Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #2

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It does not list Nina Romano. It lists NINO Romano, a male.

IANAL, but I'm not sure a whole new complaint is being filed in Marciopa County? Maybe something we could ask AZLawyer's help in clarifying?

Imo, the "Nino Romano, male" is just human error. It could have been made by the lawyers or whomever enters data into the county website. Dina's lawyers have made errors too. In court documents filed by Dina's lawyers they wrote Pari Zahau was a male and Rebecca's date of death as July 11th. It happens.
-respectfully snipped-

I believe Lisa Luber was with Dina that Tuesday night at Rady's and her affidavidt states that she was there until late, and that Dina was not focused on Rebecca and in a "murderous state", but was soley focused on little Maxie.

If what you are claiming is true, then why didn't SDSO share this tidbit in their presser instead of reverting to Dina's cellphone triangulation to place her at Rady's? In all the interviews and search warrants, Nina, Dina nor Jonah mention Mrs. Luber. Not one interview is she mentioned. 3 people, none of them claimed when they left Rady's Dina was with Mrs. Luber.
IANAL, but I'm not sure a whole new complaint is being filed in Marciopa County? Maybe something we could ask AZLawyer's help in clarifying?

Imo, the "Nino Romano, male" is just human error. It could have been made by the lawyers or whomever enters data into the county website. Dina's lawyers have made errors too. In court documents filed by Dina's lawyers they wrote Pari Zahau was a male and Rebecca's date of death as July 11th. It happens.

Good grief. Someone's complaining about "Nina Romano" vs. "Nino Romano"? And that this means Nina is no longer accused in WDS? LMAO
Dina and Lisa were close, just like Jonah wants to get back together with Dina.

Inparadise, some people are prone towards irrational delusions. Just like when Dina jumped atop a multi-ton moving vehicle to try to stop it (and Jonah) from leaving her...
If what you are claiming is true, then why didn't SDSO share this tidbit in their presser instead of reverting to Dina's cellphone triangulation to place her at Rady's? In all the interviews and search warrants, Nina, Dina nor Jonah mention Mrs. Luber. Not one interview is she mentioned. 3 people, none of them claimed when they left Rady's Dina was with Mrs. Luber.

You would need to ask Sherrif Gore that. Although in the link you provided on the Press Conference, there is no mention at all of cellphone triangulation, or Dina's whereabouts. The ME does mention however, that the nickle-sized "contusions" on Rebecca's head would not have knocked her out, or even given her a headache. He also mentions that there were muscles torn in Rebecca's neck that are consistant with hanging.

Or I suppose you could ask the Zahaus, who never released all the files to their supporters.

At any rate, IMO, the Luber's would never be on the side of the Zahaus, who have done nothing but harass Jonah and his family, including the mother of his dead boy Max, since the day of Rebecca's suicide.
Inparadise, some people are prone towards irrational delusions. Just like when Dina jumped atop a multi-ton moving vehicle to try to stop it (and Jonah) from leaving her...

Yes, like you saying Dina "jumped atop a multi-ton moving vehice to try and stop it from leaving her".

Never happened.

Jonah, the lawyer, wrote a letter on Jan. 26, 2009, to the police department about the Jan. 4 incident in which Dina claimed he elbowed her in the breast. In the letter, Jonah stated,

"He wrote that Dina threw herself at his car on Jan. 4 while he was attempting to drive away from the home. She screamed that he had no right to leave her or the house, Jonah wrote."

Source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Details-Shed-on-Shacknai-Divorce

IMO, none of this "he said/she said" information will ever be allowed in the civil case by the Judge. No charges were filed, none of it was proved, and none of it has anything to do with the suicidal hanging death of Rebecca Zahau in July 2011.
If what you are claiming is true, then why didn't SDSO share this tidbit in their presser instead of reverting to Dina's cellphone triangulation to place her at Rady's? In all the interviews and search warrants, Nina, Dina nor Jonah mention Mrs. Luber. Not one interview is she mentioned. 3 people, none of them claimed when they left Rady's Dina was with Mrs. Luber.
Triple thanks!
LuckyLucy2, I'm not sure what link you're referring to, but here is the one you want.

LE used Dina Shacknai's GPS cellphone triangulation to deduce where she was. Dina was not seen on video and LE did not use Mrs. Luber to determine Dina's whereabouts. The last time I checked cellphones were not surgically attached to our bodies. Maybe someday soon they will be :)...

Bremner said Jonah Shacknai is seen on hospital surveillance video on the night of Zahau's death, but Dina Shacknai is not.

Sheriff Gore confirmed as much during his news conference.

"We don't have her (Dina Shacknai) on surveillance tape," Gore confirmed. "Her position was determined thorough GPS triangulation on her cell phone, which put her in the vicinity of Rady Children's Hospital."

I have heard that she WAS there, and that Dina and Lisa are VERY close.

Where is your LINK for this assertion that Mrs. Luber and Dina are VERY close and that they were BOTH at the hospital with Max all Tuesday night through Wednesday morning?
That's your opinion, and perhaps that is what you have heard from sources that are close to the Zahaus.

However, I have heard that Lisa and Dina were and are close, and the people I heard it from are very close to and friends with both. And they have no reason to lie about it.

Again, where is the LINK for your assertion that you heard that Lisa and Dina were and are close...?
Yes, like you saying Dina "jumped atop a multi-ton moving vehice to try and stop it from leaving her".

Never happened.

Jonah, the lawyer, wrote a letter on Jan. 26, 2009, to the police department about the Jan. 4 incident in which Dina claimed he elbowed her in the breast. In the letter, Jonah stated,

"He wrote that Dina threw herself at his car on Jan. 4 while he was attempting to drive away from the home. She screamed that he had no right to leave her or the house, Jonah wrote."

Source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Details-Shed-on-Shacknai-Divorce

IMO, none of this "he said/she said" information will ever be allowed in the civil case by the Judge. No charges were filed, none of it was proved, and none of it has anything to do with the suicidal hanging death of Rebecca Zahau in July 2011.

See my posts wherein I provided LINKS for my statements. They were numerous and in previous pages. I'm NOT going to keep re-posting them just because you refuse to believe the links.

Good luck trying to convince others Dina didn't have innumerable POLICE REPORTS on her DOMESTIC VIOLENCE with Jonah during their short-lived marriage and while Max was still alive. Come to think of it, how horrendous it was for little Maxie to witness his parents constant verbal and physical abuse. That is MOST TRAUMATIC and REPULSIVE in my book for any child to have to undergo with his own parents.
LuckyLucy2, I'm not sure what link you're referring to, but here is the one you want.

LE used Dina Shacknai's GPS cellphone triangulation to deduce where she was. Dina was not seen on video and LE did not use Mrs. Luber to determine Dina's whereabouts. The last time I checked cellphones were not surgically attached to our bodies. Maybe someday soon they will be :)...

Sheriff Gore confirmed as much during his news conference.

"We don't have her (Dina Shacknai) on surveillance tape," Gore confirmed. "Her position was determined thorough GPS triangulation on her cell phone, which put her in the vicinity of Rady Children's Hospital."


Nod. I see NOWHERE that Mrs. Luber was ever mentioned in ANY links regarding Dina's whereabouts the day/night of Rebecca's murder.
All of those clamining that the ONLY things done during the SEVEN-WEEK long investigation were what were said during the press conference are VERY, VERY confused about what happens in a ACTUAL SUSPICIOUS DEATH INVESTIGATION.

Detectives talked to MANY witnesses, including those that WERE WITH , and SAW DINA at Rady's that Tuesday evening. That includes NURSES, Medical Personnel, and FRIENDS.

If the Zahaus had released the files to their followers, that would be clear. They did a very exhastive investigation, including Rebecca's past, which included her shopplifting, her only holding a job for less than 3 years of her life, her ex-husbands drug use (Anne Rule), and her many, many ex-boyfriends. They checked into her diaries. There are seven-weeks worth of reports and investigations by FIFTEEN DECTECTIVES. And those FIFTEEN DECTECTIVES cleared both Nina, Dina, and Adam, and found DEFENITIVE PROOF that REbecca committed suicide.

The only reason anyone is still talking about this case is because the Zahaus had seen themselves living on easy street - off Jonah Shacknai's money - and they just CAN'T LET THAT GO. IMO.
^Where is your proof? Just how do you know all this? Otherwise, all your words are just that...words.
All of those clamining that the ONLY things done during the SEVEN-WEEK long investigation were what were said during the press conference are VERY, VERY confused about what happens in a ACTUAL SUSPICIOUS DEATH INVESTIGATION.

Detectives talked to MANY witnesses, including those that WERE WITH , and SAW DINA at Rady's that Tuesday evening. That includes NURSES, Medical Personnel, and FRIENDS.

If the Zahaus had released the files to their followers, that would be clear. They did a very exhastive investigation, including Rebecca's past, which included her shopplifting, her only holding a job for less than 3 years of her life, her ex-husbands drug use (Anne Rule), and her many, many ex-boyfriends. They checked into her diaries. There are seven-weeks worth of reports and investigations by FIFTEEN DECTECTIVES. And those FIFTEEN DECTECTIVES cleared both Nina, Dina, and Adam, and found DEFENITIVE PROOF that REbecca committed suicide.

The only reason anyone is still talking about this case is because the Zahaus had seen themselves living on easy street - off Jonah Shacknai's money - and they just CAN'T LET THAT GO. IMO.
So if the Zahaus had released the files we would all know that Dina had witnesses verifying that she was at the hospital all night and could not have possibly murdered Rebecca. And further, that the Zahaus, knowing that information, is still pursuing their case? Oh, okay, I'll buy that [sarcasm]. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Really? And its not about the money - that is more than obvious.
This is not a criminal trial. This is a CIVIL trial for $10 Million dollars in "damages". It is ALL about money.
A seven week long investigation? Really", that speaks to an exhaustive investigation to you" Seven weeks?
This is not a criminal trial. This is a CIVIL trial for $10 Million dollars in "damages". It is ALL about money.

This is a civil case that can likely lead to criminal charges once the evidence comes to light. And the way Dina has lawyered up, i don't doubt for a minute that she doesn't sleep at night knowing that. And the "damages" of the loss of a young woman will never be repaid by ANY sum of money.
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