GUILTY Yoselyn Ortega charged with 2 counts ea-1st and 2nd Degree Murder of Krim Children

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I'm sure you are aware that sometimes people develop psychosis. They go through life normally and then at some point, due to multiple issues, sometimes, they become psychotic.

You brought this up right after my post stating I think the nanny's motivation was insanity. So it appears you are responding at least in some part, to my thoughts. I thought I was clear that, IMO, being mentally ill does not render a person incapable of controlling themselves in any but the most extreme cases.

I know this case brings up intense emotions that can cloud issues at times. Again, I think this woman's motivation was mental illness but it seems clear she was able to plan this out and very likely knew it was wrong. So, while it may have been her motivation, IMO it is not an excuse and she was in control. I hope my position is clear.

I think the "B' was evil.
I just googled YMCAs in NYC. The closest one I could find to the Krim's apt is located at 5 W 63rd. If that is where Nessie took her swim lesson, it would be approx 12 blocks SOUTH from the Krims apt.

PS 87 school is located at 160 W 78th...approx 3 blocks NORTH of the Krim's apt.

IMO the nanny and Leo went to pick up Lulu at school while Ms. Krim was taking Nessie to swim.

songline would be a good person to ask. If she's a broker in the area and for the building she certainly would know where the amenities in the neighborhood would be.

There's something mixed up about the timeline. If she was waiting at the pool for Lulu, Nessie more than likely would have already been in the pool, I doubt she'd take her out and dress her if the nanny was late. In that case she'd ask the lifeguard to watch Nessie and maybe one of her mommy friends and run home.
I know it's been determined that the media has reported a lot of bologna, but I do recall reading somewhere that Mrs. Krim received a phone call from the nanny that she was going straight home? That the swim instructor even stated that Mrs. Krim told her bye and didn't seem nervous or like anything was wrong. I only read that once. Not sure where. Anyone else recall that? IF that was the case, then yes, I do believe she planned this and planned on MK coming in and finding them before knifing herself.

People that reported that nothing was wrong did not know the most recent update that they were only knew from past, krim’s did not report nothing was wrong. they reported that they asked her to do a better job, or thy many have to replace her, sadly they gave her a second chance.
We don't know how much her salary was. For all we know, the Krims might have paid her very well.
I was just speaking in general terms, about the various reasons why an employee might snap in the workplace environment.

The Krims may have paid her very well, but she was still experiencing financial difficulties, which leads to stress.

ETA: I guess the point that I'm trying to make is that, if she was already experiencing financial stress, and then started to suffer from mental health issues on top of that, she may have become fixated on the Krims as the source of her problems - in a delusional, irrational manner.
It is possible that some witnesses are right and possible that some witnesses are wrong.
It happens in every case we work on- pretty much without exception. It is part and parcel to these investigations. Rest assured that if necessary-LE will tease out what is and is not accurate.

This is not a whodunnit and I caution against getting caught up in minutia that will most likely have no bearing on the case.

Discuss the talking points civilly if they are important to you. Scroll by them if they are not.

Bickering and personal attacks will not be tolerated and that is why the first thread was removed.


I kind of suspect drug use, based on the above plus her need for $$ yet she was working, etc. Maybe she had a drug problem? Meth or crack... hope I am wrong. So sick of seeing people in the news that killed because of drugs. JMO!!!!!!! smh

I believe toxicology said she had no drugs in her.
Had there been a greater amount of elapsed time before the paramedics got to her, she could have bled out from her wounds. Slit wrists plus neck is pretty serious.

MAYBE I dialed 911 much too soon. :(
i don't know, it seems like cold blooded, calculated revenge to me. I think i'd go with the disgruntled employee/student who shows up to work with a gun and just takes out innocents even though they are angry at the teacher/boss they feel wronged them. The kids in this sense are just casualties of the rage and in her case, a more calculated method of hurting mk. She did not see them as "children". They were also her employers. Is possible she did intend to kill mk and that changed for some reason.


me too :(
Was this her first nanny job?

There's so much we don't know about her.

to my knowledge yes. She had an office job long ago, doing books, then she did housekeeping because she could not find other work.
Her sister the nanny recommended her.
I agree that it may well have been a different nanny and kids in the elevator, otherwise the time line just would not fit.

We really have very few facts in this case, and I am afraid we just have to be patient.

It seems logical that she killed Leo while he was sleeping, which would have been easier and quieter.

We need to stick to logic, and the few facts that we have.

Witness statements are often not reliable, as much as we would like them to I never count those as facts.

My opinion only

That Doorman is at the DA office today...I'm not....
I may be called at some point, but I think they will iron out some things first.
been interviewed many times by many investigators.
They did not think I saw someone else, and that I may be confused.
Otherwise they would have asked that question.

There is always someone from the outside that thinks they know more. Let them.
I seriously question the doorman's statement as you posted above. One reason I searched PS 87 website is: it would have been impossible for Ms Krim to be 2 places at once...picking up Lulu from school at 3:15pm and walking Nessie to swim class at 3:15.
And lulu did not come home alone from school.
Originally Posted by notchucktesta
I know it's been determined that the media has reported a lot of bologna, but I do recall reading somewhere that Mrs. Krim received a phone call from the nanny that she was going straight home? That the swim instructor even stated that Mrs. Krim told her bye and didn't seem nervous or like anything was wrong. I only read that once. Not sure where. Anyone else recall that? IF that was the case, then yes, I do believe she planned this and planned on MK coming in and finding them before knifing herself.

I remember reading this as well. I'm still trying to figure out the timeline of that day after Lulu came home from school.

It's unfortunate how much misinformation has come up in this case. And I hope it doesn't compromise her conviction. It's been confusing as all get out to try to sort out a nanny getting the kids up in the apartment and killing them both in a matter of about 20 minutes. She sounds calculated when she talked about killing them, not like a quick frenzy happened.
How long does it take to kill someone? A minute with a slit throat .. 4 minutes if they bleed to death from multiple stab wounds that took 30 seconds? Why is the 20-30 minute timeline so difficult. She was alone with them, and bigger than they are. She wouldn't have to chase anyone around, they had NO REASON to believe she was going to harm them.

"Lulu, come in the bathroom please ..." less than 5 minutes later, walk out and get Leo ...

We know who did this, I'm with JBean, let's not get hung up on things that don't really matter anymore.

Maybe we should all wait until the medical examiner announces the time of death. I feel for certain LE has that information.
How long does it take to kill someone? A minute with a slit throat .. 4 minutes if they bleed to death from multiple stab wounds that took 30 seconds? Why is the 20-30 minute timeline so difficult. She was alone with them, and bigger than they are. She wouldn't have to chase anyone around, they had NO REASON to believe she was going to harm them.

"Lulu, come in the bathroom please ..." less than 5 minutes later, walk out and get Leo ...

We know who did this, I'm with JBean, let's not get hung up on things that don't really matter anymore.

Especially with multiple stab wound, they can bleed out fast.
Interesting it seems more witnesses have confused the story. According the the Police the mother did not come home early or unexpectedly.

She came home after Nessie's swim class. The whole story has been put together wrong. It doesn't even seem there was a dance class.

The mother came home and the reason she went downstairs is when she unlocked the door the lights were out and she thought the nanny wasn't home. So she went to ask the doorman if he saw the nanny leave with the kids.

He said he hadn't seen the nanny so she went back up to the apartment. He did not say "yes she came home a half an hour ago."

It doesn't seem like the nanny got caught halfway, it seems she waited for the mother to come home and then tried to kill herself after she knew she had destroyed the mother.

NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said. It was unclear where the children’s father — Kevin Krim, CNBC’s general manager of digital content — was when the kids were found. Police said Marina Krim discovered the bodies after she returned home from her 3-year-old daughter’s swimming practice.

As you can see in the pictures of the mother holding Nessie, the girl's hair is not wet. The mother completed the swimming lesson and came home. She didn't leave early.
Again guys, the media reported on this while the police was still here in the building, while the ambulances were still here just to be FIRST with a story. I was getting calls from friends to check on me while I was still in the lobby with LE, how did the story brake? No reporter was allowed in the building.

The chain of events can be very confused depending on whom media spoke with (pedestrians were not in the know at all). Many neighbors were not allowed in the building, if they were not at home they were not coming into the building so fast…..The Police also misreported on that first day.
At this time, my mouth is almost zipped, except to LE….because things get taken out of context, and because the family wants privacy.
One article said that the swimming lessons were at the Jewish community center. Is there one close by?

It was just one article though and I have no link. But I thought the dance class could have been there too....and they were all together...then YO brought the other two home while Marina stayed for one more lesson with just Nessie.

That would account for her thinking it odd that the apt. was empty.

Just speculating.

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