Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #32

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Yes, I think that's the first thing we all noticed from the start. It was that, along with their silence that first raised the suspicion that something terrible had happened to Gabby. LE made it clear that they were not cooperating.

If Brian had told LE where he last saw her, the body would have been found a lot sooner. I think it would have been easy for investigators to get answers out of him and their attorney knew that. Imo
Ironically, if he had been upfront with LE and appeared cooperative I'm sure there could have been many possible scenarios where he would get a light sentence.
I'm pretty sure I saw this mentioned already, but there are reports coming out about a potential stop at a gas station in Benton. Google maps puts that on the route back to Florida, so that seems plausible. It shows Benton 20-24 hours away from the park. If that checks out, then depending on what time that gas station stop is made, he would’ve had to be gone from the park by the 30th at least, possibly the 29th if he stopped along the way.

We have last sighting of couple at Merry Piglet on 27th around 1-2.
Jessica Schultz reports seeing the van on the 27th and 28th.
TikToker Baker reports picking BL up hitchhiking alone around 5:45 pm on the 29th and dropping him off near Jackson Dam.
Norma Jalovec reports picking BL up on 29th hitchhiking alone around 6:30-6:40 pm and dropping him off at Spread Creek.
Jessica Schultz reports van was gone by the 29th but doesn’t specify a time.

side note- that must be an extremely trusting area.,_IL_gas_station.html
Don't try to cypher out the Laundries reasons for the cold refusal to alleviate Gabby's family's suffering. In some families, tribal loyalty transcends ethics, morality, common sense, compassion, empathy. That's just the way it is. Blood is thicker and the rest be damned.
I still don't think BL has killed himself or that he will. He gives me major Chris Watts vibes.
I really hope he is found soon, it's so frustrating that he is still out there.
My thinking is, he knew he had to act incredibly fast in order to get on the run. I get the impression BL is very cerebral - he knew because he and GP were traveling in a remote area with little reception he had SOME time before she'd be found but was unsure about how much time. Also, he seems incredibly manipulative. I believe he raced home, all the while planning a believable story to tell his parents about Gabby (which is why neighbors said everything seemed fine, they went bike riding, camping, etc., his parents believed everything was fine at the point in time), to buy himself time before they were aware of the grave circumstances... in that window of opportunity he went for a hike at the reserve, when really he went on the run. That $1000 dollars he fraudulently spent? Likely a items to help him while on the run, he stowed this cache of gear prior to returning home. He left with just a backpack? He had $1000 worth of stuff SOMEWHERE.... one person does not need $1000 for gas and food from WY to FL....

Had he NOT gone home, and instead fled in the van? He would be easier to track/find IMO and he was well aware of that. He needed to get home in that aforementioned window, clean the van, get rid of whatever evidence there might be, and get on the run before even his parents were aware of the true circumstances.

IMO, LE know he is not in the reserve but because of major errors in their handling of all this, are doing it to appear productive. BL is long gone and they know it's because of their negligence, again, my humble opinion.

He also is LIKELY not dead by suicide. He appears, again IMO, like an ego maniac. They're usually not the type - too proud. His distain for "human beings" in his social media posts alludes to this.

I concur with all of the above.

I do NOT view him as suicidal. Not right now.
I think his fantasy was to go "off-grid" for a while now, but Gabby wasn't interested in that lifestyle.
Multiple posts and on his Pinterest point to wanting to go "off-grid" and not be part of the rat race. He was reading Fight Club on this van cross country road trip.
anti-consumerist, anti-capitalist, anarchist...the writer wrote the book FIGHT CLUB after an altercation while camping.

"Palahniuk once had an altercation while camping,[7] and though he returned to work bruised and swollen, his co-workers avoided asking him what had happened on the camping trip. Their reluctance to know what happened in his private life inspired him to write Fight Club."

Fight Club (novel) - Wikipedia
The indictment alleges that Laundrie made unauthorized use of a Capitol One Bank debit card between Aug. 30 and Sept.1 for purchasing items adding up to more than $1,000.

Figliuzzi told CNBC's "The News with Shepard Smith" that the usage of "unauthorized use" in the indictment is revealing in itself.

"If it's her credit card, presumably, that means that authorities are convinced that Gabby was unable to give permission to use her card. That means they are closer to fixing the time of death…that's why you are seeing 'unauthorized use,' she was likely dead at that time," Figliuzzi, an NBC News national security analyst, said.
National security expert expects Brian Laundrie’s parents to be 'summoned to the grand jury' momentarily
Clearly the FBI knows she was dead by then.
Apparently, this detective basically says, the FBI is in charge of this investigation. If they thought he was in the swamp, they'd be there searching too. AND they're not.

The North Port Police Department, FBI and other law enforcement agencies swept through the 25,000-acre swampy reserve during the weekend, then again Tuesday and Wednesday.
Authorities continue search for Brian Laundrie
I think any theory about this one, outside of he is guilty, is a huge leap and highly unlikely. The only alternative I can come up with here is that POSSIBLY he really did leave her in the van to work on her blog, etc and went hiking/camping. Maybe they called and sent texts back and forth. She may have sent something alone the lines of worrying about being followed, or creepy person or something and then he didn't hear anything else. (Or even something else, related them breaking up and her leaving...he may have taken the keys to prevent this from happening, and figured she hooked up with that friend) He gets back and she is gone. He can't reach her, figures she left, but he is worried. Waits a bit and then leaves. Realizes she is missing completely, and then her body is found. He knows it happened because he left to hiking/camping, can't handle the guilt, leaves his stuff behind and commits suicide. Highly unlikely, only a possible theory, not even really opinion, just alternate, remote, possible theory. All strange!
I just can not give him this kind of benefit of the doubt. These searchers have said they are looking for him, have come heavily armed and wearing body armor.
Don't try to cypher out the Laundries reasons for the cold refusal to alleviate Gabby's family's suffering. In some families, tribal loyalty transcends ethics, morality, common sense, compassion, empathy. That's just the way it is. Blood is thicker and the rest be damned.
I think Brian was running the show and they were obeying.
Don't try to cypher out the Laundries reasons for the cold refusal to alleviate Gabby's family's suffering. In some families, tribal loyalty transcends ethics, morality, common sense, compassion, empathy. That's just the way it is. Blood is thicker and the rest be damned.
BBM. Yes, from years of reading true crime books about murders and families involved, that’s true much of the time: blood relations supersede any morality.
There is a foreign language requirement, and more than likely, he took Spanish. It is the one foreign language that all of the schools offer.

I did a quick search of some Mexican newspapers and only found one mention of Gabby's case, in this one.

Cuerpo hallado en EU pertenece a 'Gabby', viajera desaparecida: FBI

I can't read it though. The national language of Belize (right next to Mexico) is English so someone running from the law who speaks only English would have a very easy time blending in there. And it's cheap, and the police there are few and far between (I've been there a few times myself). It would be so much less expensive hiding out there than in the US. I just checked their main news website and there is no mention of Gabby or BL, so he could be there and no one would know who he was.
Perhaps the lawyers could weigh in?

People are bringing up the Florida exemption for accessory after the fact.

Here is the statute, and it's my interpretation that the close relation exemption only applies to third-degree felonies.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Note that the wording does not include the close relation exemption in the paragraphs pertaining to life felonies and capital felonies.

Perhaps the point is moot, though, if any charges levied against the Laundries were federal instead of state.
Question: Parents can't be charged with accessory after the fact in Florida, but if the crime occurred in Wyoming, and he called his parents for advice, does anyone know if the FBI or Wyoming police could charge them with accessory after the fact? I am wondering if he contacted his parents before he even left the state about what happened.

Source: Chapter 777 Section 03 - 2018 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate

"777.03 Accessory after the fact.—
(1)(a) Any person not standing in the relation of husband or wife, parent or grandparent, child or grandchild, brother or sister, by consanguinity or affinity to the offender, who maintains or assists the principal or an accessory before the fact, or gives the offender any other aid, knowing that the offender had committed a crime and such crime was a third degree felony, or had been an accessory thereto before the fact, with the intent that the offender avoids or escapes detection, arrest, trial, or punishment, is an accessory after the fact."
It would be interesting to see some stats regarding killers and in what circumstances are they most likely to go on the run or give up and commit suicide.
I see a lot of similarities between BL and C Anthony. Adult child who lives at home, seems to be coddled/spoiled by parents, doesn't seem to care about others, etc. Anthony would have never committed suicide. She was way too much of a narcissist. BL comes across as a coward IMO, as are all men who batter woman. So he is a slightly different kind of psycho from CA.
Ive been wondering since NPPD keeps saying things along the lines of "its our job to search this swamp". It's sounded like the feds arent heavily involved, just using locals to eliminate a possibility.

I think that local LE may be looking for evidence, based on the fact that his car was in the area. But I think the real investigation being led by FBI is trying to find where they family went with that camper BEFORE Gabby was reported missing. His parents took home someplace to hide. MOO
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