Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #65

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She lived in Carolina Beach, NC before moving to Florida. So January/February 2019 is a good fit for moving to Florida from all teh various MSM articles I have seen. Rose, the friend, might also have said when she discussed the BFF search site she met GP on.

Gabby Petito once lived in Wilmington; friends share memories - WWAY TV

I wonder where and what BL was doing during this period of time? Was he in Wilmington, did he work, does he have any friends to speak up for him?

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Has there been any reliable comment about whether, or not, Petito has/had a life insurance policy and/or a will? And, if so, who was named as beneficiary?
MOO, I doubt it. I'd think there were no real assets to speak of yet at that age in life. But do not know. IMO there was no financial angle here. His financial crimes were crimes of opportunity. MOO BUT I am still trying to get an answer if he took cash. Cash may mean he planned his run (and planned to run), prior to his return to Florida. MOO
MOO, I doubt it. I'd think there were no real assets to speak of yet at that age in life. But do not know. IMO there was no financial angle here. His financial crimes were crimes of opportunity. MOO BUT I am still trying to get an answer if he took cash. Cash may mean he planned his run (and planned to run), prior to his return to Florida. MOO
“His” = Laundrie, I assume? That would only be pertinent if Laundrie was beneficiary. Wouldn’t matter if someone else was.
I’m also starting to wonder if the FBI knows he is dead. Maybe that is why it took THREE days for them to get in contact with Dennis Davis, there certainly was no urgency there. Also, no posters being placed around town.
I was thinking the same thing about the FBI, DD was so positive it was him. Then I realized the FBI must be so overwhelmed with what is happening in our Country (i.e. increase in domestic terrorism, political unrest, etc.) that I became concerned they just don't have the resources for this case. Don't know for sure and I certainly hope they are just keeping critical info out of the spot light so BL doesn't realize how close they are.
Why else would you ask? Lol. I'm confused by your question now.
Pure speculation… who would gain financially if Petito’s corpse had not been located. If not found, there’s likely have been at least the opportunity for a death certificate adequate for a payout.
@Hyway was this your question? "Where/when did Cassie say that she lived with GP and BL?"

It was on her lawn in the interview with the protestors. Not sure if it made it to the media thread or not. If not, Brian Entin has it on his Twitter feed but it's probably buried by now. MOO In response to screaming coming from the home "per the neighbors", she and her DH said they lived with them at Wabasso for a year b4 they moved into their house, and that never witnessed any abuse bc if they did they would have stopped it and never allowed it. Something to this effect. MOO
Do you have a link that says there's an APB?

I just know that there's no picture of BL at my post office (but there are other fugitives) nor at any of the national parks we've been to since this happened (federal property, a good place to look, right?)

I realize the autopsy results were on national news, but people are hearing and reading less and less of it. Not one of my 110 students listens regularly to any news, I have to assign it and basically award points to get them to do it (these are college students and range in age from 16-40). I don't think people are going to log "autopsy results" in their longterm memory if they aren't following the case to some extent (and on other forums where I chat daily, mention of the case came up once or twice - but no chatter about the autopsy results).

I have lots of friends who avoid regular news like the plague as well (all of them are women near my age).

To me, a manhunt involves repeated stoking of the media fires. I'm sure Florida hears way about this for sure, but I don't think it's at the top of the major network news cycles in New York for very long at all. And frankly, none of the stories that I myself watched showed BL's picture for more than a few seconds and none said that there was a manhunt or even an APB.

If there is an APB - what does it say? Does it say he's believed to be armed and dangerous? I have tried to find that info and cannot, so would appreciate the link very much. Does it say how he might be traveling? Did it come before or after DD's tip?

BBM. I doubt Laundrie will be found by someone who avoids the news like the plague.
The tipster on the AT had followed the news and contacted the FBI. The couple who noticed the van had followed the news and reported it. Asking for tips is what LE has done all along

The FBI, Denver office has issued a news release and federal arrest warrant for Laundrie. Of course all LE agencies received it as did the news media. The Denver office has issued multiple statements nationwide. jmo
MOO, I doubt it. I'd think there were no real assets to speak of yet at that age in life. But do not know. IMO there was no financial angle here. His financial crimes were crimes of opportunity. MOO BUT I am still trying to get an answer if he took cash. Cash may mean he planned his run (and planned to run), prior to his return to Florida. MOO
I think it’s possible they had a cash stash within the van - you’ve raised an interesting point - if she had no Will (to be deposited with the Clerk of Court within 10 days of knowledge of death of testator -Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine)
Then it would follow intestate succession and her parents would be the heirs. The only reason to open an estate is to probate her assets and pursue wrongful death IMO

may need to watch the probate docket
ETA - with not its
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MOO, I doubt it. I'd think there were no real assets to speak of yet at that age in life. But do not know. IMO there was no financial angle here. His financial crimes were crimes of opportunity. MOO BUT I am still trying to get an answer if he took cash. Cash may mean he planned his run (and planned to run), prior to his return to Florida. MOO
Especially IF he possibly hit 2 atm's in Benton, Illinois
How do you know what's going on on their house? Don't they go days without coming out at all? We only see brief shots of them, with many hours of facial expressions and emotions away from the public eye.
I feel that is the point cady is making.
She wasn't concerned about them feeling grief, it was "showing" grief.
Their lack of showing grief and even empathy as far as I'm concerned is shocking.
Lots of people have said they feel his distinguishing features are his nose and bald head.

For me, it's his ears (small, low-set, rounded and they stick out a bit), but most of all it's the shape of his eyes. They're almost droopy. I can't really think of a better adjective, but I think they're fairly distinctive.

For me it's his eyes...I agree....I understand droopy and agree as the outside of both eyes slope down. One of his eyes looks like it does not open as wide as the other eye (is that considered a lazy eye?).
Pure speculation… who would gain financially if Petito’s corpse had not been located. If not found, there’s likely have been at least the opportunity for a death certificate adequate for a payout.

A lot of young people don't have life insurance policies. They usually start seeing the value in them around the time they become parents.

I don't know if either of those two did, but I would not be surprised to find they didn't.
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