Wrongful death trial begins. Trial coverage and discussion #2

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Here’s something I find odd. Spreckels is an historic mansion in a very expensive town. Anyone in that town would know that it’s ownership required great wealth. As is often pointed out, the owner was indeed a very rich man. And one assumes a powerful man, a man of influence. So this is not a body found in a homeless encampment or even a middle class subdivision. This is a death...in the mansion of a very wealthy and powerful family.

Since this was just a vacation home, how would the first responders know that this was not the beloved wife of the owner? Why wouldn’t they be extra careful and respectful in today’s litiginous society?

This was a beautiful woman hanging from a upstairs balcony...not even the guest house. I don’t see one bit of racism here...just wonder why they weren’t extra careful considering they were at the home of a powerful multi millionaire? Why did t the “special treatment”begin here? How could they know JS would not be enraged?

As has now come out, Paul Pfingst, then a defense attorney and former DA well-known to SDSO personnel, was behind the crime scene early on which he had no business doing. He also called an unpublished SDSO phone number to try to interject himself into Adam’s interrogation.

This man, and the person who hired him, IMO influenced the ME being delayed at coming to the crime scene as well as the absence of tenting Rebecca and allowing the scene to be degraded in the sunlight.


And was Pfingst there at the scene prior to securing the guest house which happened later in the day?

Power and influence was apparent from hour one of this 911 call.
Why am I getting this sense of deja vu? Already been discredited. You have no evidence to support your theory.

<modsnip> JS was proud to have her as his girlfriend. What any of us &#8220;feels&#8221; is not evidence.

I&#8217;m waiting to hear all the evidence. Thinking this is suicide may be disparaging&#8221; to some who are invested in the murder theory, but suicide was the conclusion of the investigation. It&#8217;s an opinion that is allowed here. It would not be allowed if it impugned the &#8220;victim.&#8221;

RZ has been certified as a &#8220;victim&#8221;here on WS by the majority but not by any legal authority to date. There is no reason to be offended anytime a contrary opinion is proposed. This is a discussion Board not choir practice where everyone must sing the same tune. The hostility actually demeans Websleuths because this is a place known for civil discussion.
As has now come out, Paul Pfingst, then a defense attorney and former DA well-known to SDSO personnel, was behind the crime scene early on which he had no business doing. He also called an unpublished SDSO phone number to try to interject himself into Adam&#8217;s interrogation.

This man, and the person who hired him, IMO influenced the ME being delayed at coming to the crime scene as well as the absence of tenting Rebecca and allowing the scene to be degraded in the sunlight.

And the person who hired Pfingst IMO, believes Rebecca deserved to die after Max&#8217;s accident.

And was Pfingst there at the scene prior to securing the guest house which happened later in the day?

Power and influence was apparent from hour one of this 911 call.

Interesting. Has this been testified to in court?
Interesting. Has this been testified to in court?

I do not have a handle on what facts have gone before the jury but there were numerous media reports on Pfingst's appearance at the scene and that Pfingst IIRC stated that he had never met JS inferring that JS didn't hire him. But it certainly could have been anyone connected with JS that hired him. Certainly Adam didn't have the connections to manage to have a high powered former DA show at the scene with no prior notice. Or maybe Pfingst DID have prior notice the evening before? That is what I would like to see come into the record.
To tag onto this subject matter of having Pfingst show at the scene so early, the Shacknai defense team has been demonstrated to be a well-oiled machine with unlimited $ and lawyers from day one. That is an irrefutable fact that cannot be challenged.
Nor do you have &#8220;evidence&#8221;that there is racial animus in any of this. JS was proud to have her as his girlfriend. What any of us &#8220;feels&#8221; is not evidence.

I&#8217;m waiting to hear all the evidence. Thinking this is suicide may be disparaging&#8221; to some who are invested in the murder theory, but suicide was the conclusion of the investigation. It&#8217;s an opinion that is allowed here. It would not be allowed if it impugned the &#8220;victim.&#8221;

RZ has been certified as a &#8220;victim&#8221;here on WS by the majority but not by any legal authority to date. There is no reason to be offended anytime a contrary opinion is proposed. This is a discussion Board not choir practice where everyone must sing the same tune. The hostility actually demeans Websleuths because this is a place known for civil discussion.

I think we're focusing on the evidence here, which clearly reveals much more about her death than we knew 7 years ago.

She was hogtied and gagged while nude.

She managed to reach a chef's knife someone had left nearby and tried to use it to cut the rope binding her. She left her fingerprints on the blade of that knife, in unique positions.



How does that work with your suicide scenario? TIA
I do not have a handle on what facts have gone before the jury but there were numerous media reports on Pfingst's appearance at the scene and that Pfingst IIRC stated that he had never met JS inferring that JS didn't hire him. But it certainly could have been anyone connected with JS that hired him. Certainly Adam didn't have the connections to manage to have a high powered former DA show at the scene with no prior notice. Or maybe Pfingst DID have prior notice the evening before? That is what I would like to see come into the record.

Here's a link to one of the news media articles about Pfingst. He appeared at the crime scene in the early evening and again on July 18. It may have been after the guest house was alleged to have been closed.


Curiously, prominent San Diego defense attorney and former district attorney Paul Pfingst showed up at the mansion twice, once on Tuesday after Nalepa was discovered and again on July 18. During his second visit, Pfingst refused to identify a client but told reporters that he was not representing Jonah Shacknai.
I think we're focusing on the evidence here, which clearly reveals much more about her death than we knew 7 years ago.

She was hogtied and gagged while nude.

She managed to reach a chef's knife someone had left nearby and tried to use it to cut the rope binding her. She left her fingerprints on the blade of that knife, in unique positions.



How does that work with your suicide scenario? TIA

What you have posted is the plaintiffs interpretation. Those are not &#8220;facts.&#8221; There is no video of how RZ died.
<modsnip> JS was proud to have her as his girlfriend. What any of us &#8220;feels&#8221; is not evidence.

I&#8217;m waiting to hear all the evidence. Thinking this is suicide may be disparaging&#8221; to some who are invested in the murder theory, but suicide was the conclusion of the investigation. It&#8217;s an opinion that is allowed here. It would not be allowed if it impugned the &#8220;victim.&#8221;

RZ has been certified as a &#8220;victim&#8221;here on WS by the majority but not by any legal authority to date. There is no reason to be offended anytime a contrary opinion is proposed. This is a discussion Board not choir practice where everyone must sing the same tune. The hostility actually demeans Websleuths because this is a place known for civil discussion.

Hi Stmarysmead,

I for one, appreciate your opinions. I don&#8217;t agree for a second that RZ committed suicide but the questions you pose are thought out and civil. ( and thanks for the civility)

May I respectfully ask how you think it&#8217;s possible that Rebecca tied her feet, tied her hands behind her back, gagged herself, bonked herself on the head 4 times, wasn&#8217;t wearing a tampon ( sorry for that one) and managed to hop across the room and throw herself over the railing (that was too low for her center of gravity) without disturbing the dust on the railing and without coming anywhere close to nearly decapitating herself? I personally don believe it for one second because when one thinks it through, it just isn&#8217;t physically possible.
Believing the official explanation that RZ committed suicide is not demeaning her. It is not <modsnip> hateful. No poster should have to feel that they cannot post THEIR opinion or interpretation of the evidence for fear of labels. Let&#8217;s agree to disagree and respect each other opinions.

I wonder how the trial is progressing today? Any updates?
Here's a link to one of the news media articles about Pfingst. He appeared at the crime scene in the early evening and again on July 18. It may have been after the guest house was alleged to have been closed.


Thanks BettyP! I believe Pfingst's influence over the scene showing Rebecca's un-tented body could have begun well before he arrived at the scene. Just as Pfingst had unpublished phone numbers when he called into SDSO to attempt to intervene in Adam's interrogation - he likely had the telephone numbers of any number of SDSO investigators or Coronado personnel. The TV coverage of the scene also painted a picture for everyone to respond (or not respond as was the apparent case) to have Rebecca shielded.
Hi Stmarysmead,

I for one, appreciate your opinions. I don&#8217;t agree for a second that RZ committed suicide but the questions you pose are thought out and civil. ( and thanks for the civility)

May I respectfully ask how you think it&#8217;s possible that Rebecca tied her feet, tied her hands behind her back, bonked herself on the head 4 times, wasn&#8217;t wearing a tampon ( sorry for that one) and managed to hop across the room and throw herself over the railing (that was too low for her center of gravity) without disturbing the dust on the railing and without coming anywhere close to nearly decapitating herself? I personally don believe it for one second because when one thinks it through, it just isn&#8217;t physically possible.

Thanks for the nice post. The video re-enactment done by the investigators actually influenced me a great deal. I also believe her life was in turmoil. I don&#8217;t believe the plaintiffs explanation for the head bumps. I am not a fan of Cyril Wecht and am not convinced by his autopsy. Really turned off by the Dr Phil carnival aspect.

But I feel I owe the plaintiffs case a chance to change my mind. The dust on the railing does have me doubting.

I want to really read the court transcripts because the emotion here is too high. Just reading that old thread this morning...wow...it was all figured out. DS and NS and AS...such descriptions of what they did and why...all figured out...and then...it wasn&#8217;t.

In all honesty, the feeling that I have to defend myself constantly here probably makes some of my replies &#8220;hardened&#8221;into position. I hope the jurors who support the plaintiffs case do not do that in deliberations...it can backfire.
Snipped by me:
"We fully expected to find many fingerprints in this house because, simply stated, it is a house. Anyone living in or visiting a residence can leave behind fingerprints, which is why we had to focus on items directly related to the event."

“Fingerprints, DNA, and other items left behind in other areas of the mansion have limited value in proving or disproving a crime."

This leads me to think that sheriff Gore also realized he wasn't looking for an "outsider" in this case.

Perhaps we have not been made privy to the testimony or I missed something but I do not recall having heard Mr. Greer speak much about the lividity or rigor (with knees bent) so far. I think these two facts are among the most compelling scientifically and am hopeful they are covered in detail.

I just want to say I continue to admire you all, including anyone with an opposite of opinion. If I may, St.MarysMead, I personally think you bring up many good points but I see them as smaller points that can't tip the scales for me towards a suicide. I 100% appreciate your feedback because it's only with challenges we can really be firm in our thoughts and beliefs. Keep up the great work everyone!
Thanks for the nice post. The video re-enactment done by the investigators actually influenced me a great deal. I also believe her life was in turmoil. I don&#8217;t believe the plaintiffs explanation for the head bumps. I am not a fan of Cyril Wecht and am not convinced by his autopsy. Really turned off by the Dr Phil carnival aspect.

But I feel I owe the plaintiffs case a chance to change my mind. The dust on the railing does have me doubting.

I want to really read the court transcripts because the emotion here is too high. Just reading that old thread this morning...wow...it was all figured out. DS and NS and AS...such descriptions of what they did and why...all figured out...and then...it wasn&#8217;t.

In all honesty, the feeling that I have to defend myself constantly here probably makes some of my replies &#8220;hardened&#8221;into position. I hope the jurors who support the plaintiffs case do not do that in deliberations...it can backfire.

Ok. You don&#8217;t believe some of the things you just mentioned above. It is indisputable that she was found gagged, with her feet tied and her hands tied. She did have bumps to the head and there were many scratches on her back that would have had to have been made before her hands were tied behind her back. She&#8217;s naked and spotting on the floor from her menstrual cycle. The neck injuries did not match up with what would have happened from jumping that distance. Do you think she tied her feet up right before she jumped, or do you think that she tied her feet up and jumped across the room. Help me to understand how you picture this in your mind. TIA!
Snipped by me:
"We fully expected to find many fingerprints in this house because, simply stated, it is a house. Anyone living in or visiting a residence can leave behind fingerprints, which is why we had to focus on items directly related to the event."

&#8220;Fingerprints, DNA, and other items left behind in other areas of the mansion have limited value in proving or disproving a crime."

This leads me to think that sheriff Gore also realized he wasn't looking for an "outsider" in this case.

Perhaps we have not been made privy to the testimony or I missed something but I do not recall having heard Mr. Greer speak much about the lividity or rigor (with knees bent) so far. I think these two facts are among the most compelling scientifically and am hopeful they are covered in detail.

I just want to say I continue to admire you all, including anyone with an opposite of opinion. If I may, St.MarysMead, I personally think you bring up many good points but I see them as smaller points that can't tip the scales for me towards a suicide. I 100% appreciate your feedback because it's only with challenges we can really be firm in our thoughts and beliefs. Keep up the great work everyone!

I thank you for your gracious post and look forward to reading your future posts with an open and receptive mind
In regards to Max's accident I have always wondered if maybe he hadn't watched something on the internet with his sisters that may have encouraged him to try a new stunt. Couple that with the excitement of going to the zoo once his Dad got back from the gym and you've got a rowdy 6 year old.

I did also wonder why, in light of two very strange things happening at the mansion within days of each other, why there wasn't more thought given to someone from the outside trying to harm the family. It sounds like there really wasn't even a thought to that possibility.

I find that very strange for such a wealthy and prominent family.

Back in 2010/2011 planking was extremely popular for kids and teens. I actually always wondered if that might have happened with max. Especially having teen sibling who were likely very into social media and that being such a big part of teen life. I always wondered if perhaps this was something he had done with his siblings and tried to do this on his own. My own kids who were at a similar age used to try this in all types of locations (which they were strictly forbidden to do) they would sneak and do this. And they didn’t even have phones. It was just something that all their friends did.

Here is what planking is.

Ok. You don&#8217;t believe some of the things you just mentioned above. It is indisputable that she was found gagged, with her feet tied and her hands tied. She did have bumps to the head and there were many scratches on her back that would have had to have been made before her hands were tied behind her back. She&#8217;s naked and spotting on the floor from her menstrual cycle. The neck injuries did not match up with what would have happened from jumping that distance. Do you think she tied her feet up right before she jumped, or do you think that she tied her feet up and jumped across the room. Help me to understand how you picture this in your mind. TIA!

The video did a good job (for me) of explaining how she managed the suicide. I believe it was said (though I have no link at this moment) that she slept in the nude. There were bushes underneath the balcony. Respectfully, some of what the plaintiffs allege, is just that...allegation...their interpretation of the evidence,

I really want to hear the testimony and rebuttal from the rest of the investigatory witnesses.

There&#8217;s so much emotion in this case...understandably. But i hope there will be trial transcripts.
What you have posted is the plaintiffs interpretation. Those are not “facts.” There is no video of how RZ died.

They are the facts. The photos at the link show the placement of RZ's fingerprints on the blade of the chef knife. It's been entered into evidence that she was bound tightly with ropes, hand and foot, and gagged.

It has been entered into evidence that the chef's knife didn't have prints on the handle.

So, can you explain why RZ was trying to cut something while holding the chef's knife by the blade, behind her back?

There's no other way to use the knife when holding it according to the prints on the blade. Please feel free to give it a try and demonstrate for us if you can find an alternate method.



They are the facts. The photos at the link show the placement of RZ's fingerprints on the blade of the chef knife. It's been entered into evidence that she was bound tightly with ropes, hand and foot, and gagged.

It has been entered into evidence that the chef's knife didn't have prints on the handle.

So, can you explain why RZ was trying to cut something while holding the chef's knife by the blade, behind her back?

There's no other way to use the knife when holding it according to the prints on the blade. Please feel free to give it a try and demonstrate for us if you can find an alternate method.




I&#8217;m sorry I don&#8217;t agree. These are interpretations, not &#8220;facts.&#8221; The re-enactment showed the bindings were loose. Maybe she was holding the blade differently before death and it slipped.
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