Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #36

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She put those on her IG? Then IMO, for her to see that comparison speaks volumes. But maybe that is just my hindsight.

the first pic is from GP’s IG, I added the second one to show/compare why it has haunted me….
A bivvy sack type of thing. He'd be smart to take one, but even with an under tarp, it seems like it would be hard to keep that dry for very long.

Yeah that's what I was trying to think of, bivvy sack. So he was into hammocks. Are there trees in the reserve that would support his hammock? That could be a way for him to keep dry, above ground, and maybe warm if necessary. I could see that. But there is no end game for him in a giant nature reserve. People are never going to give up looking for him.
This level of flooding brings out every creature know to man. Humans become the prey. A hammock in a tree? The snakes will thank you for making their life easier. You may sleep thru that rattler’s warning. Slogging thru water you might stir up a nest of water moccasins. But you won’t live to tell about it.

Those palmetto bushes? The roots are 3’ deep and teaming with palmetto bugs. They’re cockroaches. They can get 3”-4” big, fly and bite. They’ll eat anything.

This is a little bit OTT, imo, please don't take offense. Water moccasins and other venomous snakes mostly try to avoid people, the worst-case situation is stepping on one or one dropping on your head from an overhead tree branch and biting out of fear. But even then, a water moccasin bite is almost never fatal for a healthy adult.

Palmetto bugs are indeed that big, and they are disgusting and will infest your food and sleeping places, but they don't bite people, they aren't capable of that. They are gross as heck but harmless.

Edit: You're right, the fire ants are awful though, and it's true that they make a raft when flooded out.
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a moccasin bite will kill you dead!

From Google: The cottonmouth (also known as the water moccasin) bite is much more dangerous and harmful to humans than the bite of the closely related copperhead, but rarely leads to death.

About 5-6 people die from cottonmouths / water moccasins every year. They are allergic to their venom. They account for less than 1% of all snakebite deaths in the US.

She said "He was trying to lock me out of the van and I was trying to get my phone back," to the officers?
Oh dear.
I might've already heard that but I'm really processing that now.
My heart just keeps breaking for her. And her parents.
Yes, ordering her to go for a walk to cool off after he had been slapping her, then taking her phone and locking her out of HER van. The nerve of him and then the officers decided that she was the aggressor. That must have almost destroyed her.
She put those on her IG? Then IMO, for her to see that comparison speaks volumes. But maybe that is just my hindsight.

the first pic is from GP’s IG, I added the second one to show/compare why it has haunted me….
This is JMO but I assume he drove there, someone picked him up and took him elsewhere, and his parents went to pick the car up. If he isn't in the Carlton Reserve, then other people have to be helping him. Too many people looking. I think he came home, told his parents what happened. They made plans, cleaned up, and hired an attorney. It's hard to believe, if they were really scared their son was going to kill himself, they wouldn't have waited so long to report it. I was thinking we are all so shocked at his parents behavior, but it doesn't appear that they care anymore for their son then they did for Gabby. Unless they know where he is and that he is safe. This is, of course, JMO.
something happened cause he aint still in that swamp.....nope nope!
They are as afraid of us as we are of them. Unless you disturb a mama Gator's nest. They get very unhappy and defensive. MSM makes it seem like every square foot of the preserve is full of wildlife ready to attack, it's really not like that. They are there. It's a risk. If he is attempting to move at night, it's more of a risk because many of the animals are nocturnal. I think it would be UNCOMFORTABLE, to say the least, but survivable. But, I just wonder if he is really out there and still able to evade more than a week of searches, IF they are using all the technology they claim to be.
I go to bed at night hoping he is found by IR (OR SOMETHING) overnight and every morning when I wake up I am disappointed. :(
He presumably can't use a light, either, for fear of being caught. The darkness is pitch black when you have no light (it's easy to lose your tent when you take a pitstop in the middle of the night). And the night time amplifies sound. Every animal will sound MUCH louder. Even a caterpillar landing on a tent (or a leaf for that matter) can be alarming if you're not used to it.
Who wants to bet that BL really held that DV incident against Gabby in the weeks after. Had an excuse to say everything from then on was her fault, because he felt vindicated that the cops chose his side and threatened her with that. Not even in a blatant “no one will believe you” way but just making her doubt herself, as I’m sure she did after the incident itself and the reaction from PD. Emboldened him, I’m sure. Ugh it’s so sad. MOO
He presumably can't use a light, either, for fear of being caught. The darkness is pitch black when you have no light (it's easy to lose your tent when you take a pitstop in the middle of the night). And the night time amplifies sound. Every animal will sound MUCH louder. Even a caterpillar landing on a tent (or a leaf for that matter) can be alarming if you're not used to it.

Hoping he is shaking in his boots, er, flip-flops.
Yes, what beauty. We and the world have lost a beautiful human being. Oh, my heart aches for her mom and dad. She was a Daddy's Girl for sure. How he loved her -- as did her mom. So glad she was around that kind of love for all of her years. The real and unselfish kind.
My heart breaks as well. As a mother of a daughter, I can’t imagine the world of hurt GP’s parents are in. I can’t imagine the what if’s going through their mind. I can’t imagine the anger in their hearts. I can’t imagine their feelings of betrayal.
Am I the only one who watched the 48 Hours special that didn’t really like what they heard from the friend Rose? She was a little too complimentary of BL in the wake of what he has likely done to Gabby. She seemed a little too unwilling to fully put her support behind Gabby. It could just be her personality and I guess her recollection of what she saw. But if it was my close friend who was likely taken away from me by another person, I’d have a very hard time speaking of them in any remotely positive light.
I didn't watch it but I am always leery of "friends" that come forward after something like this. I just think that most (certainly not all) are looking for fame. If she was such a good friend, I would think she would be too upset to keep doing interviews. JMO
Go to 1:05 in this video. The neighbor hasn’t seen Brian since before they went on their trip.

Thanks. If there's no confirmation that he returned then the parents' actions make so much more sense to me. If indeed they stashed him away somewhere on the camping trip they're in very very serious legal jeopardy and they're not just protecting him but themselves.
Ping, I was so happy to read this last night .
"This is wearing on everyone. Everybody has a level of stress. Everybody has the drive, and that’s really what’s carrying us through is the drive to try to find Brian and try to put closure to this investigation," said Cdr. Fussell.

There was one encouraging note in the update from North Port PD Friday night. They said every meal officers have had out in the field has either been made by family members, or donated from the community.

They also say they have made no progress in finding him. All that money and effort for nothing.

I wonder if BL could have vanished this successfully, without a trace, withOUT help from family or friends? I don't think so. IMO
This is a little bit OTT, imo, please don't take offense. Water moccasins and other venomous snakes mostly try to avoid people, the worst-case situation is one dropping on your head from an overhead tree branch and biting out of fear. But even then, a water moccasin bite is almost never fatal for a healthy adult when treated within 48 hours.

Palmetto bugs are indeed that big, and they are disgusting and will infest your food and sleeping places, but they don't bite people, they aren't capable of that. They are gross as heck but harmless.
a cotton mouth moccasin is very aggressive and will attack you, then we have red ants that will cling to anything that is dry because the swamp is 75% under water right now, mosquitoes that look as big as butterflies and then leeches.....then of course pinny wood rooters that will make a mess of you and lets not forget spiders everywhere, child please,, id rather be in a haunted house for a mouth then that swamp over night!
This is a reply to a response to a post I made in Thread # 34 but which is now filled and closed. The reply stated that this was Federal law. My response: Well, yes, … and then, maybe yes, maybe no -> IMO

There is a lot more than one thing happening here. It is not just one event, cut and dried. As I said in the post, the access device (bank) fraud charge is clearly federal. There is no dispute about this as the warrant on its face clearly cites the federal statute of the charged offense.

If he is found and held over for trial based on evidence tying him to her death, any prosecution of him for that may take place in Federal court, applying Wyoming state law unless they have gathered enough evidence to prove she was killed at Spread Creek - on Federal land. MOO. For murder to be a federal crime, MOO (not federal "court") it typically has to violate federal law; occur when federal law is being violated; or occur on federal property or a place under federal jurisdiction (i.e., at sea – or in this case a national park under the jurisdiction of the dept of the agriculture, perhaps?) MOO. Spread Creek is dispersed campground is located in Bridger-Teton National Forest. Bridger-Teton National Forest - Dispersed Camping Areas (Undeveloped Campground)

But, the post wasn’t about this. It was a post in response to a Fox News MSM written report (previously linked) of experts discussing the parent’s involvement, and with that it becomes less clear, IMO. It could be Florida state law, or it could be federal. As I stated in the post, this could arguably be Federal law - but I don't believe it's that simple. It could (I do not claim to “know”), depend upon whether they lied to federal officers – something we do not yet know. Also, if LE is unable to find evidence that the physical location of her death occurred on lands under federal jurisdiction, this may go the state law route because they are not gonna want it subject to attack (dismissed). Just an opinion and definitely not fact. We do not know all of the facts. You can *probably* bet that LE certainly has a lot more info than that which they have made public.

Regardless of the Fox News experts, LE first needs to gather the evidence that the parents helped aid him. Without that, nothing matters. (For anyone interested in what an “access device” is, it's defined in 18 U.S. Code § 1029(10)(e)). And, who should need to post like this with the endless MOO?? It's unreal.
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