the time? Or could the Zahau's contend that Howard indicated that Max was brain dead at that time which certainly plays into the timeline that JS had confirmation of Max's fate much earlier than his phone call to Rebecca (as used by SDSO as the reason Rebecca committed suicide) late that night.

There was also an assertion in Rule's book that Howard drove Jonah back to the mansion late Monday or maybe even Tuesday morning. We have discussed extensively where Howard got a car? Was it a rental? Did Howard get in sooner than 10:00pm? Rule asserts Jonah drove himself back to the hospital. So, where does Howard fit in all of this? Could be anything you mentioned above. As well, I'm sure the Luber's could testify to Dina's character, whether good or bad. Of course it also depends on the credibility of the alleged facts in the book.

“Jonah said he’d never left Max’s side all that day, not until the doctors told him Monday evening that Max would be having tests for an hour, and sent him home. His best friend, Dr. Howard Luber, drove him there, where he took a quick shower, made “some sandwiches, and packed a few personal items. “I drove myself back.”

Excerpt From: Rule, Ann. “Fatal Friends, Deadly Neighbors.”
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Jonah did follow the ambulance Max was in, so he had a car with him. Maybe the assertion is Howard drove Jonah back to the mansion using Jonah's car? Jonah drove himself back, was it with or without Howard? This is the night Jonah stayed at the Homestead Inn. Where did Howard go? Did he go to his SD home or stay with Jonah? I guess it depends on how you look at it. I tend to believe Howard would be supportive of Jonah. Their friendship goes back to NY. Another assertion from Rule, Jonah was happy with Rebecca.

“Quite possibly, Jonah wasn’t as close to his brother, Adam, as he was to his longtime best friend, Dr. Howard Luber. Luber was like another brother to him, a man with whom he shared his deepest feelings. The two men had known each other for sixteen years. After they met at a dermatology seminar in Hawaii, they had become best friends. They usually spoke every day.

When the investigators asked Dr. Luber about Jonah’s relationship with Becky, the dermatologist said they had been together for just under two years.”

“They have—had—a special relationship,” he told detectives. “Jonah found a great deal of happiness with Rebecca—much more than he did in either of his marriages. They were very compatible and she brought tranquility into his life. Before that, his marriage to Dina could be chaotic. But Jonah and Becky were both involved in nutrition and exercise.”

Excerpt From: Rule, Ann. “Fatal Friends, Deadly Neighbors.”
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It's always been my opinion that Jonah called Howard Luber not just for the emotional support of a good friend during a crisis, but to have him help interpret the medical information that they were being given about Max's condition in the early hours. A second set of educated eyes and ears, to help Jonah understand if things were really as dire, and the prognosis as grim, as the doctors were most assuredly, IMO, telling him and Dina. Someone to offer an educated perspective on the medical information, help him think about pertinent questions to ask the ICU doctors, etc.

I think Lisa Luber's affidavit could be a voluntary statement of what she knew when Howard was first contacted by Jonah about the accident-- in essence, the reason for Howard's abrupt trip to California, along with when he departed and returned. She doesn't really need to be deposed, since she doesn't probably have much information other than that, IMO.

I will not get into a protracted discussion or debate anymore of why I'm so certain the doctors were painting such a grim picture. If anyone has any doubts, it's all in the discussion in the EMS report thread from several years ago. The EMS report, which Dina so helpfully posted as a public document on the internet, outlines exactly how grim things were at the time of admission to Rady. Any health care professional with even a small amount of knowledge and experience about pediatric trauma, can read that document, and know with certainty how grim the entire scenario was right from the beginning of Max's admission to Rady. The rest of Max's medical records contain even more information, and those will be able to be subpoenaed for this wrongful death suit, IMO. They are evidence of who knew what and when, and that goes to the revenge motive for Rebecca's murder.

Statistics don't lie, and there is just no way, none at all, IMO, that the highly experienced Rady ER and ICU docs were painting a hopeful picture, or even a "wait and see-- it might be ok" picture for Dina and Jonah, in the earliest hours. This was an overwhelmingly devastating situation-- the head injury alone was bad enough, but compounded with the very protracted (30 min at least) cardiac arrest situation, it was exceptionally grim. His brain was devastatingly injured, but his heart had been resuscitated. Dina and Jonah definitely knew that right away, IMO. And the evidence of the high spinal cord contusion would have been evident by MRI within hours of admission, certainly at 12 hours, from what specialists have told me.

It's always been my opinion that Max's grim prognosis quickly became the motive for Rebecca's murder, as it became clearer over the early hours of tests how bad things were for Max. IMO, the murderer/s knew Max was almost certainly going to die, or at best, live in a ventilator dependent vegetative state. Rebecca became the target for that rage and pain and grief, and the murderer/s exacted their revenge. I believe that if Max had fallen differently, and had "only" broken his arms or legs, for example, but was expected to recover, Rebecca would still be alive today. I also believe that if Max had been conscious, or even expected to improve in the early hours, Dina never would have left his side. JMO. Most parents, in my experience, who believe their child might improve, or wake up, never leave their side in the early hours of an ICU admission.

So now the Zahaus filed in Arizona court on 3/6 and have dropped Nina? Wow, they are throwing their made-up allegations anywhere and everywhere to see if it sticks. I suppose they no longer need Nina to sit on the bed to hold it down?

Wonder if they've apologized to her yet for accusing her of such henious acts?

That certainly does not bode well for the Federal or California case. We know the Federal case is going to be thrown out due to the diversity issue, and I would make a bet that the California case is dismissed on May 1st.

05/01/2013 / 01:30 PM / C-69 / Motion to Dismiss

I believe Lisa Luber was with Dina that Tuesday night at Rady's and her affidavidt states that she was there until late, and that Dina was not focused on Rebecca and in a "murderous state", but was soley focused on little Maxie.
I believe she WASNT there with Dina. I believe I read that an insider said Dina wasn't invited to a Luber's wedding. Does anyone have the posting about how she was excluded from a very large Luber family wedding?
It probably doesn't matter actually because what was in the affidavit is only speculation any way.
Thank you IP :)

The affidavit from Lisa Luber has something to do with the Zahau WDS. I wish we knew what it contained. Any idea?

So now the Zahaus filed in Arizona court on 3/6 and have dropped Nina? Wow, they are throwing their made-up allegations anywhere and everywhere to see if it sticks. I suppose they no longer need Nina to sit on the bed to hold it down?

Wonder if they've apologized to her yet for accusing her of such henious acts?

That certainly does not bode well for the Federal or California case. We know the Federal case is going to be thrown out due to the diversity issue, and I would make a bet that the California case is dismissed on May 1st.

05/01/2013 / 01:30 PM / C-69 / Motion to Dismiss

I believe Lisa Luber was with Dina that Tuesday night at Rady's and her affidavidt states that she was there until late, and that Dina was not focused on Rebecca and in a "murderous state", but was soley focused on little Maxie.

The photo in Lash's post lists Nina as a defendant. What are you talking about?
I believe Lisa Luber was with Dina that Tuesday night at Rady's and her affidavidt states that she was there until late, and that Dina was not focused on Rebecca and in a "murderous state", but was soley focused on little Maxie.

Snipped. Do you have a source for your belief that Lisa Luber was present in San Diego? Or is this just your personal speculation?

Are you saying you think Lisa Luber is the "mystery witness" that will confirm Dina was at Max's bedside the entire time?? Because that's pretty wild speculation without at least a link or a source to back that up beyond your speculation.

This woman, who you say is supposedly a very close friend of Dina's-- so close, she sat with Dina in the ICU with her dying child, who then has been totally silent for 3 years, and watched her "friend" Dina be accused of murder, without doing or saying a single thing to refute that? No, I'm not buying that without a lot of supporting evidence. That makes no sense at all.

I'm not aware of any sources that place Lisa Luber in San Diego during that time, or that say she was there ahead of Howard, or travelled with him (or without him).

Please provide some links for this speculation to back up your statements. Otherwise, you're dragging an innocent bystander into all this, which is very unfair.
Snipped. Do you have a source for your belief that Lisa Luber was present in San Diego? Or is this just your personal speculation?

Are you saying you think Lisa Luber is the "mystery witness" that will confirm Dina was at Max's bedside the entire time?? Because that's pretty wild speculation without at least a link or a source to back that up beyond your speculation.

This woman, who you say is supposedly a very close friend of Dina's-- so close, she sat with Dina in the ICU with her dying child, who then has been totally silent for 3 years, and watched her "friend" Dina be accused of murder, without doing or saying a single thing to refute that? No, I'm not buying that without a lot of supporting evidence. That makes no sense at all.

I'm not aware of any sources that place Lisa Luber in San Diego during that time, or that say she was there ahead of Howard, or travelled with him (or without him).

Please provide some links for this speculation to back up your statements. Otherwise, you're dragging an innocent bystander into all this, which is very unfair.

Funny, if Lisa and Dina were such good friends (which they were not), then why was Dina not invited to Rachel Luber's Wedding/Reception, which was held at the Luber residence which is next door to Dina on East Caballo Drive? Jonah and his kids were there......
Funny, if Lisa and Dina were such good friends (which they were not), then why was Dina not invited to Rachel Luber's Wedding/Reception, which was held at the Luber residence which is next door to Dina on East Caballo Drive? Jonah and his kids were there......

I have heard that she WAS there, and that Dina and Lisa are VERY close.
That's your opinion, and perhaps that is what you have heard from sources that are close to the Zahaus.

However, I have heard that Lisa and Dina were and are close, and the people I heard it from are very close to and friends with both. And they have no reason to lie about it.
That's your opinion, and perhaps that is what you have heard from sources that are close to the Zahaus.

However, I have heard that Lisa and Dina were and are close, and the people I heard it from are very close to and friends with both. And they have no reason to lie about it.

I understand you're very committed to repeating this story, from your multiple posts today. I'd strongly urge you to contact a moderator to go through the verified insider process, which could lend more weight and validity to your comments. The process is not difficult or time consuming, and does lend a layer of authenticity to posters who claim "insider knowledge."

Thank you for the sugestion, KZ, but I do not desire to have "insider status". However, perhaps you might suggest the same to Bourne? She has posted several claims to "insider information" recently, and might be interested in your suggestion.
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