Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #65

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Well. You’re kinda baiting me into stating my opinion that I suspect will not be popular here and ravaged mercilessly. But, since you asked, here goes…. I think - my opinion - if the mocking was (as suggested) commonplace and consistent across all suitors, Petito *may* have found a challenge to retain any boyfriends that had other dating options. Clearly, in my opinion, Laundrie seems to have been dating “up”. He *may* have been willing to suffer the abuse to retain a relationship he otherwise wouldn’t attain if the girl had those other options. That a speculative opinion. I shall now put the figurative bullet and flaming arrow proof glass up.
I assume most of the guys if there were any/many others just took it as good natured ribbing and not abuse worth dumping a girlfriend over.
Am I the only person who doubts the date BL disappeared? We know NPPD never laid eyes on him on September 11 because his parents met them at the door with a note to contact their attorney. Then there was the "confusion" over the "last date" the parents saw BL. I've wondered all along if he took off on the 10th or 11th. We know it was getting mighty warm for BL and family and by the 11th it was starting to boil. So why would he wait until the 13th to take off?

I lean toward the likelihood that he bolted after the first visit on the 10th, but before LE returned on the 11th.

But I also have room for a scenario where he never told his parents what happened until they started getting phone calls from GPs family and with that release that comes from telli ng someone that unspeakable truth of info he fell apart emotionally and his parents were like "we can't let him talk to police like this" and tried for days to talk him off the ledge.
SUPER UNPOPULAR opinion: I'd like for him to move elsewhere for reporting on this story. I'm tired of that camper-thang background but I also think reporting on lawn mowing and package delivery has just run its course.

IMO, he's kind of stuck there until he has some other place compelling enough to relocate to. If he leaves it will be seen by many that he is giving up on the Gabby story by not keeping the pressure on her killers parents. And the fear that beyond all previous behavior, the Laundries might come out to make a statement and he won't be there.
I just didn’t understand the part at the end about “…But, if that’s the case, I can see the figurative finger being front and center.”
As further clarification I’ll use an extreme right example , possibly if the laundries despised to their very core the Petito’s - no matter whether you or I agree with the basis of that feeling - a request for anything from the Petito’s may have been met with essentially a big F-U lol n the firm of complete no responsiveness. I could see someone doing that. Again, this has nothing to do with me agreeing or disagreeing with any of that type of behavior.
Actually discussed this at a group dinner to see if my thoughts were wacky. There was unanimous agreement that in our teens/twenties if a dates dad said anything like that to us - no matter how sharp, popular, wealthy, or hot she was - the date would end there. Gone. See ya.
I can't imagine how that would make a guy feel. I think the ones I know would drop the She should have stopped her dad the first time he said that to any young man who was pursuing her. Just my opinion.
As further clarification I’ll use an extreme right example , possibly if the laundries despised to their very core the Petito’s - no matter whether you or I agree with the basis of that feeling - a request for anything from the Petito’s may have been met with essentially a big F-U lol n the firm of complete no responsiveness. I could see someone doing that. Again, this has nothing to do with me agreeing or disagreeing with any of that type of behavior.
This wasn't about the Petito family, this was about a young woman who was missing at the time, a woman who had lived with them for 2 years and was part of their family.
So the van work was done in Florida and then they drove it back to New York to leave on their trip from there? Seems like a lot of extra driving. There must have been a reason that I haven't seen yet for that.

To see her family? Put a few miles on the van while still near family? Did Gabby still have family in NY? Otherwise, I can't think of a reason, unless they had good friends there. Grandparents?

Because they were planning to remain in Oregon, north of Portland, for a while (there's an excellent explanation by River Doc here:

Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #65
I can't imagine how that would make a guy feel. I think the ones I know would drop the She should have stopped her dad the first time he said that to any young man who was pursuing her. Just my opinion.

I can say definitively that at that age, none of my male cousins or friends would have dumped a girl for this. Now that that we are in our mid-late 30’s, yes, but early 20’s no. My friend Justin is married to a girl for 15 years now, who’s dad and brother called him Justine and probably still do. They may not have liked it but the goal of getting laid was much more significant. MOO.
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To see her family? Put a few miles on the van while still near family? Did Gabby still have family in NY? Otherwise, I can't think of a reason, unless they had good friends there. Grandparents?

Because they were planning to remain in Oregon, north of Portland, for a while (there's an excellent explanation by River Doc here:

Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #65

Doesn’t her mom and siblings live there?
I assume most of the guys if there were any/many others just took it as good natured ribbing and not abuse worth dumping a girlfriend over.
I would think that the girl would apologise profusely for the bad behavior of her father privately to the guy AND privately that she would let her father know in no uncertain terms that he is an a$$ and don't ever do that again. jmo
Wow! I had to skip a few threads because it was just moving SO fast! Apologies to missing many thoughtful entries.

The following is just my own opinion MOO, just speculation, k?
I believe it is important to recognize what a HUGE Chuck Palahniuk fan-boy BL was. I am curious which book he took with him when he fled. I definitely believe he did NOT travel without one. I am curious if he took his journal with him. The author encourages people to write an outrageous sentence daily. The author characterizes his work as “satire”. But absolutely part of the recipe for success is writing about off the wall gruesome stories involving outcasts. Sometimes, he states stories are “true”. Personally I believe they are truly stories but not biographies, that’s part of the gimmick/hook. Some of these CP fans are huge devotees. There are old interviews on YouTube with his then publish and publisher who mention this and the “cacophony” wannabes. BL is a huge fan boy. It’s in “his” art, making stamps based on novel cover art. It’s in the description of he and Gabby reading passages to each other (who does that?) regularly. Apparently, the books were so sacred, he marked his place with art stamps rather than a bookmark. BL was a guy with few friends. I believe in his mind, CP IS his friend, they just haven’t met yet.

more MOO. Gabby has been described by many as likable, cheerful, kind. I believe the relationship between she and BL began when she saw him usually alone, perhaps picked on, and she felt sorry for him and befriended him. And then he love bombed her. And she knew he NEEDED her. And then began the slippery slope. I think part of his de-valuing her over time had to do with his rejection by peers, ie ‘you must be pathetic to want to be with someone like me’. I think she spent a lot of energy trying to fix him to the point she likely started to blur her own likes and dislikes. She did know she wanted to travel and do the van life vlogging thing. BL went along with it for his own motives. I think it probably started to significantly stress her out when it became clear he wasn’t fully on board with the Team Plan.

So, MOO, why did BL want to go on this trip? Because the ending destination was outside of Portland. Guess who is a longtime resident outside of Portland - CP. He is famously still an active member in the Portland chapter of Cacophony. Prior to the pandemic he did lots of travel for book tours/readings. Now seems to be virtual. I believe he still wants to be near CP. so anybody in the northwest, keep your eyes open. Also, if CP resumes book tours in person, that would be a good place to look also.

MOO, Parents are definitely covering for him. One of the things CP has stated in some of his interviews is that he believes by telling this gruesome fantastical tales that enables and frees some of his readers to disclose their own ‘confessions’. Contrary to what a typical person might do, I think BL TOLD his parents about ‘accidentally’ strangling GP to death. As soon as the parents contacted their lawyer, I am sure they knew, MOO. I also believe, MOO, is the s’mores family get together was a final memory making moment. Unbeknownst to Cassie and her family, it was planned to be the last time they would see Uncle Brian for awhile.

ok, last one. MOO. He’s not hiding out in the swamp, no way. It is not his skill set.

Great points! I also find BL's Chuck Palahniuk book devotion obsessive. Not in a good way. those books are in so much of his SM and most of his art. I have never read those books but it looks TO ME like it was an obsession and I wonder why? What part of those books would appeal to him, to the point where they are reading those books aloud to each other? I had a feeling those books were BL's and not Gabby's, yet she is pictured with them too, probably at the behest of BL. They do not seem like the type of book she (or say a young woman of her age and background) would have gravitated towards without BL's influence. So I wonder what about them is the hook for BL. SO interesting that the author lives in the Portland area. Does LE know this? Are they keeping eyes on Portland? Is the author aware of all this?

I agree, major fanboy thing there - you can see it on his SM.
I don't believe BL is in the swamp either, but I think he was there for a day, maybe 2, disposing of things like phones.

Also agree about the camping trip. It sounded to me like a goodbye party too. It's interesting to think BL may have confessed to his parents because of his favorite author's philosophy about confession. I wouldn't doubt it. And he may have left directly from that camping trip to where ever he is now.

BL might not be found for years. I think the planning took place that first week he was back and totally sheltered by M&D.

JMO and agreement.
This wasn't about the Petito family, this was about a young woman who was missing at the time, a woman who had lived with them for 2 years and was part of their family.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...maybe the Laundries didn't view her as family? Or, had stopped viewing her as family? That's how it has seemed to me, anyway. Perhaps that trip back to Florida, made by Brian, was a break-up and perhaps he told his parents things that soured them on her?

There have been WSers who have posted about an SO of one of their kids, whom they had to pretend to like...some of them were live-in.

Sometimes, we don't know how others really feel until there is a crisis.

OTOH, we simply do not know what was going on - each set of parents deserves some privacy. All I've got is theories, but I'm more comfortable theorizing about Brian Laundrie, not his parents.
When and where was BL last confirmed 100% seen by someone other than his parents?

" ..... a neighbor said they'd seen Laundrie leave the home with his parents and the camper on September 11, the same day Petito's mother reported her missing. It was unclear whether it was a different neighbor than William or Charlene Guthrie."

Neighbors say they saw Brian Laundrie and his parents leave their Florida home with an attached camper after he returned from his trip with Gabby Petito
It is actually a link to the TV show where the former FBI agent also had interesting things to say.
Also, one neve knows in advance which day he will come waddling up... he probably still has a key for the Mustang.

Yes, and it seems like there are only a couple of places to base reports from, the Carlton reserve or at the Laundries. Plus as you mention, guests appear on Brian's reports via links. I'm sure at some point the news trucks will all pack up and call it a day :)
I can say definitively that at that age, none of my male cousins or friends would have dumped a girl for this. Now that that we are in our mid-late 30’s, yes, but early 20’s no. They may not have liked it but the goal of getting laid was much more significant. MOO.
Hmm. Learn something new every day. I am great grandmother so yeah, i am old. But I sure didn't realize "getting laid" took precedence over having a feeling of self worth and being intimidated by an old man.
I agree, unless she kept taking her dad's side, and then, well heck, there are other people worth dating. If it was a mom bad mouthing her son's date you know the girl would expect her boyfriend to stand up for her.
There is nothing stating she took her dad's side in calling him that. Like I said, if my date was the one saying it, I’d have an issue.
To see her family? Put a few miles on the van while still near family? Did Gabby still have family in NY? Otherwise, I can't think of a reason, unless they had good friends there. Grandparents?

Because they were planning to remain in Oregon, north of Portland, for a while (there's an excellent explanation by River Doc here:

Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #65

GB's brother's graduation.... and she would have had other friend there...
Actually discussed this at a group dinner to see if my thoughts were wacky. There was unanimous agreement that in our teens/twenties if a dates dad said anything like that to us - no matter how sharp, popular, wealthy, or hot she was - the date would end there. Gone. See ya.

Because of what her DAD thought of him? Oh wow, I can't see that happening. Seriously how many guys would dump a girlfriend based on what the DAD thought or said? I would hope none. I would find that reaction extremely over the top and inappropriate.
Haven't we all had a moment of our mom or dad embarrassing us badly .... I sure have. Glad no one dumped me for it.

I would think that the girl would apologise profusely for the bad behavior of her father privately to the guy AND privately that she would let her father know in no uncertain terms that he is an a$$ and don't ever do that again. jmo
I am sure profuse apologies weren’t warranted for this. Though some people just aren’t bothered by this sort of thing. My friend Justin has been married for 15 years to a girl who’s dad and brother called him Justine. He just calls them Bobbette and Matty in return and they all laugh. We have zero indication that BL was upset by this, right?
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