WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 7

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WTF??? The only way that story makes any sense is if the missing woman told her mother she leaving and wouldn't be in touch AND/OR she has a major drug problem (or similar) and has a history of dropping out of touch. Otherwise, what kind of mother would ever wait MONTHS to report their child (even adult child) missing?

I haven't read this article yet, but I can completely relate to not reporting. My daughter who gave up her children moved to another state. I very rarely speak with her, over the phone, text, fb, or email. She has decided that she doesn't want to be in our lives. I went several months trying to reach her and finally called the police in the area she moved to. They basically told me to but out unless I had a clue that she had been harmed. I finally posted on her friends facebook that if she did not contact me to let me know she was okay that I would call the police and tell them I thought she had been murdered. She sent me a text that said "I am fine".:sick:
I haven't read this article yet, but I can completely relate to not reporting. My daughter who gave up her children moved to another state. I very rarely speak with her, over the phone, text, fb, or email. She has decided that she doesn't want to be in our lives. I went several months trying to reach her and finally called the police in the area she moved to. They basically told me to but out unless I had a clue that she had been harmed. I finally posted on her friends facebook that if she did not contact me to let me know she was okay that I would call the police and tell them I thought she had been murdered. She sent me a text that said "I am fine".:sick:

I am so sorry for the loss of your relationship with your daughter.
I haven't read this article yet, but I can completely relate to not reporting. My daughter who gave up her children moved to another state. I very rarely speak with her, over the phone, text, fb, or email. She has decided that she doesn't want to be in our lives. I went several months trying to reach her and finally called the police in the area she moved to. They basically told me to but out unless I had a clue that she had been harmed. I finally posted on her friends facebook that if she did not contact me to let me know she was okay that I would call the police and tell them I thought she had been murdered. She sent me a text that said "I am fine".:sick:

My step-daughter would leave her 2 children with me while she did her drugs. Usually she would be gone a few days but one time around Christmas she was gone for weeks. I called the police and because of her age we could not file a missing persons. Once they become adults they have the right to fall off the face of the earth if they want to. They will investigate if there is suspicion of foul play though.
Anyway, a few days after I notified the police an officer called me and asked about her. He found her (it took him a few more days) and made her call home to tell us she was OK. This same officer told me we could go before a magistrate and have her committed for rehab. Turned out to not be true.
I called everywhere trying to get her help.
We refused to allow her to take the children. Then CPS became involved.
So I guess it depends on how much detail you give the officers and what your relationship was with the person as to what LE will do.
FYI - Each county in WV keeps their own records of CPS investigations. Once CPS is notified the worker is supposed to check with FACTS (WV CPS data base). If abuse allegations are made on a family living in one county, then the family moves to a different county the new county would not know about the previous allegations unless new allegations arise.

If DHHR files a petition in circuit court, the outcome of the case depends on what DHHR recommends ( the worker) and which judge is handling the case. Also varies by county. There are laws governing child abuse but, much like criminal cases, deals (trade offs) are made. Most people who have a petition filed against them are not prosecuted for what they have done to their children. If the do not succeed in getting their children back their rights are terminated and the children can be placed for adoption.

Fix the laws!

Every person that really wants to make a difference in the lives of abused children should call their local DHHR office or go to the website and request information on becoming a foster/adoptive parent. The state is in dire need of qualified homes for abused children. You don't have to be rich, or have a beautiful home. You do have to pass a criminal background check and a home inspection for safety and cleanliness. Please make a difference in these children's lives.
It's sad watching MP threads dwindle... :(

Many prayers for Aliayah and all who truly love her.

I haven't read this article yet, but I can completely relate to not reporting. My daughter who gave up her children moved to another state. I very rarely speak with her, over the phone, text, fb, or email. She has decided that she doesn't want to be in our lives. I went several months trying to reach her and finally called the police in the area she moved to. They basically told me to but out unless I had a clue that she had been harmed. I finally posted on her friends facebook that if she did not contact me to let me know she was okay that I would call the police and tell them I thought she had been murdered. She sent me a text that said "I am fine".:sick:

i pray in time that she will change and remember how lucky she is to have someone love and care for her like you do (hugs)
I am SO sad today. Alliayah has been "missing" for two weeks now!! It hurts badly to think that someone she was entrusted to, has harmed her. My thoughts and prayers are with a beautiful little girl, who deserves to be playing in the sunshine today.
(((((HUGS))))) Atimetostand.. I agree with CJmajor in that hopefully one day(when she finally hits HER rock bottom) she will realize that she has a mother who cares and loves her very much that she has blatantly chose to turn her back on.. And one day make amends for her choices she has made in these years of her addiction.. I pray that one day you all be able to forge a new and stronger mother/daUghter relationship.. It does happen and even to those who seem like they're too far gone past the point of no return.. I've seen the most drug addled, emotionally devoid of everything they once were.. I've seen even those finally hit THEIR OWN PERSONAL ROCK BOTTOM and truly make the changes necessary to come back from such disastrous lifestyles that do take a toll on them physically, emotionally, mentally(not to mention the toll it takes on their loved one's, like yourself)..IMO no one is ever past the point of no return unless they're dead.. Never stop praying, never stop hoping because I've personally experienced seeing a loved one recover.. A long hard road.. But recovered and living life again..

As far as LE concerned.. Your acct sadly is the norm.. Much of LE desensitized and even annoyed with having to deal with addicts.. But just as msjits stated in her acct there are those exceptions to the rule of officers who do seem to genuinely still care and are willing to go that extra mile.. These officers are truly gems IMO and are too few and far between..

I hope that in your situation that you don't have to reach out to LE again to find out, tho.. And hope that your daughter has truly "awakening" event in her life that brings her to the brink and she finally hits what is HER rock bottom.. I've found that until they hit it they never seem to have had enough to make them ready to get clean and sober..

I keep emphasizing HER rockbottom because EVERYONE's bottom is so very different.. Drastically varying.. Some's rock bottom could be jail, others losing their family, and yet others even more severe bottoms are necessary.. It's scary to think about, I know.. But IMO it's never too late for them to turn theor lives around..

Wow, I just looked for a news update and found nothing!!!

Local media, please, please, please ask LE for case updates. Put pressure on them to keep her story in the news. I don't want Aliayah to slip off the front page and into the sea of missing children's cases that already exist. This little one was born into a less than ideal life, so very sad. Why is her Mother not out there BEGGING for her return?

I wish she had a well known advocate, someone like Marc Klaas, who was speaking publicly on her behalf.
I just have this sick feeling that with time,..like so many other missing children cases,...that Aliayah will simply become a distant memory. Is it that life does not have the "value" it once did, and people simply lose interest after a week or two. I don't get it! EVERY missing child should make headlines each day until they are found.
I have a feeling that this little girl is simply going to go "under the radar" at some point, because not enough people care to make a whole lot of noise till she is found.
WHY aren't the FBI or local authorities at least giving the public some sort of update each day???
Checking in for any news. Please someone tell me, have the twins been born yet?
d*** I have been gone for 4 days and really expected something more when I got back on. So sad for little Aliayah.
No, lonetraveler to my knowledge no twins yet.. Astonishing tho, isn't it??? It is to me.. I know with the several multiple births we've just had in our close family and friends that for a woman carrying twins to go the full 40 weeks.. Well it just never happened.. So for her to have been 37 weeks when Aliayah disappeared, combined with the stress on multiple levels for thise twins to have not yet have been born is a strange or odd thing.. Of course MOO, tho!!
LL hiring a lawyer put the brakes on. They will not release anything to the press until they make an arrest. She's probably had those babies. They are not going to announce it without her permission, and I do not see her doing that. May be one of the reasons she hired a lawyer, had babies and does not want to take the polygraph and she didn't hire Dyer because she is not going to confess or cooperate. I think they are using Dyer to draw them out. If he has a credible informant giving him information, it may make them panic and mess up. Or, they are maybe wanting things to calm down so that the ones involved get comfortable, think they do not have any proof of anything and will go back to their normal lives and let something slip. For now, it's just a waiting game.
I thought as a local I could post what I find from other credible locals. I posted information and it was deleted, why?
I just have this sick feeling that with time,..like so many other missing children cases,...that Aliayah will simply become a distant memory. Is it that life does not have the "value" it once did, and people simply lose interest after a week or two. I don't get it! EVERY missing child should make headlines each day until they are found.
I have a feeling that this little girl is simply going to go "under the radar" at some point, because not enough people care to make a whole lot of noise till she is found.
WHY aren't the FBI or local authorities at least giving the public some sort of update each day???

:welcome: sktrsmw!!

I agree with everything you said.
I thought as a local I could post what I find from other credible locals. I posted information and it was deleted, why?

Hopefully a Mod will be along to answer your question Westinlund.

Is there any action at all locally, LE seen around town?
You have to ask to be verified in order to post as a local. It is a precaution to keep people from saying they are a local if they are not. Just go to the 1st page of this thread and read the first post. There should be a link there to be verified.
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