Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #29

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Search teams for #BrianLaundrie now looking at a specific area: “We’ve teamed up, we’ve broke them into different groups to do a line search and a grid search throughout a specific area in the #CarltonReserve,” said NPPD Commander Joe Fussel

I'm curious if that's based on any information they've found or if that specific area is setup in a way that a line/grid search is more feasible?
When the couple got together in high school, "it seemed like an immature love," friend Ben Matula tells PEOPLE in its latest issue. "One minute they'd be all over each other, the next minute he'd be like, 'We're fighting.' They always had some drama."

But Matula didn't think that the teenage angst would ever lead to violence. "Before this, I thought Brian was a dependable, ambitious normal guy who wanted to be a good friend," Matula says. "I didn't see a dark side with him."
Friend Says He 'Didn't See a Dark Side' to Brian Laundrie Before Road Trip: 'Normal Guy'
I didn’t find much before GP which is what my point was. I’m also not sure that Pinterest that has been posted is or was solely his (I suspect it was more GP) the oldest posts are 1-2 years old.

And very very few posts are their own. It’s mostly reshaping things they liked. That’s not a “social media presence” and doesn’t indicate at all that being an influencer was anything he was after.

They have separate pinterest accounts. He loyally pinned most of her wedding and baby pins almost as soon as they were posted, but he has his own pins from other sources as well.

It's true that the Instagram started around the time he and Gabby settled in together, but he still put a lot of work into it, IMO. Way more than I'd have patience for, myself.
I take a spare key anytime we travel period.
My husband takes a spare key even when he goes with me to the grocery store. And not because I have ever been locked out (Once in my life) but it's something he always does.
I gotcha and agree. There were mighty slim pickings for sources. That's why I said it wasn't in MSM. I searched a good bit for a better source but had no luck. I'm starting to believe it was something the couple made up to tell the parents.

What are you referring to? What did they lie about?
First post.

I’ve seen it mentioned that BL has no friends and is a bit of a ‘loner’. My thoughts are that there are many of these types who live ‘normal’ lives. There are also killers out there who are extremely social.

Some people just aren’t interested in or feel they don’t need a high level of social interaction. Doesn’t make them murderers.

I have also seen many posts criticising his lack of support or apparent jealousy toward’s GP’s goal of becoming a successful social media personality. While ideally a healthy relationship should involve both sides wanting the other to ‘win’, it’s common for couples—especially young ones—to face these issues at some point. Most don’t end like this.

Having said that...

Perhaps it not so much that GP was becoming ‘successful’ but that his passion—design—wasn’t giving him the attention he thought he deserved.

Maybe he felt that she was ‘selling out’ by turning
what he considered a wholesome, natural and ‘earthy’ pastime into something more commercial and self-indulgent, which is strange considering his apparent controlling behaviour.

Could he not really know who or what he was which resulted in him not coming across as warm or sincere on the socials? Could this be why, from what others have said, he lurked around in the background, scared of being seen while GP’s personality shone through and cranked up all of those social interactions?

Did he hide behind his art for the same reason, hoping one day it would give him the recognition he thought he was owed? Seems he didn’t post much of that either which could suggest he was scared of rejection.

Did he try and be the cool boyfriend in the background but was secretly seething inside because ultimately he knew this #vanlife project was going to get too big for him and he couldn’t cope with seeing GB ‘make it’ and him be left empty?

For a narcissist looking to control, there can be no more suited place to do this than in a small van over many months. Most families struggle spending a few weeks together confined so the tension would have been huge given what we have heard about his alleged controlling behaviour.

For GB, #vanlife was about freedom but became the opposite in reality. What further hurts is that she would have felt the need to present as if she was ‘living the dream’ to her followers. One can only imagine how that affected her mental health.

All I really know is a young lady lost her life in tragic circumstances while she was just getting started. May she rest in peace and justice be served.

I really appreciate your post. And while I really want to avoid labeling BL as a "narcissist" it seems like a lot of people here are without an understanding of the difference between a covert / vulnerable narcissist and a grandiose one. I do NOT see BL as a grandiose attention seeking narcissist in any way shape or form - in fact quite the opposite. He's insecure and he needs a supply (which can look like many different things including obsession with a specific hobby or author / art type ).

I think you are dead on that BL viewed GP as a "sell out". Squandering this opportunity and turning it into something he had a lot of judgement and dislike of. IMO he was likely initially like "okay if you can make money at it " but when it turned out that it was taking tons of time and energy away from attention on him - he didn't like that so much. People like him want constant affirmation and adoration. Even just saying "hold on I need to work on this" more than a few times would leave his ego wounded. He would retaliate for that and IMO it would have escalated over time.
Sounds like you have a scary little dachshund. LOL

OK so if Brian is in the nature reserve and his friend is saying he could survive there for months, then what? He'll either need help to live there longer, or to come out of hiding at that point. He can't live in the nature reserve for the rest of his life. LE *will* get him eventually. He will not escape, no matter where he's hiding. Maybe the friend is just telling everyone to be patient.

I just don't know why they are spending so much time and money searching that nature reserve because I don't think he's in there.
I understand what you're trying to say, but the fact they ignored any attempts of reaching back out to GB family is telling IMO. And also, everything else. MOO

But WE do NOT know what Brian told his parents. We simply do not know. I also agree that the attacks on the parents do no good in "sleuthing" where he is
Daily Mail video showing Laundries parents leaving Orlando. Someone in the comments listed the address, looks the same on Google Maps. Jose Baez office (Casey Anthony’s lawyer) is about a 15 walk away.
Sounds like you have a scary little dachshund. LOL

OK so if Brian is in the nature reserve and his friend is saying he could survive there for months, then what? He'll either need help to live there longer, or to come out of hiding at that point. He can't live in the nature reserve for the rest of his life. LE *will* get him eventually. He will not escape, no matter where he's hiding. Maybe the friend is just telling everyone to be patient.

I just don't know why they are spending so much time and money searching that nature reserve because I don't think he's in there.

That’s all they got. Would look really bad if he’s found there dead and they didn’t look when parents told them he was there, wouldn’t it?
Lol -- we're in the weeds again. Witness aka airstream lady, graphic designer, also owned a Blue Heeler. :)

I should probably get kicked off this site for the number of sidetracks I seem to start. I jokingly stated that we should stop calling the witness "dog lady" and come up with something else, since it looks like its rule of law that we call witness by nicknames. So people have been throwing out potential names and she talked about having dogs.

Maybe its just the unreal speed that these threads move and how many people are posting, but this whole thing has been the most glaring example of the "Telephone game" I have seen on SM in a very long time.
My unsolicited theory. Im going to skip speculation on her death, as no idea what happened. I lean towards unintentionally going to far, only because if it was planned, I don't think he would have returned home. I think he would have fled then before anyone was suspicious, but who knows.

Because I like to think he comes from a normal, non-mastermind family this is my theory of what transpired.

He comes home and spins a story of why she is not with him. Based on him being home only a few weeks prior, I assume they knew the relationship was rocky. And they believe him cause it is their kid, why not believe him. Then the pressure mounts.

Run in with a very anxious step father on the 10th, parents decide to get a lawyer cause they think “oh crap something happened after my son left her” or “crap he did something”. pressure mounts more, Gabby reported missing, van taken away on 10th/11th, protesters and media start coming to the house. Constant calls from Gabby’s family, media. They decide to go on a family camping trip to escape it on the 11th or abouts( this has been confirmed as the wknd).

Or they are suspicious and think lets get him out of frenzy and get the real story. On the camping trip he confesses to what happened and they decide as a family, you have to turn yourself in. Its agreed they come back from the trip all ready to turn himself in, he chickens out and flees. They then give him a day or 2 to come to his senses, he never returns, they then call the FBI. Alert he is missing. Gabby's body is then found, and police get warrant for their house.

It is very telling that they were there inside for the search. So either the warrant was just for BL and Gabby’s things and they needed help to identify what was what, or they may have been helping. Another interesting thing is that no lawyer rocked up to the house. At this point the NY lawyer would be amiss to not recommend local and more experienced criminal defence lawyer. So a family very quick to get a lawyer, doesn’t get one for the search? I have a feeling maybe his parents are just as shocked, and upset and in disbelief and maybe just misguided at first, but actually helping LE now . I think he told his parents he would be at the reserve, and he drove the mustang there himself. Whether he is there is another matter. JMO

Interesting point about the apparent absence of an attorney at this search.

This is the most compelling theory I have seen that puts a wedge between Brian and his parents— The first theory that gives me a reason to seriously consider that Brian’s location is unknown to his parents.

I still favor the theory that his parents know he is safe, especially as they are not asking for the public’s help to find him. Or, perhaps they know that his being located gives them some legal exposure. Or some combo of those two factors.

I hope Brian is found alive and he, if he is culpable, and anyone else who may be culpable, face justice.

****subject change****

A few threads ago (and not many hours ago, LOL) Mass Guy gave his opinion that an arrest on August 12 wouldn’t have been certain to change Gabby’s ending. :( I agree we can’t draw a cause/effect line.

Still, I think there is a lesson to be learned. LE and anyone who might need to help in a DV situation should consider it their responsibility to learn it; that is not the same thing as saying the responders on the scene are responsible for a murder.

The response on August 12 absolutely left Brian in a much strengthened position and Gabby in a weaker one. Information from the 911 call did not seem to me to paint Gabby as the abuser to me, but even if that was the message LE got, they should have responded much differently to Brian’s never asking how she was, his being way too interested in what Gabby said about him, being visibly surprised and delighted to be identified as the victim, Brian’s demonstrating his harmful contempt for Gabby’s Vanlife project, Brian’s being all thankful and not at all mortified about the help in this episode for which he was the supposed victim.

Most of all, LE should have checked Gabby’s face for injuries when she said it “really hurt,” and has her show them how he held her face. (Like a choke?) LE should have asked Brian about Gabby’s face, just as they asked Gabby multiple times if she had grabbed the steering wheel like Brian claimed.

I can be patient with people aiming to be helpful and doing the best they can. Those police live in a misogynistic world. But my patience wore thin when an LEO was looking for a pat on the back to share with the astonished and happy Brian for not giving a 22 year old a record by arresting her.
This might not be popular with everyone here, but I feel I have give some balance to the whole DV aspect in this discussion:

I once had a girlfriend once who was - apparently - suffering from some form of undiagnosed personality disorder (borderline would be my guess). She was the sweetest person most of the time and I really loved her, but every couple of months she would get into a rage, usually triggered by some kind of frustrating event outside of our relationship. She would smash things in my Apt, cry uncontrollably, blame me for all kind of things, tell me she hated me etc. (again, these episodes had nothing to do with any current event in our relationship, they were triggered externally).

And yes, she would hit me, with things she threw at me, with kicks, and also with fists, in my face.

Now, I was a grown man and she was half my size, so I was not too afraid of my health, but what terrified me the most is that I realised that there was absolutely NOTHING that I could do in these situations to calm her down, end the attack or even to defend myself. Nothing worked, literally, she was somewhere else.

I obviously did not hit back or get physical with her, but because she would not react to any attempts to calm her down verbally (and in fact any attempt to do so enraged her even more), the only thing that I could do was to more or less gently shove her out of my apartment and close the door, to protect myself and my property. She would then sleep at her apartment a night or two, and afterwards she would call me to sincerely apologise, which I accepted because I loved her. However, after a year and a half, I broke up because the situation was not getting better, and she refused any kind of therapy, and I did not want to become the victim of her rage every other month.

In addition, I started to see myself as "weak" because I was regularly being hit by "my" woman and had no means to avoid it. I felt this besides being intellectually fully aware that she was not responsible for her behaviour in these situations. This was going deep.

Long story short, I see some similarities in the story of GP and ML (might be wrong), and would just like to create some awareness here that we do not know exactly what was going on in their relationship, and that men can absolutely become victims in toxic relationships, with few socially accepted responses available.
That’s really crappy and I’m sorry you had to go through that. Did you talk to anyone? What was the advice that they gave- to do what you did? Seems the only way to create distance if she was at *your* place.
Agreed. That sounds like a lot of speculation, but keep in mind that the #1 cause of death is pregnant women in murder.

There's a whole lot of psychology behind that fact.
I REALLY want to put this topic to bed, but I can't pass without saying that I am of the opinion that BL does not fit that profile type. I think he would have been happy with this scenario. I have another profile type in mind that he does fit but I am pretty sure that cannot be discussed. I will say IMHO, he felt very lucky and unworthy of Gabby. I come up w/ that assessment based on his Pinterest...and other things. I believe that unworthiness was part of his inner battle and rage. We haven't heard of another girlfriend ever, only Gabby. I think he wanted her to be happy with less, one with the earth, and less motivation and things occupying her time. There are a few terms coined for this I believe.
From the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Wyoming:

The United States Attorney’s Office prosecutes offenses in the National Parks and in other federal enclaves in the District of Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, the Medicine Bow National Forest, Shoshone National Forest, Bridger-Teton National Forest, the National Elk Refuge, F.E. Warren Air Force Base, etc.

Violations In Yellowstone And Grand Teton National Parks And In Other Federal Enclaves
Your timeline would explain why BL’s family didn’t answer any calls or texts from GP’s family if they were “camping” that weekend. It’s also the same time GP’s family reported her missing. So the activities line up, just a weird time to go camping IMO.
They didn’t answer her texts expressing worries about the couple’s whereabouts while camping because… why? How does that possibly excuse this? And did the sister go as well? She wasn’t answering either..
@Cinna posted:

"Losing his memory is just a theory. Traumatic events can certainly cause people to black out periods of time. The memory loss would explain some of the odd actions of both him and his parents. It may be a stretch, but I find it an interesting line of thought."


IMO, this doesn't happen as often as it seems. This is a very common claim by killers, and those claims are often suspect or proven false.

Sometimes evidence will show the killer remembered, maybe based on their actions or things they themselves have said
If it reaches the point of trial, yes… but a lot of the time it doesn’t. The real issue is in the fact that it simply cannot be disproved with in any certainty so there will always be an air of doubt. And doubt lingers. One of the POI’s in the Lauren Spierer case claimed he suffered memory loss. Was he telling the truth? We’ll never know. They didn’t have any evidence to tie him to her disappearance despite the fact though. That’s key with these memory loss theories. Evidence has to exist outside of the claim for the case to really go anywhere.

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