Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #36

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Especially, since he has to be in the undergrowth to stay hidden, and no fire. Could he be hanging at a homeless camp that does not ask many questions. I am sure LE is looking everywhere.
Yes, hopefully they are exploring that possibility, too. He may try to blend in there, and would feel relatively safe surrounded by people.
i don't believe this to be true

Florida gets lots of rain and thunder storms, when these storms become outflow dominant they gust out wind that wind chill probably would be enough to turn someone hypothermic depending on what they are wearing and how wet they are from the storm or damp from sweating through clothing

im not here to debate anything just throwing in that its possible just about anywhere to die from exposure in the right circumstances
Temperatures are in the 90’s. Storm will sometimes lower it to the 80’s or the high 70’s at the lowest. There is no risk of hypothermia right now.
There's a video clip of him eating with his right hand here

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Good catch! I'm left handed and I hold my utensils with my left hand when I eat. I think he is right handed. Which could mean that he approached her from behind as she was trying to walk away from him. Definitely fits their dynamic.

I worked in FL for years as a wildlife ecologist and marine rehabilitator. I'm well aware of the exact conditions that BL would be facing in FL as well as the exact plants and species available to him in Carlton Reserve. Not to mention the wildlife threats (or non threats as the actual case is).

While you may be thinking that I'm "underestimating the difficulty" I think you are way underestimating the will of someone to survive. And BL doesn't want life in a cell IMO. It's very very clear to me that would be worse than death to him.
The punishment of life in prison with no chance of parole would be, IMO worse than the death penalty.
It’s interesting how a POI in a murder case could kill someone in cold blood, but when it comes to them facing punishment by death, they’re big scaredy-cats and hide because THEY are too afraid to die. Worthless cowards. IMO
I think it is probable that not everyone from the search teams leaves at night.
There could be a few quiet watchers who remain. imo
Cameras installed as well. IMO
Am I the only one who watched the 48 Hours special that didn’t really like what they heard from the friend Rose? She was a little too complimentary of BL in the wake of what he has likely done to Gabby. She seemed a little too unwilling to fully put her support behind Gabby. It could just be her personality and I guess her recollection of what she saw. But if it was my close friend who was likely taken away from me by another person, I’d have a very hard time speaking of them in any remotely positive light.
Temperatures are in the 90’s. Storm will sometimes lower it to the 80’s or the high 70’s at the lowest. There is no risk of hypothermia right now.

Dry, or wet? Because if you and your clothes are wet, that's quite a different situation. If BL is out there, there is no way he has kept dry for all this time.

Edit: says the overnight low for that area is low 70s. You can't keep your body heat up when wet without shivering, and that burns calories at a furious pace.
Temperatures are in the 90’s. Storm will sometimes lower it to the 80’s or the high 70’s at the lowest. There is no risk of hypothermia right now.
its right at 70 tonight and it might not be a risk if you were dry but the swamp is 75% underwater right now and rain off and on so uhh yea, he aint in there is my best bet!!
Sounds like a wonderful job! I'm jealous!
What is the realistic danger of snakes and alligators?

I think the risk of being killed by a gator is extremely low. Gators are scared of man. They generally won't attack without serious provoking. If he were a dog or a toddler that wouldn't be my opinion but a full grown man? Nah.

If he is dead by other means a gator might scavenge him. But I'm pretty sure LE would have discovered this already. They have wildlife people keeping tabs on the larger gators - charting territory and monitoring their behaviors (for the safety of LE if for no other reason). Any gator acting aggressively right now is going to be followed to see if they have BL stashed under a log or embankment somewhere.

Snakes aren't a big threat IMO.
Cottonmouths are the most common venomous aquatic in that area but their bites aren't deadly unless you are allergic. There are also diamondbacks but they are pretty few in numbers. The biggest threat IMO as far as snakes would be a coral snake but they're pretty secretive and aren't even often seen in the wild. They account for less than 1% of all snake bites in the US with only 1 death reported in some 40+ years. If he happened to encounter one and got bitten it would be bad news without medical treatment but I don't think the likelihood is very high at all. Oh and because the media loves to mention it - pythons. No humans have been killed by pythons in FL.
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Temperatures are in the 90’s. Storm will sometimes lower it to the 80’s or the high 70’s at the lowest. There is no risk of hypothermia right now.
its right at 70 tonight and it might not be a risk if you were dry but the swamp is 75% underwater right now and rain off and on so uhh yea, he aint in there is my best bet!!
I think the risk of being killed by a gator is extremely low. Gators are scared of man. They generally won't attack without serious provoking. If he were a dog or a toddler that wouldn't be my opinion but a full grown man? Nah.

If he is dead by other means a gator might scavenge him. But I'm pretty sure LE would have discovered this already. They have wildlife people keeping tabs on the larger gators - charting territory and monitoring their behaviors (for the safety of LE if for no other reason). Any gator acting aggressively right now is going to followed to see if they have BL stashed under a log or embankment somewhere.

Snakes aren't a big threat IMO.
Cottonmouths are the most common venomous aquatic in that area but their bites aren't deadly unless you are allergic. There are also diamondbacks but they are pretty few in numbers. The biggest threat IMO as far as snakes would be a coral snake but they're pretty secretive and aren't even often seen in the wild. They account for less than 1% of all snake bites in the US with only 1 death reported in some 40+ years. If he happened to encounter one and got bitten it would be bad news without medical treatment but I don't think the likelihood is very high at all. Oh and because the media loves to mention it - pythons. No humans have been killed by pythons in FL.
a moccasin bite will kill you dead!
first post. TY mods for your hard work.

… the gift shop or ice cream shop near Teton they stopped at. The cashier gave an account of an interaction I hadn’t heard about. She mentioned BL’s insistence of Gabby mentioning that she is engaged to him.


this. same as the scuffle while she was working and he barged in and out shouting. then GP leaving shouting “we’re engaged”
( it’s been quoted back i hope that’s ok )
MOO - GP shouts that bc she’s overwhelmed and in a public place. he’s humiliating her and she feels responsible. she’s working on her project, he’s out of “supply”, inducing rage. victim GP protects herself in public following his “rules” of announcing their “engagement” and the irony is not lost on her. her tiny moment of action. MOO - previous post breaking down the destruction of the self in a narcissistic partnership is no joke. it gets the best of us. it is learned behavior. it is complicated. the duality of their SM #vanlife endeavor and what actually happens off camera is a stunning reflection of our world and current climate. MMIWG and black and brown folks will hopefully garner more attention and compassion from the vibrant young GP’s tragic end.

this story has captured the world. through her death, she is helping to expose so much thought in the world.
It just seems like they should have noticed something. It just seemed odd to me how jovial BL was, in the middle of a fight. They acted like Gabby had mental issues but I actually thought that her emotions made more sense. Especially when she said, He was trying to lock me out of the van and I was trying to get my phone back. I don't think they breached any protocols, probably thought they made the right decision, but the way they buddied up to Brian reminds me of how they treated domestic violence victims 30-40 years ago. It seems not much has really changed.

She said "He was trying to lock me out of the van and I was trying to get my phone back," to the officers?
Oh dear.
I might've already heard that but I'm really processing that now.
My heart just keeps breaking for her. And her parents.
i disagree ALOT......Ive lived my entire life in florida and trust me, no way he can survive seem to forget that just anyone that is well prepared might could survive a long time we are talking about someone that is hiding, someone that cant build a fire to help keep prey and bugs away, keep worm keep dry......its not the same being a wanted man in the swamp and being someone that can come and go as they please!

Oh to be clear - I don't think he's in the swamp at all. I do think he could have survived there for quite awhile. I think he left within the 3 day head start his parents gave him if not on the family camping trip before.
Bringing this over from the end of he last thread. Is dog referring to the news footage (thermal, flir, infra red, whatever) where we saw the person walking in the lower right quadrant?

What is this news footage you guys are talking about? I haven't seen that.
It seems like the more you look at this case, the less you know. It begins with the death of this optimistic, free spirited girl and ends with the deafening silence of people who had her living under their roof for two years. Its almost like - Well, we took out the garbage, let's clean out the garage and clean the litter pan. Just another day.
...and the world is incredulous.
The abject horror and abysmal sorrow suffered by Gabby's family over their missing, now dead, child - is nowhere to be seen from parents claiming the same misfortune. No public plea for help. No interviews with LE. Nothing. No plea to return with a promise of safety. Nothing. It is the most astonishing parental no big deal missing child case I have ever heard of. They say he's in the wind. That's it. They will allow a million dollars of public funds to be spent chasing their personal ghost, but they would not betray a moment's concern about the little girl their son planned to marry or her parents driven mad with worry.
The mystery of this case is not the murder. The mystery of this case is the nature of the people who lived with her day to day and offered exactly nothing to solve her murder or assuage the heartache of those who struggle to survive her vanishing and death.
I don't know how all of this is going to end, but I will follow the evolution of this monstrous example of depraved indifference to it's finish. This particular form of torture is a cosmic crime, that's the length and breadth of it, and it stinks to the regions of Ursa Major.
I'm thoroughly disgusted.
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