Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #55

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I still don’t think BL is in there. I’m not from Florida, I’m not familiar with the Reserve, but with everything I’ve read and heard about it, it doesn’t sound like an easy place to survive. It seems like the odds would not be in BL’s favor.

I do think he is alive, I just don’t think he’s in there.

And so I wonder what today was about.

In the dark, just as much as everyone else…
Though we may not know what the Laundries’ knew/know BUT we do know what they DID. They didn’t speak to anyone from GP’s family when they called to find out where their daughter was AND they lawyered up AND they didn’t accurately say when their son left on his nature hike. At least BL’s sister was brave enough to stand outside her house in front of a screaming mob and confirm the Labor Day camping trip etc.
But that's a lot easier for her to do since she doesn't know anything! No one believes that the Ls didn't know she was dead from 9/10 forward. Just that their immediate reaction was to hire an attorney and STFU. BL could've bragged about it to them, claimed self defense, claimed he left for ice cream and came back to find her that way, etc and it wouldn't change their behavior.
TBH - if it was my childs partner and now ex partner - I would not reach out to them. Some have been quite peculiar.
But when Gabby's parents were reaching out because they thought both Brian and Gabby were missing. Clearly the L's knew differently and kept it to themselves. That is the peculiar reaction.
This may appear so basic but in my scientific training I like to go back to What are we given ? Or what are the knowns ? What are the unknowns ? What are common approaches or assumptions ? And apply logical phrases: If this then that assuming certain unproven or common values are true.

We know Gabby died.
We assume it is between the dates of August 27th to 29th.

We know that BL used Gabby's bank card. We assume it was over $1,000 abd on his way home with the van.

We know the van arrived at Laundrie's on September 1st. We assume that BL drove it home by himself.

We know that Brian was at his parents home. We assume that his parents learn and know the specific reasons Gabby did not come home with BL.

We know that BL is not at his parents home. We assume he is hiding and in a hidden space that the Laundry family has no knowledge of and no trackers have been able to find.

So at this point, I would apply a process of elimination. How can I cross out certain ideas or assumptions as proven false and thus, turned into What we are given as fact ?

Did Gabby die at the hands of more than one person ?

Is their direct evidence that BL was one of those people (objectively stating). He is at least guilty of not reporting on Gabby as we are required to.

We know BL has not been found by the police.

We don't know the complete extent of the search or alerts etc. We know that they are search in the reserve area.

Just practicing and reminding myself of the objective situation.
CL and LE are in a different neighborhood than their own, street sign says Panorama Lane in case anyone knows if that is significant.
I'm not sure if we can dig into property records but I'm taking a peek. I wondered if there was any significance to that too. Although I assumed he pulled off to speak with the FBI about reporters following and then sped off to lose said reporters..
Okay, but what could your kid say that you wouldn’t call them back and convey? If she said they split up and he stayed there, or that they parted ways at the airport, or he flew to Munich, or even “I don’t know,” you wouldn’t call the parent back and tell them?

"I killed her." I would not call her parents back and tell them that MOO
So CL is now back from his field trip. I’m so intrigued as to the purpose of it. Did he go to specifically identify something? I don’t believe he was taken along to “point out trails BL liked to use” - he coulda done that on a map!
I'm super curious as to what was in the bag he was carrying! Could it be they found an area they think BL is hiding in and they had dad bring out some gummy snacks and flintstone vitamins and perhaps a hand written note and a phone so he could call home and tell them he's ready to give up?
So CL is now back from his field trip. I’m so intrigued as to the purpose of it. Did he go to specifically identify something? I don’t believe he was taken along to “point out trails BL liked to use” - he coulda done that on a map!
I believe CL's search of the swamp was simply a diversion. Get media, LE and everyone involved looking at him instead of actually looking where BL is at, probably in another state. MOO.
IMO, this behavior is anything but normal. I see people trying to normalize it. It's a bit unsettling to me.


It doesn't matter "what type of relationship they had" with Gabby's family. They were texting and calling, saying their daughter was missing. They were being ignored. That's cruel. IMO

We do know those details, unless we don't believe Gabby's family.

Refusing to speak with LE on their attorney's advice is not IMO something "any normal person would do" in this situation. Quite the opposite.

I can't fathom refusing to speak with LE about a missing woman, no matter if it's a stranger or a neighbor. But especially if it's my son's gf who has been living in my home for two years.

That is very much abnormal IMO.

From my understanding, this was not an "unexpected" visit. They knew from the family's texts and calls that she was missing. And they were prepared to hand over their lawyer's card.

I agree with you 100000000 percent....

(this is a reply to Religh123's post) I didn't hit reply...
For what it's worth, some people don't answer their phones, don't listen to messages and don't read texts. My parents are like that. It drives me crazy and no matter how hard I try to explain that it may be an emergency, they still won't do it. They'll answer the phone if they're in the mood and it's a known ringtone. Period. And they're rarely in the mood. And NEVER an unknown number, texts or messages.

I don't know how common that attitude is, but some people are like that.
No contact, means no contact. Their lawyer actually put out a statement that was very similar to that and we see how that went over. also, that wouldn't have stopped teh Petito's questions. All that would have done is confirmed they had the right phone number and opened up a floodgate of angered, accusatory texts and phone calls that teh laundries could't have answered. You saw what GP's dad, justifiably, was saying about them on the air. I wouldn't want to have a flood of that 10 times more enraged coming at me.

No, it would not have stopped Petito's questions, naturally. But it would have shown they were humans. Instead, we feel the way we do about them.
I'm not sure what you're saying. This is a very specific situation where a woman is missing, a woman who at that time was an occupant of their home and her parents are telling them that she's missing.

Yes, but BL may have told his parents they broke up & GP didn't want to talk to her parents about it yet. That she'd call them when she was ready. So his parents may not have listened to the messages left to know she was "missing." We just don't know what they knew or what they thought they knew. And while GP and BL had lived with them, they were adults...adults capable of planning a 4-month+ meandering tour of national parks. Young but not that young.
They lost all credibility from the start by ignoring Gabby's family. That speaks volumes about them.

Edit to add: and instead of talking to LE, handing them their lawyer's card right away, on 9/11
Me either. Not until he leads the FBI to BL himself -- that would do it for me.
And one more thing: I think someone needs to check the kool-aid their attorney is drinking...
No, it would not have stopped Petito's questions, naturally. But it would have shown they were humans. Instead, we feel the way we do about them.

See, people matter; everyone matters; and everyone should be accorded dignity and respect; especially in a time of crisis, with a worried mother, she should be given just that minimum respect for her heart, as a mother of Gabby. When she wasn't given even that, all credibility these people had went out the window (for me) and for a lot of people on here.

In Spanish we say "Esto no se hace" It means "that is not done" This applies here IMO.
I'm super curious as to what was in the bag he was carrying! Could it be they found an area they think BL is hiding in and they had dad bring out some gummy snacks and flintstone vitamins and perhaps a hand written note and a phone so he could call home and tell them he's ready to give up?

MOO I think it was the mail he dropped off at the post office before going to the reserve.
I mean I get that he’s sick of the media…totally get that. But like why would he speed & pull over like that & be super dramatic when he knows he’s going home & knows that whether the media follows him or not, they’re going to go back to his house. Doesn’t seem like a need for all that…JMO.
Maybe he was trying to go somewhere else. Maybe once he realized that he was not going to make it undetected, he pulled over in a huff to phone that person and then stormed home.
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