Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #55

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This live stream with them following CL is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen with him trying to lose the media!! What does he think?! That they aren’t going back to his house!!! Geez!
Ok. But what about after they knew she was reported missing and their not responding? And after found dead ? Still nothing. IMO they know their son. Same as you know your daughter.

What possible good could it do me or the laundries in that situation to call the Petito family? Do you think its just going to be an amiable situation and Petitos are just going to be overjoyed to take that call? Like I said before, its time for a lawyer to speak for me/them because I know I would be too emotionally charged to handle any situation correctly and/or not say anything that would add years onto my child's eventual conviction
If you've never sat through an official FBI interview I don't know how you can say you would completely ignore what they said to you and turn around and start talking to the press - knowing you are going to get an angry call from the FBI as soon as it airs. Ask yourself if you really would disregard what FBI agents asked of you in the middle of a homicide investigation.

nope nope nope, meaning i agree, IMO. For me, first of all i'd have to pee like as soon as they knocked on my door, during the interview, I'd ask if i could have a smoke, then, try not to let me hands shake or them interpret anything i did as uncooperative. I would fold like a cheap suit.
The Dr. Phil show where the parents said they contacted everyone, including her. I tend more to believe BP parents.

If you mean GP's parents, telling Dr. Phil something happened doesn't mean it did. I'm not saying they lied. But if a text doesn't go through to the recipient's phone, the sender doesn't get an error msg. So the sender says she sent the text & was ignored when there's no answer but....

Cassie said she didn't get a call or a text. I believe her myself. I think there's also a good chance GP's parents had the wrong number. How many of you with 20-something adult children who are living with a lover have the cell phone numbers for the siblings of your adult child's boyfriend/girlfriend?

All kinds of things can happen particularly when people are panicked. A relative of mine was waiting to hear something from an organization. Finally she called back (yet again) & was told in a haughty manner "We sent you a text a week ago." Problem was they sent it to her landline which she discovered when she asked which number they used.

So there are all kind of possibilities including spam filter blocking, no message left, phone ringer off, dead zones.... So it's possible Cassie and GP's parents are both telling the truth. Electronic communication isn't infallible. (BL's parents are a different matter. I can see why they might not have called back.)

Are you saying that from experience? I knew they wouldn't be happy but was really wondering just how the FBI reacted to Cassie's interview.

Yes, in every FBI interview I have ever participated in they asked my client, witness or defendant, to not discuss the substance of what was discussed with the FBI. You are giving testimony in a formal FBI interview. They write down exactly what you say and file it with a form in their records as testimony.

The idea that Cassie would speak to the FBI and then should have told GMA the specifics of everything they did camping because nosy people want to know is just beyond ridiculous to me and I'm sick of reading it.

In her recent statements, she may have contacted the FBI to tell them she is being harassed and she is going to discuss her personal involvement (or lack thereof) without disclosing material facts related to the investigation. If you are asking repeatedly "why didn't she disclose this FACT to the press" think to yourself again that maybe those are important facts related to the investigation that are not supposed to be disclosed to the public.

Every time you feel like asking "Why was Cassie so stupid to not ask her brother where Gabby was??" maybe rethink that the FBI likely asked her that exact question and her answer could be relevant and important to the ongoing homicide investigation so the answer is not going to be disclosed to the public until a possible trial.

Usually the hypothetical where you have to assume that everyone else is brain dead is not the most realistic theory for a situation.
The "mob mentality" is because even the MOST innocent explanation involves them completely ignoring the fact that GP never came home but yet her boyfriend and her van with her belongings did make it home. They sat on their hands for 10 days.

And that is the best possible scenario for the parents.
I really can’t repeat myself again
You have your opinion I have mine and we can leave it at that
A lot of people are trying and convicting these people and NONE of us have all of the facts. .
But IMO this is just the same argument as asserting that BL is innocent until proven guilty, and therefore no one on WS should speculate in any way about how/why/when he may have killed her.

Of course, no one on WS knows what actually happened. But the whole point of the forum is to try to follow clues the solve the mystery of what may have happened, and debate those. Until the facts are known, it is a mystery and intriguing and some people form very strong opinions. So what, let them.

IMO there's an element of moral outrage that this family is not cooperating with police, even though it is technically their legal right, and people are wanting to express that.
What possible good could it do me or the laundries in that situation to call the Petito family? Do you think its just going to be an amiable situation and Petitos are just going to be overjoyed to take that call? Like I said before, its time for a lawyer to speak for me/them because I know I would be too emotionally charged to handle any situation correctly and/or not say anything that would add years onto my child's eventual conviction

I agree. But IMO some response was required. Even if it was simply - “We cannot talk to you about this. We don’t understand what has happened. Please kindly speak to our (fabulous :0) attorney until we know more. God bless you all and Gabby.”

just something to show they are human beings respecting other human beings.
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Is no one else completely disturbed by the fact that after 3weeks of BL missing, searches, and air coverage, on the first day CL shows any active involvement in finding his son, that there is no live helicopter coverage?

Are choppers too loud for CL to yell to son?
Did someone make a stipulation about video?
Did LE restrict airspace?

I too am curious, but at least from what I can tell there is no temporary flight restriction in the area MOO

Federal Aviation Administration - Graphic TFR's
This live stream with them following CL is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen with him trying to lose the media!! What does he think?! That they aren’t going back to his house!!! Geez!
I think someone should have perhaps considered the route the FBI took. Maybe he pointed them in a different direction for a reason lol

ETA: I know that following the FBI is not on anyone's to do list and didn't rank high on any intelligent decisions lists. It was just my thought that the red truck was the distraction.
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Good point. I think Orlando is oversaturated with properties. Lots of empty condos. I might be wrong, but that's what I've heard.
The WSer who noted this morning that the juice industry may employ seasonal workers, who have seasonal housing raised a good point. I live on an island and each summer, many small properties are occupied by just seasonal workers. Many stay empty during the low season.
Think they should also check if he is actually an attorney.
Sad to say, he is. For 26 years. NY has registration information online (though for whatever reason, for good standing (or other standing) info, they direct you to the relevant appellate division).
Okay, but what could your kid say that you wouldn’t call them back and convey? If she said they split up and he stayed there, or that they parted ways at the airport, or he flew to Munich, or even “I don’t know,” you wouldn’t call the parent back and tell them?
Uhh... that Gabby is dead and they need to call the lawyer?
Are you saying that from experience? I knew they wouldn't be happy but was really wondering just how the FBI reacted to Cassie's interview.
I have. And from experience it's not an easy task. I felt that at times the media was baiting us by putting out information that was wrong, trying to get us to talk. The FBI are very clear about what you are not to discuss, and I mean with anyone. I was informed by our attorney that federal cases are expensive to defend, and keeping my mouth shut was my best option in terms of keeping what I had. CaL coming out to speak at all was a huge risk, so I would keep that in the back of your mind when you're deciding how truthful she was with the protestors.
TBH - if it was my childs partner and now ex partner - I would not reach out to them. Some have been quite peculiar.

I'm not sure what you're saying. This is a very specific situation where a woman is missing, a woman who at that time was an occupant of their home and her parents are telling them that she's missing.
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