Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #31

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Nearly everything but the time and address is redacted due to the open investigation, but the documents do link Joseph Petito to a police incident report involving the home where his daughter lived with Laundrie and his parents at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 10. The address came up twice on Sept. 11 for follow-up investigations.

Missing Gabby Petito's dad linked to Laundrie home incident report evening before daughter reported missing

Pretty weirdly worded isn't it? Well, if he had even driven past it he would have seen her van.

The same report you cite is clear that LE said GP's father didn't go to the Laundrie home.
Nearly everything but the time and address is redacted due to the open investigation, but the documents do link Joseph Petito to a police incident report involving the home where his daughter lived with Laundrie and his parents at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 10. The address came up twice on Sept. 11 for follow-up investigations.

Missing Gabby Petito's dad linked to Laundrie home incident report evening before daughter reported missing

Pretty weirdly worded isn't it? Well, if he had even driven past it he would have seen her van.
It is, but nothing in her father's behavior strikes me as odd given the situation. Nearly everything on BL side of the family does. I can't imagine he didn't at least pass by. But massguy's update makes me think were they waiting for that and on the lookout to report it right away? If so, makes them look even worse.
Ida Weather update: So it’s been pretty hard to gather enough weather radar information without knowing what day BL actually left the grand Teton area. It’s getting late over here I. Louisiana, but I plan to try and backtrack his travel with the weather tomorrow when I have more time. Right now I can leave y’all with this…

this is an image of the radar on 8/31/21 at 05:00am central time. I have shot in the dark and said that BL left the grand Teton area at 5am on 8/30/21. With time zones taken into account and him not stopping for much, I have him getting to Nashville at 05:00am central time…and I ran the radar at that time against that. This is just my research. But I will try and do better with a backtrack from the Florida time of 10pm that we know the van was seen tomorrow or this weekend.

I know it looks bad, and it might’ve been bad, and to us in S La we def think “avoid Ida!” or whatever the remnants of said bad storm that is moving out. But I spent 9 years between Tennessee and Arkansas and those remnants aren’t necessarily so bad. I got Rita dead on in Arkansas and it was nothing. Little rain and wind my kids played soccer in. It could go either way depending on exactly where he fell at that exact moment in the storm with the rain bands. They just aren’t tropical anymore and he’s from Florida anyway…he’s probably like us and as long as he’s not driving through a cat 2, he’s good. We were out and about last week during Nicholas with no worries. I just don’t think a guy who just killed his girlfriend and is on the run is worried about the remnants of Ida. Unless he were traveling in the path of the worst of it where gas availability, electricity and traffic would be serious issues.
Yeah I assume whatever time he spent hitchhiking was mostly aimless wandering out of fear and confusion, maybe even disbelief at what he'd done? I know some think that the conversations he had with the people who picked him up were attempts at building an alibi BUT I can also see it as him compartmentalizing what actually happened until he can deal with it. She's not dead, the future is not over. He's just hiking and she's "back at the van working on her videos..."... until he has to face reality and flee away from it all realizing there is no fix for this one...

I think there's a good possibility she's still alive when the van is caught on video or that whatever happened occurred right around that time. The flip flops and whatever else around the back of the van make me think things were normal for a bit after arrival. I could see them parking and exploring, walking across the creek as she's looking for a new place to take photos or make a video yet they're still bickering after being in town and he kills her and leaves her where she falls, etc...

Less likely, imo but what if she really were still alive through to the 29th? What if the drama that started in town escalated on the way back to the reserve, they have an argument, and he took off and left her there until the 29th when he hitchhikes back and the real blow up happens? I think it's far far less likely because no one sees her, though.
MOO Those were Gabby's flipflops behind the van. IF he just injured her severely, maybe he was hiking around and hitchhiking to see if when he went back that Gabby was still alive or not. No way to know for sure.
I'm not sure what the question is. The "blew her off" when Schmidt contacted the police is the attempted Missing Person report on the 10th, a Friday.
Ok, I thought maybe there was another source that had a different day. I suppose your comment about the mother trying to file a missing person report earlier was addressed to my question "why did it take so long to officially confront his family and officially report her as missing?"
could that have been the mysterious trip the L family made? To see if she was okay? Like they thought he just ditched her there then they wanted to pick her up and bring her back not knowing what actually went down? I wish that family would just tell LE or FBI what they know. I wonder if BL will be found, my gut tells me that BL is long gone from FL.
All IMO jmo speculation all that jazz
I was really hoping for a better outcome for gabby and her family. It’s just super sad all the way around.
No way to do that in the time span they had. They could have been prepping a hiding spot for him or hiding evidence. IMO
Laundrie’s neighbor last saw him weekend of Sept. 10

A neighbor who lives directly across the street from the home Petito shared with Laundrie and her family told CNN the last time she saw Laundrie at the North Port home was the weekend of September 10.

Karyn Aberts said she saw Laundrie and his family “in the neighborhood out in the front yard,” saying it looked like “a normal … they were going for a walk kind of thing,” and that she “never thought anything about it.”

Brian Laundrie left home without phone or wallet and his parents were concerned he might hurt himself, source says - KYMA

So now we have someone saying he was in Florida for sure the weekend of the 10th

The weekend was on September 11/12. The 10th was a Friday. GB's mom reported her missing the 11th and that's the day the van was seized and taken by LE. His parents were home and gave LE a statement about having a lawyer that day, so I wonder if they had a heads up the police were coming to get the van on the 11th. They already had a lawyer on the 11th. How did they know to have one then if they're all casually walking around the previous week? Are my dates correct? So when did BL walk out into the park for his hike and disappear? I thought that was the 14th, only two days after that same weekend. This also confuses the timeline of when they went camping in their new camper.
@jamicat thank you for your rationale here. The bloating of this case with wild speculation is incredibly frustrating.
He's 23. I think it's quite obvious that this wasn't premeditated. I think it's quite obvious that he lost control, possibly threw her, she hit her head on a rock or he strangled her in the moment, then freaked out, hiked to Colter bay, showered, hitched back to the van, sat there thinking what to do, then freaked out and drove home for 36 hours straight - pumped up on adrenaline/fear.

I think he freaked out in the first hitchhikers car because they went down the wrong road (not the highway to get back to the car).

There was a sighting of him at 11pm on the 30th at a petrol station in Jackson (not confirmed by police as far as I know). The timeline fits perfectly.

That the police have charged him with unauthorized use of a debit card shows they likely don't have evidence enough to prove murder yet, imo.
That timeline has been confusing me. I thought he was hitchhiking on the 29th… What did he do for another whole day, to not be (supposedly) spotted in Jackson until 11pm on the 30th?
As of 9:00pm the 18th both cars look to be at the home. The 11pm news might show different.
If Brian Entin was already at the house on the 18th, any comings or goings would have been reported on. On the morning of 9/18, he tweeted that the house was “quiet all night.” At 6:08pm, he tweeted that he was “back at the Laundries house. The only thing that has happened here today is the dad came out to get the mail.” At 7:28, he tweeted “quiet outside Brian Laundrie’s house,” and we know from broadcasts he was there until AT LEAST 9:00pm.
So, I ask: if the 18th was the first day they searched the preserve for BL, and mom and dad never left the house except to get the mail, WHO was involved in the incident at the intersection??

Edited to clarify BE=Brian Entin
could that have been the mysterious trip the L family made? To see if she was okay? Like they thought he just ditched her there then they wanted to pick her up and bring her back not knowing what actually went down? I wish that family would just tell LE or FBI what they know. I wonder if BL will be found, my gut tells me that BL is long gone from FL.
All IMO jmo speculation all that jazz
I was really hoping for a better outcome for gabby and her family. It’s just super sad all the way around.

I think that's too far, too fast, for a 3-day trip. But I'd really like to see LE check out the odometer on that truck. One neighbor said it was brand new. LE could get an idea of where BL might be by subtracting all the "milk runs" made in the truck and dividing what was left in half. That would establish a travel radius where BL might be. I haven't seen any evidence that they even looked in the truck - all the more imperative with the weekend "camping trip" they took.
The Canadian's bicep looks much bigger than Brian's, not to mention take the pic and ask some questions or get a cop for instance
My friends who are flight attendants have a list of the names of passengers. I've seen them printed out and posted in social media.
Hey! Look who flew with me today! It's usually a highschool friend from almost 40 years ago.
I really can't tell if any of these alleged sightings are him because he just looks like so many other (albeit usually older) men. That being said, I seem to be in the minority on this thread in that I'm pretty sure he's dead.

My question is: if he is dead, where is his body? Imo, it is in a rural, swampy area of Florida he killed himself in.
If a gator got him and jammed him under a log under water, his body may never be found or even identified if found
Do you know your parents' passwords, or they yours (without having to find/look it up somewhere)? I have not a single clue.

It looks like the whole world is googling “Can I use someone else’s credit card if they let me”.

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