You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

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DNA Solves
This has to top it all. You curse at Lee Anthony when asked "do you know the apartment number at Saw Grass"?

I immediately say 210

Lee say's "I don't know"

Then they have to go to the depo and say does this refresh your memory.

OMG I answered that question in 1 second! I WIN :)

you finally figure out how to use all your electronic devices. Thanks to WS, I now can watch the trial ANYWHERE on my phone, iPad, computer, radio and TV. I'm even giving advice to friends about it. Who would of thought!

also, when this 50 something woman is considering a second career in the legal field! LOL - I'm supposed to be retired.

O/T - I am going to have to have my husband read this thread so that he can see that I am not the only one obsessed! You guys crack me up!
Oh yea - and you know you are addicted when you send Judge E an email because you know that something he said was incorrect and cannot believe he did not know that. (This is really, really something I would never have done previously and I still can't believe I did it now! LOL
Would this work on the Droid phone? Can you share how this works?? TIA

Download the app Skyfire and pay the $2.99 for the better version. Use that as you browser. I go to WFTV and go the the watch the trial link. Click on the video. It will say it won't work because you need Flash. I click on the menu button and at the bottom there is an icon that says video. Click on that.
When my car has been on E (just like ICA) for the past 2 weeks, and I can't be bothered because I'm not going anywhere anyway! DH will go to the store when he gets home just to get away from me talking about the case :) My neighbors must think I've become a complete and total recluse (which I have).

When debating "Do I take a day off today to catch up on housework?" and the deciding factor is "Oh! And I can watch the trial too!"
My addiction to this case started 3 years ago so I too have a mind like a zip file.

I have lots of similar habits as other posters-

1. I only go to get cigarettes or anything else at the store during lunch recess.

2. Lunch recess is a good time to take a shower, also.

3. My house underwent a major cleaning before the trial started, now all I do is keep it picked up. Even THAT is tricky and done only at the 10 & 20 minutes breaks.

4. Dinner is hamburger helper, pizza delivered, or anything else fast. If I don't have the little laptop with me on the kitchen table livestreaming during dinner, I have HLN on in the evenings.

5. My family thinks I am crazy (although 3 of my family members now ask me whats going on w/ the trial) and my daughter also texted me "God, you're sick" (like another poster)

6. I created a "media cart" out of a retro metal kitchen cart that has 3 shelves and wheels. On top are my 2 laptops, one on livestream and one opened up to my boards. Also my cell charger, my MP3 charger, and when my kindle comes next week will also hold my kindle charger. Middle shelf holds my notebooks, pens, nail file, markers, etc. On another table which serves as a little "coffee table" in front of my futon holds a candle which I light for Caylee while court is insession all day, ashtray (yes, I am smoking in the house again) and snacks. (This is what my daughter said "oh God you're sick" over. The cart) I think it's neat, can take it anywhere in the house and only have to unplug 1 plug (my power strip) and have all my electronics at hand.
I was looking at a video game today...I know...lame...but it keeps me awake while i am listening to JB...anyway...Farm Frenzy Ice age the cake looks very much like a least that is what I thought it was
when a visit from a sister who mocks my interests is visiting tomorrow and I am
much more aggravated than usual by it. GGRRRRRRRR
I just realized that I can pronounce Amy Huizenga's name. I definitely am addicted.
10am this morning: I had my laptop on my kitchen table and my eyes glued to the streaming video - walked sideways to the fridge and grabbed a drink without missing a second of the trial, sat back down and started drinking... only to realize I had actually opened a beer! 10am. No kidding. First time I've ever drank in the morning in my life!! I drank 1/3 of it before even registering the taste. :angel:

Guess I'm addicted!
When I am up at 5:30am my time to watch it on and on my desktop sticky I have 3 other links to live sites with trial coverage in case the 1st one loses feed.

and I break for lunch at 10am Calif time when they are breaking for lunch in Florida :)
I was searching how to get in touch with Bill Sheaffer today because he was scratching his head about why Amy would be at the sidebar....I knew she must be asking to get out of JB's subpoena she received yesterday. Why else would she be so happy when all was said and done. She did get out of it, right? I thought B.S. knew more than me and was disappointed in him today.
When your entire family knows they can not call unless there is a recess, or it is after 6PM. No exceptions.

You get up to go to the bathroom and your laptop falls to the floor because you forgot to take your earplugs out.
When my car has been on E (just like ICA) for the past 2 weeks, and I can't be bothered because I'm not going anywhere anyway! DH will go to the store when he gets home just to get away from me talking about the case :) My neighbors must think I've become a complete and total recluse (which I have).


So funny you said that. My neighbor called and asked me if I was OK. She said my house looked abandoned.
You know your addicted when you are like KIMSTER and have over 31 thousand post.

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