yoohoo lurkers . . .

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ewwwinteresting said:
Gee JG, did ya scare them all off??:croc:
EI, it was probably me that did that, I'm not the world most gentle poster. :D
ewwwinteresting said:
Gee JG, did ya scare them all off??:croc:
No, it definitely was terminatrixator. lol.

I was hopeful that someone new might join us but as it turned out, all but one of the guests disappeared shortly after I wrote that. :(
JerseyGirl said:
No, it definitely was terminatrixator. lol.

I was hopeful that someone new might join us but as it turned out, all but one of the guests disappeared shortly after I wrote that. :(
Wow! 12 lurkers! Haven't seen that in awhile. Join in!
You don't have to have any inside information to post (though we would love it if you do). Just say, "Hi" and tell us what intrigues you about his case.
juliagoulia said:
You don't have to have any inside information to post (though we would love it if you do). Just say, "Hi" and tell us what intrigues you about his case.
I'm bored, can't sleep... you guest that are signed in find anything helpful? Got anything new to add?
I feel like I'm at a costume party and can't tell who's there with me. 6 guests tonight and only me posting.

Join in!!

Now there's 7!
Hi. I've been a lurker for months and months but my curiosity has finally pushed me into posting. This is my first time posting so I hope I don't do anything wrong! I don't want to get into trouble!

There have been a couple of things that I cannot get out of my mind. First, when I began reading about this case (I did not know Janet or Raven), my first thought was "I bet she was pregnant and her husband killed her." Of course, we learned that she was in fact pregnant.

Second thing I wanted to discuss (and maybe it has been discussed and I've missed it - if that's the case, be patient with me, I'm new!) I went to the Tears for Janet website. I immediately noticed that her married name was not on the home page. Janet was described as everything but a "wife."

If (and I don't know this to be a fact) her family is responsible for the website doesn't it speak volumes as to why her married name wasn't added and there was no mention of her being the wife of Raven? (Although, there are pictures of Janet and Raven in the gallery).

I haven't read where her family has publicly accused him, but sometimes what isn't spoken is more important than what is said.
Welcome to WS Kimiden. Thank you for coming out to play!

I also noticed the things you did about tearsforjanet.com. However, in the tributes and memorial section, some of Janet's friends mention her relationship with Raven as a positive thing. I don't think the family is responsible for all of the content on the site, but I really don't know. And as far as I am aware, the family has never been asked by the media to comment on Raven's innocence/guilt.

I've always found it interesting, that Raven--if innocent--never thought to do such a memorial website himself. He definitely had a very active online life (as the great sleuthers on this site have uncovered). He had a whole page on his private site dedicated to his stupid VX.

Anyway...thanks for posting. Look forward to hearing more from you!
kimiden said:
Hi. I've been a lurker for months and months but my curiosity has finally pushed me into posting. This is my first time posting so I hope I don't do anything wrong! I don't want to get into trouble!

There have been a couple of things that I cannot get out of my mind. First, when I began reading about this case (I did not know Janet or Raven), my first thought was "I bet she was pregnant and her husband killed her." Of course, we learned that she was in fact pregnant.

Second thing I wanted to discuss (and maybe it has been discussed and I've missed it - if that's the case, be patient with me, I'm new!) I went to the Tears for Janet website. I immediately noticed that her married name was not on the home page. Janet was described as everything but a "wife."

If (and I don't know this to be a fact) her family is responsible for the website doesn't it speak volumes as to why her married name wasn't added and there was no mention of her being the wife of Raven? (Although, there are pictures of Janet and Raven in the gallery).

I haven't read where her family has publicly accused him, but sometimes what isn't spoken is more important than what is said.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Welcome...[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As you can see Tears For Janet is a loving work in progress. While not every page is open to the public yet, we are working diligently on getting those last few pages ready for visitors." from the Tears for Janet website.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].... maybe it's not finished yet. :eek: A very loving person linked it here before the site was completed. So many of us have been watching it grow before our eyes. Have patience and I'm sure the whole thing will flow together better once all the information and tributes have been posted. Thanks for joining WS and posting with us. You should of joined in a lot sooner!! Welcome!!
I understand that the website is a work in progress and my observation was not intended to be negative in any way. It is a beautiful memorial!

My point was that she was described in so many ways, including a mother, BUT NOT as a wife. I couldn’t help but wonder if they felt a sense of betrayal by her husband and chose not to include that part of her life in the memorial.

My thinking is, if my family were to write a memorial for me, they would include the part of my life that I shared with my husband. But, if my family felt that my husband betrayed me in some manner, they would exclude that portion of my life, as it wouldn’t be a positive reflection of how they would want to remember me.

I hope I’m explaining myself in a clear manner . . .

I was just wondering if there was an unspoken sentiment that the family would rather not have her remembered as the wife of Raven Abaroa.
I too find it interesting that her friends and family never talk about her as a wife or mention Raven aside from one line that says Kaiden lives with his dad. Interesting how the wording has been written.
You explain yourself very well Kimiden.... no worries there at all. R and G and you both have a point. I suppose they could talk about all of his many affairs, embezzeling, and all his "big boy" toys. I don't know. We'll have to wait and see how it evolves.

But you both are right.... it does speak volumes. Oh and I looked further... Raven is mentioned 4 times on the website, not including the media reports or the photos. But you're absolutely correct, it's not much. It surprised me to see so many pictures of him in the gallery. Isn't Kaiden a adorable. He has grown so much since the baby photos that we've all seen were posted.

The whole thing is so terribly sad.
Bet everyone is grateful I had no hand in the making of Tears For Janet lol....there would have been less pictures with The Raven in it and there would have been no mention in it of his name whatsoever, but that's just me.

I was going to sign the guest book, but I just don't know how. I seem to only know how to snap and go off, and I don't want to sully the beautiful site, with my thoughts, theories and loathing of The Raven.

I wonder why RAVEN did not bother to build a Memorial Website, or even bother to post anything about the MURDER of his Wife and Unborn Child. After all, he has made SEVERAL sites himself and is internet savvy enough to talk about HIMSELF enough in the past!

To the family and friends of Janet who made the Memorial Website, thank you, it's wonderful someone did this and again, I'm so very sorry for your loss.
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
I too find it interesting that her friends and family never talk about her as a wife or mention Raven aside from one line that says Kaiden lives with his dad. Interesting how the wording has been written.
What I find interesting is that Raven hasn't bothered to do anything special for Janet.

I also noticed that too regarding not much about Raven, but I think it has a tribute section and i guess he could submit his own tribute, like others had. The main thing I'm trying to say is the site is about Janet and not about Raven. Raven had many months to make up a site for his Murdered Wife and unborn child, and didn't bother. The site is TearsforJanet not TearsforRaven and if he did a site for Janet it would probably be nothing but him whining about his life, like all his other sites.

He seemed to move on with his life, without a second glance at Janet and his unborn child. It took how long before Raven started dating? Not long.

I notice that Raven hasn't bothered taking a polygraph, or even DENYING involvement in her Murder, so for that reason, I'm glad that the site doesn't seem to have Raven all over it. I had that enough in the past with Ravenstree and his other sites.
"What I find interesting is that Raven hasn't bothered to do anything special for Janet. "

..i don't find it so much "interesting", more along the lines of disgusting and unbelievable......

..'the raven' obviously has the capabilities to put something out there , he did quite well on the 'ravenstree' site............

..if innocent.........( yes, i'm gagging even typing the word) ....wouldn't he have been all ove LE, demanding justice, dying to know who could have possibly done this to his loving wife ? yet we've never seen the "OH MY GOD , who did this ????????????????????and WHY?????" from raven............we've just never seen anything at all............

..he continues to move forward in his own life, completely forgetting the past.......
..i would have at least expected, ( innocent or guilty ) that he would have posted a GLOWING triute on the tearsforjanet site.......for appearances sake if nothing else........

..that's your defense raven ? zero ? zilch, nada, nothing ?
..are you hoping this will all just go away if you ignore it ?
..this is murder raven------------nothing is "going away"....get used to it.

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