WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 7

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I am writing to inquire exactly where the investigation into this child's disappearance lies?

Are there searches still being conducted? Has anyone bothered to ask law enforcement, either local or FBI, what the current status of the investigation is? Is anyone in this child's family even attempting to speak to you or any other press regarding locating this child?

Are you even covering this story any more? At all?

I am curious as to how a news agency can have absolutely no ongoing coverage of a local child barely 3 who is missing.

Any news would be welcome.

Thank you for your attention to this email.
It does seem odd that the family is not reaching out to news, but maybe there is something going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. I do know if a family member or even a friend, I would be over everything. Hoping for an update soon.
I just did a search of http://news.google.com and come up with something very tragic.

The number of news websites covering the disappearance of Lisa Irwin is 2,595.

The number of news websites covering the disappearance of Aliayah Lunsford is 96.

Sad to say, but I believe that the majority of people here in WV just don't care. On FB pages created to discuss this case, the topics have shifted to "How to treat your pet for fleas" and has more information related to the Lisa Irwin case.
I just did a search of http://news.google.com and come up with something very tragic.

The number of news websites covering the disappearance of Lisa Irwin is 2,595.

The number of news websites covering the disappearance of Aliayah Lunsford is 96.

Sad to say, but I believe that the majority of people here in WV just don't care. On FB pages created to discuss this case, the topics have shifted to "How to treat your pet for fleas" and has more information related to the Lisa Irwin case.

That is heartbreaking. So in this case, the family wins! All they had to do was make it until the "next missing persons case" and it looks like they did it..:(
I noticed that the number of media outlets covering Lisa's case increased substantially when the parents did a national media interview. Then the rest of the media picked up the story.
No, lonetraveler to my knowledge no twins yet.. Astonishing tho, isn't it??? It is to me.. I know with the several multiple births we've just had in our close family and friends that for a woman carrying twins to go the full 40 weeks.. Well it just never happened.. So for her to have been 37 weeks when Aliayah disappeared, combined with the stress on multiple levels for thise twins to have not yet have been born is a strange or odd thing.. Of course MOO, tho!!

Thank you for the information. It does seem a bit strange. She would be 39 weeks at this time, wouldn't she? This case is so sad.
I just have a feeling that everything is in a holding pattern until the twins are born. That is a shame.

I keep hoping that I will log on and there has been news that really matters on little Aliayah. She has to be found!

As for little Aliayah's sad, sad look on her face - it is real. Look at the eyebrow ridge. It is a frown as if this baby is in pain. Her eyes are sad beyond her years,

Aliayah is in my prayers as are the other children and the unborn twins!
Heartbreaking..............This beautiful little girl. She didn't just disappear. I hope and pray she will be found and sooner rather than later.

The problem is probably the lack of new information. Based on the media coverage we have had in the past I think the best we can hope for is a dribble and only a rehash of what we already know.

I think we need to write the article. sts Give them something to work with. Media loves a good gossipy storyline. Give them a few juicy snippets.

Of course, you all know I'm kidding. wink wink!
I noticed that the number of media outlets covering Lisa's case increased substantially when the parents did a national media interview. Then the rest of the media picked up the story.

It even made our news here in Nova Scotia!
I'm sure that we have all noticed that the number of posts on Aliayah's thread has dwindled due to lack of news and the emergence of a new more high profile case, Lisa Irwin. The sad thing is that if another hot case occurs and/or the case fades from the media, Lisa's thread will become semi-inactive too. It's like a cycle. Just look at cases that were able to get a forum because of how active they were, and now go days without any posts. It's so rare for a case to continue to be relatively active even after it's not in the news anymore/other high profile cases occur.

If there had been more information released in Aliayah's case, we could continue discussions about it even after it faded from the media. That's why so many cold cases on WS have such a small number of posts; because the media isn't reporting on the case anymore, and the amount of information already out about the case is slim.

I haven't been around WS very long but I can vouch for what you say. The first case I really followed is Lauren Spierer's. I never heard of her or her family before she disappeared, but not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Her threads were so busy at first, then they really died down until activity picked up again recently. I posted a lot in the beginning because I felt like I could offer a lot of info about drugs of abuse and head injuries but now I just mostly read. I don't want her story to fade away, but it's hard to know what to say when you've come to the end of the info you have. :(

ETA: The main reason that Lauren is getting more attention lately is that her parents became very outspoken, writing open letters to those responsible and so forth. I realize that the Spierers have a lot of resources that not every MP's family does - but they have done a great job.
I just got a call from my son and of course I talked to my grandchildren. My granddaughter said she got to walk home from school the first week because the weather was nice but now her mom picks her up. I asked if she walked with other kids and she said no her mom came and got her.

She said she wasn't allowed to walk home with other kids and she began to tell me about Aliayah. She said she watches her brothers all the time now. She's 8 and they are 5 and 3.

She also said a little girl in Pittsburgh was walking home from school and a man tried to get her in his car but she ran.

Its a scary world!
Did anybody find the connection yet

Ruh roh...

Wow guys. I didn't mean to halt the thread.

^Hears coffee calling my name!

How are we to know that MSM did not get this tidbit from the FB pages?

If that is what happened...How do we bank on even the most minute information now?

Huh? Can you fill me in on what you're talking about dsntslp? :waitasec:

I also emailed the news outlets, thanks CMAJORGIRL for listing the addy's. Made it easy.
Just to let you know what's going on locally:

LL was just seen yesterday, and she is still pregnant.

Two FB groups have now degenerated into the admins making jokes about Aliayah being found. When members ask if there are any updates, they are ridiculed, stating that there are more important matters to discuss rather than Aliayah's disappearance.

There is a concerned effort against any petition that would be used to help change laws here within WV.

My conclusion...the majority here in WV do NOT care about children's rights.
Heartbreaking..............This beautiful little girl. She didn't just disappear. I hope and pray she will be found and sooner rather than later.

The problem is probably the lack of new information. Based on the media coverage we have had in the past I think the best we can hope for is a dribble and only a rehash of what we already know.

I think we need to write the article. sts Give them something to work with. Media loves a good gossipy storyline. Give them a few juicy snippets.

Of course, you all know I'm kidding. wink wink!

Hmmm---i think you are right Jeanniec -I could write an article that could really make people listen...lol!
Seriously-I am very sad that on day15 there sitll is no updates.
Just to let you know what's going on locally:

LL was just seen yesterday, and she is still pregnant.

Two FB groups have now degenerated into the admins making jokes about Aliayah being found. When members ask if there are any updates, they are ridiculed, stating that there are more important matters to discuss rather than Aliayah's disappearance.

There is a concerned effort against any petition that would be used to help change laws here within WV.

My conclusion...the majority here in WV do NOT care about children's rights.

So very sad!! I don't think they were there for little Aliayah to begin with! I guess "fame" is more important to some-but I believe in Karma-and it has a way of catching up with people just like them.

There are MANY in WV that care for victims rights. Start contacting churches and schools!! jmo
I just got a call from my son and of course I talked to my grandchildren. My granddaughter said she got to walk home from school the first week because the weather was nice but now her mom picks her up. I asked if she walked with other kids and she said no her mom came and got her.

She said she wasn't allowed to walk home with other kids and she began to tell me about Aliayah. She said she watches her brothers all the time now. She's 8 and they are 5 and 3.

She also said a little girl in Pittsburgh was walking home from school and a man tried to get her in his car but she ran.

Its a scary world!

Breaks my heart that little ones can't even enjoy the freedom of walking home from school. Makes me SO mad!!
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