Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #65

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It was Gabby’s friend Rose Davis who said they worked together in Publix and when she got a job at Taco Bell he didn’t like it because he couldn’t keep an eye on her.

“According to Davis, Petito had been working 50 hours a week at a local Taco Bell prior to the couple's trek, which began in early July. She says Laundrie did not want Petito working, after the two had quit their jobs at a nearby Publix with the pandemic's onset.

"He could keep an eye on her at Publix," Davis says. "He didn't want her to work, and she did. And he was mad about it. And he always tried to get what he wanted and he did, because he wanted the van life and he rushed to that so that she wasn't going to be able to work anymore."
Control freak
I agree. It's also not getting the desired response and doesn't honor Gabby. I still don't understand why people don't put things on their own lawns to get the message across. And by the way, you have to give people a way to come back. Someone going over and mowing their lawn, making a connection, might soften them. Or just letting them know they can make a mistake, but there is a path to forgiveness. I'm really worried this will escalate and there will more senseless tragedy.

I agree. Wonder if they own weapons, they might need them for the crazies out in this world, even if they move unless they somehow get cut a deal for witness protection and relocation.
It was Gabby’s friend Rose Davis who said they worked together in Publix and when she got a job at Taco Bell he didn’t like it because he couldn’t keep an eye on her.

“According to Davis, Petito had been working 50 hours a week at a local Taco Bell prior to the couple's trek, which began in early July. She says Laundrie did not want Petito working, after the two had quit their jobs at a nearby Publix with the pandemic's onset.

"He could keep an eye on her at Publix," Davis says. "He didn't want her to work, and she did. And he was mad about it. And he always tried to get what he wanted and he did, because he wanted the van life and he rushed to that so that she wasn't going to be able to work anymore."

i remember reading this when rose first spoke out...if the portion bbm is accurate, i wonder if he had worked at all since then, as i have never seen mention of it...moo
Lurker no longer, first time poster. :)

From what I've seen and read of BL and this case, I think he's dead by his own hand in the Carlton Reserve. I don't see an individual who could outwit LE, dodging around the trails of America or hiding out one step ahead.

Right after killing Gabby, he may have tried in some way to create a story and alibi whereby he wasn't at the scene for a few days. Hike to Colter Bay, return to Spread Creek, report Gabby missing and take his chances. Reconsidering, he knew this wouldn't work - he'd be the prime suspect from the outset and at the mercy of the authorities.

The stark reality - fall into the hands of LE, it's a life in prison for him. Fresh air, outdoor loving BL was never going to countenance that as an outcome. The fact that he took the van and bolted for home, stealing Gabby's money on the way, was akin to an admission of guilt and that his prospects were bleak.

Back home, I think he knew what he was going to do. Have a last taste of his old life until LE closed in as he knew the would. He might have thought about going on the run or into hiding. But what are the chances that might work? It would be a miserable existence likely doomed to failure soon enough.

To my thinking if he was going to make a run for it, he would not have waited around for thirteen days. The sooner he got out of there the better and before Gabby's body was found, and he did not know when that would be. He got thirteen days before heading to Carlton Reserve for the last time.

Finding any remains or evidence in that reserve is a hit and miss affair. Substantial areas of it make systematic feet on the ground searching problematic. I don't think helicopters or drones can effectively scan the really densely grown areas.

Welcome to posting! You make a good point and one I hadn't thought of. I've been wondering why he didn't run sooner.

At first I thought suicide then swayed to maybe not. With the search still ongoing at the Carlton, I'm leaning back towards suicide and your theory would make sense if that is the case.
Do you think all this searching has anything to dobl with the fact that all eyes are on them with this case?
I'm guessing not. There is also the double murders of the two women (Shulte & Beck) who were assaulted and killed while they were hiking out there. That's also being investigated by local and FBI. Some eyes are on that case, too. I have no idea if the two groups of investigators are conferring or coordinating anything.

Surely something has to be keeping the search in that area WRT Gabby and BL.
UT - Kylen Schulte, 24, & Crystal Beck, 38, newlywed couple found dead, Grand County, 18 Aug 2021

UT - Kylen Schulte, 24, & Crystal Beck, 38, newlywed couple found dead, Grand County, 18 Aug 2021
It was Gabby’s friend Rose Davis who said they worked together in Publix and when she got a job at Taco Bell he didn’t like it because he couldn’t keep an eye on her.

“According to Davis, Petito had been working 50 hours a week at a local Taco Bell prior to the couple's trek, which began in early July. She says Laundrie did not want Petito working, after the two had quit their jobs at a nearby Publix with the pandemic's onset.

"He could keep an eye on her at Publix," Davis says. "He didn't want her to work, and she did. And he was mad about it. And he always tried to get what he wanted and he did, because he wanted the van life and he rushed to that so that she wasn't going to be able to work anymore."
I've read that quote here many times, but... he didn't seem a mentally challenged person. Where did he think either of them were going to obtain the money to live off of? You can't just pay cash for a vehicle and disappear into the ether and grow your own food and never need a van repair or pay for gas to go elsewhere or... ? Money doesn't grow on trees, Brian, and maybe you're eating tree leaves now!
I feel for all parties at this point, absolutely a no brainer for GP's parents, for BL I can't imagine their shoes. It would be nice if we knew facts of what went down. You so badly want to trust/believe your kids. Who knows what story he fed them and for how long.

Phone calls - does anyone have the timeline of events around the calls as they relate to known sightings? Early on perhaps he intercepted the calls? Perhaps he cut off the ring notifications in their phones, heck think they'd ever know?

I get all the talk about speaking to the parents, how does that conversation go? Both have suffering and loss at this point. I wouldn't wish either on anyone because neither position is good.
I personally am 'waiting for the rest of the story'!! There has to be one. JMO
I can certainly understand Gabby’s dad calling Brian a coward. He certainly is a murderous coward. I want him found and want justice for Gabby and the Petito family. But I just don’t get the teasing previously, calling Brian ‘Brianna.’ That’s just nasty. I don’t know why I care, I just do.
Rest In Peace, Gabby.
I think it was merely harmless teasing.
Brian Laundrie search: Experts still back North Port Police handling of case

Laundrie has been on the run for weeks, and as each day passes without a sign of him, speculation continues to grow on social media that the FBI and North Port Police Department should have never let the 23-year-old flee in the first place.

But police experts disagree on whether authorities could have done more in those early days of the investigation to prevent the manhunt now underway.

Stacy Arruda is a retired FBI agent of 22 years who now runs a consulting firm focused on investigations and training. She believes it's not fair for the public to judge law enforcement for decisions early in the investigation based on facts revealed a month later.

(Full article linked above)
Wow! I had to skip a few threads because it was just moving SO fast! Apologies to missing many thoughtful entries.

The following is just my own opinion MOO, just speculation, k?
I believe it is important to recognize what a HUGE Chuck Palahniuk fan-boy BL was. I am curious which book he took with him when he fled. I definitely believe he did NOT travel without one. I am curious if he took his journal with him. The author encourages people to write an outrageous sentence daily. The author characterizes his work as “satire”. But absolutely part of the recipe for success is writing about off the wall gruesome stories involving outcasts. Sometimes, he states stories are “true”. Personally I believe they are truly stories but not biographies, that’s part of the gimmick/hook. Some of these CP fans are huge devotees. There are old interviews on YouTube with his then publish and publisher who mention this and the “cacophony” wannabes. BL is a huge fan boy. It’s in “his” art, making stamps based on novel cover art. It’s in the description of he and Gabby reading passages to each other (who does that?) regularly. Apparently, the books were so sacred, he marked his place with art stamps rather than a bookmark. BL was a guy with few friends. I believe in his mind, CP IS his friend, they just haven’t met yet.

more MOO. Gabby has been described by many as likable, cheerful, kind. I believe the relationship between she and BL began when she saw him usually alone, perhaps picked on, and she felt sorry for him and befriended him. And then he love bombed her. And she knew he NEEDED her. And then began the slippery slope. I think part of his de-valuing her over time had to do with his rejection by peers, ie ‘you must be pathetic to want to be with someone like me’. I think she spent a lot of energy trying to fix him to the point she likely started to blur her own likes and dislikes. She did know she wanted to travel and do the van life vlogging thing. BL went along with it for his own motives. I think it probably started to significantly stress her out when it became clear he wasn’t fully on board with the Team Plan.

So, MOO, why did BL want to go on this trip? Because the ending destination was outside of Portland. Guess who is a longtime resident outside of Portland - CP. He is famously still an active member in the Portland chapter of Cacophony. Prior to the pandemic he did lots of travel for book tours/readings. Now seems to be virtual. I believe he still wants to be near CP. so anybody in the northwest, keep your eyes open. Also, if CP resumes book tours in person, that would be a good place to look also.

MOO, Parents are definitely covering for him. One of the things CP has stated in some of his interviews is that he believes by telling this gruesome fantastical tales that enables and frees some of his readers to disclose their own ‘confessions’. Contrary to what a typical person might do, I think BL TOLD his parents about ‘accidentally’ strangling GP to death. As soon as the parents contacted their lawyer, I am sure they knew, MOO. I also believe, MOO, is the s’mores family get together was a final memory making moment. Unbeknownst to Cassie and her family, it was planned to be the last time they would see Uncle Brian for awhile.

ok, last one. MOO. He’s not hiding out in the swamp, no way. It is not his skill set.
Great insights, 100% agree with you.
Not directed at you as Poster - You are simply sharing the message…

Why do people keep doing this stuff? What are the odds they are going to stop if the media keeps giving attention to these little moves? No matter what the parents may or may not know, the harassment seems so wrong and will not suddenly bring Gabby back or cause Brian to appear.
It isn’t like they are out in town, they are at their residence, their home, and IMO they do have the right to privacy.
This whole thing makes me very uncomfortable. It is concerning for the parents safety AND the safety of those in the vicinity of that home. You don’t keep poking when someone is likely already at bottom. Recipe for disaster…
Once excited to life by action, the karmic freight train barrels along until met by other more powerful actions that struggle to bring it to a halt. The collateral damage from it's route through lives stirs up some of the most grotesque, hauntingly beautiful or harrowingly destructive events and decisions human beings can endure or conjure. A young man strangles a guileless young woman. A couple thousand miles away the news of it causes someone to throw a brick through his parent's window or incites a riot on their street where neighbors clash and arrests come. Then those families are infected with the sickness of irresolution and discover conflicts never imagined.
That's why resolution is so important. Without it, the momentum of destruction keeps seeping into lives and leaving destruction in it's wake.
BL owns that destructive energy, but each human being struck by it has a decision to end his share or fall prey to it. The murder is a boulder thrown into a borderless and calm lake. It will change, swell or ebb, transform, resonate or rebound. Even justice won't fully extinguish it.
Every time LE searches that swamp it piles more pressure on the CL and RL... might this be reason enough to conduct them? Training exercises, potentially on the Laundrie's nickle? MO

There is no way LE in any capacity, would spend well over a million dollars for training exercises when a fugitive is running and potentially in the reserve they are searching. Nor would the Laundries be responsible for the tab. It is picked up by all LE departments involved and taxpayer money.
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