Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #29

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Florida law doesn't matter if he is charged with murder by the feds. 18 U.S.C. 3 is clear that anyone who knowingly provides comfort or aid to someone who committed a crime against the United States (like federal murder) can be charged as an accessory after the fact.
Thank you !!!!
I have often tried to think about what Brian could have told his parents for them NOT to respond to Gabby's parents. I concluded that whatever it *could* have been, nothing would keep me from responding, EVEN IF, I responded w/ anger based on something I was told by Brian. There is nothing that would keep me from responding. The only thing would be *IF* Brian somehow got his parent's phones and deleted texts or calls before they were seen by the parents.

Do we know exactly when the parents started texting and asking for her whereabouts. Because all I can find is that it was on the 10th. Any indications it was earlier? Apologies if already covered
So your son is missing, possibly after having murdered someone, possibly suicidal, possibly an alligator snack..... ..and you're 3.5hrs away in Orlando!?!?

What the actual heck is going on with his parents!?

Why are they not absolutely devastated and bereft and panicking and trying to find their son?

One possibility is visit with an attorney on Orange Ave., there are multiple firm offices in that location.
Regarding BL being put up in a hotel that was funded by a DV/shelter group makes me absolutely furious. It’s not the police/group fault. It just really chaps my @$$.

I bet he lied when he said he had no money, he knew the police would suggest him to get a room somewhere.

When he said he had no money it was in relation to GP getting a motel instead of going to Jail. If they charged her, the van would stay with BL. It was when they decided not to charge her that the conversation turned to BL getting a motel paid for by SeekHaven since they couldn't take in the Aggressor in that situation. And everyone there, including GP and the female park officer, agreed that GP was the aggressor.
No FBI field office there, according to their website.

No person shall be held to answer for any capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; ... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law

Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution
New here so please excuse, there's no possible way I could dive through 30 pages prior so if any of this was rehashed, I appologize in advance.

As a preface, I want to state that I take no position on whether Brian committed murder or not. I simply think we do not possess enough evidence right now to condemn a man's life. Now that he is missing and could possibly be suicidal, I especially take pains to avoid judging his life. That's for a jury to decide, not me. Or social media.

I won't go into a longwinded post and I'll try to keep it as short and concise as I can, but a few things bug me about this case:

1. Despite many people trying to place their ex's face on Brian, the body cam and witness statements only confer that they were in a physically toxic relationship. Gabby, the witness Christopher, and Gabby's friend Rose all confirm that Gabby assaulted Brian. The 911 call and body cam show Brian would fight back. People seem to be all about DV here, but refuse to acknowledge that a small blonde girl could very easily be the aggressor sometimes. Even if she is not alive anymore.

2. Brian returning home without Gabby. While I get the whole "going about your daily life to appear innocent", both Brian and his family's actions during the time when he first returned home with the van did not appear to be people pretending. If you know your son committed murder and has something to hide, you're not sending him out to mow the lawn. Idk, that just seems weird to me. Almost as if Brian thought everything was fine at that point. That would imply that Brian and Gabby agreed to part ways - and the only way I can see someone leaving their S.O. in the middle of nowhere is when they're being left with someone they both know and trust. (more on that later)

3. The Aug 27/30th texts. If you just killed someone, and are pretending to be them, you don't make the mistake of texting them their grandfather's first name. There would be no reason for Brian to even message the mother about GP's grandfather. You'd want to have as little interaction as possible, I'd assume. Also, with all the planning GP and BL were doing with where they were going, and given their current location, making the mistake of saying Yosemite seems off as well. I know people get the two confused, but I'd imagine that would be after the fact upon recollection, and not while on the actual trip when you're right near Yellowstone. These were pretty glaring and suspect mistakes. Almost too glaring. [removed stan theory so this doesn't get deleted lol] The wording is definately strange, and can be read as "Can you help send the authorities now...". That could imply a third person being involved.

4. Speaking of third person, now that police have announced there are no ties between the lesbian couple and GP case, people seem to have just forgotten that someone actually murdered those 2 poor women, which means there is a killer in the moab area. Gabby, and these two women aren't the only ones to go missing in the past few months in the moab area. Ty Erick Harvey also was reported missing on August 30th, 2021 in Moab. There was another man missing in June of this year in Moab but for the life of me I cannot find the article anywhere now that it's been drowned out in the sea of news reports with any keywords related to it bringing me back to GP case instead.

Grand County Sheriff seeking info on man missing from Moab area | Gephardt Daily

5. The fact that Brian is still listed as a person of interest, as opposed to a suspect, could be very telling of what evidence (or lackthereof) the police have to actually link him to her death. Either they think he's dead (which I doubt highly considering the efforts they're still putting forth) or they do not have enough evidence to charge him. Even after the autopsy? That potentially leads back to either an accident or third party.

6. Rose. Has anyone else heard reports that Brian's Instagram has been following and unfollowing Rose Davis, GP's alleged bff? Rose gives me bad vibes. Not only does she look exactly like GP in terms of size, shape, eyes and hair, but she came forward to the dailymail making statements that I found to be odd. For instance, Rose reported that Brian would set up hammocks for her and GP, but would not sit with them at the beach - preferring to sit alone. To me that sounds like someone who is uncomfortable being around Rose and GP at the same time. Why? Rose also stated she believes GP loved BL and BL loved GP.. but then went on to recount a time when BL stole GP's ID to stop her from going out dancing with Rose. According to her, GP came home and physically assaulted BL for this. She called it jealousy, but that's one sided. Could she have been a bad influence? Drugs? Could she have previously had a "thing" with GP that BL found out about and he was trying to do what was in GP's best interest? Why would Rose have a tracking app on GP's phone if she hung out with the both of them? Especially after only knowing GP for a year? I know a lot can happen in a year, but that just seems weird. Rose also stated that GP's friends back in NY were "bullying" her about GP staying with BL. Odd choice of words to describe friends trying to "look out" for their friend. Why would they "bully" her if Rose herself said they loved each other?

I have a whole bunch of other theories (or moreso questions) regarding Rose, but until we get more evidence they may as well just be wild conspiracy theories. Are police so focused on BL that they've ignored Rose's locations on her phone? Could she have met up with BL/GP after all? Did BL leave GP with Rose? Was there some sort of triangle going on? I mean, they both look alike, so it's not too far fetched to think BL might have been attracted to her. Going further down that rabbit hole, could Rose have been the one who checked out of the hotel that last time and not GP? That could potentially explain the Yosemite text.. and why Brian drove back to FLA and carried on as if nothing was wrong, not reporting her missing because he didn't think she was missing. If BL/Rose did have something going on, it would explain the reports of his Instagram following and unfollowing her during the time he's been missing. If any of these have been answered via evidence that I've missed please feel free to correct me.

I have a bad feeling the truth of this case is going to be much more complicated than people are claiming it to be. There are too many strange occurrences. I realize Occam's Razor says BL is not speaking, so he most likely had a hand in the death, given what we know. It's what we don't know that has me questioning all of this.

Edit: I definitely went more longwinded than I intended but tried to keep each point to at least a few sentences to get the full point across... apologies!

Wow on a first post!! Food for thought.

Personally, I think by his own words and deeds, I think Brian was more of a loner. Needed a lot of downtime. Posts about autism, meditator, lone wilderness trips, and what he said to LE about needing to get away when they fight. That is why he tried to lock Gabby out of the van. By Gabby's own words, she became more agitated when Brian told her to "calm down". And she said she had a fear of being abandoned. She also was upset that Brian had lost confidence in her to make Vanlife work out for them through social media.

I agree with what some WSers have said that both of them were under tremendous pressure to make Vanlife a career and support themselves. Both had saved money for these trips, and per Gabby's dad this was not their first cross country trip. Brian was the one that helped convert the van into living space, per neighbor's accounts. They both wanted this lifestyle.

The incident at the restaurant over a bill indicates to me that money was beginning to become an issue. Also Brian's lessening support over Inst, etc.

And it seems odd to me where they pulled over the van at Spread Creek. No overly scenic place to take photos. I suspect they kept arguing over Brian's behavior at the restaurant, Brian pulled over and went for a walk to cool off, Gabby followed him they started arguing again, became physical and Gabby got killed.

I do think they loved each other but differences in their personalities and coping abilities lead to a horrible outcome. Vanlife brought out the inability of them to cope under this kind of stress.

This is nothing like the Watt's story. There was no outside girl friend, he did not try to hide her body nor was there a pregnancy that we know of....
But can they surveil them legally? I asked earlier but I didn't see any replies.. Legally, can they put surveillance on BL's parents or does a person/people have to be considered a suspect or guilty of a crime to have surveillance on them?

I’m not an expert or anything but if he’s a POI and they have reason to believe they would flee to where he could be, I would think they could. I would hope even if they couldn’t, If his parents were to get on a plane, an “undercover” agent would get a ticket as well.
I have often tried to think about what Brian could have told his parents for them NOT to respond to Gabby's parents. I concluded that whatever it *could* have been, nothing would keep me from responding, EVEN IF, I responded w/ anger based on something I was told by Brian. There is nothing that would keep me from responding. The only thing would be *IF* Brian somehow got his parent's phones and deleted texts or calls before they were seen by the parents.

I think about this so much too. Something is off here. Even their statements about Gabby are just so cold.
Which would be the nearest large airport location.

I am guessing North Port Police nor the FBI will make the mistake of *not* putting surveillance on the parents.

They are probably paying to put them up in a hotel somewhere so they have the upper hand in terms of surveillance.

Again, I think the parents are co operating. They had no lawyer present at the search. Which is odd for a family willing to get attorney advice early. I get they could of had one on the phone, but at a search the lawyer can be present to make sure only things on the warrant are taken etc.

Also the FBI are confident in the reserve search, surely evidence has been presented/found to corroborate the parents assertion he went there.
In regards to the parents being spotted in Orlando (which I verified).... I dont see any business or places that would make sense for them to stop by near where they parked (120 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801)

Parking downtown can be tough. I can say there are TONS of law offices downtown, TONS! Also, Orange County Government offices, Court House etc. If I had to guess (if I'm allowed to) I'd guess they were meeting with a lawyer.
Interesting listening to JB Live and they are saying the neighbors who told Fox about the "camping trip" never mentioned it to the other reporter - and now won't talk to anyone but Fox? Did I hear that correctly?
Is anyone else listening live??

Perhaps they were not previously willing to reveal anything to reporters that first approached until they talked to police:

Neighbors Charlene and William Guthrie said they saw the Laundries hook up the camper to the back of their pickup truck for a weekend trip away about a week after their son's return, on September 11 - the same day Gabby was reported missing.

The family would have returned about two days later as photos show the camper back in the driveway on September 13.

When police contacted the Guthries over the disappearance of Petito, William told them about the family's trip, noting that it was unusual for Christopher and Roberta Laundrie to go off in such a small camper with their 23-year-old son.

'I saw them doing some work. And then when they prepared for their trip, I saw them loading the camper,' William told Fox News.

Laundrie's neighbors say he and his parents packed up for long trip after he returned without Petito | Daily Mail Online
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