Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #12

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The threads are moving so fast so I know it has probably already been discussed. IMO BL never came back to Florida he called his parents or other relatives from somewhere else could have been anywhere between Wyoming and Florida to pick up van. Now if BL did come back to F
Yeah, I was thinking he met someone halfway between FL and GTNP to give them the van. <modsnip>
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Question: If someone was deceased, how long would infrared from a helicopter be able to detect them?
Infrared light is a different spectrum of light, depending on which equipment is used, can successfully see cadaverous remains for a long time. Basic thermal imaging, however, would work until the remains cool to it's surroundings.
Of course, and it's a horrible thought. Mountain lions, coyotes, not to mention the elements and no food or water for 3 weeks. If he did not kill her but merely abandoned her, logic dictates he had to have incapacitated her in some way where she was unable to care for her own well being because otherwise, she would have walked away just as he did.

If this is the case, then anyway you cut it, he killed her. And, at that point it's only matter of which degree from criminally negligent homicide to first degree premeditated.
Unless instead of walking away, he drove away.
I hope they are thoroughly searching that area and to the west along Snake River up to Jackson Lake. If the TT hitchhiker account was accurate, there was some reason BL was in that area alone and without the van.

I agree BL pickup a ride to get back to the van ...if Both BL and GP started the hike he came back alone... I don't see him hiking for days after knowing GP was gone.... He got the heck out of dodge after leaving her that afternoon... or he hurt her in the van camping and dumped her nearer to the roads .

So Sad I really hope she is in Puerto Rico but I doubt that....

edited to say JMO...
Time to drive the van there and get another car and scram. What if he was in Florida 17-23, abandoned the van and drove/rode/flew/hitchhiked back? Or something?
I know I’m what if-ing, but this case and Gabby deserve some out of the box thinking. I want to know the last times they were physically seen. No more relying on what they told parents.

Their van was reportedly seen at Jenny Lake on the 25th. I'm reserving judgment on this one. White Transit vans are probably the #1 converted camper van. I don't have a sense of how many have side-to-side cross bars on the roof or ladders, but there are thousands of converted (MOO) white Transit vans in this country.
Unless these people are investigators hired by Gabby’s parents they need to stop clout chasing. The headline makes it seem like those things are being done when really we have no idea and neither does that guy.
I'm sure there are many just looking to cash in on this somehow. From Podcasts to "investigators." You're right. I agree.
Gabby was reading about the Zodiac Killer does that mean she has murderistic (not a word, I know) tendencies? Chuck Palahniuk is a popular novelist. Just because Brian read his stuff doesn’t make him a killer.
This is not a critique of what you said whatsoever, this is a statement in agreement and in general.

If what I read defined my actions, I'd have been behind bars years ago.

If bipolar or other mental health issues made me a murderer, I'd be behind bars years ago.

Correlation doesn't imply causation. I hate that these things are analyzed so much in cases like this.
i do not have direct experience with this technology personally but from what I understand, infrared cameras work by measuring the surface temperature that animals (and plants if set to detect those) emit while alive. Once a person is deceased, body temperature starts dropping around 1 to 2 degrees per hour. But…outside temperature will have an effect. Hotter=slower rate of decrease…colder=faster rate of decrease.
so. In a nutshell…it typically doesn’t take long once a person is deceased for their body temperature to read well below what infrared cameras are set to detect when looking for a live person.
EBM/BBM: of to if.

I believe you are right but also not considering something. A body left in nature is overwhelmed with bugs that are alive. They thermo transmit and in these environments their numbers would likely be enough to detect (gross, I know) in the right circumstances.
Another long-time reader that this case has made into a first-time poster.

I'm familiar with the kind of terrain in Carlton Reserve. Camping in swampy subtropical conditions is never fun, but this time of year it is close to hell on earth. As others have said, the mosquitoes and flies are thick and relentless, there is no way to get dry or stay dry, the heat is dreadful, there is no water that is safe to drink, there is just about nothing that can be foraged for food, and the gators are a serious concern, especially at night. I don't think Brian is in Carlton Reserve, and I doubt if he was ever really back in Florida. IMO.

For a good look at what these conditions are like you can search Les Stroud Survivorman Georgia on Youtube. There's an episode of Survivorman (featuring Les Stroud, who is a well-known and highly-skilled primitive survivalist who has been dropped into harsh conditions all over the world to film himself contending with nature to stay alive) set in a swamp that is very similar to Carlton Reserve. It shows how hellish the conditions are; Stroud himself says that after thirty years of doing minimalist survival camping, that swamp was hands down the worst conditions he ever endured.

Based on their car-camping itinerary and on his behavior, Brian is far from a Les Stroud; he comes off as a poser who seems to have little or no real back-country knowledge, IMO. He wouldn't have lasted more than a day or so in Carlton Reserve on his own. I don't think he's in there.

Covid / Covid shots is OFF TOPIC in the thread. We all know it will only derail responses and lead to bickering. Don’t reference it unless LE gives a reason to.
You guys are doing a great job that I have no idea what you are referring to every time Covid comes up and I've been all over these threads! Thank you for your work!
Don't you think this search for BL is for an arrest? That they must have enough info to make an arrest on some ground or suspicion of broken law?
They had no evidence of a crime when that went to press.
They're just searching for him because his family believes he is a missing person, allegedly.

I wonder what was in his back-pack and whether they won't find both together , possibly in that very location.
There a ton of things we can't speculate and insisting what we think real a bit of a disservice. We can't deduce this relationship beyond what we know and start making things up, we can't psychologically profile either of these people from what we have and the profiles i have seen made are way, way off base.

Any decent professional will tell you that it can take days to years of real person contact to really psychoanalyze someone. It's a outright lie for anyone of us to start saying mania, narcissist, extremely abusive relationship, extreme depression, mind control etc, etc.. We shouldn't be lying like this to make ourselves feel better. We need to stick to the facts and when we run out of facts we need to dig and dig until we have more. That's sleuthing..

I hope everyone reads this post
"Burner phones" are traceable. The reason they can be hard to trace is due to not having to register the service in a verified name.
If LE has the number of the phone and that phone is switched on, or active, it can be traced.

If you went to the gas station, bought a pre-paid phone, made one call/text and threw it off a bridge- there was no previous history with the phone, so tracing would be inconsequential.
Burner phones gave evidence in Lori and Chad's case. You really can't be shady these days without leaving a popcorn trial.
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